Number of items: 85.
Wright, S.
How the UK’s social security system stopped tackling poverty.
20 Jun.
Patrick, R. and Wright, S.
Lessons from Scotland for UK Social Security.
Wright, S. , Jones, K. and Scullion, L.
How to tackle welfare rules that worsen job quality.
Jones, K., Wright, S. and Scullion, L.
The impact of welfare conditionality on experiences of job quality.
Work, Employment and Society,
(doi: 10.1177/09500170231219677)
(Early Online Publication)
Gawlewicz, A. , Narkowicz, K., Piekut, A., Trevena, P. and Wright, S.
'They made bets that I’d die’: impacts of Covid-19 on Polish essential workers in the UK.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(2),
pp. 442-460.
(doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2249620)
Wright, S.
Women and Welfare Conditionality: Lived Experiences of Benefit Sanctions, Work and Welfare.
Policy Press: Bristol.
ISBN 9781447347736
Gawlewicz, A. , Narkowicz, K. and Wright, S.
Heroes or villains? Migrant essential workers and combined hostilities of Covid-19 and Brexit.
Discover Society: New Series, 3(2),
Trevena, P., Gawlewicz, A. and Wright, S.
Addressing the needs of Scotland’s migrant and minority ethnic populations under Covid-19: lessons for the future.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. , Robertson, L. and Stewart, A. B. R.
Universal Credit and the invalidation of mental health problems: claimant and Jobcentre Plus staff experiences.
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 30(2),
pp. 151-170.
(doi: 10.1332/175982721X16437383460256)
Trevena, P., Gawlewicz, A. , Wright, S. , Piekut, A., Narkowicz, K. and Gawłowski, R.
Impacts of Covid-19 on Migrant Essential Workers in Scotland: Policy recommendations.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Trevena, P., Gawlewicz, A. , Wright, S. , Piekut, A., Narkowicz, K. and Gawłowski, R.
Impacts of Covid-19 on Migrant Essential Workers in the UK: Policy recommendations.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. and Dwyer, P.
In-work Universal Credit: claimant experiences of conditionality mismatches and counterproductive benefit sanctions.
Journal of Social Policy, 51(1),
pp. 20-38.
(doi: 10.1017/S0047279420000562)
Scullion, L., Jones, K. and Wright, S.
Universal credit changes: increasing pressure on part-time workers is the wrong move at the worst time.
Wright, S. , Stewart, A. B.R. and Gawlewicz, A.
The UK welfare system is failing claimants with mental health problems – here’s what needs to be done.
6 Nov.
Gawlewicz, A. , Stewart, A. B.R. , Katikireddi, S. V. and Wright, S.
Key research findings, pages 4-10. In Wright S (ed.) Mental Health, Welfare Conditionality and Employment support: Policy Recommendations and Key Findings. Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Robertson, L., Gawlewicz, A. , Stewart, A. B.R. , Bailey, N. , Katikireddi, S. V. and Wright, S.
Policy recommendations, pages 1-3. In Wright S (ed.) Mental Health, Welfare Conditionality and Employment support: Policy Recommendations and Key Findings. Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S.
Mental Health, Welfare Conditionality and Employment Support: Policy Recommendations and Key Findings.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gawlewicz, A. , Stewart, A. B.R. , Bailey, N. , Katikireddi, S. V. and Wright, S.
Analysis Protocol: Constructions of Mental Health and Problematic Alcohol Use Within UK’s Health and Welfare Policy.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Stewart, A. B.R. , Gawlewicz, A. , Bailey, N. , Katikireddi, S. V. and Wright, S.
Lived Experiences of Mental Health Problems and Welfare Conditionality.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Robertson, L., Wright, S. and Stewart, A. B.R.
How well is Universal Credit supporting people in Glasgow?
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. , Fletcher, D. R. and Stewart, A.
Punitive benefit sanctions, welfare conditionality and the social abuse of unemployed people in Britain: transforming claimants into offenders?
Social Policy and Administration, 54(2),
pp. 278-294.
(doi: 10.1111/spol.12577)
Robertson, L. and Wright, S.
UK welfare and employability systems are failing people with mental health problems.
