Professor Michele Burman

  • Professor of Criminology (Sociological & Cultural Studies)


Room 202a, Ivy Lodge, Gibson Street, Glasgow, G12 8LT

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With a background in sociology, psychology and law, Michele Burman is a feminist criminologist with long-standing research interests in women and crime, and responses to gender-based violence.

Before joining the University of Glasgow, Michele previously worked at the Universities of Edinburgh and Aberdeen and also worked in the Scottish Government. From 2015 – 2019, Michele was the Head of the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow.

An experienced research leader, Michele co-founded and led the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR), a unique, cross-institutional partnership between 4 Scottish universities, for 10 years from 2006 – 2016.  For five years, from 2015-2020, she was Co-Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Criminology and Criminal Justice. Since 2010, Michele has co-convened the European Society of Criminology Working Group on Gender, Crime and Justice.

Michele has published widely on criminal justice responses to rape and domestic abuse, on the punishment of women and on young women and violence. She has held around 30 research grants from a range of prestigious funders and has provided research-based advice to criminal justice policy-makers and practitioners over many years.

Michele served as a subpanel member for Social Work/Social Policy on the UK’s Research Excellence Framework in REF 2014 and REF 2021.

In recognition of her work, Michele was appointed a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE), and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS). She received a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday List in 2019, for services to Criminology.

Research interests

Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, Co-director (SCCJR is a collaborative research partnership between Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling and Glasgow Caledonian Universities)

Research interests

Michele’s research interests are focused primarily on gender, crime and justice. She has particular interests in:

  • Feminist criminology 
  • responses to gender-based violence, including rape, sexual assault, domestic abuse, and stalking
  • the investigation and prosecution of rape and domestic abuse
  • sentencing of sexual offences 
  • the punishment of women and girls
  • young women’s use of violence
  • vicarious traumatisation amongst those who work with the traumatised

Research contribution

Michele has conducted theoretical and policy-related research on criminology and criminal justice topics for a range of funding bodies including:

  • European Commission
  • Scottish Government
  • Scottish Prison Service 
  • Economic & Social Research Council
  • British Academy
  • NHS Health Scotland
  • Risk Management Authority
  • Nuffield Foundation
  • Equalities and Human Rights Commission
  • Wellcome Trust 

Recent and current research projects

  • Scottish Prisons Assessment and Review of Outcomes for Women. An evaluation of the early impact and emerging outcomes of SPS’s new model of CCUs’ and the application of the Strategy for Women in Custody 2021-2025 in the context of the CCUs. With Professor Mhairi Mackenzie, Dr Annie Crowley and Lisa Mary Armstrong (all Glasgow); Professor Margaret Malloch (Stirling) and Professor Loraine Gelsthorpe (Cambridge). May 2023 to October 2024.
  • Exploring Survivors Views on Sentencing for Rape and Sexual Assault. A small-scale qualitative project commissioned by Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) to facilitate understanding of rape and sexual assault survivors’ views on sentencing in order to inform Sentencing Guidelines. With Dr Oona Brooks-Hay. April to December 2023
  • IMPRODOVA (Improving Front Line Responses to Domestic Violence). Funded through the European Union Horizon 2020 programme, this is an eight European country study researching police, health and social services responses to domestic violence. With Dr Oona Brooks-Hay and Dr Ruth Friskney.
  • Justice Journeys: Survivor Stories   Based on Scottish Government funded research exploring the ‘end-to-end’ experiences of rape and sexual assault survivors as they navigated the Scottish criminal justice system.  Working with a photographer and using forms of creative practice, we worked with survivors to document their stories about their journeys into, through and beyond the criminal justice process. With Dr Oona Brooks-Hay and Dr Lisa Bradley.
  • Scotland in Lockdown This project, Health and Social Impacts of Covid-19 in Scotland’ is funded by the Chief Scientist Office (CSO). It aims to understand how the response to Covid-19, including lockdown measures, is affecting those who may already have been isolated or excluded. This includes those experiencing domestic abuse sexual violence.
  • Child contact in the Context of Domestic Abuse. Exploring the articulation between civil and criminal justice processes in cases of child contact in the context of domestic abuse. Funded by the Scottish Government Justice Analytical Services Division. With Professor Jane Mair (School of Law, University of Glasgow) and Professor Richard Whitecross (Napier University).

Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 | 1999
Number of items: 66.


Brooks-Hay, O. , Burman, M. and Glinski, J. (2024) Victim-Survivor Views and Experiences of Sentencing for Rape and Other Sexual Offences. [Research Reports or Papers]


Burman, M. , Brooks-Hay, O. and Friskney, R. (2023) Operationalising coercive control: early insights on the policing of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018. In: Douglas, H., Fitz-Gibbon, K., Goodmark, L. and Walklate, S. (eds.) The Criminalization of Violence Against Women: Comparative Perspectives. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780197651841 (In Press)

Kersten, J., Burman, M. , Houtsonen, J., Herbinger, P. and Leonhardmair, N. (Eds.) (2023) Domestic Violence and COVID-19: The 2020 Lockdown in the European Union. Series: SpringerBriefs in Criminology. Springer. ISBN 9783031153341

Burman, M. and Gelsthorpe, L. (2023) Feminist criminology: inequalities, powerlessness and justice. In: Liebling, A., Maruna, S. and McAra, L. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (7th ed.). Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780198860914

Burman, M. , Friskney, R. , Mair, J. and Whitecross, R. (2023) Domestic abuse and child contact in Scotland: the perspectives of family law practitioners. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 45(3), pp. 234-248. (doi: 10.1080/09649069.2023.2243147)


Burman, M. , Friskney, R. , Mair, J. and Whitecross, R. (2022) Domestic Abuse and Child Contact: The Interface Between Criminal and Civil Proceedings. [Research Reports or Papers]

Brooks-Hay, O. , Saunders, K. and Burman, M. (2022) A toxic mix: the impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on the post-separation experiences of domestic abuse survivors. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 6(3), pp. 426-441. (doi: 10.1332/239868021X16536613142067)


Friskney, R. , Brooks-Hay, O. and Burman, M. (2021) Frontline responses to domestic abuse in Scotland. In: Lobinkar, B., Vogt, C. and Kersten, J. (eds.) Improving Frontline Responses to Domestic Violence in Europe. University of Maribor University Press: Maribor, pp. 239-255. ISBN 9789612865436 (doi: 10.18690/978-961-286-543-6.14)

Kersten, J., Vogt, C., Burman, M. , Houtsonen, J., Leonhardmair, N. and Herbinger, P. (2021) Risk-assessment and victim-support recommendations during the COVID-19-related lockdowns. In: Lobinkar, B., Vogt, C. and Kersten, J. (eds.) Improving Frontline Responses to Domestic Violence in Europe. University of Maribor University Press: Maribor, pp. 81-92. ISBN 9789612865436 (doi: 10.18690/978-961-286-543-6.6)

Burman, M. and Brindley, S. (2021) Challenges in the investigation and prosecution of rape and serious sexual offences in Scotland. In: Killean, R., Dowds, E. and McAlinden, A.-M. (eds.) Sexual Violence on Trial: Local and Comparative Perspectives. Series: Routledge studies in crime and society. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 199-211. ISBN 9780367404277 (doi: 10.4324/9780429356087-21)


Armstrong, S. et al. (2020) Left out and locked down: impacts of COVID-19 for marginalised groups in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Bradley, L. , Brooks, O. and Burman, M. (2020) Justice journeys: Survivor stories. [Website]

Burman, M. , Dawson, K., McDougall, L., Morton, K. and Nokhbatolfoghahai, F. (2020) Building authentic partnerships for responding to gender-based violence in Universities. In: Marine, S. and Lewis, R. (eds.) Collaborating for Change: Transforming Cultures to End Gender-Based Violence in Higher Education. Series: Interpersonal violence. Oxford University Press: New York, NY, pp. 173-199. ISBN 9780190071820 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780190071820.003.0008)

