Professor Myrto Tsakatika

  • Professor (Political & International Studies)

telephone: (0)1413303391

R1311 Level 13, Politics, Adam Smith Building, Glasgow G12 8RT

Import to contacts



Myrto Tsakatika (PhD Essex) joined the University of Glasgow in 2007. Previously she taught at the Athens University of Economics. She has held visiting positions at the University of Trieste, the Juan March Foundation in Madrid and the Centre Emile Durkheim at SciencesPo Bordeaux. Myrto’s research has focused on European Union politics and public policy, namely on the question of the ‘democratic ‘deficit’, trends in public Euroscepticism and new governance modes. More recently she has worked on radical left parties in comparative perspective and populism, particularly in Southern Europe (Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain).

Research interests

  • European Union institutions and governance
  • Politics of economic and social policy
  • Southern European politics
  • Radical left parties
  • Populism

Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2005 | 2004
Number of items: 32.


Tsakatika, M. (2024) Regional and local elections in Greece, 8 October 2023. BLUE: Electoral Bulletins of the European Union, 4,


Tsakatika, M. and Keith, D. (2023) Radical left party linkages. In: March, L., Escalona, F. and Keith, D. (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of the Radical Left. Palgrave Macmillan. (In Press)

Tsakatika, M. and Bankov, P. (2023) Europe: North and South. In: Stavrakakis, Y. and Katsambekis, G. (eds.) Elgar Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar. (Accepted for Publication)


Tsakatika, M. (2022) Political parties and social movements. In: Carter, N., Keith, D., Sindre, G. and Vasilopoulou, S. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Political Parties. Series: Routledge international handbooks. Routledge. ISBN 9780429263859


Tsakatika, M. (2021) Greece: from coalitions as a ‘state of exception’ to the new normal?'. In: Bergman, T., Bäck, H. and Hellström, J. (eds.) Coalition Governance in Western Europe. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 284-323. ISBN 9780198868484 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198868484.003.0009)

Font, N., Graziano, P. and Tsakatika, M. (2021) Varieties of inclusionary populism? SYRIZA, Podemos and the Five Star Movement. Government and Opposition, 56(1), pp. 163-183. (doi: 10.1017/gov.2019.17)


Tsakatika, M. (2020) Alexis Tsipras. In: Featherstone, K. and Sotiropoulos, D. A. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Modern Greek Politics. Series: Oxford handbooks. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198825104


Lisi, M., Llamazares, I. and Tsakatika, M. (2019) Economic crisis and the variety of populist response: Evidence from Greece, Portugal, and Spain. West European Politics, 42(6), pp. 1284-1309. (doi: 10.1080/01402382.2019.1596695)


Tsakatika, M. (2017) Assessing Syriza’s two years in power: how successful has the party been in office? LSE EUROPP European Politics and Policy Blog, 26 Jan.


Tsakatika, M. (2016) SYRIZA’S electoral rise in Greece: protest, trust and the art of political manipulation. South European Society and Politics, 21(4), pp. 519-540. (doi: 10.1080/13608746.2016.1239671)


Tsakatika, M. (2015) One hundred days of SYRIZA. Scottish Left Review(87), p. 23.

Tsakatika, M. (2015) Why are European leaders so afraid of Greece’s Syriza party? Conversation, 9 Jan.


Tsakatika, M. (2014) Enemy Brothers Socialists and Communists in France, Italy, and Spain. West European Politics, 37(1), pp. 233-234. (doi: 10.1080/01402382.2013.853523)[Book Review]

Tsakatika, M. (2014) SYRIZA y la izquierda en la política griega. In: Martín, I. and Tirado, I. (eds.) Grecia: aspectos políticos y juridico-economicos de la crisis. CEPS: Madrid.