Public Sector Focus, 31,
pp. 56-57.
Wright, S. and Patrick, R.
Welfare conditionality in lived experience: aggregating qualitative longitudinal research.
Social Policy and Society, 18(4),
pp. 597-613.
(doi: 10.1017/S1474746419000204)
Pattaro, S. , Bailey, N. , Williams, E. , Gibson, M. , Wells, V. , Wright, S. , Tranmer, M. and Dibben, C.
Labour Market and Wider Impacts of Benefit Sanctions: A Scoping Review.
17th Annual ESPAnet Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 5-7 Sept 2019.
McIntosh, I. and Wright, S.
Exploring what the notion of lived experience might offer for social policy analysis.
Journal of Social Policy, 48(3),
pp. 449-467.
(doi: 10.1017/S0047279418000570)
Pattaro, S. , Bailey, N. , Williams, E. , Gibson, M. , Wells, V. , Wright, S. , Tranmer, M. and Dibben, C.
Labour Market and Wider Impacts of Benefit Sanctions: A Scoping Review [Review Protocol].
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. , Scullion, L. and Dwyer, P.
Universal Credit is built around flawed incentives that are doing real damage – fixing it is essential.
Wright, S. , Johnsen, S. and Scullion, L.
Why benefit sanctions are both ineffective and harmful.
Fletcher, D. R. and Wright, S.
A hand up or a slap down? Criminalising benefit claimants in Britain via strategies of surveillance, sanctions and deterrence.
Critical Social Policy, 38(2),
pp. 323-344.
(doi: 10.1177/0261018317726622)
Stewart, A. B.R. and Wright, S.
Final findings: Jobseekers.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. , Dwyer, P., Jones, K., McNeill, J., Scullion, L. and Stewart, A. B.R.
Final findings: Universal Credit.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. , Stewart, A. B.R. and Dwyer, P.
Final findings: social security in Scotland.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. and Dwyer, P.
Is the new impact agenda the excuse you’ve been waiting for to use your research to make a difference?
Dwyer, P. and Wright, S.
What it’s like to transition on to Universal Credit.
Alcock, P., Haux, T., May, M. and Wright, S. (Eds.)
The Student's Companion to Social Policy, 5th Edition.
Wiley Blackwell: Chichester, West Sussex, UK.
ISBN 9781118965979
Wright, S.
Divisions and difference.
In: Alcock, P., Haux, T., May, M. and Wright, S. (eds.)
The Student's Companion to Social Policy, 5th Edition.
Wiley Blackwell: Chichester, West Sussex, UK, pp. 219-225.
ISBN 9781118965979
Wright, S.
‘I don’t want your benefits!’ Welfare reforms fail to understand the day-to-day lives of those on benefits.
Dwyer, P., Bright, J., Wright, S. , Stewart, A. B.R. , Fletcher, D. R., Flint, J. and Johnsen, S.
First wave findings: Overview: Social security in Scotland.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. , Dwyer, P., McNeill, J. and Stewart, A. B.R.
First wave findings: Universal Credit.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. and Stewart, A. B.R.
First wave findings: Jobseekers.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S.
Conceptualising the active welfare subject: welfare reform in discourse, policy and lived experience.
Policy and Politics, 44(2),
pp. 235-252.
(doi: 10.1332/030557314X13904856745154)
Gibb, K. , Stephens, M. , Reuschke, D., Wright, S. , Besemer, K. and Sosenko, F.
How Does Housing Affect Work Incentives for People in Poverty?
[Research Reports or Papers]
Mackenzie, M. , Collins, C., McCartney, G., McCrory, M. and Wright, S.
Troubled by Ubble.
p. 2055.
(doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00970-8)
Larsen, F. and Wright, S.
Interpreting the marketisation of employment services in Great Britain and Denmark.
Journal of European Social Policy, 24(5),
pp. 455-469.
(doi: 10.1177/0958928714543903)
Stewart, A. B.R. and Wright, S.
Conditionality Briefing: Unemployed People.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S.
Devolution and social policy.
In: Bochel, H. and Daly, G. (eds.)
Social Policy [3rd.ed.].
Routledge: London, pp. 70-89.
ISBN 9780415733823
Dwyer, P. and Wright, S.
Universal credit, ubiquitous conditionality and its implications for social citizenship.
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 22(1),
pp. 27-35.
(doi: 10.1332/175982714X13875305151043)
Gibb, K. , Sprigings, N., Wright, S. and McNulty, D.
Evidence Review of the Impacts of UK Welfare Reform Affecting Housing.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S.
On ‘activation workers’ perceptions’: a reply to Dunn (2).
Journal of Social Policy, 42(4),
pp. 829-837.
(doi: 10.1017/S0047279413000494)
Scott, G. and Wright, S.
Devolution, social democratic visions and policy reality in Scotland.
Critical Social Policy, 32(3),
pp. 440-453.
(doi: 10.1177/0261018312444420)
Wright, S.
Welfare-to-work, agency and personal responsibility.
Journal of Social Policy, 41(02),
pp. 309-328.
(doi: 10.1017/S0047279411001000)
Alcock, P., May, M. and Wright, S. (Eds.)
The Student’s Companion to Social Policy.
ISBN 9780470655658
Bertram, C. and Wright, S.
Working Scotland.
In: Mooney, G. and Scott, G. (eds.)
Social Justice and Social Policy in Scotland.
The Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 203-222.
ISBN 9781847427021
Minas, R., Wright, S. and Van Berkel, R.
Decentralization and centralization: governing the activation of social assistance recipients in Europe.
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 32(5/6),
pp. 286-298.
(doi: 10.1108/01443331211236989)
Wright, S.
Social divisions.
In: Alcock, P., May, M. and Wright, S. (eds.)
The Student’s Companion to Social Policy.
Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 173-179.
ISBN 9780470655658
Wright, S. and Haux, T.
On the Receiving End: Perspectives on Being Out of Work and Claiming Benefits.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. , Marston, G. and McDonald, C.
The role of non-profit organizations in the mixed economy of welfare-to-work in the UK and Australia.
Social Policy and Administration, 45(3),
pp. 299-318.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9515.2011.00770.x)
Mooney, G. and Wright, S.
Presenting and re-presenting poverty.
In: McKendrick, J.H., Mooney, G., Dickie, J. and Kelly, P. (eds.)
Poverty in Scotland 2011: Towards a More Equal Scotland.
Child Poverty Action Group: London, pp. 133-145.
ISBN 9781906076597
Wright, S.
Relinquishing rights? The impact of activation on citizenship for lone parents in the UK.
In: Betzelt, S. and Bothfeld, S. (eds.)
Activation and Labour Market Reforms in Europe. Challenges to Social Citizenship.
Series: Work and welfare in Europe.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 59-78.
ISBN 9780230289543
Wright, S.
Steering with sticks, rowing for rewards: the new governance of activation in the UK.
In: van Berkel, R., de Graaf, W. and Sirovátka, T. (eds.)
The Governance of Active Welfare States in Europe.
Series: Work and welfare in Europe.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 85-109.
ISBN 9780230252004
Wright, S.
In: Millar, J. (ed.)
Understanding Social Security: Issues for Policy and Practice.
Series: Understanding welfare.
The Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 193-212.
ISBN 9781847421876
Wright, S. and Mooney, G.
Combating poverty through policy, practice and provision of services.
In: McKendrick, J.H., Mooney, G., Dickie, J. and Kelly, P. (eds.)
Poverty in Scotland 2011: Towards a More Equal Scotland.
Child Poverty Action Group: London, pp. 146-152.
ISBN 9781906076597
de Lima, P. and Wright, S.
Welcoming migrants? Migrant labour in rural Scotland.
Social Policy and Society, 8(3),
pp. 391-404.
(doi: 10.1017/S1474746409004941)
Mooney, G. and Wright, S.
Introduction: social policy in the devolved Scotland: towards a Scottish welfare state?
Social Policy and Society, 8(3),
pp. 361-365.
(doi: 10.1017/S147474640900493X)
Mooney, G. and Wright, S.
