Dr Neil Munro

  • Senior Lecturer in Chinese Politics (Political & International Studies)

telephone: 0141 3307628
email: Neil.Munro@glasgow.ac.uk

College of Social Sciences, School of Social & Political Sciences, Adam Smith Building, Glasgow, G12 8RT

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-9694-9701


I have a BA (combined honours) in Chinese and Russian (Queensland, 1990) and a PhD in public policy from University of Strathclyde (2004).

Prior to joining U. Glasgow in 2011, I held research posts at the Universities of Aberdeen (2005-2010) and Strathclyde (1997-2005). I also worked in the Forestry Commission of Great Britain (1992-1996).

Research interests

  • Strategic culture
  • Democratization
  • Health care
  • Environmental governance

Research groups


Selected publications

Munro, N. and Yi, D. (2025) China’s Strategic Culture and Cross-Strait Relations: A Perilous Triangle. Routledge. (Accepted for Publication)

Munro, N. , Chng, N. R. and Chen, L. (2024) Green shoots of revival: political leadership and the differentiation of space in a “Zero Pollution Village” in rural Zhejiang, China. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 35(2), pp. 57-74. (doi: 10.1080/10455752.2023.2178945)

Munro, N. and He, Z. (2023) Exit and voice strategies by patients in dealing with incentive structures in the Chinese healthcare system. In: Jacobs, Lesley A., Wada, Yoshitaka and Vertinsky, Ilan (eds.) Global Health Security in China, Japan, and India: Assessing Sustainable Development Goals. Series: Asia Pacific legal culture and globalization. UBC Press: Vancouver. ISBN 9780774867702

Munro, N. (2021) Explaining public participation in environmental governance in China. Environmental Values, 30(4), pp. 453-475. (doi: 10.3197/096327120X15868540131314)

Munro, N. (2018) Does refusal bias influence the measurement of Chinese political trust? Journal of Contemporary China, 27(111), pp. 457-471. (doi: 10.1080/10670564.2018.1410981)

Munro, N. (2017) Predictors of support for state for state social welfare provision in Russia and China. Europe-Asia Studies, 69(1), pp. 53-75. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2016.1265643)

Duckett, J. , Hunt, K. , Munro, N. and Sutton, M. (2016) Does distrust in providers affect health-care utilization in China? Health Policy and Planning, 31(8), pp. 1001-1009. (doi: 10.1093/heapol/czw024) (PMID:27117483) (PMCID:PMC5013779)

Munro, N. and Duckett, J. (2016) Explaining public satisfaction with health care systems: findings from a nationwide survey in China. Health Expectations, 19(3), pp. 654-666. (doi: 10.1111/hex.12429) (PMID:26595456) (PMCID:PMC4991297)

Munro, N. (2014) Profiling the victims: public awareness of pollution-related harm in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 23(86), pp. 314-329. (doi: 10.1080/10670564.2013.832532)

Munro, N. (2012) Connections, paperwork or passivity: strategies of popular engagement with the Chinese bureaucracy. China Journal, 68, pp. 147-176. (doi: 10.1086/666576)

Munro, N. and Kweka, O. (2021) Trust in providers of domestic water: a comparison of the public utility and informal vendors in Dar es Salaam. Journal of Development Studies, 57(10), pp. 1710-1722. (doi: 10.1080/00220388.2021.1887479)

Munro, N. (2022) China's identity through a historical lens [Special Issue on Strategic Culture]. Journal of Advanced Military Studies, 2022, pp. 35-48. (doi: 10.21140/mcuj.2022SIstratcul003)

Munro, N. (2018) 'Market justice' in China and Russia. Journal of Chinese Governance, 3(3), pp. 307-330. (doi: 10.1080/23812346.2018.1490102)

All publications

List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
Number of items: 47.


