Dr Susan Batchelor
- Senior Lecturer (Sociological & Cultural Studies)
SCCJR, Ivy Lodge, 63 Gibson Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G12 8LR
Prior to joining the University of Glasgow in 2005, I was a Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Strathclyde and held a series of research posts at The Scottish Office, Brunel University, and the University of Glasgow.
Research interests
My research activity revolves around intersecting issues of gender, youth, culture and crime, with a particular focus on young women and violence.
Between 2013 and 2015 I was co-PI on (Re)Imagining Youth, an ESRC-funded study of youth leisure in Glasgow and Hong Kong (with Alistair Fraser). This research explored young people’s narratives of connectivity and the local and global ties that arise out of their everyday routines - including a focus on new social media and its impact on identity, social inequalities and relationships.
Since 2017 I have been involved in supporting the work of Girlhood Gang, a group of feminist social scientists interested in the experiences, identities and perspectives of young women and girls - led by Amanda Ptolomey and Hannah Walters.
Currently I am leading a major Scottish Government funded study of Repeat Violent Victimisation (RVV) in Scotland, with Caitlin Gormley and Marguerite Schinkel. This qualitative research, which will run from October 2019 to February 2021, explores the views and experiences of people with lived experience of RVV, particularly those living in deprived neighbourhoods. In doing so, the study builds on a recent evidence review undertaken by the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (Batchelor et al. 2019), which presented evidence of variations in local rates of offending and victimisation, with deprived communities suffering disproportionately high levels of violence. The experiences of multiply marginalised groups were highlighted as a priority for future research on repeat and routinised victimisation.
Other active interests include:
- women, crime and criminal justice (esp. women who commit violent offences; women's imprisonment)
- youth crime and youth justice (esp. working with girls and young women in the community; the Children's Hearing System in Scotland)
- youth leisure and lifestyles (incl. teen sexuality, digital social media, and media representations of youth)
- violence, victimisation and social harm (incl. youth gangs, knife crime, domestic abuse, routine victimisation)
- cultural criminology and the sociology of risk (esp. young women's risk-seeking behaviour)
- critical and feminist criminology (incl. feminist methodology)
Research groups
- Research project: 'Hidden voices: how women convicted of killing their intimate partners experience the Scottish criminal justice system', April 2022 to September 2023 (British Academy/Leverhulme: £10,000) - with Rachel McPherson.
- Research project: 'Understanding Repeat Violent Victimisation in Scotland – a Qualitative Approach', October 2019 to March 2020, April 2022 to March 2023 (The Scottish Government: £109,998) - as principal investigator, with Caitlin Gormley.
- Pilot project: 'Working with girls and young women in community settings', June to August 2019 (Sociology Research Incentivisation Grant: £650) - as principal investigator, with Amanda Ptomoley and Hannah Walters.
- Literature review: 'Taking Stock of Violence in Scotland', October 2018 to March 2019 (Scottish Government: £9,850) - as principal investigator, with Sarah Armstrong and Donna MacLellan.
- Research Project: 'Gang Identity in Drumchapel' (Sociology Research Incentivisation Grant: £1,700) - as principal investigator.
- CPD Training: 'Research with Children and Young People', February 2014 to April 2014 (Sociology Research Incentivisation Grant: £900)
- Research project: '(Re)Imagining Youth: A Comparative Sociology of Youth Leisure in Scotland and Hong Kong', September 2013 to August 2015 (Economic and Social Research Council: £99,983) - as principal investigator, with Alistair Fraser.
- Research project: 'Evaluation of Up-to-us Young Women's Project', April 2010 to March 2011 (Up-to-us: £38,000) - as principal investigator, with Michele Burman.
- Pilot project: 'Narratives of Glasgow: Oral histories of gangs in 1960s Easterhouse', April to November 2010 (ASRF: £1,200) – with Angela Bartie and Alistair Fraser.