Burman, M. and Brooks-Hay, O. (2020) Feminist framings of victim advocacy in criminal justice contexts. In: Tapley, J. and Davies, P. (eds.) Victimology: Research, Policy and Activism. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 135-157. ISBN 9783030422875 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-42288-2_6)


Brooks-Hay, O. , Burman, M. and Bradley, L. (2019) Justice Journeys: Informing Policy and Practice Through Lived Experience of Victim-Survivors of Rape and Serious Sexual Assault. [Research Reports or Papers]


Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (Eds.) (2018) Domestic Abuse: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovative Practices. Series: Policy and practice in health and social care. Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781780460598

Brooks-Hay, O. and Burman, M. (2018) Understanding, defining and measuring domestic abuse. In: Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (eds.) Domestic Abuse: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovative Practices. Series: Policy and practice in health and social care (22). Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh, pp. 10-24. ISBN 9781780460598

Brooks-Hay, O. , Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (2018) Introducing Scotland's approach to domestic abuse. In: Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (eds.) Domestic Abuse: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovative Practices. Series: Policy and practice in health and social care (22). Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh, pp. 1-9. ISBN 9781780460598

Burman, M. (2018) Domestic abuse: a continuing challenge for criminal justice. In: Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (eds.) Domestic Abuse: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovative Practices. Series: Policy and practice in health and social care (22). Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh, pp. 39-52. ISBN 9781780460598

McFeely, C. , Burman, M. and Brooks-Hay, O. (2018) Conclusion: looking back, moving forward ('Ahin/gang forward'). In: Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (eds.) Domestic Abuse: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovative Practices. Series: Policy and practice in health and social care (22). Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh, pp. 93-102. ISBN 9781780460598

Burman, M. and Brooks-Hay, O. (2018) Victims are more willing to report rape, so why are conviction rates still woeful? Conversation, 8 Mar.

Burman, M. and Brooks-Hay, O. (2018) Aligning policy and law? The creation of a domestic abuse offence incorporating coercive control. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 18(1), pp. 67-83. (doi: 10.1177/1748895817752223)

Brooks-Hay, O. , Burman, M. , Bradley, L. and Kyle, D. (2018) Evaluation of the Rape Crisis Scotland National Advocacy Project: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Brooks-Hay, O. , Burman, M. , Bradley, L. and Kyle, D. (2018) Evaluation of the Rape Crisis Scotland National Advocacy Project: Summary Report. [Research Reports or Papers]


Burman, M. and Gelsthorpe, L. (2017) Feminist criminology: inequalities, powerlessness, and justice. In: Liebling, A., Maruna, S. and McAra, L. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology [6th ed.]. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 213-238. ISBN 9780198719441 (doi: 10.1093/he/9780198719441.003.0010)

Brooks, O. and Burman, M. (2017) Reporting rape: victim perspectives on advocacy support in the criminal justice process. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 17(2), pp. 209-225. (doi: 10.1177/1748895816667996)

Burman, M. and McVie, S. (2017) Getting it right for every child: juvenile justice in Scotland. In: Decker, S. H. and Marteache, N. (eds.) International Handbook of Juvenile Justice. Springer International Publishing, pp. 371-394. ISBN 9783319450889 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45090-2_18)


Burman, M. and Matheson, K. (2015) The Scottish Women's Rights Centre. SCOLAG, 455, p. 176.

Burman, M. and Johnstone, J. (2015) High hopes? The gender equality duty and its impact on responses to gender-based violence. Policy and Politics, 43(1), pp. 45-60. (doi: 10.1332/030557312X655846)

Brooks, O. , Burman, M. and Kyle, D. (2015) Evaluation of Support to Report Pilot Advocacy Service: Summary Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Burman, M. , Malloch, M. and McIvor, G. (2015) A comparison: criminalised women in Scotland. In: Annison, J., Brayford, J. and Deering, J. (eds.) Women and Criminal Justice: From the Corston Report to Transforming Rehabilitation. Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 59-78. ISBN 9781447319306 (doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781447319306.003.0004)

Johnston, J. and Burman, M. (2015) Scotland. In: Dünkel, F., Grzywa-Holten, J. and Horsfield, P. (eds.) Restorative Justice and Mediation in Penal Matters. Series: Schriften zum Strafvollzug, Jugendstrafrecht und zur Kriminologie (50). Forum Verag Godesberg.