Munro, N. and Yi, D. (2025) China’s Strategic Culture and Cross-Strait Relations: A Perilous Triangle. Routledge. (Accepted for Publication)


Munro, N. , Chng, N. R. and Chen, L. (2024) Green shoots of revival: political leadership and the differentiation of space in a “Zero Pollution Village” in rural Zhejiang, China. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 35(2), pp. 57-74. (doi: 10.1080/10455752.2023.2178945)


Naylor, L. , Dungait, J., Hallett, P., Munro, N. , Stanton, A. and Quine, T. (2023) Earth’s Critical Zone Remains a Mystery Without its People. [Website]

Naylor, L. A. , Zheng, Y., Munro, N. , Stanton, A., Wang, W., Chng, N. R. , Oliver, D. M., Dungait, J. A.J. and Waldron, S. (2023) Bringing social science into Critical Zone science: exploring smallholder farmers’ learning preferences in Chinese human-modified critical zones. Earth's Future, 11(9), e2022EF003. (doi: 10.1029/2022EF003472)

Munro, N. and He, Z. (2023) Exit and voice strategies by patients in dealing with incentive structures in the Chinese healthcare system. In: Jacobs, L. A., Wada, Y. and Vertinsky, I. (eds.) Global Health Security in China, Japan, and India: Assessing Sustainable Development Goals. Series: Asia Pacific legal culture and globalization. UBC Press: Vancouver. ISBN 9780774867702


Duckett, J. and Munro, N. (2022) Authoritarian regime legitimacy and health care provision: survey evidence from contemporary China. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 47(3), pp. 375-409. (doi: 10.1215/03616878-9626894) (PMID:34847220)

Munro, N. (2022) China's identity through a historical lens [Special Issue on Strategic Culture]. Journal of Advanced Military Studies, 2022, pp. 35-48. (doi: 10.21140/mcuj.2022SIstratcul003)


Munro, N. and Kweka, O. (2021) Trust in providers of domestic water: a comparison of the public utility and informal vendors in Dar es Salaam. Journal of Development Studies, 57(10), pp. 1710-1722. (doi: 10.1080/00220388.2021.1887479)

Munro, N. (2021) Explaining public participation in environmental governance in China. Environmental Values, 30(4), pp. 453-475. (doi: 10.3197/096327120X15868540131314)


Munro, N. (2018) Does refusal bias influence the measurement of Chinese political trust? Journal of Contemporary China, 27(111), pp. 457-471. (doi: 10.1080/10670564.2018.1410981)

Munro, N. (2018) 'Market justice' in China and Russia. Journal of Chinese Governance, 3(3), pp. 307-330. (doi: 10.1080/23812346.2018.1490102)

Munro, N. and Kweka, O. (2018) Social Accountability for Safe and Sustainable Domestic Water Provision in Dar es Salaam and Morogoro. [Research Reports or Papers]


White, S., McAllister, I. and Munro, N. (2017) Economic inequality and political stability in Russia and China. Europe-Asia Studies, 69(1), pp. 1-7. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2016.1270580)

Munro, N. (2017) Predictors of support for state for state social welfare provision in Russia and China. Europe-Asia Studies, 69(1), pp. 53-75. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2016.1265643)


Duckett, J. , Hunt, K. , Munro, N. and Sutton, M. (2016) Does distrust in providers affect health-care utilization in China? Health Policy and Planning, 31(8), pp. 1001-1009. (doi: 10.1093/heapol/czw024) (PMID:27117483) (PMCID:PMC5013779)

Munro, N. and Duckett, J. (2016) Explaining public satisfaction with health care systems: findings from a nationwide survey in China. Health Expectations, 19(3), pp. 654-666. (doi: 10.1111/hex.12429) (PMID:26595456) (PMCID:PMC4991297)


Munro, N. (2015) Patterns of China–Russia cooperation in multilateral forums. In: Brown, K. (ed.) The EU-China Relationship: European Perspectives. A Manual for Policy Makers. Imperial College Press: London. ISBN 9781783264544

Munro, N. (2015) Pinggu Zhongguo gongzhong canyu huanjing zhili youxiaoxing de di yi bu. In: Yu, W. (ed.) Zhong Wai huanjing gonggong zhili bijiao yanjiu = Comparative Research on Public Environmental Governance in China and Abroad. China Environmental Science Press, pp. 72-94. ISBN 9787511124029

Munro, N. (2015) Zhong Ou gongzhong canyu huanjing zhili de youxiaoxing duibi. In: Yu, W. (ed.) Zhong Wai huanjing gonggong zhili bijiao yanjiu = Comparative Research on Public Environmental Governance in China and Abroad. China Environmental Science Press, pp. 49-71. ISBN 9787511124029

Munro, N. (2015) Zhongguo gongzhong jiaru huanjing NGO yiyuan de shehui zhengzhi jichu: yi xiang youguan shehui ningjuli de yanjiu. In: Yu, W. (ed.) Zhong Wai huanjing gonggong zhili bijiao yanjiu = Comparative Research on Public Environmental Governance in China and Abroad. China Environmental Science Press, pp. 24-48. ISBN 9787511124029

