Number of items: 38.
Beveridge, R. and Koch, P.
How transformative can a democratic project of the urban be?
Dialogues in Urban Research,
(doi: 10.1177/27541258241264213)
(Early Online Publication)
Beveridge, R. and Koch, P.
What kind of democratic project is the “CITY”? and what does the new municipalism want to do with It?
In: Coşkun, G., İnal-Çekiç, T. and Tombuş, E. (eds.)
Reclaiming Democracy in Cities.
ISBN 9781003404736
(doi: 10.4324/9781003404736-4)
Beveridge, R. , Rudolph, D. and Naumann, M.
The rise of 'infrastructural populism': urban infrastructure and right-wing politics.
Geography Compass, 18(2),
(doi: 10.1111/gec3.12738)
Beveridge, R. and Koch, P.
Seeing democracy like a city.
Dialogues in Urban Research,
(doi: 10.1177/27541258231203999)
(Early Online Publication)
Williams, J., Beveridge, R. and Mayaux, P.-L.
Unconventional waters: a critical understanding of desalination and wastewater reuse.
Water Alternatives, 16(2),
pp. 429-443.
Beveridge, R. and Cochrane, A.
Exploring the political potential of the local state: building a dialogue with Sheffield in the 1980s.
Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 55(3),
pp. 790-809.
(doi: 10.1111/anti.12908)
Beveridge, R. and Naumann, M.
Progressive urbanism in small towns: the contingencies of governing from the Left.
Urban Affairs Review, 59(1),
pp. 43-72.
(doi: 10.1177/10780874211055834)
Beveridge, R. and Koch, P.
How Cities Can Transform Democracy.
Polity Press: Cambridge.
ISBN 9781509545988
Beveridge, R. , Kip, M. and Oevermann, H.
From wastelands to waiting lands: retrieving possibility from the voids of Berlin.
City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 26(2-3),
pp. 281-303.
(doi: 10.1080/13604813.2022.2040200)
Beveridge, R. and Featherstone, D.
Introduction: Anti-politics, austerity and spaces of politicisation.
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(3),
pp. 437-450.
(doi: 10.1177/23996544211004188)
Beveridge, R. and Koch, P.
Contesting austerity, de-centring the state: anti-politics and the political horizon of the urban.
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(3),
pp. 451-468.
(doi: 10.1177/2399654419871299)
Beveridge, R. and Koch, P.
Urban everyday politics: politicising practices and the transformation of the here and now.
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(1),
pp. 142-157.
(doi: 10.1177/0263775818805487)
Beveridge, R.
Intermediaries and networks.
In: Davoudi, S., Cowell, R., White, I. and Blanco, H. (eds.)
The Routledge Companion to Environmental Planning.
ISBN 9781138894808
Koch, P. and Beveridge, R.
Postpolitische Stadt.
In: Rink, D. and Haase, A. (eds.)
Handbuch Stadtkonzepte: Analysen, Diagnosen, Kritiken und Visionen.
Verlag Barbara Budrich: Opladen.
ISBN 9783825249557
Beveridge, R. and Koch, P.
Depoliticization and urban politics: moving beyond the “post-political”.
In: Buller, J., Dönmez, P., Standring, A. and Woods, M. (eds.)
Comparing Strategies of (De)Politicisation in Europe.
Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 189-208.
ISBN 9783319642369
Beveridge, R. , Moss, T. and Naumann, M.
Sociospatial understanding of water politics: Tracing the multidimensionality of water reuse.
Water Alternatives, 10(1),
pp. 22-40.
Beveridge, R. and Koch, P.
The post-political trap: reflections on politics, agency and the city.
Urban Studies, 54(1),
pp. 31-43.
(doi: 10.1177/0042098016671477)
Beveridge, R. and Koch, P.
What is (still) political about the city?
Urban Studies, 54(1),
pp. 62-66.
(doi: 10.1177/0042098016671478)
Beveridge, R. and Naumann, M.
Für ein Recht auf Infrastruktur! Stadtpolitische Konflikte um die Energie- und Wasserversorgung in Berlin.
In: Flitner, M., Lossau, J. and Müller, A.-L. (eds.)
Infrastrukturen der Stadt.
Springer, pp. 67-87.
ISBN 9783658104238
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-10424-5_4)
Beveridge, R.
The (ontological) politics in depoliticisation debates: three lenses on the decline of the political.
Political Studies Review, 15(4),
pp. 589-600.
(doi: 10.1177/1478929916664358)
Becker, S., Röhring, A. and Beveridge, R.
Energy transitions and institutional reconfiguration: reassessing structure and agency.