Wealthier and fairer? Reflecting on SNP proposals for tackling poverty, inequality and deprivation in Scotland.
Scottish Affairs, 67,
pp. 50-57.
Ridge, T. and Wright, S. (Eds.)
Understanding Inequality, Poverty and Wealth: Policies and Prospects.
Series: Understanding welfare.
The Policy Press: Bristol.
ISBN 9781861349156
Ridge, T. and Wright, S.
In: Ridge, T. and Wright, S. (eds.)
Understanding Inequality, Poverty and Wealth: Policies and Prospects.
Series: Understanding welfare.
The Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 313-323.
ISBN 9781861349156
Ridge, T. and Wright, S.
In: Ridge, T. and Wright, S. (eds.)
Understanding Inequality, Poverty and Wealth: Policies and Prospects.
Series: Understanding welfare.
The Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 1-12.
ISBN 9781861349156
Ridge, T. and Wright, S.
State approaches to poverty and social exclusion.
In: Ridge, T. and Wright, S. (eds.)
Understanding Inequality, Poverty and Wealth: Policies and Prospects.
Series: Understanding welfare.
The Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 283-310.
ISBN 9781861349156
Wright, S.
Contracting Out Employment Services: Lessons from Australia, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.
Series: CPAG policy briefing.
Child Poverty Action Group: London.
ISBN 9781906076238
Wright, S.
Social divisions.
In: Alcock, P., May, M. and Rowlingson, K. (eds.)
The Student’s Companion to Social Policy.
Blackwell Publishing: Oxford, pp. 123-130.
ISBN 9781405169011
Bertram, C. and Wright, S.
A Pluralistic Account of the Conceptions of Different Stakeholders of what is a Quality Outcome for an Individual.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. and Bertram, C.
Final Evaluation Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. and Bertram, C.
Defining Successful Outcomes for Users: A Cross-National Comparison of Stakeholders’ Perspectives on the Purpose of Employment Advice and Career Guidance for People Who are Out of Work and Workers at Risk.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Bertram, C. and Wright, S.
In-depth Analysis of Guidance and Counselling in the United Kingdom.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S.
The administration of transformation: a case study of implementing welfare reform in the UK.
In: Henman, P. and Fenger, M. (eds.)
Administering Welfare Reform: International Transformations in Welfare Governance.
The Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 161-182.
ISBN 9781861346520
Wright, S.
Unemployment benefits.
In: Fitzpatrick, T., Kwon, H., Manning, N., Midgely, J. and Pascall, G. (eds.)
International Encyclopedia of Social Policy.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9780415258968
Viebrock, E. and Wright, S.
Governance Arrangements of Career Guidance in the United Kingdom.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Wright, S. , Kopač, A. and Slater, G.
Continuities within paradigmatic change.
European Societies, 6(4),
pp. 511-534.
(doi: 10.1080/1461669042000275881)
Tanner, E., Bennett, F., Churchill, H., Ferres, G., Tanner, S. and Wright, S.
The Costs of Local Education: A Local Study.
Series: Poverty publication.
Child Poverty Action Group: London.
ISBN 9781901698572
Wright, S.
The street level implementation of unemployment policy.
In: Millar, J. (ed.)
Understanding Social Security: Issues for Policy and Practice.
Series: Understanding welfare.
The Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 235-253.
ISBN 9781861344205
Wright, S.
Activating the unemployed: the street-level implementation of UK policy.
Tijdschrift voor Arbeid en Participatie, 24(2),
pp. 105-124.
Wright, S.
Activating the unemployed: the street-level implementation of UK policy.
In: Clasen, J. (ed.)
What Future for Social Security? Debates and Reforms in National and Cross-National Perspective.
The Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 235-249.
ISBN 9781861344106
Clasen, J., Duncan, G., Eardley, T., Evans, M., Ughetto, P., van Oorshot, W. and Wright, S.
Towards ‘single gateways’? A cross-national review of the changing roles of employment offices in seven countries.
Zeitschrift für Internationales und Ausländisches Sozialrecht, 1,
pp. 43-63.
Wright, S.
Poverty Matters in Fife.
[Research Reports or Papers]
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 04:53:56 2025 GMT.