Zhang, G., Lin, K. and Munro, N. (2015) European experience of public participation in environmental governance. In: Lin, K. and Lv, H. (eds.) International Experience of Environmental Protection and Public Participation. China Environmental Press: Beijing, China, pp. 25-68. ISBN 9787511124524


Chng, N. R. and Munro, N. (2014) The Comparative Effectiveness of Participation in Environmental Governance in China and Europe. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

Munro, N. (2014) Profiling the victims: public awareness of pollution-related harm in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 23(86), pp. 314-329. (doi: 10.1080/10670564.2013.832532)

Munro, N. and Chng, N. R. (2014) First Steps Towards Evaluating the Effectiveness of Participation in Environmental Governance in China. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)


Munro, N. (2013) Chinese Strategies for Getting Health Care: Guanxi and its Alternatives. [Research Reports or Papers]

Munro, N. (2013) The socio-political bases of willingness to join environmental NGOs in China: a study in social cohesion. International Journal of Social Quality, 3(1), pp. 57-81. (doi: 10.3167/IJSQ.2013.030105)


Munro, N. (2012) Connections, paperwork or passivity: strategies of popular engagement with the Chinese bureaucracy. China Journal, 68, pp. 147-176. (doi: 10.1086/666576)


Rose, R., Mishler, W. and Munro, N.M. (2011) Popular Support for an Undemocratic Regime: the Changing Views of Russians. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9781107009523


Rose, R. and Munro, N. (2010) United Kingdom. In: Nohlen, D. and Stöver, P. (eds.) Elections in Europe: A Data Handbook. Nomos: Baden-Baden, Germany, pp. 2001-2034. ISBN 9783832956097


Rose, R., Munro, N. and Wallace, C. (2009) Quality of Life in Europe, 2003-2007: Second European Quality of Life Survey. European Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions: Dublin.

Rose, R. and Munro, N.M. (2009) Parties and Elections in New European Democracies. Series: ECPR Press series. ECPR Press: Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, England. ISBN 9780955820328


Munro, N. (2008) Democracy postponed: Chinese learning from the Soviet collapse. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 37(4), pp. 31-61.

Rose, R., Mishler, W. and Munro, N. (2008) Time matters: adapting to transformation. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 24(1), pp. 90-114. (doi: 10.1080/13523270701840480)


Munro, N. (2007) Which way does Ukraine face? Popular orientations towards Russia and Western Europe. Problems of Post-Communism, 54(6), pp. 43-58.


Munro, N. (2006) Russia's persistent communist legacy: nostalgia, reaction and reactionary expectations. Post-Soviet Affairs, 22(4), pp. 289-313. (doi: 10.2747/1060-586X.22.4.289)

Rose, R., Berglund, S. and Munro, N. (2006) Baltic identities and interests in a European setting. In: McGarry, J. and Keating, M. (eds.) European Integration and the Nationalities Question. Series: Routledge innovations in political theory (21). Routledge: London, UK, pp. 308-328. ISBN 9780415401005

Rose, R., Mishler, W. and Munro, N.M. (2006) Russia Transformed: Developing Popular Support for a New Regime. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, England. ISBN 9780521871754


Rose, R., Munro, N. and Mishler, W. (2004) Resigned acceptance of an incomplete democracy: Russia's political equilibrium. Post-Soviet Affairs, 20(3), pp. 195-218. (doi: 10.2747/1060-586X.20.3.195)


White, S., Munro, N. and Rose, R. (2003) Parties, voters and foreign policy. In: Hesli, V. and Reisinger, W. (eds.) The 1999-2000 Elections in Russia: Their Impact and Legacy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 51-72. ISBN 9780521816762 (doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511550355.003)


Munro, N. (2002) Post-Communist regime support in space and time context. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 18(2), pp. 103-125. (doi: 10.1080/714003603)

Rose, R. and Munro, N.M. (2002) Elections Without Order: Russia's Challenge to Vladimir Putin. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, England. ISBN 9780521816090


Rose, R., Munro, N. and White, S. (2001) Voting in a floating party system: The 1999 Duma election. Europe-Asia Studies, 53(3), pp. 419-443. (doi: 10.1080/09668130120045870)


Rose, R., Munro, N. and White, S. (2000) The 1999 Duma Vote: A Floating Party System. Studies in Public Policy(331),

Rose, R., Munro, N. and White, S. (2000) How strong is Vladimir Putin's support? Post-Soviet Affairs, 16(4), pp. 287-312.