- Pilot project: ‘Visual methods: Exploring young people’s use of public space in Royston', April to November 2010 (ASRF: £1,995) – with Jon Pickering.
- Literature review: 'Youth violence in Scotland' (Scottish Government) – with Michele Burman and Alistair Fraser.
- Seminar series: 'Confronting Danger, Feeling Fear: Gender and emotions in research fieldwork', June to September 2009 (ASRF £1, 283) - with Michele Burman and Mo Hume.
- Research project: 'Youth Gangs and Knife Carrying in Scotland', July 2008 to October 2009: (Scottish Government: £155,266) - with Michele Burman, Jon Bannister, Keith Kintrea, Susan McVie and Jon Pickering. Jon Bannister and Prof. Burman drafted this proposal and managed the award.
- Research project: 'Alcohol and Domestic Abuse in Inverclyde', August-November 2007 (Inverclyde Council: £15,374) - as principal investigator.
- Research consultancy: 'Audit of Youth Crime and Youth Justice in North Ayrshire: Profiling Young Offenders', March-August 2007: (North Ayrshire: £6,200) - as principal investigator.
- Research project: 'Risk Assessment and Management of Children and Young People', January to May 2007 (Risk Management Authority: £26,183) - with Michele Burman, Fergus McNeill, Sarah Armstrong and Jan Nicholson. Prof. Burman drafted this proposal and managed the award.
- Research consultancy: '21st Century Social Work Review: Literature Review on Key Practice Skills', December 2004 to February 2005 (Social Work Services Inspectorate, Scottish Executive: £8,750) - with Fergus McNeill, Ros Burnett and Jo Knox. Prof. McNeill drafted this proposal and managed the award.
- Research consultancy: February 2003-January 2005: Consultancy Support for Audit of Youth Crime and Youth Justice in Dumfries and Galloway (with Fergus McNeill and Robin Tuddenham), East Ayrshire (with Fergus McNeill and Kathryn Dutton), East Renfrewshire (with Fergus McNeill and Kathryn Dutton), North Ayrshire (with Fergus McNeill) and South Lanarkshire (with Fergus McNeill) (Total award £110,333). Prof. McNeill drafted these proposals and managed the awards.
PhD supervision
I welcome enquiries from potential PhD applicants, particularly those interested in pursuing research related to my interests in youth, gender and/or violence.
Current PhD students
Djihad Abdallaoui, Becoming a Salafi woman in Algeria: piety, gender and modesty. Funded by the Ministry of Higher Education in Algeria. First supervisor with Dr Diego Maria Malara, School of Social and Political Sciences, full-time, from 2019.
Joe Brown, Heroin Users in Rural Scotland. Self-funded. Second supervisor with Dr Lucy Pickering, School of Social and Political Sciences, part-time, from 2013.
Anna Clover, Women, Creative Labour and 'Etsy': An examination of freelance 'passionate' work under neo-liberal and post-Fordist capitalism. Funded by University of Glasgow College of Social Sciences Scholarship. Second supervisor with Dr Matt Dawson, from 2017.
Amy Cullen, Exploring Administrative Fines as a Punishment for Women Who Offend in Scotland. Funded by Economic and Social Research Council Open Competition. First supervisor with Professor Margaret Malloch, School of Social and Political Sciences, from 2019.
Donna MacLellan, Young Women, Consumer Culture and Crime. Funded by Economic and Social Research Council Socio-Legal and Criminology Pathway. First supervisor with Professor Gerda Reith, School of Social and Political Sciences, from 2015.
Amanda Ptolomey, Disabled Girlhoods. Funded via Scottish Children’s Neighbourhood Research Scholarship. Second supervisor with Professor Nick Watson, School of Social and Political Sciences, from 2017.