Tsakatika, M. and Lisi, M. (Eds.) (2013) Transformations of the Radical Left in Southern Europe: Bringing Society Back In? Series: South European society and politics. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415869805

Serrichio, F., Tsakatika, M. and Quaglia, L. (2013) Euroscepticism and the global financial crisis. Journal of Common Market Studies, 51(1), pp. 51-64. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-5965.2012.02299.x)

Tsakatika, M. (2013) Syriza. In: Passas, A. (ed.) Greek Political Parties and European Integration: Thirty Years on (1981-2011) [In Greek]. Papazisis: Athens. (In Press)

Tsakatika, M. and Eleftheriou, C. (2013) The radical left's turn towards civil society in Greece: One strategy, two paths. South European Society and Politics, 18(1), pp. 81-99. (doi: 10.1080/13608746.2012.757455)

Tsakatika, M. and Lisi, M. (2013) Zippin’ up my boots, goin’ back to my roots: Radical left parties in Southern Europe. South European Society and Politics, 18(1), pp. 1-19. (doi: 10.1080/13608746.2012.758447)


Tsakatika, M. (2012) Book review: Left parties in national governments. Party Politics, 18(3), pp. 453-455. (doi: 10.1177/1354068812438604)[Book Review]

Tsakatika, M. (2012) Slovenian employment policy: 'soft' Europeanization by consensus. Europe-Asia Studies, 64(4), pp. 673-693. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2012.660765)


Kostantinidis, I. and Tsakatika, M. (2011) Anti-party sentiments in Greece: the comparative perspective [in Greek]. In: Vernardakis, C. (ed.) Public Opinion in Greece 2008-2010. Savalas: Athens. ISBN 9789604930050


Tsakatika, M. (2009) The Greek Coalition of the Left: turning Eurosceptic? International and European Politics [in Greek], 14, pp. 143-161.

Tsakatika, M. (2009) Slovenian employment policy from independence to EU membership: studying the impact of horizontal Europeanization. [Research Reports or Papers]

Tsakatika, M. , Xezonakis, G. and Bistis, A. (2009) Renewal of political personnel and postmaterialist values in the Greek Coalition of the Left. In: Constantinidis, G., Marantzidis, N. and Pappas, T. (eds.) Parties and Politics in Greece. Kritiki: Athens, pp. 271-306. ISBN 9789602186350


Tsakatika, M. (2008) Political Responsibility and the European Union. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719075155


Tsakatika, M. (2007) Governance vs. politics: the European Union's constitutive 'democratic deficit'. Journal of European Public Policy, 14(6), pp. 867-885. (doi: 10.1080/13501760701497840)

Tsakatika, M. (2007) A Parliamentary Dimension for EU Soft Governance. Journal of European Integration, 29(5), pp. 549-564. (doi: 10.1080/07036330701694873)

Tsakatika, M. (2007) The European Union and the democratic limits of governance. In: Della Sala, V. and Ruzza, C. (eds.) Civil Society and Governance in the European Union: Normative Perspectives. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719075063


Tsakatika, M. (2005) Claims to Legitimacy: The European Commission between Continuity and Change. Journal of Common Market Studies, 43(1), pp. 193-220. (doi: 10.1111/j.0021-9886.2005.00552.x)


Tsakatika, M. (2004) The open method of co-ordination in the European Convention: a lost opportunity? In: Dobson, L. and Follesdal, A. (eds.) Political Theory and the European Constitution. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415340670

Tsakatika, M. (2004) The weakness of the neo-institutionalist approaches: how political institutions change. Science and Society: Review of Political and Moral Theory, 13, pp. 135-166.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 15:11:37 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 32.


Tsakatika, M. (2024) Regional and local elections in Greece, 8 October 2023. BLUE: Electoral Bulletins of the European Union, 4,

Font, N., Graziano, P. and Tsakatika, M. (2021) Varieties of inclusionary populism? SYRIZA, Podemos and the Five Star Movement. Government and Opposition, 56(1), pp. 163-183. (doi: 10.1017/gov.2019.17)

Lisi, M., Llamazares, I. and Tsakatika, M. (2019) Economic crisis and the variety of populist response: Evidence from Greece, Portugal, and Spain. West European Politics, 42(6), pp. 1284-1309. (doi: 10.1080/01402382.2019.1596695)

Tsakatika, M. (2017) Assessing Syriza’s two years in power: how successful has the party been in office? LSE EUROPP European Politics and Policy Blog, 26 Jan.