Rose, R., Munro, N. and White, S. (2000) How Strong Is Vladimir Putin's Support?: A Study in Breadth, Commitment and Durability. Studies in Public Policy(332),

White, S., Munro, N. and Rose, R. (2000) Russian Voters and Foreign Policy. Studies in Public Policy(334),


Rose, R., Shin, D.C. and Munro, N. (1999) Tension between the democratic ideal and reality: the Korean example. In: Norris, P. (ed.) Critical Citizens: Global Support for Democratic Government. Oxford University Press: Oxford, England, pp. 146-165. ISBN 9780198295686

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 13:10:27 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 47.


Munro, N. , Chng, N. R. and Chen, L. (2024) Green shoots of revival: political leadership and the differentiation of space in a “Zero Pollution Village” in rural Zhejiang, China. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 35(2), pp. 57-74. (doi: 10.1080/10455752.2023.2178945)

Naylor, L. A. , Zheng, Y., Munro, N. , Stanton, A., Wang, W., Chng, N. R. , Oliver, D. M., Dungait, J. A.J. and Waldron, S. (2023) Bringing social science into Critical Zone science: exploring smallholder farmers’ learning preferences in Chinese human-modified critical zones. Earth's Future, 11(9), e2022EF003. (doi: 10.1029/2022EF003472)

Duckett, J. and Munro, N. (2022) Authoritarian regime legitimacy and health care provision: survey evidence from contemporary China. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 47(3), pp. 375-409. (doi: 10.1215/03616878-9626894) (PMID:34847220)

Munro, N. (2022) China's identity through a historical lens [Special Issue on Strategic Culture]. Journal of Advanced Military Studies, 2022, pp. 35-48. (doi: 10.21140/mcuj.2022SIstratcul003)

Munro, N. and Kweka, O. (2021) Trust in providers of domestic water: a comparison of the public utility and informal vendors in Dar es Salaam. Journal of Development Studies, 57(10), pp. 1710-1722. (doi: 10.1080/00220388.2021.1887479)

Munro, N. (2021) Explaining public participation in environmental governance in China. Environmental Values, 30(4), pp. 453-475. (doi: 10.3197/096327120X15868540131314)

Munro, N. (2018) Does refusal bias influence the measurement of Chinese political trust? Journal of Contemporary China, 27(111), pp. 457-471. (doi: 10.1080/10670564.2018.1410981)

Munro, N. (2018) 'Market justice' in China and Russia. Journal of Chinese Governance, 3(3), pp. 307-330. (doi: 10.1080/23812346.2018.1490102)

White, S., McAllister, I. and Munro, N. (2017) Economic inequality and political stability in Russia and China. Europe-Asia Studies, 69(1), pp. 1-7. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2016.1270580)

Munro, N. (2017) Predictors of support for state for state social welfare provision in Russia and China. Europe-Asia Studies, 69(1), pp. 53-75. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2016.1265643)

Duckett, J. , Hunt, K. , Munro, N. and Sutton, M. (2016) Does distrust in providers affect health-care utilization in China? Health Policy and Planning, 31(8), pp. 1001-1009. (doi: 10.1093/heapol/czw024) (PMID:27117483) (PMCID:PMC5013779)

Munro, N. and Duckett, J. (2016) Explaining public satisfaction with health care systems: findings from a nationwide survey in China. Health Expectations, 19(3), pp. 654-666. (doi: 10.1111/hex.12429) (PMID:26595456) (PMCID:PMC4991297)

Munro, N. (2014) Profiling the victims: public awareness of pollution-related harm in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 23(86), pp. 314-329. (doi: 10.1080/10670564.2013.832532)

Munro, N. (2013) The socio-political bases of willingness to join environmental NGOs in China: a study in social cohesion. International Journal of Social Quality, 3(1), pp. 57-81. (doi: 10.3167/IJSQ.2013.030105)

Munro, N. (2012) Connections, paperwork or passivity: strategies of popular engagement with the Chinese bureaucracy. China Journal, 68, pp. 147-176. (doi: 10.1086/666576)

Munro, N. (2008) Democracy postponed: Chinese learning from the Soviet collapse. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 37(4), pp. 31-61.