In: Moss, T. and Gailing, L. (eds.)
Conceptualizing Germany’s Energy Transition: Power, Socio-Materiality and Space.
Palgrave Macmillan: London.
ISBN 9781137505927
Beveridge, R. and Naumann, R.
Another urban infrastructure is possible: contesting energy and water networks in Berlin.
In: Coutard, O. and Rutherford, J. (eds.)
Beyond the Networked City: Infrastructure reconfigurations and urban change in the North and South.
Series: Routledge studies in urbanism and the city.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9781317633693
Beveridge, R. and Naumann, M.
Contesting neoliberalism in an ‘activist city’: working towards the urban commons in Berlin.
Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture, 64,
pp. 88-93.
Becker, S., Beveridge, R. and Naumann, M.
Reconfiguring energy provision in Berlin. Commoning between compromise and contestation.
Urban Commons. Moving Beyond State and Market.
Series: Bauwelt Fundamente (154).
Birkhäuser: Basel, pp. 196-213.
ISBN 9783038216612
Becker, S., Beveridge, R. and Naumann, M.
Remunicipalization in German cities: contesting neo-liberalism and reimagining urban governance?
Space and Polity, 19(1),
pp. 76-90.
(doi: 10.1080/13562576.2014.991119)
Beveridge, R. , Hüesker, F. and Naumann, M.
From post-politics to a politics of possibility? Unravelling the privatization of the Berlin Water Company.
Geoforum, 51,
pp. 66-74.
(doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2013.09.021)
Beveridge, R. and Naumann, M.
Global norms, local contestation: Privatisation and de/politicisation in Berlin.
Policy and Politics, 42(2),
pp. 275-291.
Beveridge, R. and Richter, A.
Die post-politische Stadt.
In: Belina, B., Naumann, M. and Strüver, A. (eds.)
Handbuch Kritische Stadtgeographie.
Westfälisches Dampfboot: Münster, pp. 53-58.
ISBN 9783896919557
Beveridge, R. and Naumann, M.
The Berlin water company. From "inevitable" privatization to "impossible" remunicipalization.
In: Bernt, M., Grell, B. and Holm, A. (eds.)
The Berlin Reader. A Compendium on Urban Change and Activism.
Series: Urban studies.
Transcript: Bielefeld, pp. 189-203.
ISBN 9783837624786
Beveridge, R. and Kern, K.
The ‘Energiewende’ in Germany: background, developments and future challenges.
Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review, 4(1),
pp. 3-12.
Beveridge, R.
Consultants, depoliticization and arena-shifting in the policy process: privatizing water in Berlin.
Policy Sciences, 45(1),
pp. 47-68.
(doi: 10.1007/s11077-011-9144-4)
Beveridge, R.
A Politics of Inevitability: the Privatisation of the Berlin Water Company, the Global City Discourse and Governance in 1990s Berlin.
VS Springer: Wiesbaden.
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-94056-4)
Beveridge, R. and Monsees, J.
Bridging parallel discourses of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): institutional and political challenges in developing and developed countries.
Water International, 37(7),
pp. 727-743.
(doi: 10.1080/02508060.2012.742713)
Beveridge, R. and Guy, S.
Innovation to intermediaries: translating the EU Urban Wastewater Directive.
In: Guy, S., Marvin, S., Medd, W. and Moss, T. (eds.)
Shaping Urban Infrastructures: Intermediaries and the Governance of Socio-Technical Networks.
Earthscan: London, pp. 92-107.
ISBN 9781849710688
Beveridge, R. and Guy, S.
Governing through translations: intermediaries and the mediation of the EU's Urban Waste Water Directive.
Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 11(2),
pp. 69-85.
(doi: 10.1080/15239080902891244)
Beveridge, R. and Hüesker, F.
Nichtöffentlichkeit als Prinzip. Die Teilprivatisierung der Berliner Wasserbetriebe.
Wasser: Die Kommerzialisierung eines öffentlichen Gutes.
Series: Texte (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung) (41).
Karl Dietz: Berlin, pp. 58-74.
ISBN 9783320021351
Beveridge, R. and Moss, T.
The Parrett Catchment Project: between rhetoric and reality.
In: Moss, T. and Monstadt, J. (eds.)
Restoring Floodplains in Europe: Policy Context and Project Experiences.
IWA Publishing: London, pp. 286-314.
ISBN 9781843390909
Beveridge, R. and Guy, S.
The rise of the eco-preneur and the messy world of environmental innovation.
Local Environment, 10(6),
pp. 665-676.
(doi: 10.1080/13549830500321972)
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 04:53:25 2025 GMT.