Professor Neil Rollings

  • Professor of Economic and Business History (Political & International Studies)

telephone: 01413306801

Room 613A, Economic & Social History, Gilbert Scott Building, Glasgow G12 8QQ

Import to contacts


Research interests

Research Interests

  • British economic policy since 1945
  • Britain and European integration since 1945
  • Business-government relations since 1945
  • Business and European integration
  • Business associations and organised business 

Research Contribution

Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2008 | 2007 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 | 2000 | 1994 | 1988 | 1985
Number of items: 39.


Rollings, N. (2024) Industry associations: approaches to understanding industry collective action and its impact on industry dynamics. In: Kipping, M., Kurosawa, T. and Westney, D. E. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Industry Dynamics. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190933463 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190933463.013.23) (In Press)

Rollings, N. (2024) ”A few pike in a trout river”? Hostile take-over bids and dividend restraint: the debate in government in the 1950s. In: Barnes, V. and Hardman, J. (eds.) The Origins of Company Law: Methods and Approaches. Hart Publishing: London. (Accepted for Publication)


Eichenberger, P., Rollings, N. and Schaufelbuehl, J. M. (2023) The brokers of globalization: towards a history of business associations in the international arena. Business History, 65(2), pp. 217-234. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2022.2112671)

Rollings, N. (2023) The development of transnational business associations during the twentieth century. Business History, 65(2), pp. 235-259. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2021.1958783)

Rollings, N. (2023) Business and global capitalism: continuities and change. Business History Review, 97(3), pp. 620-626. (doi: 10.1017/S0007680523000429)


Pitteloud, S., Ballor, G., Clavin, P., Perrone, N. M., Rollings, N. and Slobodian, Q. (2022) Capitalism and Global Governance in Business History: A Roundtable Discussion. [Research Reports or Papers]


Rollings, N. (2021) Organised business and the rise of neoliberalism: The Confederation of British Industry 1965-1990s. In: Davies, A., Jackson, B. and Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, F. (eds.) The Neoliberal Age? Britain since the 1970s. UCL Press: London, pp. 279-298. ISBN 9781787356856

Lerner, J., Lomi, A., Mowbray, J., Rollings, N. and Tranmer, M. (2021) Dynamic network analysis of contact diaries. Social Networks, 66, pp. 224-236. (doi: 10.1016/j.socnet.2021.04.001)

Rollings, N. (2021) “The vast and unsolved enigma of power”: Business history and business power. Enterprise and Society, 22(4), pp. 893-920. (doi: 10.1017/eso.2021.53)


Rollings, N. (2020) Babcock and Wilcox Ltd., the ‘Babcock Family’ and regulation 17/62: a business response to new competition policy in the early 1960s. Business History, 62(5), pp. 743-762. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2017.1310197)

Rollings, N. and Warlouzet, L. (2020) Business history and European integration: How EEC competition policy affected companies’ strategies. Business History, 62(5), pp. 717-742. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2018.1488966)

Rollings, N. and Warlouzet, L. (2020) Business History and European Integration: How EEC Competition Policy Affected Companies’ Strategies [Guest Editors]. Business History, 62(5),


Rollings, N. (2019) Government and regulators. In: Lopes, T. d. S., Lubinski, C. and Tworek, H. J.S. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Global Business. Series: Routledge companions in business, management and accounting. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 95-108. ISBN 9781138242654 (doi: 10.4324/9781315277813-6)


Rollings, N. (2017) The boards of UK nationalised industries and their members c.1950–c.1979. In: Felisini, D. (ed.) Reassessing the Role of Management in the Golden Age: An International Comparison of Public Sector Managers 1945–1975. Series: Central issues in contemporary economic theory and policy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 17-37. ISBN 9783319487212 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-48722-9_3)