Rose, R., Mishler, W. and Munro, N. (2008) Time matters: adapting to transformation. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 24(1), pp. 90-114. (doi: 10.1080/13523270701840480)

Munro, N. (2007) Which way does Ukraine face? Popular orientations towards Russia and Western Europe. Problems of Post-Communism, 54(6), pp. 43-58.

Munro, N. (2006) Russia's persistent communist legacy: nostalgia, reaction and reactionary expectations. Post-Soviet Affairs, 22(4), pp. 289-313. (doi: 10.2747/1060-586X.22.4.289)

Rose, R., Munro, N. and Mishler, W. (2004) Resigned acceptance of an incomplete democracy: Russia's political equilibrium. Post-Soviet Affairs, 20(3), pp. 195-218. (doi: 10.2747/1060-586X.20.3.195)

Munro, N. (2002) Post-Communist regime support in space and time context. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 18(2), pp. 103-125. (doi: 10.1080/714003603)

Rose, R., Munro, N. and White, S. (2001) Voting in a floating party system: The 1999 Duma election. Europe-Asia Studies, 53(3), pp. 419-443. (doi: 10.1080/09668130120045870)

Rose, R., Munro, N. and White, S. (2000) The 1999 Duma Vote: A Floating Party System. Studies in Public Policy(331),

Rose, R., Munro, N. and White, S. (2000) How strong is Vladimir Putin's support? Post-Soviet Affairs, 16(4), pp. 287-312.

Rose, R., Munro, N. and White, S. (2000) How Strong Is Vladimir Putin's Support?: A Study in Breadth, Commitment and Durability. Studies in Public Policy(332),

White, S., Munro, N. and Rose, R. (2000) Russian Voters and Foreign Policy. Studies in Public Policy(334),


Munro, N. and Yi, D. (2025) China’s Strategic Culture and Cross-Strait Relations: A Perilous Triangle. Routledge. (Accepted for Publication)

Rose, R., Mishler, W. and Munro, N.M. (2011) Popular Support for an Undemocratic Regime: the Changing Views of Russians. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9781107009523

Rose, R., Munro, N. and Wallace, C. (2009) Quality of Life in Europe, 2003-2007: Second European Quality of Life Survey. European Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions: Dublin.

Rose, R. and Munro, N.M. (2009) Parties and Elections in New European Democracies. Series: ECPR Press series. ECPR Press: Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, England. ISBN 9780955820328

Rose, R., Mishler, W. and Munro, N.M. (2006) Russia Transformed: Developing Popular Support for a New Regime. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, England. ISBN 9780521871754

Rose, R. and Munro, N.M. (2002) Elections Without Order: Russia's Challenge to Vladimir Putin. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, England. ISBN 9780521816090

Book Sections

Munro, N. and He, Z. (2023) Exit and voice strategies by patients in dealing with incentive structures in the Chinese healthcare system. In: Jacobs, L. A., Wada, Y. and Vertinsky, I. (eds.) Global Health Security in China, Japan, and India: Assessing Sustainable Development Goals. Series: Asia Pacific legal culture and globalization. UBC Press: Vancouver. ISBN 9780774867702

Munro, N. (2015) Patterns of China–Russia cooperation in multilateral forums. In: Brown, K. (ed.) The EU-China Relationship: European Perspectives. A Manual for Policy Makers. Imperial College Press: London. ISBN 9781783264544

Munro, N. (2015) Pinggu Zhongguo gongzhong canyu huanjing zhili youxiaoxing de di yi bu. In: Yu, W. (ed.) Zhong Wai huanjing gonggong zhili bijiao yanjiu = Comparative Research on Public Environmental Governance in China and Abroad. China Environmental Science Press, pp. 72-94. ISBN 9787511124029

Munro, N. (2015) Zhong Ou gongzhong canyu huanjing zhili de youxiaoxing duibi. In: Yu, W. (ed.) Zhong Wai huanjing gonggong zhili bijiao yanjiu = Comparative Research on Public Environmental Governance in China and Abroad. China Environmental Science Press, pp. 49-71. ISBN 9787511124029

Munro, N. (2015) Zhongguo gongzhong jiaru huanjing NGO yiyuan de shehui zhengzhi jichu: yi xiang youguan shehui ningjuli de yanjiu. In: Yu, W. (ed.) Zhong Wai huanjing gonggong zhili bijiao yanjiu = Comparative Research on Public Environmental Governance in China and Abroad. China Environmental Science Press, pp. 24-48. ISBN 9787511124029

