Dr Paulina Trevena

  • Affiliate Research Associate (School of Social & Political Sciences)


I am a linguist (MA, Adam Mickiewicz University) and sociologist (MA, CEU/Lancaster University; PhD, Polish Academy of Sciences). 

I have worked as a researcher since 2004, specialising in Polish and Eastern European migration to the UK. However, I have also worked on a variety of other topics and in other fields including public health and demography. I have held research posts at the Centre of Migration Research, Warsaw, Centre for Population Change, University of Southampton, Glasgow Caledonian University and University of Glasgow. I have a strong track-record of policy-oriented research, including commissioned work for the Scottish Government and charities. I was also Academic Fellow with the Scottish Parliament in 2017-18. 

I have published extensively on issues related to migration and integration (among others), including a number of policy reports and blogs. 

I am currently working on the 'Health, Social, Economic and Cultural impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrant essential workers in the UK' project


Research interests

  • International migration, especially:
    • everyday life experiences
    • living and working conditions
    • social and occupational mobility
    • education
    • spatial mobility
    • mental health and well-being.


  • Public health, especially
    • alcohol misuse
    • mental health and well-being. 


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2002
Number of items: 41.


Trevena, P., Seddon, J., Elliott, L., Wadd, S. and Dutton, M. (2024) Coping with COVID-19 lockdown: a qualitative study of older adults in alcohol treatment. Ageing and Society, (doi: 10.1017/S0144686X23000600) (Early Online Publication)

Gawlewicz, A. , Narkowicz, K., Piekut, A., Trevena, P. and Wright, S. (2024) 'They made bets that I’d die’: impacts of Covid-19 on Polish essential workers in the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(2), pp. 442-460. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2249620)


Trevena, P., Gawlewicz, A. and Wright, S. (2022) Addressing the needs of Scotland’s migrant and minority ethnic populations under Covid-19: lessons for the future. [Research Reports or Papers]

Seddon, J., Trevena, P., Wadd, S., Elliott, L., Dutton, M., McCann, M. and Willmott, S. (2022) Addressing the needs of older adults receiving alcohol treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. Aging and Mental Health, 26(5), pp. 919-924. (doi: 10.1080/13607863.2021.1910794) (PMID:33928805)

Trevena, P., Gawlewicz, A. , Wright, S. , Piekut, A., Narkowicz, K. and Gawłowski, R. (2022) Impacts of Covid-19 on Migrant Essential Workers in Scotland: Policy recommendations. [Research Reports or Papers]

Trevena, P., Gawlewicz, A. , Wright, S. , Piekut, A., Narkowicz, K. and Gawłowski, R. (2022) Impacts of Covid-19 on Migrant Essential Workers in the UK: Policy recommendations. [Research Reports or Papers]


Kay, R. and Trevena, P. (2021) (Not) a good place to stay! – East European migrants’ experiences of settlement in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Scotland. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(15), pp. 3492-3510. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1886061)

McCollum, D. and Trevena, P. (2021) Protracted precarities: the residential mobilities of Poles in Scotland. Population, Space and Place, 27(4), e2438. (doi: 10.1002/psp.2438)

Wadd, S. et al. (2021) Evaluation of the Drink Wise, Age Well Programme: 2015 to 2020. [Research Reports or Papers]


Seddon, J., Trevena, P., Wadd, S., Elliott, L., Dutton, M., McCann, M., Willmott, S. and Breslin, J. (2020) Addressing the Needs of Older Adults Receiving Alcohol Treatment During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A qualitative study. [Research Reports or Papers]


Kay, R. and Trevena, P. (2019) ‘New’ migrations transforming the city: Central and East European settlement in Glasgow. In: Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 9781447349778

Trevena, P. (2019) Post Study Work Visa Options: An International Comparative Review.

Trevena, P. (2019) Brexit and EU Citizens in Scotland: Impact, Challenges and Support Needs. [Research Reports or Papers]


Trevena, P. (2018) Attracting and retaining migrants in Scotland: is a social integration strategy the answer? SPICe Briefing 18-44. [Research Reports or Papers]

Kay, R. and Trevena, P. (2018) (In)security, family and settlement: migration decisions amongst Central and East European families in Scotland. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 7(1), pp. 17-33. (doi: 10.17467/ceemr.2017.17)

Podgórska, K. and Trevena, P. (2018) Polityka integracyjna: teoria i praktyka. In: Lesińska, M. and Okólski, M. (eds.) 25 wykładów o migracjach = 25 Lectures on Migration. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar: Warsaw. ISBN 9788373835511


Ryan, L., Lopez Rodriguez, M. and Trevena, P. (2016) Opportunities and challenges of unplanned follow-up interviews: experiences with Polish migrants in London. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 17(2), 26.

Trevena, P., McGhee, D. and Heath, S. (2016) Parental capital and strategies for school choice making: Polish parents in England and Scotland. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 5(1), pp. 71-92.


Berrington, A., Perelli-Harris, B. and Trevena, P. (2015) Commitment and the changing sequence of cohabitation, childbearing, and marriage. Demographic Research, 33(12), pp. 327-362. (doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2015.33.12)

McGhee, D., Trevena, P. and Heath, S. (2015) Social relationships and relationships in context: post-accession Poles in Southampton. Population, Space and Place, 21(5), pp. 433-445. (doi: 10.1002/psp.1922)

Heath, S., McGhee, D. and Trevena, P. (2015) Continuity versus innovation: young Polish migrants and practices of ‘doing family’ in the context of achieving independence in the UK. Studia Migracyjne: Przeglad Polonijny, 3, pp. 139-156.


Trevena, P. (2014) Szkolnictwo a „sprawa migrancka”: percepcje angielskiego a polskiego systemu edukacyjnego i ich wpływ na decyzje migracyjne. Studia BAS, 4(40), pp. 105-133.


Trevena, P., McGhee, D. and Heath, S. (2013) Location, location? A critical examination of patterns and determinants of internal mobility among post-accession Polish migrants in the UK. Population, Space and Place, 19(6), pp. 671-687. (doi: 10.1002/psp.1788)

McGhee, D., Heath, S. and Trevena, P. (2013) Competing obligations and the maintenance of physical co-presence: the impact of migration and structural constraints on post-accession Polish families in the UK. Families, Relationships and Societies, 2(2), pp. 229-245. (doi: 10.1332/204674313X664914)

McGhee, D., Heath, S. and Trevena, P. (2013) Post-accession Polish migrants: their experiences of living in 'low-demand' social housing areas in Glasgow. Environment and Planning A, 45(2), pp. 329-343. (doi: 10.1068/a45158)

Trevena, P. (2013) Why do highly educated migrants go for low-skilled jobs? A case study of Polish graduates working in London. In: Glorius, B., Grabowska-Lusinska, I. and Kuvik, A. (eds.) Mobility in Transition: Migration Patterns after EU Enlargement. Series: IMISCOE research. Amsterdam University Press, pp. 169-190. ISBN 9789089643926


McGhee, D., Heath, S. and Trevena, P. (2012) Dignity, happiness and being able to live a ‘normal life’ in the UK: an examination of post-accession Polish migrants' transnational autobiographical fields. Social Identities, 18(6), pp. 711-727. (doi: 10.1080/13504630.2012.709002)


Heath, S., McGhee, D. and Trevena, P. (2011) Lost in transnationalism: unraveling the conceptualisation of families and personal life through a transnational gaze. Sociological Research Online, 16(4), p. 12. (doi: 10.5153/sro.2534)

Trevena, P. (2011) A question of class? Polish graduates working in low-skilled jobs in London. Studia Migracyjne: Przeglad Polonijny, pp. 71-96.


Napierała, J. and Trevena, P. (2010) Patterns and determinants of sub-regional migration: a case study of Polish construction workers in Norway. In: Black, R., Engbersen, G., Okolski, M. and Pantiru, M.C. (eds.) A Continent Moving West?: EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Series: IMISCOE research. Amsterdam University Press, pp. 51-71. ISBN 9789089641564

Trevena, P., (2010) Degradacja? Koncepcje socjologiczne, percepcja społeczna, a postrzeganie własnego położenia przez wykształconych migrantów pracujących za granicą poniżej kwalifikacji = Declassing? Sociological concepts, social perception and self-perception of own position by educated migrants working below their level of qualifications. In: Grzymała-Moszczyńska, H., Kwiatkowska, A. and Roszak, J. (eds.) Drogi i rozdroża. Migracje Polaków w Unii Europejskiej po 1 maja 2004 roku. Analiza psychologiczno-socjologiczna. Nomos, pp. 146-160. ISBN 9788376880167

Trevena, P. (2010) Konstruowanie tożsamości jednostkowej przez wykształconych migrantów w sytuacji sprzeczności pomiędzy jaźnią subiektywną a odzwierciedloną = Identity construction of highly educated migrants in the situation of conflict between subjective and looking-glass self. In: Konecki, K. T. and Kacperczyk, A. (eds.) Procesy Tożsamościowe: Symboliczno-interakcyjny wymiar konstruowania ładu i nieładu społecznego. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego: Lodz. ISBN 9788375254143


Trevena, P. (2009) ‘New’ Polish Migration to the UK: A Synthesis of Existing Evidence. [Research Reports or Papers]

Trevena, P. (2009) Magister na zmywaku. Style i Charaktery, 1(8), pp. 38-39.


Napierała, J. and Trevena, P. (2008) Współczesne migracje do Norwegii w świetle najnowszych danych = Contemporary migrations to Norway in the light of recent data. In: Markowski, K. (ed.) Migracja: Wartość Dodana? Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II: Lublin, pp. 39-50. ISBN 9788373635098

Trevena, P. (2008) Teorie i doktryny dotyczące integracji imigrantów. Doświadczenia tradycyjnych i nowych krajów imigracji = Theories and doctrines on immigrant integration: the experience of traditional and new migration countries. In: Grzymała-Kazłowska, A. and Łodziński, S. (eds.) Problemy Integracji Imigrantów: Koncepcje, Badania, Polityki. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego: Warszawa. ISBN 9788323505143

Trevena, P. (2008) Degradacja czy poszukiwanie niezależności? Proces podejmowania decyzji migracyjnych przez wykształconych Polaków wykonujących pracę niewykwalifikowaną w Londynie = Degradation or a search for independence? The process of migration decision-making in the case of highly educated Poles carrying out unskilled work in London. In: Śliz, A. (ed.) Społeczności Lokalne: Postawy Migracyjne Młodych Polaków /. Uniwersytetu Opolskiego. ISBN 9788373953109


Eldring, L. and Trevena, P. (2007) Polish construction in the wake of EU enlargement. CLR News, 2, pp. 9-24.

Eldring, L. and Trevena, P. (2007) Polsk byggenæring i bevegelse = Polish construction on the move. [Research Reports or Papers]

Frieberg Trevena,, J. H., Tyldum, G., Eldring, L., Napierała, J. and Trevena, P. (2007) Polonia i Oslo. En studie av arbeids- og levekår blant polakker i hovedstadsområdet = The Polonia in Oslo. A study of working and living conditions of Polish migrants in the city area. [Research Reports or Papers]


Trevena, P. (2002) The sources of stereotypes: Germans, Russians and Jews in the eyes of young Poles. In: Kapralski, S. and Smith, P. V. (eds.) Democracies, Markets, Institutions: Global Tendencies in Local Contexts. Wydawnictwo IFiS: Warsaw. ISBN 9788373880092

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:31:02 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 41.


Trevena, P., Seddon, J., Elliott, L., Wadd, S. and Dutton, M. (2024) Coping with COVID-19 lockdown: a qualitative study of older adults in alcohol treatment. Ageing and Society, (doi: 10.1017/S0144686X23000600) (Early Online Publication)

Gawlewicz, A. , Narkowicz, K., Piekut, A., Trevena, P. and Wright, S. (2024) 'They made bets that I’d die’: impacts of Covid-19 on Polish essential workers in the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(2), pp. 442-460. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2249620)

Seddon, J., Trevena, P., Wadd, S., Elliott, L., Dutton, M., McCann, M. and Willmott, S. (2022) Addressing the needs of older adults receiving alcohol treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. Aging and Mental Health, 26(5), pp. 919-924. (doi: 10.1080/13607863.2021.1910794) (PMID:33928805)

Kay, R. and Trevena, P. (2021) (Not) a good place to stay! – East European migrants’ experiences of settlement in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Scotland. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(15), pp. 3492-3510. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1886061)

McCollum, D. and Trevena, P. (2021) Protracted precarities: the residential mobilities of Poles in Scotland. Population, Space and Place, 27(4), e2438. (doi: 10.1002/psp.2438)

Trevena, P. (2019) Post Study Work Visa Options: An International Comparative Review.

Kay, R. and Trevena, P. (2018) (In)security, family and settlement: migration decisions amongst Central and East European families in Scotland. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 7(1), pp. 17-33. (doi: 10.17467/ceemr.2017.17)

Ryan, L., Lopez Rodriguez, M. and Trevena, P. (2016) Opportunities and challenges of unplanned follow-up interviews: experiences with Polish migrants in London. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 17(2), 26.

Trevena, P., McGhee, D. and Heath, S. (2016) Parental capital and strategies for school choice making: Polish parents in England and Scotland. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 5(1), pp. 71-92.

Berrington, A., Perelli-Harris, B. and Trevena, P. (2015) Commitment and the changing sequence of cohabitation, childbearing, and marriage. Demographic Research, 33(12), pp. 327-362. (doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2015.33.12)

McGhee, D., Trevena, P. and Heath, S. (2015) Social relationships and relationships in context: post-accession Poles in Southampton. Population, Space and Place, 21(5), pp. 433-445. (doi: 10.1002/psp.1922)

Heath, S., McGhee, D. and Trevena, P. (2015) Continuity versus innovation: young Polish migrants and practices of ‘doing family’ in the context of achieving independence in the UK. Studia Migracyjne: Przeglad Polonijny, 3, pp. 139-156.

Trevena, P. (2014) Szkolnictwo a „sprawa migrancka”: percepcje angielskiego a polskiego systemu edukacyjnego i ich wpływ na decyzje migracyjne. Studia BAS, 4(40), pp. 105-133.

Trevena, P., McGhee, D. and Heath, S. (2013) Location, location? A critical examination of patterns and determinants of internal mobility among post-accession Polish migrants in the UK. Population, Space and Place, 19(6), pp. 671-687. (doi: 10.1002/psp.1788)

McGhee, D., Heath, S. and Trevena, P. (2013) Competing obligations and the maintenance of physical co-presence: the impact of migration and structural constraints on post-accession Polish families in the UK. Families, Relationships and Societies, 2(2), pp. 229-245. (doi: 10.1332/204674313X664914)

McGhee, D., Heath, S. and Trevena, P. (2013) Post-accession Polish migrants: their experiences of living in 'low-demand' social housing areas in Glasgow. Environment and Planning A, 45(2), pp. 329-343. (doi: 10.1068/a45158)

McGhee, D., Heath, S. and Trevena, P. (2012) Dignity, happiness and being able to live a ‘normal life’ in the UK: an examination of post-accession Polish migrants' transnational autobiographical fields. Social Identities, 18(6), pp. 711-727. (doi: 10.1080/13504630.2012.709002)

Heath, S., McGhee, D. and Trevena, P. (2011) Lost in transnationalism: unraveling the conceptualisation of families and personal life through a transnational gaze. Sociological Research Online, 16(4), p. 12. (doi: 10.5153/sro.2534)

Trevena, P. (2011) A question of class? Polish graduates working in low-skilled jobs in London. Studia Migracyjne: Przeglad Polonijny, pp. 71-96.