Rollings, N. (2017) Between business and academia in post-war Britain: three advocates of neoliberalism at the heart of the British business community. In: Backhouse, R. E., Bateman, B. W., Nishizawa, T. and Plehwe, D. (eds.) Liberalism and the Welfare State: Economists and Arguments for the Welfare State. Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 110-117. ISBN 9780190676681 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190676681.003.0006)


Colli, A., Decker, S., de Jong, A., Fernández Pérez, P., Rollings, N. and Stokes, R. (2016) Editorial: special issues in Business History. Business History, 58(1), pp. 1-5. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2015.1060961)

Rollings, N. (2016) The boards of UK nationalised industries and their members c.1950-c.1979. Rivista di Politica Economica, 2015(7-9), pp. 89-110.


Rollings, N. (2014) The twilight world of British business politics: the Spring Sunningdale conferences since the 1960s. Business History, 56(6), pp. 915-935. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2013.847429)

Stokes, R. , Colli, A., Decker, S., Fernández Pérez, P., de Jong, A. and Rollings, N. (2014) Editorial. Business History, 56(2), pp. 336-339. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2014.887809)


Rollings, N. (2013) Cracks in the post-war Keynesian settlement? The role of organised business in Britain in the rise of neoliberalism before Margaret Thatcher. Twentieth-Century British History, 24(4), pp. 637-659. (doi: 10.1093/tcbh/hwt005)

Rollings, N. and Kipping, M. (2013) La crisi dell "economia mista": una comparizione internazionale. In: Silva, F. (ed.) Storia dell’IRI. I difficili anni ’70 e i tentative di rilancio negli anni ’80 1973-1989. Fintecna: Rome, pp. 574-615. ISBN 9788858106877

Rollings, N. (2013) Business Eurofederations and European integration from the Second World War to the 1970s. In: Fraboulet, D., Locatelli, A. M. and Tedeschi, P. (eds.) Historical and International Comparison of Business Interest Associations, 19th-20th Centuries. Series: International Issues (29). Peter Lang: Brussels, pp. 175-192. ISBN 9782875740973


Rollings, N. and Moguen-Toursel, M. (2012) European organised business and European integration in the post-Second World War period. In: Internationale Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensbeziehungen nach 1945. Series: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte (2012/1). Akademie Verlag: Berlin, pp. 103-123. ISBN 9783050056678 (doi: 10.1524/jbwg.2012.0006)


Rollings, N. (2011) Multinational enterprise and government controls on outward foreign direct investment in the US and UK in the 1960's. Enterprise and Society, 12(2), pp. 398-434. (doi: 10.1093/es/khq126)

Moguen-Toursel, M. and Rollings, N. (2011) Les apports de la business history à l’histoire de l’intégration européenne. In: Badel, L. and Michel, H. (eds.) Patronats et Integration Européenne: Pour un Dialogue Disciplinaire Raisonné. Series: Cahiers de fare (1). L'Harmattan: Paris, pp. 61-72. ISBN 9782296554986


Rollings, N. (2008) Private transnational governance in the heyday of the nation-state: the Council of European Industrial Federations (CEIF). Economic History Review, 61(2), pp. 409-431. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.2007.00399.x)


Rollings, N. (2007) Britain and Europe. In: Carnevali, F. and Strange, J.-M. (eds.) Twentieth-century Britain: economic, social, and cultural change. Longman, pp. 339-353. ISBN 9780582772878

Rollings, N. (2007) British business history : a review of the periodical literature for 2005. Business History, 49(3), pp. 271-292. (doi: 10.1080/00076790701294956)

Rollings, N. (2007) British business in the formative years of European integration, 1945-1973. Series: Cambridge studies in the emergence of global enterprise. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge ; New York, NY. ISBN 9780521888110 (doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511511929)

Rollings, N. (2007) Firm strategies and public policy in integrated Europe (1950-1980). In: Moguen-Toursel, M. (ed.) Purchase tax or value-added tax: British industry, indirect taxation and European integration in the 1960s. Series: Euroclio. Etudes et documents (37). Peter Lang. ISBN 9789052010458


Ringe, A., Rollings, N. and Middleton, R. (2004) Economic policy under the Conservatives, 1951-64: a guide to documents in the National Archives of the UK. Institute of Historical Research: London. ISBN 9781871348934

Rollings, N. and Kipping, M. (2004) Et netværk for industriens hoved-organisationer i 1950'erne'. In: Danish Business History Yearbook 2004. Erhvervsarkivet.


Rollings, N. (2003) The confederation of British industry and European integration in the 1960s. In: Daddow, O.J. (ed.) Harold Wilson and European integration. Series: Cass series - British foreign and colonial policy. Frank Cass, pp. 115-134. ISBN 0714652229


Rollings, N. (2001) Whitehall and the control of prices and profits in a major war, 1919-1939. Historical Journal, 44(2), pp. 517-540. (doi: 10.1017/S0018246X0100187X)


Ringe, A. and Rollings, N. (2000) Responding to relative decline: the creation of the national economic development council. Economic History Review, 53(2), pp. 331-353. (doi: 10.1111/1468-0289.00163)

McKinlay, A., Mercer, H. and Rollings, N. (2000) Reluctant Europeans? The Federation of British Industries and European integration, 1945-63. Business History, 42(4), pp. 91-116. (doi: 10.1080/00076790000000303)


Rollings, N. (1994) 'Poor Mr Butskell: a short life, wrecked by Schizophrenia'? Twentieth Century British History, 5(2), pp. 183-205. (doi: 10.1093/tcbh/5.2.183)


Rollings, N. (1988) British budgetary policy 1945‐1954: a ‘Keynesian revolution’? Economic History Review, 41(2), pp. 283-298. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1988.tb00466.x)


Rollings, N. (1985) The “Keynesian Revolution” and economic policy‐making: a comment. Economic History Review, 38(1), pp. 95-100. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1985.tb00361.x)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:23:32 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 39.


Eichenberger, P., Rollings, N. and Schaufelbuehl, J. M. (2023) The brokers of globalization: towards a history of business associations in the international arena. Business History, 65(2), pp. 217-234. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2022.2112671)

Rollings, N. (2023) The development of transnational business associations during the twentieth century. Business History, 65(2), pp. 235-259. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2021.1958783)

Rollings, N. (2023) Business and global capitalism: continuities and change. Business History Review, 97(3), pp. 620-626. (doi: 10.1017/S0007680523000429)

Lerner, J., Lomi, A., Mowbray, J., Rollings, N. and Tranmer, M. (2021) Dynamic network analysis of contact diaries. Social Networks, 66, pp. 224-236. (doi: 10.1016/j.socnet.2021.04.001)

Rollings, N. (2021) “The vast and unsolved enigma of power”: Business history and business power. Enterprise and Society, 22(4), pp. 893-920. (doi: 10.1017/eso.2021.53)

Rollings, N. (2020) Babcock and Wilcox Ltd., the ‘Babcock Family’ and regulation 17/62: a business response to new competition policy in the early 1960s. Business History, 62(5), pp. 743-762. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2017.1310197)

Rollings, N. and Warlouzet, L. (2020) Business history and European integration: How EEC competition policy affected companies’ strategies. Business History, 62(5), pp. 717-742. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2018.1488966)

Rollings, N. and Warlouzet, L. (2020) Business History and European Integration: How EEC Competition Policy Affected Companies’ Strategies [Guest Editors]. Business History, 62(5),

Colli, A., Decker, S., de Jong, A., Fernández Pérez, P., Rollings, N. and Stokes, R. (2016) Editorial: special issues in Business History. Business History, 58(1), pp. 1-5. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2015.1060961)

Rollings, N. (2016) The boards of UK nationalised industries and their members c.1950-c.1979. Rivista di Politica Economica, 2015(7-9), pp. 89-110.

Rollings, N. (2014) The twilight world of British business politics: the Spring Sunningdale conferences since the 1960s. Business History, 56(6), pp. 915-935. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2013.847429)

Stokes, R. , Colli, A., Decker, S., Fernández Pérez, P., de Jong, A. and Rollings, N. (2014) Editorial. Business History, 56(2), pp. 336-339. (doi: 10.1080/00076791.2014.887809)

Rollings, N. (2013) Cracks in the post-war Keynesian settlement? The role of organised business in Britain in the rise of neoliberalism before Margaret Thatcher. Twentieth-Century British History, 24(4), pp. 637-659. (doi: 10.1093/tcbh/hwt005)

Rollings, N. (2011) Multinational enterprise and government controls on outward foreign direct investment in the US and UK in the 1960's. Enterprise and Society, 12(2), pp. 398-434. (doi: 10.1093/es/khq126)

Rollings, N. (2008) Private transnational governance in the heyday of the nation-state: the Council of European Industrial Federations (CEIF). Economic History Review, 61(2), pp. 409-431. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.2007.00399.x)

Rollings, N. (2007) British business history : a review of the periodical literature for 2005. Business History, 49(3), pp. 271-292. (doi: 10.1080/00076790701294956)

Rollings, N. (2001) Whitehall and the control of prices and profits in a major war, 1919-1939. Historical Journal, 44(2), pp. 517-540. (doi: 10.1017/S0018246X0100187X)

Ringe, A. and Rollings, N. (2000) Responding to relative decline: the creation of the national economic development council. Economic History Review, 53(2), pp. 331-353. (doi: 10.1111/1468-0289.00163)

McKinlay, A., Mercer, H. and Rollings, N. (2000) Reluctant Europeans? The Federation of British Industries and European integration, 1945-63. Business History, 42(4), pp. 91-116. (doi: 10.1080/00076790000000303)

Rollings, N. (1994) 'Poor Mr Butskell: a short life, wrecked by Schizophrenia'? Twentieth Century British History, 5(2), pp. 183-205. (doi: 10.1093/tcbh/5.2.183)

Rollings, N. (1988) British budgetary policy 1945‐1954: a ‘Keynesian revolution’? Economic History Review, 41(2), pp. 283-298. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1988.tb00466.x)

Rollings, N. (1985) The “Keynesian Revolution” and economic policy‐making: a comment. Economic History Review, 38(1), pp. 95-100. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1985.tb00361.x)


Rollings, N. (2007) British business in the formative years of European integration, 1945-1973. Series: Cambridge studies in the emergence of global enterprise. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge ; New York, NY. ISBN 9780521888110 (doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511511929)

Ringe, A., Rollings, N. and Middleton, R. (2004) Economic policy under the Conservatives, 1951-64: a guide to documents in the National Archives of the UK. Institute of Historical Research: London. ISBN 9781871348934

Book Sections

Rollings, N. (2024) Industry associations: approaches to understanding industry collective action and its impact on industry dynamics. In: Kipping, M., Kurosawa, T. and Westney, D. E. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Industry Dynamics. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190933463 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190933463.013.23) (In Press)

Rollings, N. (2024) ”A few pike in a trout river”? Hostile take-over bids and dividend restraint: the debate in government in the 1950s. In: Barnes, V. and Hardman, J. (eds.) The Origins of Company Law: Methods and Approaches. Hart Publishing: London. (Accepted for Publication)

Rollings, N. (2021) Organised business and the rise of neoliberalism: The Confederation of British Industry 1965-1990s. In: Davies, A., Jackson, B. and Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, F. (eds.) The Neoliberal Age? Britain since the 1970s. UCL Press: London, pp. 279-298. ISBN 9781787356856

Rollings, N. (2019) Government and regulators. In: Lopes, T. d. S., Lubinski, C. and Tworek, H. J.S. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Global Business. Series: Routledge companions in business, management and accounting. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 95-108. ISBN 9781138242654 (doi: 10.4324/9781315277813-6)

