Dr Robert Gibb
- Senior Lecturer (Sociological & Cultural Studies)
R802 Level 8, Sociology, Adam Smith Building, Glasgow G12 8RT
I joined the University of Glasgow in 2004, after previously working at the University of Central Lancashire and being the Leach/Royal Anthropological Institute Fellow at the University of Edinburgh.
I have an MA (Hons) degree in Social Anthropology and Sociology and a PhD in Social Anthropology, both from the University of Edinburgh. In my ESRC-funded doctoral research, an anthropological study of the French anti-racist association SOS-Racisme, I examined the relationship between party politics, anti-racism and republicanism in contemporary France. Since then, I have conducted anthropological research on refugee status determination procedures in France and Bulgaria, with a particular focus on questions of translation and interpretation. The research in France was part of an AHRC-funded project entitled 'The Conversion of Asylum Applicants' Narratives into Legal Discourses in the UK and France: A Comparative Study of Problems of Cultural Translation’, conducted in collaboration with Prof A. Good (School of Social and Political Studies, The University of Edinburgh). I carried out the research in Bulgaria as part of the AHRC-funded large research project ‘Researching Multilingually at the Borders of Language, the Body, Law and the State’.
Research interests
- Language and translation
- The state, bureaucracies and social movements
- Refugee status determination procedures
- Learning (language and music) and skill
- Contemporary social theory (especially theories of power and absurdity)
Research groups
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Grants
- 'Researching Multilingually at the Borders of Language, the Body, Law and the State' (with PI: Prof A. Phipps and Co-Is Ms Sarah Craig and Dr Ross White, University of Glasgow), Translating Cultures Large Grant award, April 2014-March 2017.
- 'The Conversion of Asylum Applicants' Narratives into Legal Discourses in the UK and France: A Comparative Study of Problems of Cultural Translation' (with Prof A. Good, School of Social and Political Studies, The University of Edinburgh), Large Research Grant, April 2007 - March 2009.
- 'Language and Social Structure in Urban France' (Steering Group Member; Principal Investigator: Dr M. Jones, University of Cambridge), Research Network Grant, November 2009-October 2011.
British Academy Grants
- 'Racism, Discrimination and Welfare-State Institutions in Denmark, France and the UK’, February 2007 - July 2008.
- ‘Invisible Fences? Inter-Group Relations in a Multicultural Area of Copenhagen’, April 2006 (pilot study).
Supervision Areas
- Language and translation
- The state, bureaucracies and social movements
- Refugee status determination procedures
- Learning (language and music) and skill
- Contemporary social theory (especially theories of power and absurdity)
Current Research Students
- Intropido, Stefano
The Humanitarian Babel. A Comparative Study of Catholic Relief Organisations’ Assistance to Refugees
Past Research Students
Elisabeth Badenhoop
- Thesis title: 'The Transformation from "Immigrants" to "Citizens" – A Comparison of the Naturalisation Process in Britain and Germany Today'. Funder: ESRC Studentship. Start date: September 2011. Co-supervisor: Prof Satnam Virdee. (RG co-supervisor from August 2012.) Graduated in 2018.
Anna Beesley
- Thesis title: ‘How do asylum seekers and refused asylum seekers negotiate risk when seeking ‘wellness’ in Scotland?’ Funder: ESRC Studentship. Start date: September 2012. Co-supervisors: Dr Lucy Pickering, Prof Alison Phipps. Graduated in 2018.
Blair Biggar
- Thesis title: 'Understanding "lived citizenship": A study of Roma in Scotland'. Funder: ESRC Studentship. Co-supervisor: Prof Rebecca Kay. Graduated in 2022.
Elpida Chlimintza
Thesis title: 'Communication Processes in the Hellenic Fire Corps: A Comparative Perspective'. Funder: ASRF Doctoral Scholarship. Co-supervisor: Prof. John Eldridge. Graduated in 2010.
Sopio Davituri
- Thesis title: 'Gender inequality and Women’s Negotiation of Public and Private Spaces in Contemporary Georgia'. Funder: CoSS Studentship. Co-supervisors: Dr Francesca Stella and Prof Rebecca Kay. Graduated in 2023.
Katie Farrell
Thesis title: 'Asylum Processes in Scotland: subjective legal reasoning and judicial decision-making'. Funder: ASRF Doctoral Scholarship. Co-supervisor: Ms Sarah Craig. Graduated in 2013.
Taulant Guma
- Thesis title: 'Negotiations of social security, welfare and risk amongst migrant populations from former socialist countries residing in Glasgow'. Funder: ESRC CASE Studentship. Start date: September 2010. Co-supervisors: Prof Rebecca Kay, Dr Moya Flynn and Edelweisse Thornley (Glasgow City Council). (RG co-supervisor from February 2013.) Graduated in 2015.
Teresa Piacentini
Thesis title: 'Solidarity and Struggle: An Ethnography of the Associational Lives of African Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Glasgow'. Funder: ESRC Studentship. Co-supervisor: Prof. Satnam Virdee. Graduated in 2012.
Anna Terje
- Thesis title: ‘Swedish-speaking Finns: A Multi-Method Qualitative Study’. Start date: September 2011. Funder: University of Glasgow Scholarship. Co-supervisor: Dr Moya Flynn. Graduated in 2017.
Solveiga Zibaite
- Thesis title: '(Un)Earthing the Death Café Movement in the United Kingdom'. Funder: ESRC Studentship. Co-supervisor: Dr Naomi Richards. Graduated in 2022.
- Sociology 2A (Section entitled 'Taking Others Seriously: An Introduction to Anthropology')
- Social Theory (Honours)
- Ways of Living: Studying Different Worlds (Honours) (Co-taught with Dr Lucy Pickering)
Administrative Responsibilities
- Member of University Academic Regulations Sub-Committee
Additional information
Membership of Research Centres and Networks
Editorial Boards
- Journal des anthropologues
- Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences