Professor Paula Meth
- Professor in Southern Urbanism (Urban Studies & Social Policy)
Room 244, 29 Bute Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8RS
Paula Meth is Professor of Southern Urbanism. She joined Urban Studies at the University of Glasgow in early 2024. Paula's training was in Human Geography and urban planning, and she has worked across these disciplines, focusing much of her research on the urban global South.
Paula is an Associate Professorial Fellow ( at the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Witwatersrand, affiliated to their Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Studies (
Paula is also a co-domain lead on the African Cities Research Consortium for the Safety & Security domain working with colleagues from Nigeria, Kenya, Somalia, DRC and Sierra Leone.
Research interests
Paula's research examines everyday lives in the urban 'global South'. She has a particular interest in socio-spatial intersections therein, such as housing & youth; informality, violence & gender; urban peripheries & social difference, & exploring the materialities & social meanings of urban change.
Paula's research spans Urban Studies (including planning), Human Geography, and Development Studies. Her recent funded projects have examined Youth and the Work/Housing Nexus in Ethiopia and South Africa (British Academy); Living the African Peripheries (ESRC); and Gender and Housing formalisation in India and South Africa (British Academy).
Paula is currently a co-investigator on the ESRC funded project Urban citizenship and transcontinental lives, led by Prof Tom Goodfellow, University of Sheffield.
Paula has published articles in journals including Urban Geography, International Journal of Urban and Regional Studies and Environment and Planning: A. She co-authored ‘Geographies of Developing Areas’ (Routledge) with Glyn Williams and Katie Willis (2009/2014) and has a co-authored monograph ‘Living the urban periphery’ (Manchester University Press) forthcoming.
Paula is also committed to public engagement in her research & she's curated various exhibitions showcasing her findings drawing on professional & collaboratively generated media outputs, [].
Research groups
- Just Cities & Societies
- Place & the Built Environment
- Place & Built Environment
Paula has supervised numerous doctoral projects focusing on a wide variety of topics.
These include disability & informality in urban Kenya; land conflict in Accra’s urban peripheries, youth, race and urban space in Accra; communities & social cohesion in Sheffield; public space in urban Thailand, insecurity, refugees & gender in Lebanon & Jordan; Benin City’s (in)formal housing provision & quality; social housing in Mexico; masculinities & violence in Palestine & Israel; and HIV and masculinities in Namibia.
Paula is currently supervising two doctoral students:
1. Inken Oldsen thor-Straten (based at the University of Sheffield, she is researching the question: How do local authorities’ relationships with property developers shape policy outcomes in Cape Town and Johannesburg)
2. Tianyi Tang (with the title: Urban greening, socio-spatial inequalities, and gentrification: a case study of Shanghai, China).
She is interested in supervising doctoral students working on questions of urban change, social relations (particularly gender), inequalities, and urban housing in the global South, but enjoys being inspired by topics introduced by prospective students themselves.
- Tang, Tianyi
Urban greening, socio-spatial inequalities, and gentrification: a case study of Shanghai, China
Completed PhD projects:
- Abraham Mnangat Mariech (2023) Towards a restructured disability landscape in rapidly changing informal settlements of Eldoret, Kenya
- Victoria Okoye (2021) Children’s community space experiences in Nima: Tracing racializing assemblages of the human
- Jenni Vine (2021) A complex realist approach to social cohesion – what makes a ‘meaningful interaction’?
- Divine Mawuli Asafo (2020) Land acquisition, land conflicts and the effect it is having on peri-urban housing production in Accra, Ghana.
- Sarah Linn (2020) (In)security and the urban refugee woman: Experiences, negotiations, power and fear in public space
- Uyi Ezeanah (2018) How do formal and informal institutions for delivery and accessing housing influence the quantity and quality of housing in Benin City
- Megan Waller (2016) The role of Landscape Architecture in Public Open Space Design Within Slums and Informal Settlements (Thailand).
- Gabby Claudia Ibarra (2015) Social housing developments in Mexico: the dialogue between human behaviour and the built environment
- Chloe Skinner (2015) Masculinities and the Continuum of Violence: A study of the interplay of masculinities, militarism, occupation and violence against women in Israel and Palestine
- Felicitas Mberema (2014) HIV Disclosure And Stigma: Men’s Experiences in a Dynamic Social Context, Kavango Region, Namibia
- Kirsten Owen (2013) Young People in the mix: An exploration of young people’s position in a neighbourhood designed for social mix.
- Jenni Brooks (2009) The role of identity in the mediation between environmental values and transport choices.
- Dave Vanderhoven (2009) Seeing Political Representation in Communities: lessons from a Johannesburg township
- Hassan Sani (2009) Impact of Urban Management on Residential Mobility in Jos Metropolis
- Melanie Lombard (2009) ‘Making a Place in the City: The construction of informality in two colonias populares in Mexico’
- Vasilis Advikos (2007) Uneven spatial development in Greece
- Antar Korin (2003) Urban Planning in Cairo, Egypt
Paula contributes to the following courses:
PGT Dissertation Supervision
UG: Social & Public Policy 2B: Policy, Politics and Power
Masters: URBAN5087/5095 - Housing Inequality & Society
She will be the convenor for the forthcoming masters level Southern Urbanism course in Sept 2025.