Tsakatika, M. (2016) SYRIZA’S electoral rise in Greece: protest, trust and the art of political manipulation. South European Society and Politics, 21(4), pp. 519-540. (doi: 10.1080/13608746.2016.1239671)

Tsakatika, M. (2015) One hundred days of SYRIZA. Scottish Left Review(87), p. 23.

Tsakatika, M. (2015) Why are European leaders so afraid of Greece’s Syriza party? Conversation, 9 Jan.

Serrichio, F., Tsakatika, M. and Quaglia, L. (2013) Euroscepticism and the global financial crisis. Journal of Common Market Studies, 51(1), pp. 51-64. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-5965.2012.02299.x)

Tsakatika, M. and Eleftheriou, C. (2013) The radical left's turn towards civil society in Greece: One strategy, two paths. South European Society and Politics, 18(1), pp. 81-99. (doi: 10.1080/13608746.2012.757455)

Tsakatika, M. and Lisi, M. (2013) Zippin’ up my boots, goin’ back to my roots: Radical left parties in Southern Europe. South European Society and Politics, 18(1), pp. 1-19. (doi: 10.1080/13608746.2012.758447)

Tsakatika, M. (2012) Slovenian employment policy: 'soft' Europeanization by consensus. Europe-Asia Studies, 64(4), pp. 673-693. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2012.660765)

Tsakatika, M. (2009) The Greek Coalition of the Left: turning Eurosceptic? International and European Politics [in Greek], 14, pp. 143-161.

Tsakatika, M. (2007) Governance vs. politics: the European Union's constitutive 'democratic deficit'. Journal of European Public Policy, 14(6), pp. 867-885. (doi: 10.1080/13501760701497840)

Tsakatika, M. (2007) A Parliamentary Dimension for EU Soft Governance. Journal of European Integration, 29(5), pp. 549-564. (doi: 10.1080/07036330701694873)

Tsakatika, M. (2005) Claims to Legitimacy: The European Commission between Continuity and Change. Journal of Common Market Studies, 43(1), pp. 193-220. (doi: 10.1111/j.0021-9886.2005.00552.x)

Tsakatika, M. (2004) The weakness of the neo-institutionalist approaches: how political institutions change. Science and Society: Review of Political and Moral Theory, 13, pp. 135-166.


Tsakatika, M. (2008) Political Responsibility and the European Union. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719075155

Book Sections

Tsakatika, M. and Keith, D. (2023) Radical left party linkages. In: March, L., Escalona, F. and Keith, D. (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of the Radical Left. Palgrave Macmillan. (In Press)

Tsakatika, M. and Bankov, P. (2023) Europe: North and South. In: Stavrakakis, Y. and Katsambekis, G. (eds.) Elgar Research Handbook on Populism. Edward Elgar. (Accepted for Publication)

Tsakatika, M. (2022) Political parties and social movements. In: Carter, N., Keith, D., Sindre, G. and Vasilopoulou, S. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Political Parties. Series: Routledge international handbooks. Routledge. ISBN 9780429263859

Tsakatika, M. (2021) Greece: from coalitions as a ‘state of exception’ to the new normal?'. In: Bergman, T., Bäck, H. and Hellström, J. (eds.) Coalition Governance in Western Europe. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 284-323. ISBN 9780198868484 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198868484.003.0009)

Tsakatika, M. (2020) Alexis Tsipras. In: Featherstone, K. and Sotiropoulos, D. A. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Modern Greek Politics. Series: Oxford handbooks. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198825104

Tsakatika, M. (2014) SYRIZA y la izquierda en la política griega. In: Martín, I. and Tirado, I. (eds.) Grecia: aspectos políticos y juridico-economicos de la crisis. CEPS: Madrid.