Johnstone, J. and Burman, M. (2015) Scotland. In: Dunkel, F., Gryzwa-Holten, J. and Horsfield, P. (eds.) Restorative Justice and Mediation in Penal Matters. Forum Verlag Godesberg: Greifswald. ISBN 9783942865319


Brooks, O. , Burman, M. , Lombard, N., McIvor, G., Stevenson-Hasgings, L. and Kyle, D. (2014) Violence Against Women: Effective Interventions and Practices with Perpetrators: A Literature Review. [Research Reports or Papers]


Burman, M. and McIvor, G. (2013) The rise of female imprisonment in Scotland. Scottish Journal of Criminal Justice Studies, 19, pp. 28-42.

Mcfeely, C. , Whiting, N., Lombard, N., Brooks, O. , Burman, M. and McGowan, M. (2013) Domestic abuse and gender inequality: an overview of the current debate. [Research Reports or Papers]


Young, S., Mackenzie, S., Burman, M. , Fyfe, N., Hamilton-Smith, N. and Pickering, J. (2012) The Culture of High Security: a case study of the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games. British Society of Criminology Newsletter, Summer(70),


Brindley, S. and Burman, M. (2011) Meeting the challenge? Responding to rape in Scotland. In: Westmarland, N. and Ganjoli, G. (eds.) International Approaches to Rape. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 9781847426208

Burman, M. and Imlah, N. (2011) Time for Change: An Evaluation of an Intensive Support Service for Young Women at High Risk of Secure Care or Custody: A Report for Up-2-Us. [Research Reports or Papers]

McIvor, G. and Burman, M. (2011) Understanding the Drivers of Female Imprisonment. [Research Reports or Papers]


Johnstone, J. and Burman, M.J. (Eds.) (2010) Youth Justice. Series: Practice and policy in health and social care. Dunedin Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781903765913

Fraser, A. , Burman, M. , Batchelor, S. and McVie, S. (2010) Youth violence in Scotland: a literature review. [Research Reports or Papers]

Bannister, J., Pickering, J., Batchelor, S. , Burman, M. , Kintrea, K. and McVie, S. (2010) Troublesome Youth Groups, Gangs and Knife Carrying in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Burman, M. , Johnstone, J., de Haan, J. and Macleod, J. (2010) Responding to Gender-based Violence in Scotland: The Scope of the Gender Equality Duty to Drive Cultural and Practical Change. [Research Reports or Papers]

Burman, M. , Johnstone, J., Fraser, A. and McNeill, F. (2010) Scotland. In: Dünkel, F., Grzywal, P., Horsfield, P. and Pruin, I. (eds.) Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe - Current Situation and Reform Developments. Forum Verlag Godesberg GmbH: Mönchengladbach, pp. 1149-1194. ISBN 9783936999754

Burman, M. and Johnstone, J. (2010) The future of Youth Justice. In: Johnstone, J. and Burman, M. (eds.) Youth Justice. Series: Policy and Practice in Health and Social Care. Dunedin Press: Edinburgh, pp. 86-95.


Burman, M. and Batchelor, S.A. (2009) Between two stools? Responding to young women who offend. Youth Justice, 9(3), pp. 270-285. (doi: 10.1177/1473225409345104)

Burman, M.J. (2009) Evidencing sexual assault: women in the witness box. Probation Journal, 56(4), pp. 379-398. (doi: 10.1177/0264550509346506)

Batchelor, S. and Burman, M. (2009) The children's hearing system. In: Johnstone, J. and Burman, M. (eds.) Youth Justice. Series: Policy & Practice in Health and Social Care (9). Dunedin Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781903765913

Burman, M. (2009) Introduction. In: Johnstone, J. and Burman, M. (eds.) Youth Justice. Series: Policy and Practice in Health and Social Care. Dunedin Press: Edinburgh, xiii - xxi.