Trevena, P. (2009) Magister na zmywaku. Style i Charaktery, 1(8), pp. 38-39.

Eldring, L. and Trevena, P. (2007) Polish construction in the wake of EU enlargement. CLR News, 2, pp. 9-24.

Book Sections

Kay, R. and Trevena, P. (2019) ‘New’ migrations transforming the city: Central and East European settlement in Glasgow. In: Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 9781447349778

Podgórska, K. and Trevena, P. (2018) Polityka integracyjna: teoria i praktyka. In: Lesińska, M. and Okólski, M. (eds.) 25 wykładów o migracjach = 25 Lectures on Migration. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar: Warsaw. ISBN 9788373835511

Trevena, P. (2013) Why do highly educated migrants go for low-skilled jobs? A case study of Polish graduates working in London. In: Glorius, B., Grabowska-Lusinska, I. and Kuvik, A. (eds.) Mobility in Transition: Migration Patterns after EU Enlargement. Series: IMISCOE research. Amsterdam University Press, pp. 169-190. ISBN 9789089643926

Napierała, J. and Trevena, P. (2010) Patterns and determinants of sub-regional migration: a case study of Polish construction workers in Norway. In: Black, R., Engbersen, G., Okolski, M. and Pantiru, M.C. (eds.) A Continent Moving West?: EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Series: IMISCOE research. Amsterdam University Press, pp. 51-71. ISBN 9789089641564

Trevena, P., (2010) Degradacja? Koncepcje socjologiczne, percepcja społeczna, a postrzeganie własnego położenia przez wykształconych migrantów pracujących za granicą poniżej kwalifikacji = Declassing? Sociological concepts, social perception and self-perception of own position by educated migrants working below their level of qualifications. In: Grzymała-Moszczyńska, H., Kwiatkowska, A. and Roszak, J. (eds.) Drogi i rozdroża. Migracje Polaków w Unii Europejskiej po 1 maja 2004 roku. Analiza psychologiczno-socjologiczna. Nomos, pp. 146-160. ISBN 9788376880167

Trevena, P. (2010) Konstruowanie tożsamości jednostkowej przez wykształconych migrantów w sytuacji sprzeczności pomiędzy jaźnią subiektywną a odzwierciedloną = Identity construction of highly educated migrants in the situation of conflict between subjective and looking-glass self. In: Konecki, K. T. and Kacperczyk, A. (eds.) Procesy Tożsamościowe: Symboliczno-interakcyjny wymiar konstruowania ładu i nieładu społecznego. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego: Lodz. ISBN 9788375254143

Napierała, J. and Trevena, P. (2008) Współczesne migracje do Norwegii w świetle najnowszych danych = Contemporary migrations to Norway in the light of recent data. In: Markowski, K. (ed.) Migracja: Wartość Dodana? Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II: Lublin, pp. 39-50. ISBN 9788373635098

Trevena, P. (2008) Teorie i doktryny dotyczące integracji imigrantów. Doświadczenia tradycyjnych i nowych krajów imigracji = Theories and doctrines on immigrant integration: the experience of traditional and new migration countries. In: Grzymała-Kazłowska, A. and Łodziński, S. (eds.) Problemy Integracji Imigrantów: Koncepcje, Badania, Polityki. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego: Warszawa. ISBN 9788323505143