For further details about our PhD students and their projects see: https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/socialpolitical/research/sociology/postgraduate/
- Chapman, Claire
Supporting victimised autistic women in Scotland: Using inclusive approaches to understanding their experiences
Successful PhD completions
Annie Crowley, Protection for Whom? Responding to ‘At Risk’ Young Women, Criminology, University of Glasgow, 2018. Funded by Economic and Social Research Council/Up-2-us Collaborative Studentship. First supervisor with Prof. Michéle Burman, School of Social and Political Sciences, from 2013. Submitted in four years, passed with minor revisions (three months).
Gokben Demirbas, Negotiating Socio-spatial Change: Exploring Women’s Everyday Leisure Practices in Two Neighbourhoods in Turkey, Sociology, University of Glasgow, 2018. Funded by Turkish Higher Education Council scholarship. First supervisor with Dr Francesca Stella, School of Social and Political Sciences, from 2013. Submitted in four years, passed with minor revisions (three months).
Alistair Fraser, Confronting the Glasgow gang complex, Sociology, University of Glasgow, 2010. Funded by Adam Smith Research Fellowship. Second supervisor with Prof. Michele Burman (First). Submitted in four years, passed with no revisions.
Justine Gangneux, Enabling Surveillance: Young People’s Uses and Understandings of Mobile Technologies, Education, University of Glasgow, 2018. Funded by College of Social Sciences Scholarship, University of Glasgow. First supervisor with Prof. Andy Furlong, School of Education, from 2013. Submitted in four years, passed with minor revisions (three months).
Maureen McBride, Sectarianism in Scotland, Sociology, University of Glasgow, 2018. Funded by Economic and Social Research Council Socio-Legal and Criminology Pathway. First supervisor with Prof. Satnam Virdee, School of Social and Political Sciences, from 2013. Submitted in four years, passed with minor revisions (three months).
Lubaba Sadaf, Marital violence against Pakistani women in cross-cultural context, Sociology, University of Glasgow, 2013. Self-funded. Third supervisor with Dr Nicole Bourque (First) and Dr Mo Hume (Second). Submitted in five years, passed with minor revisions (three months).
Hannah Walters, The Paradox of Training: Working-class Girls’ Experiences of Further Education and Vocational Education and Training. Funded by College of Social Sciences Scholarship, University of Glasgow. Second supervisor with Dr. Lesley Doyle, School of Education, from 2015. Submitted in four years, passed with minor revisions (three months).
PhD examinations
Sarah Anderson, Punishing Trauma: Narratives, desistance, recovery, Criminology, University of Glasgow, 2019. Internal Examiner with Prof. Shad Maruna (External, Queens University Belfast).
Colin Atkinson, Beyond Cop Culture: The cultural challenge of civilian intelligence analysis in Scottish Policing, Sociology, University of Glasgow, 2013. Internal Examiner with Prof. Tim Newburn (External, London School of Economics).
Karen Cuthbert, Gender without Sexuality: Exploring the relationship between gender and sexuality at the empirical sites of asexuality and sexual abstinence. Sociology, University of Glasgow 2017. Internal Examiner with Dr Sally Hines (External, University of Leeds).
Yue Li, Oriental Mysteries, Occidental Dreams? Perception, experience, and cultural reinterpretation in contemporary cross-cultural contexts: a comparative analysis between China and the West, Sociology, University of Glasgow, 2013. Internal Examiner with Prof. Paul Gladstone (External, University of Nottingham).
Ashleigh Larkin, An empirical investigation into how young women engage in and upload female to female fights on social media, Queensland University of Technology, 2018. External Examiner.
Clare McFeeley, The Health Visitor Response to Domestic Abuse. General Practice, University of Glasgow 2017. Internal Examiner.
Sylvia Morgan, Constructing identities, reclaiming subjectivities, reconstructing selves: an interpretative study of transgender practices in Scotland, Sociology, University of Glasgow 2017. Internal Examiner with Dr Sally Hines (External, University of Leeds).