Rollings, N. (2017) The boards of UK nationalised industries and their members c.1950–c.1979. In: Felisini, D. (ed.) Reassessing the Role of Management in the Golden Age: An International Comparison of Public Sector Managers 1945–1975. Series: Central issues in contemporary economic theory and policy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 17-37. ISBN 9783319487212 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-48722-9_3)

Rollings, N. (2017) Between business and academia in post-war Britain: three advocates of neoliberalism at the heart of the British business community. In: Backhouse, R. E., Bateman, B. W., Nishizawa, T. and Plehwe, D. (eds.) Liberalism and the Welfare State: Economists and Arguments for the Welfare State. Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 110-117. ISBN 9780190676681 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190676681.003.0006)

Rollings, N. and Kipping, M. (2013) La crisi dell "economia mista": una comparizione internazionale. In: Silva, F. (ed.) Storia dell’IRI. I difficili anni ’70 e i tentative di rilancio negli anni ’80 1973-1989. Fintecna: Rome, pp. 574-615. ISBN 9788858106877

Rollings, N. (2013) Business Eurofederations and European integration from the Second World War to the 1970s. In: Fraboulet, D., Locatelli, A. M. and Tedeschi, P. (eds.) Historical and International Comparison of Business Interest Associations, 19th-20th Centuries. Series: International Issues (29). Peter Lang: Brussels, pp. 175-192. ISBN 9782875740973

Rollings, N. and Moguen-Toursel, M. (2012) European organised business and European integration in the post-Second World War period. In: Internationale Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensbeziehungen nach 1945. Series: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte (2012/1). Akademie Verlag: Berlin, pp. 103-123. ISBN 9783050056678 (doi: 10.1524/jbwg.2012.0006)

Moguen-Toursel, M. and Rollings, N. (2011) Les apports de la business history à l’histoire de l’intégration européenne. In: Badel, L. and Michel, H. (eds.) Patronats et Integration Européenne: Pour un Dialogue Disciplinaire Raisonné. Series: Cahiers de fare (1). L'Harmattan: Paris, pp. 61-72. ISBN 9782296554986

Rollings, N. (2007) Britain and Europe. In: Carnevali, F. and Strange, J.-M. (eds.) Twentieth-century Britain: economic, social, and cultural change. Longman, pp. 339-353. ISBN 9780582772878

Rollings, N. (2007) Firm strategies and public policy in integrated Europe (1950-1980). In: Moguen-Toursel, M. (ed.) Purchase tax or value-added tax: British industry, indirect taxation and European integration in the 1960s. Series: Euroclio. Etudes et documents (37). Peter Lang. ISBN 9789052010458

Rollings, N. and Kipping, M. (2004) Et netværk for industriens hoved-organisationer i 1950'erne'. In: Danish Business History Yearbook 2004. Erhvervsarkivet.

Rollings, N. (2003) The confederation of British industry and European integration in the 1960s. In: Daddow, O.J. (ed.) Harold Wilson and European integration. Series: Cass series - British foreign and colonial policy. Frank Cass, pp. 115-134. ISBN 0714652229

Research Reports or Papers

Pitteloud, S., Ballor, G., Clavin, P., Perrone, N. M., Rollings, N. and Slobodian, Q. (2022) Capitalism and Global Governance in Business History: A Roundtable Discussion. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:23:32 2025 GMT.


  • AHRB Research Fellowship, October - December 2003
  • 'Economic policy under the Conservatives 1951-64: a guide to documents at the Public Record Office' (with R Lowe and R Middleton), ESRC grant, October 1998-April 2002, graded outstanding
  • Economic History Society Carnevali Small Researc Grant (£3500) January-June 2017
  • ESRC Transformation Research Grant (with Mark Tranmer) 'Quantitative network analysis of appointment diaries' (£251,581) November 2018 - August 2020