Johnstone, J. and Burman, M.J. (2008) What's the problem? The nature and extent of youth crime in Scotland. In: Johnstone, J. and Burman, M.J. (eds.) Youth Justice. Series: Practice and policy in health and social care (9). Dunedin Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781903765913

Burman, M.J. (2008) Changing policy and practice? Criminal justice research in Scotland. Criminal Justice Matters, 72(1), pp. 34-36. (doi: 10.1080/09627250802058540)


Jamieson, L. and Burman, M. (2007) Sharpening the Focus on Relevance, Special Focus on the Sexual Offences (Procedure & Evidence) (Scotland) Bill : -. SCOLAG, 287(Septem), pp. 153-154.


Burman, M., Bradshaw, P., Hutton, N., McNeill, F. and Munro, M. (2006) The end of an era? Youth justice in Scotland. In: Junger-Tas, J. and Scott, H.D. (eds.) International Handbook of Juvenile Justice. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 435-467. ISBN 9781402044007


Batchelor, S. , Burman, M. and Brown, J. (2004) Discutindo a violÛncia : vamos ouvi-lo da boca das raparigas. InfÔncia e Juventude,, 2(Abr.-J), pp. 125-143.

Batchelor, S.A. and Burman, M.J. (2004) Working with girls and young women. In: McIvor, G. (ed.) Women who offend. Jessica Kingsley: London. ISBN 9781843101543

Burman, M. (2004) 'A view from the girls': Challenging conceptions of violence. Sociology Review, 13(4), pp. 2-5.

Burman, M. (2004) Breaking the mould: patterns of female offending. In: McIvor, G. (ed.) Women Who Offend. Series: Research highlights in social work (44). J. Kingsley: London, UK, 38 -65. ISBN 9781843101543

Burman, M. (2004) Turbulent talk: girls' making sense of violence. In: Alder, C. and Worrall, A. (eds.) Girls' Violence: Myths and Realities. Series: SUNY series in women, crime, and criminology. State University of New York Press: Albany, USA, pp. 81-104. ISBN 9780791461099

Burman, M., Batchelor, S. and Brown, J. (2004) Challenging Violence: Girls, Gender and Violent Encounters. Macmillan: London, UK. ISBN 9781403902825


Burman, M. (2003) Girls Behaving Violently? Criminal Justice Matters, 53(1), pp. 20-21. (doi: 10.1080/09627250308553567)

Burman, M.J., Brown, J.A. and Batchelor, S.A. (2003) 'Taking it to heart': girls and the meanings of violence. In: Stanko, E. (ed.) The Meanings of Violence. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 71-89. ISBN 9780415301305


Batchelor, S.A. , Burman, M.J. and Brown, J.A. (2001) Discussing violence: let's hear it from the girls. Probation Journal, 48(2), pp. 125-134. (doi: 10.1177/026455050104800208)

Brown, J., Burman, M. and Tisdall, K. (2001) 'Just trying to be men'? Violence, girls and their social worlds. In: Lawrence, J. and Starkey, P. (eds.) Child Welfare and Social Action from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. Liverpool University Press: Liverpool, pp. 36-50. ISBN 0853236763 (hardback); 9780853236764 (hardback); 0853236860 (pbk.); 9780853236863 (pbk.)

Burman, M.J., Batchelor, S.A. and Brown, J.A. (2001) Researching girls and violence: facing the dilemmas of fieldwork. British Journal of Criminology, 41(3), pp. 443-459. (doi: 10.1093/bjc/41.3.443)


Burman, M. and Connelly, C. (1999) Mentally Disordered Offenders and Criminal Proceedings. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 00:28:23 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 66.