Tara Young, Risky Youth or Gang Members? A contextual critique of the (re)discovery of gangs in Britain, London Metropolitan University. External Examiner with Prof. Peter Squires (External, University of Brighton).
Jia Xie, The Pursuit of Freedom and Its Risks: The Dreams and Dilemmas of Young Chinese Backpackers, Sociology, University of Glasgow 2017. Internal Examiner with Prof. Paul Gladstone (External, University of Nottingham).
- Criminological Theory in Context (MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice, Class coordinator)
- Advanced Qualitative Methods (MSc Social Science Research, Lecturer)
- Crime, Media and Popular Culture (MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice, Lecturer)
- Dissertation in Criminology (MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice, Class coordinator)
- Dissertation in Sociology (UG Hons, Class coordinator)
- Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice (MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice, Class coordinator)
- Qualitative Research Methods (UG Hons, Lecturer)
- Research and Enquiry in Crime and Criminal Justice (MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice, Class coordinator)
- Sociology 1B: Crime and Control (UG Level 1, Class coordinator)
- Sociology of Gender Relations (UG Hons, Class coordinator)
- Understanding and Explaining Crime and Social Control (MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice, Class coordinator)
- Understanding Crime and Crime Reduction (MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice, Class coordinator)
- Understanding and Explaining Crime (UG Hons, Class coordinator)
- Violence and Social Harm (UG Hons, Class coordinator)
- Women, Crime and Criminal Justice (MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice, Class coordinator)
Additional information
Institutional affiliations
- Member of Gender Based Violence Research Forum
- Member of the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research
Membership of professional bodies
- Member of British Society of Criminology
- Member of British Sociological Association
- Member of Higher Education Academy
Other service
- Former member of the Scottish Consortium on Crime and Criminal Justice
- Former member of the National Development (Champions) Group on Vulnerable Girls/Young Women involved in (Serious) Offending
Recent invited presentations
- Batchelor, S. and Burman, M. (2021) Working with Young Women and Girls, Dui Hua Foundation Webinar, Hong Kong, 2nd March 2021.
Batchelor, S. (2019) Taking stock of violence in Scotland, Keynote Address, SASO 50th Annual Conference, Hilton Glasgow Westerwood Resort, 1st November 2019.
Batchelor, S. (2018) Doing justice to young women? Reflections on researching girls and violence in Scotland. Opening plenary, Girlhood Gang Conference, Glasgow Women’s Library, 5 September 2018.
Batchelor, S. (2018) Doing justice to young women? The risks of research on girls, gangs and violence. British Society of Criminology WCCJ Network Conference: Women Offenders – Negotiating the Victim-Offender Paradox, University College London, 30 April 2018.
Editorial duties
- Editorial board for Criminology and Criminal Justice (2012 onwards).
- Referee of journal articles for International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy (2021 onwards); Journal of Youth Studies (2002 onwards); Gender Issues (2008 onwards); Youth Justice (2008 onwards); Feminist Criminology (2010 onwards); Criminology and Criminal Justice (2012 onwards).
- Referee of book proposals/books for Open University Press (2007 onwards); Routledge Publications (2005 onwards); Sage Publications (2005 onwards)
- Referee of research grant applications/end of award reports for Economic and Social Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (2010); Economic and Social Research Council First Grant Scheme (2008 onwards); Economic and Social Research Council Large Grant Competition (2008 onwards); Economic and Social Research Council Standard Grants (Open call) (2004 onwards); Scottish Executive/Government (2007 onwards)
Other roles
- College Research Ethics Committee (2018 onwards)
- School Ethics Forum Convenor (2018 onwards)
- Sociology Exams Officer (2012-2015)
- Sociology Ethics Officer (2007-2010)
- Member of Senate (2007-2010)
- Hons Dissertation Coordinator (2008-2010)
- Senate Assessor for Discipline (2008-2010)
- Undergraduate Adviser of Studies (2009-2010)