Dr Oona Brooks
- Reader (Sociological & Cultural Studies)
0141 330 7722
Sccjr, Room 302A, Ivy Lodge, 63 Gibson Street
I joined SCCJR (Sociology) at the University of Glasgow in September 2013. My research interests include police and criminal justice responses to sexual violence and domestic abuse, victim-survivor experiences and understanding of 'justice', alternative forms of justice, feminist advocacy and practice, creative methodologies and forms of representation.
Recent research:
- Operation Soteria/Project Bluestone: transforming the policing response to reports of rape and sexual assault in England and Wales’ (funded by Home Office). https://www.sccjr.ac.uk/project/bluestone-soteria/
- Exploring Survivor Views on Sentencing for Rape and Sexual Assault (funded by Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service). https://www.sccjr.ac.uk/news_item/new-research-offers-window-into-how-victim-survivors-of-rape-and-sexual-assault-view-sentencing-in-scotland/
- Social and health impacts of COVID-19 suppression in vulnerable groups (co-lead for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence stream)(funded by the Chief Scientists Office). https://scotlandinlockdown.co.uk/
- IMPRODOVA: Improving Frontline Responses to Domestic Violence in Europe (funded by Horizon2020). https://www.improdova.eu/
- Justice Journeys: informing policy and practice through lived experience (funded by ESRC Impact Acceleration Account and Scottish Government, Justice Analytical Services). https://justicejourneysonline.com/
- Evaluation of the Rape Crisis Scotland National Advocacy Project (funded by the Scottish Government via Rape Crisis Scotland). https://www.sccjr.ac.uk/news_item/national-project-provides-life-changing-advocacy-work-to-victims-of-sexual-violence/
Roles and affiliations include:
- REF Impact Lead for UoA 20 (Social Policy and Social Work)
- Founder and coordinator of the Glasgow University Gender Based Violence Research Forum http://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/socialpolitical/research/groups/genderbasedviolenceresearchforum/
- Member of the European Society of Criminology Working Group on Gender, Crime and Justice
- Member of the European Network on Gender and Violence
- Member of Women Against Violence Europe
- Member of BSA Violence Against Women Study Group
- Member of the Scottish Government’s Victims Taskforce
Research interests
My main research interests include rape and sexual assault, domestic abuse, criminal justice responses to sexual and domestic offences, victim-survivor experiences and understanding of 'justice', the prevention of gender-based violence, feminism and gender.
Research groups
Operation Soteria/Project Bluestone, Year 3: transforming the policing response to reports of rape and sexual assault in England and Wales’. Home Office, £497,000: 2023-24 [Co-I]
Exploring Survivor Views on Sentencing for Rape and Sexual Assault. Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS), £58,410: 2023-24 [PI]
Operation Soteria/Project Bluestone, Year 2: transforming the policing response to reports of rape and sexual assault in England and Wales’. Home Office, £754,363: 2022-23 [Co-I]
Operation Soteria/Project Bluestone, Year 1: transforming the policing response to reports of rape and sexual assault in England and Wales’. Home Office, £27,629: 2021-22 [Co-I]
Social and health impacts of COVID-19 suppression in vulnerable groups. CSO Covid-19 Rapid Response Call, £186,869, 2020 [Co-I]
IMPRODOVA: Improving Frontline Responses to Domestic Abuse. Horizon 2020, £2.9 million, 2018-2021 [Co-I]
Ugandan parenting programme to reduce gender based violence. Global Challenges Research Fund, £55,754, 2018-19. [Co-I]
Justice Journeys: informing policy and practice through lived experience. Scottish Government, Justice Analytical Services, £37,752. [PI]
Justice Journeys. ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, £20,291: 2017-2018. [Co-I]
Evaluation of the Rape Crisis Scotland National Advocacy Project. Rape Crisis Scotland, £39,950: 2016. [Co-I]
Football and Domestic Abuse in Scotland and England: A Feasibility Study. Sir Halley Stewart Trust, £22,618: 2015. [Co-I]
Evaluation of the Police Scotland/Rape Crisis Scotland Pilot Advocacy Support Service. Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) and Rape Crisis Scotland, £19,498: 2014. [Co-I]
Dual-reports of Domestic Abuse Reported to the Police: A pilot study. Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR), £4,911: 2014. [PI]
Counter-Allegations of Domestic Abuse Reported to the Police: A pilot study. Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Research Grants Scheme, £1,741: 2014. [PI]
Current students
- Armstrong, Lisa Mary
The impact of remand decision making on the rights of women - Baturoglu Balci, Ulku
Constituting Violence: Women's Experiences of Gender-Based Violence in Rural Scotland - Chapman, Claire
Supporting victimised autistic women in Scotland: Using inclusive approaches to understanding their experiences - Smith, Cassidy
Erasure, Dehumanisation and the Creation of Victimhood in Contemporary True Crime - Tayo, Oluwatofunmi Oreoluwa
Societies response to male domestic abuse in Nigeria. - Yin, Yubo
Female victims in the just world: Exploring victim-blaming
Previous students
- Jennifer Glinski: “First you’re abandoned by the system and then you’re abused by it”: Seeking Support for Economic Abuse and Separation
- Emma Forbes: The challenge of criminalisation: perception and reality for victims of domestic abuse
- Stuart Milne: LGBTI hate crime in Scotland; an exploration of the lived experiences of victims
- Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice
- Rethinking Justice
- Research Design and Process