Trevena, P. (2008) Degradacja czy poszukiwanie niezależności? Proces podejmowania decyzji migracyjnych przez wykształconych Polaków wykonujących pracę niewykwalifikowaną w Londynie = Degradation or a search for independence? The process of migration decision-making in the case of highly educated Poles carrying out unskilled work in London. In: Śliz, A. (ed.) Społeczności Lokalne: Postawy Migracyjne Młodych Polaków /. Uniwersytetu Opolskiego. ISBN 9788373953109

Trevena, P. (2002) The sources of stereotypes: Germans, Russians and Jews in the eyes of young Poles. In: Kapralski, S. and Smith, P. V. (eds.) Democracies, Markets, Institutions: Global Tendencies in Local Contexts. Wydawnictwo IFiS: Warsaw. ISBN 9788373880092

Research Reports or Papers

Trevena, P., Gawlewicz, A. and Wright, S. (2022) Addressing the needs of Scotland’s migrant and minority ethnic populations under Covid-19: lessons for the future. [Research Reports or Papers]

Trevena, P., Gawlewicz, A. , Wright, S. , Piekut, A., Narkowicz, K. and Gawłowski, R. (2022) Impacts of Covid-19 on Migrant Essential Workers in Scotland: Policy recommendations. [Research Reports or Papers]

Trevena, P., Gawlewicz, A. , Wright, S. , Piekut, A., Narkowicz, K. and Gawłowski, R. (2022) Impacts of Covid-19 on Migrant Essential Workers in the UK: Policy recommendations. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wadd, S. et al. (2021) Evaluation of the Drink Wise, Age Well Programme: 2015 to 2020. [Research Reports or Papers]

Seddon, J., Trevena, P., Wadd, S., Elliott, L., Dutton, M., McCann, M., Willmott, S. and Breslin, J. (2020) Addressing the Needs of Older Adults Receiving Alcohol Treatment During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A qualitative study. [Research Reports or Papers]

Trevena, P. (2019) Brexit and EU Citizens in Scotland: Impact, Challenges and Support Needs. [Research Reports or Papers]

Trevena, P. (2018) Attracting and retaining migrants in Scotland: is a social integration strategy the answer? SPICe Briefing 18-44. [Research Reports or Papers]

Trevena, P. (2009) ‘New’ Polish Migration to the UK: A Synthesis of Existing Evidence. [Research Reports or Papers]

Eldring, L. and Trevena, P. (2007) Polsk byggenæring i bevegelse = Polish construction on the move. [Research Reports or Papers]

Frieberg Trevena,, J. H., Tyldum, G., Eldring, L., Napierała, J. and Trevena, P. (2007) Polonia i Oslo. En studie av arbeids- og levekår blant polakker i hovedstadsområdet = The Polonia in Oslo. A study of working and living conditions of Polish migrants in the city area. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:31:02 2025 GMT.

Research datasets

Jump to: 2023 | 2018
Number of items: 4.


Piekut, A., Gawlewicz, A. , Narkowicz, K., Wright, S. , Trevena, P. and Le, T. P. L. (2023) Polish Migrant Essential Workers in the UK during COVID-19: Survey Data, 2021. [Data Collection]

Piekut, A., Gawlewicz, A. , Narkowicz, K., Wright, S. , Trevena, P. and Linh Le, T. P. (2023) Polish Migrant Essential Workers in the UK during COVID-19: Survey Metadata, 2021. [Data Collection]

Wright, S. , Gawlewicz, A. , Narkowicz, K., Piekut, A. and Trevena, P. (2023) Polish Migrant Essential Workers in the UK during COVID-19: Qualitative Data, 2021. [Data Collection]


Kay, R., Flynn, M., Shubin, S., Trevena, P., Porteous, H., Needler, C. and Tkach, O. (2018) Experiences of social security and prospects for long term settlement in Scotland amongst migrants from Central Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union 2014-2016. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 22:06:21 2025 GMT.