Tsakatika, M. (2013) Syriza. In: Passas, A. (ed.) Greek Political Parties and European Integration: Thirty Years on (1981-2011) [In Greek]. Papazisis: Athens. (In Press)

Kostantinidis, I. and Tsakatika, M. (2011) Anti-party sentiments in Greece: the comparative perspective [in Greek]. In: Vernardakis, C. (ed.) Public Opinion in Greece 2008-2010. Savalas: Athens. ISBN 9789604930050

Tsakatika, M. , Xezonakis, G. and Bistis, A. (2009) Renewal of political personnel and postmaterialist values in the Greek Coalition of the Left. In: Constantinidis, G., Marantzidis, N. and Pappas, T. (eds.) Parties and Politics in Greece. Kritiki: Athens, pp. 271-306. ISBN 9789602186350

Tsakatika, M. (2007) The European Union and the democratic limits of governance. In: Della Sala, V. and Ruzza, C. (eds.) Civil Society and Governance in the European Union: Normative Perspectives. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719075063

Tsakatika, M. (2004) The open method of co-ordination in the European Convention: a lost opportunity? In: Dobson, L. and Follesdal, A. (eds.) Political Theory and the European Constitution. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415340670

Book Reviews

Tsakatika, M. (2014) Enemy Brothers Socialists and Communists in France, Italy, and Spain. West European Politics, 37(1), pp. 233-234. (doi: 10.1080/01402382.2013.853523)[Book Review]

Tsakatika, M. (2012) Book review: Left parties in national governments. Party Politics, 18(3), pp. 453-455. (doi: 10.1177/1354068812438604)[Book Review]

Edited Books

Tsakatika, M. and Lisi, M. (Eds.) (2013) Transformations of the Radical Left in Southern Europe: Bringing Society Back In? Series: South European society and politics. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415869805

Research Reports or Papers

Tsakatika, M. (2009) Slovenian employment policy from independence to EU membership: studying the impact of horizontal Europeanization. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 15:11:37 2025 GMT.


  • Values and the European Union, UACES study group funding - £1200, 2008-2010
  • The Greek and Portuguese left on European Integration: organization, strategy, ideology, Carnegie Trust - £1,420. April 2010
  • The weakest link: changing patterns of party competition and the politics of protest in Southern Europe, Caledonian Research Foundation/Royal Society of Edinburgh Visiting Research Fellowship - £2,000. February 2012
  • Parliamentary Democracy in Europe (PADEMIA) Erasmus Network for Teaching and Research, EACEA, co-ordinator of the Glasgow team - £1,741, 2013-2016
  • South European Studies (EUROSUD) Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree funding, EACEA - 3,7 m Euro, 2018-2024




Current PhD students


  • Cook, Michelle
    ‘Are populists a menace for world peace? A comparative study of domestic populism and foreign policies in the United States and Greece'
  • Naeem, Nida

Recent PhD students

Ekaterina Tolstukha, 'The democratic deficit of the European Union revisited. A dynamic network analysis of the Institutional Reform debate in the European Union'

Petar Bankov, 'The electoral performance of Radical Left Parties: the role of party organisation at sub-national level'

Wanpat Youngmavittaya, 'A critical Reflection on Michael J Sandel: Rethinking Communitarianism and the Politics of the Common Good'

Giannis Vassilopoulos, 'Organised Interests and European Integration: the course of Greek Business towards the EEC'

David A. Alexander, 'The Sources of Committee Influence in the European Parliament'

Michael Scanlan, 'Inclusionary Populism: Old Antagonisms, New Challenges'

Matthias Dapprich, 'The Historical Development of West Germany's New Left with particular emphasis on the Marxistische Gruppe and the K-Gruppen'



pre-Honours Teaching 

Level 1A - Introduction to Liberal Democracy 


Undergraduate Teaching

Politics of the European Union


Postgraduate Teaching

Politics and Society in Southern Europe

Additional information

Other Roles

  • Programme Director, ERASMUS MUNDUS International Master in South European Studies (EUROSUD) 
  • Associate Editor, South European Society and Politics
  • Member of Advisory Board, Greek Review of Social Research
  • Politics and International Relations Honours Convenor (curriculum)