Burman, M. , Friskney, R. , Mair, J. and Whitecross, R. (2023) Domestic abuse and child contact in Scotland: the perspectives of family law practitioners. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 45(3), pp. 234-248. (doi: 10.1080/09649069.2023.2243147)

Brooks-Hay, O. , Saunders, K. and Burman, M. (2022) A toxic mix: the impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on the post-separation experiences of domestic abuse survivors. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 6(3), pp. 426-441. (doi: 10.1332/239868021X16536613142067)

Burman, M. and Brooks-Hay, O. (2018) Victims are more willing to report rape, so why are conviction rates still woeful? Conversation, 8 Mar.

Burman, M. and Brooks-Hay, O. (2018) Aligning policy and law? The creation of a domestic abuse offence incorporating coercive control. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 18(1), pp. 67-83. (doi: 10.1177/1748895817752223)

Brooks, O. and Burman, M. (2017) Reporting rape: victim perspectives on advocacy support in the criminal justice process. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 17(2), pp. 209-225. (doi: 10.1177/1748895816667996)

Burman, M. and Matheson, K. (2015) The Scottish Women's Rights Centre. SCOLAG, 455, p. 176.

Burman, M. and Johnstone, J. (2015) High hopes? The gender equality duty and its impact on responses to gender-based violence. Policy and Politics, 43(1), pp. 45-60. (doi: 10.1332/030557312X655846)

Burman, M. and McIvor, G. (2013) The rise of female imprisonment in Scotland. Scottish Journal of Criminal Justice Studies, 19, pp. 28-42.

Young, S., Mackenzie, S., Burman, M. , Fyfe, N., Hamilton-Smith, N. and Pickering, J. (2012) The Culture of High Security: a case study of the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games. British Society of Criminology Newsletter, Summer(70),

Burman, M. and Batchelor, S.A. (2009) Between two stools? Responding to young women who offend. Youth Justice, 9(3), pp. 270-285. (doi: 10.1177/1473225409345104)

Burman, M.J. (2009) Evidencing sexual assault: women in the witness box. Probation Journal, 56(4), pp. 379-398. (doi: 10.1177/0264550509346506)

Burman, M.J. (2008) Changing policy and practice? Criminal justice research in Scotland. Criminal Justice Matters, 72(1), pp. 34-36. (doi: 10.1080/09627250802058540)

Jamieson, L. and Burman, M. (2007) Sharpening the Focus on Relevance, Special Focus on the Sexual Offences (Procedure & Evidence) (Scotland) Bill : -. SCOLAG, 287(Septem), pp. 153-154.

Batchelor, S. , Burman, M. and Brown, J. (2004) Discutindo a violÛncia : vamos ouvi-lo da boca das raparigas. InfÔncia e Juventude,, 2(Abr.-J), pp. 125-143.

Burman, M. (2004) 'A view from the girls': Challenging conceptions of violence. Sociology Review, 13(4), pp. 2-5.

Burman, M. (2003) Girls Behaving Violently? Criminal Justice Matters, 53(1), pp. 20-21. (doi: 10.1080/09627250308553567)

Batchelor, S.A. , Burman, M.J. and Brown, J.A. (2001) Discussing violence: let's hear it from the girls. Probation Journal, 48(2), pp. 125-134. (doi: 10.1177/026455050104800208)

Burman, M.J., Batchelor, S.A. and Brown, J.A. (2001) Researching girls and violence: facing the dilemmas of fieldwork. British Journal of Criminology, 41(3), pp. 443-459. (doi: 10.1093/bjc/41.3.443)


Burman, M., Batchelor, S. and Brown, J. (2004) Challenging Violence: Girls, Gender and Violent Encounters. Macmillan: London, UK. ISBN 9781403902825

Book Sections

Burman, M. , Brooks-Hay, O. and Friskney, R. (2023) Operationalising coercive control: early insights on the policing of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018. In: Douglas, H., Fitz-Gibbon, K., Goodmark, L. and Walklate, S. (eds.) The Criminalization of Violence Against Women: Comparative Perspectives. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780197651841 (In Press)

Burman, M. and Gelsthorpe, L. (2023) Feminist criminology: inequalities, powerlessness and justice. In: Liebling, A., Maruna, S. and McAra, L. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (7th ed.). Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780198860914

