Professor Sotiria Grek
- Professor of Science, Knowledge and Public Policy (Urban Studies & Social Policy)
I am an interdisciplinary researcher studying the relationship of knowledge with public policy. Parallel to holding single or collaborative research grants, I have taught extensively (including social science methods), mentored numerous early and mid-career researchers, supervised a number of doctoral studies to completion and have held key academic leadership positions.
More specifically, using both qualitative and quantitative methods, my research explores how the interdependency of science, knowledge and policy bring about social change. My PhD, a sociological analysis of the measurement of adult learning in art administration, subsequently led me to the study of the role of data-driven governance in education in Europe and globally. Since 2007, I have focused on identifying and analysing quantification as a form of governance. My postdoctoral research in the ESRC- funded project ‘Fabricating Quality in European Education’ (2006-2009) was one of the first research analyses that looked empirically on the role of data in shaping EU governance. Since then, I have developed original analysis of European and international policy networks, data flows, governing instruments and the role of international organisations as research and policy actors.
Research interests
In relation to my research interests over the last decade, I led a European Research Council Starting Grant (2017-2022) on 'International Organisations ad the Rise of a Global Metrological Field' (METRO), researching the role of international organisations in the quantification of global governance, with a focus on the fields of education and sustainable development. The project produced rich empirical analysis that generated novel conceptual ideas on the relationship of statistical measurement and education governance, first on the emergence and workings of ‘epistemic infrastructures’, as well as the rise of new forms of expertise in global education policy. The work has been developed in a special issue (published by Policy and Society, December 2022), as well as two book manuscripts (one monograph and one co-authored book, published in 2023 and 2024). In addition, I was recently successful in securing an ERC Consolidator Grant, which is entitled ‘Art and Policy in the Global Contemporary: Examining the Role of the Arts in the Production of Public Policy’ (POLART, 2024-2029). The project examines the relationship between art and public policy through a double focus: an investigation of how art may produce policy knowledge ‘that might be otherwise’ and how, conversely, policy issues might have altered the contemporary artistic canon and forms of engagement.
Research groups
Art in the Global Contemporary: Examining the Role of the Arts in the Production of Public Policy. (2024-2029) European Research Council, Consolidator Grant (ERC CoG 2022), Principal Investigator, €2 million (UKRI funding guarantee)
International Organisations and the Rise of a Global Metrological Field. (2017-2022) European Research Council, Starting Grant (ERC StG 2016, grant agreement 715125), Principal Investigator, €1.2 million
The Disembedded Laboratory: Torsten Husén and the internationalisation of education research for policy. (2020-2024) Co-Investigator, Swedish Research Council (2,896,645 SEK)
Universal Secondary Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, (2020-2021) Co-Investigator, Scottish Funding Council (£30,890)
FUTURES Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, (2018-2021)Europa Institute, University of Edinburgh. Key Staff Member. Erasmus+ Programme (99,999 euros)
From Paris to PISA: Governing Education by Comparison 1867- 2015. Swedish Research Council (Co-Investigator) (2015-2018, 7,960,000 SEK [£616,078]) with Lundahl and Landahl (Stockholm) and Lawn (Oxford)
The Potentials, Politics and Practices of International Assessments. (2014-2015) ESRC Seminar Series (Co-Investigator) (£28,976) with Maddox (East Anglia), Hamilton (Lancaster), Guadalupe (Pacific), Steiner-Khamsi (Columbia), Gorur (Victoria), Addey (East Anglia)
Social Network Analysis in Scotland (SNAS), (2012-2014) CHSS Challenge Investment Fund (Principal investigator) (£9,200) with Weishaar and Viry
Transnational Policy Learning: A comparative study of OECD and EU education policy in constructing the skills and competencies agenda. (2010-2012) Principal investigator (Small Grant ESRC RES-000-22-3429) (£98,915)
Governing by Inspection: School Inspection and Education Governance in Scotland, England and Sweden. (2010-2014) ESRC (RES-062-23-2241) bilateral project with the Swedish Research Council. Co-investigator with PI Prof Ozga and other Co-Is Profs Lawn, Croxford and Clarke (Open University) (£427,748).
Knowledge and Policy: The role of Knowledge in the construction and regulation of Health and Education policy in Europe: convergences and specificities among nations and sectors. (2007-2011) European Commission 6th Framework Integrated Project, Priority 7. Research Fellow (with Professors Ozga, Lawn, Prof Richard Freeman (Politics), Prof Steve Sturdy (Genomics Forum), Dr Jen Smith (Politics) and teams from 8 European Countries. (UK Education: £307,285 total project grant € 4,650,540)
Fabricating Quality in European Education/Governing by Numbers: data and education governance in England and Scotland: (2006-2009) Research fellow ESF/ESRC Grant: (RES-000-23-1385) (with co-ordinator/PI Professor J Ozga. Co-applicants Professor M. Lawn, Professor R. Lingard, Dr L. Croxford) The Eurocores project included teams from Helsinki, Turku, Odense, and Umea universities. (£341,151)
I offer supervision on a wide range of topics in social and public policy, particularly in expert knowledge for policy; evidence-based policy; datafication and accountability; global public policy; transnational education governance; education policy and governance in the UK and Europe; and Europeanisation in education.