Zhang, G., Lin, K. and Munro, N. (2015) European experience of public participation in environmental governance. In: Lin, K. and Lv, H. (eds.) International Experience of Environmental Protection and Public Participation. China Environmental Press: Beijing, China, pp. 25-68. ISBN 9787511124524

Rose, R. and Munro, N. (2010) United Kingdom. In: Nohlen, D. and Stöver, P. (eds.) Elections in Europe: A Data Handbook. Nomos: Baden-Baden, Germany, pp. 2001-2034. ISBN 9783832956097

Rose, R., Berglund, S. and Munro, N. (2006) Baltic identities and interests in a European setting. In: McGarry, J. and Keating, M. (eds.) European Integration and the Nationalities Question. Series: Routledge innovations in political theory (21). Routledge: London, UK, pp. 308-328. ISBN 9780415401005

White, S., Munro, N. and Rose, R. (2003) Parties, voters and foreign policy. In: Hesli, V. and Reisinger, W. (eds.) The 1999-2000 Elections in Russia: Their Impact and Legacy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 51-72. ISBN 9780521816762 (doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511550355.003)

Rose, R., Shin, D.C. and Munro, N. (1999) Tension between the democratic ideal and reality: the Korean example. In: Norris, P. (ed.) Critical Citizens: Global Support for Democratic Government. Oxford University Press: Oxford, England, pp. 146-165. ISBN 9780198295686

Research Reports or Papers

Munro, N. and Kweka, O. (2018) Social Accountability for Safe and Sustainable Domestic Water Provision in Dar es Salaam and Morogoro. [Research Reports or Papers]

Chng, N. R. and Munro, N. (2014) The Comparative Effectiveness of Participation in Environmental Governance in China and Europe. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

Munro, N. and Chng, N. R. (2014) First Steps Towards Evaluating the Effectiveness of Participation in Environmental Governance in China. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

Munro, N. (2013) Chinese Strategies for Getting Health Care: Guanxi and its Alternatives. [Research Reports or Papers]


Naylor, L. , Dungait, J., Hallett, P., Munro, N. , Stanton, A. and Quine, T. (2023) Earth’s Critical Zone Remains a Mystery Without its People. [Website]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 13:10:27 2025 GMT.



  • Scottish Funding Council grant (SFC/AN/12/2017) Social Accountability for Sustainable Domestic Water in Dar es Salaam. September 2017-March 2018. Principal Investigator with Co-Investigators Nai Rui Chng, Marian Scott, Claire Miller, William Sloan and Stephanie Connelly (all Glasgow). £49,992.
  • ESRC grant (ES/J011487/1) Performance evaluations, trust and utilization of health care in China: understanding relationships between attitudes and health-related behaviour. March 201--February 2015. Co-Investigator with Jane Duckett (PI, Glasgow), Kate Hunt (Glasgow) and Matt Sutton (Manchester). £508,678.
  • ESRC grant (ES/J012688/1) Rising Powers: unequal powers, authoritarian powers, unstable powers? September 2012--August 2015. Co-Investigator with Stephen White (PI, Glasgow), Jane Duckett (Glasgow) and Ian McAllister (ANU). £574,174.
  • EU-China Environmental Governance Programme, Public participation of environmental governance in the Jiaxing model and its applicability in Zhejiang province. October 2012--September 2014. Consultant with Wei YU (PI, Zhejiang Provincial Government), Laurence Van Der Maesen (European Foundation for Social Quality), Hinrich Voss (Leeds), and Ka LIN (Zhejiang University). €420,000, of which €25,000 to U. Glasgow.


  • Bu, Wenchao
    How effective is China’s SO2 emissions regulation?
  • Chen, Hao
    The Main Driving Forces of China's Knowledge Economies Transition
  • Yi, Duanyi
    How unique was China's Nuclear Strategy ( 1964-1993)


Undergraduate Teaching

  • China's International Relations

Postgraduate Teaching

  • China's International Politics

Research datasets

Jump to: 2020 | 2015
Number of items: 2.


Munro, N. and Kweka, O. (2020) Social accountability for safe and sustainable domestic water provision in Tanzania 2018. [Data Collection]


Duckett, J. , Munro, N. , Sutton, M. A. and Hunt, K. (2015) China national health attitudes survey 2012-13. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 20:34:59 2025 GMT.

Additional information