Friskney, R. , Brooks-Hay, O. and Burman, M. (2021) Frontline responses to domestic abuse in Scotland. In: Lobinkar, B., Vogt, C. and Kersten, J. (eds.) Improving Frontline Responses to Domestic Violence in Europe. University of Maribor University Press: Maribor, pp. 239-255. ISBN 9789612865436 (doi: 10.18690/978-961-286-543-6.14)

Kersten, J., Vogt, C., Burman, M. , Houtsonen, J., Leonhardmair, N. and Herbinger, P. (2021) Risk-assessment and victim-support recommendations during the COVID-19-related lockdowns. In: Lobinkar, B., Vogt, C. and Kersten, J. (eds.) Improving Frontline Responses to Domestic Violence in Europe. University of Maribor University Press: Maribor, pp. 81-92. ISBN 9789612865436 (doi: 10.18690/978-961-286-543-6.6)

Burman, M. and Brindley, S. (2021) Challenges in the investigation and prosecution of rape and serious sexual offences in Scotland. In: Killean, R., Dowds, E. and McAlinden, A.-M. (eds.) Sexual Violence on Trial: Local and Comparative Perspectives. Series: Routledge studies in crime and society. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 199-211. ISBN 9780367404277 (doi: 10.4324/9780429356087-21)

Burman, M. , Dawson, K., McDougall, L., Morton, K. and Nokhbatolfoghahai, F. (2020) Building authentic partnerships for responding to gender-based violence in Universities. In: Marine, S. and Lewis, R. (eds.) Collaborating for Change: Transforming Cultures to End Gender-Based Violence in Higher Education. Series: Interpersonal violence. Oxford University Press: New York, NY, pp. 173-199. ISBN 9780190071820 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780190071820.003.0008)

Burman, M. and Brooks-Hay, O. (2020) Feminist framings of victim advocacy in criminal justice contexts. In: Tapley, J. and Davies, P. (eds.) Victimology: Research, Policy and Activism. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 135-157. ISBN 9783030422875 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-42288-2_6)

Brooks-Hay, O. and Burman, M. (2018) Understanding, defining and measuring domestic abuse. In: Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (eds.) Domestic Abuse: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovative Practices. Series: Policy and practice in health and social care (22). Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh, pp. 10-24. ISBN 9781780460598

Brooks-Hay, O. , Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (2018) Introducing Scotland's approach to domestic abuse. In: Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (eds.) Domestic Abuse: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovative Practices. Series: Policy and practice in health and social care (22). Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh, pp. 1-9. ISBN 9781780460598

Burman, M. (2018) Domestic abuse: a continuing challenge for criminal justice. In: Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (eds.) Domestic Abuse: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovative Practices. Series: Policy and practice in health and social care (22). Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh, pp. 39-52. ISBN 9781780460598

McFeely, C. , Burman, M. and Brooks-Hay, O. (2018) Conclusion: looking back, moving forward ('Ahin/gang forward'). In: Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (eds.) Domestic Abuse: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovative Practices. Series: Policy and practice in health and social care (22). Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh, pp. 93-102. ISBN 9781780460598

Burman, M. and Gelsthorpe, L. (2017) Feminist criminology: inequalities, powerlessness, and justice. In: Liebling, A., Maruna, S. and McAra, L. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology [6th ed.]. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 213-238. ISBN 9780198719441 (doi: 10.1093/he/9780198719441.003.0010)

Burman, M. and McVie, S. (2017) Getting it right for every child: juvenile justice in Scotland. In: Decker, S. H. and Marteache, N. (eds.) International Handbook of Juvenile Justice. Springer International Publishing, pp. 371-394. ISBN 9783319450889 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45090-2_18)

Burman, M. , Malloch, M. and McIvor, G. (2015) A comparison: criminalised women in Scotland. In: Annison, J., Brayford, J. and Deering, J. (eds.) Women and Criminal Justice: From the Corston Report to Transforming Rehabilitation. Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 59-78. ISBN 9781447319306 (doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781447319306.003.0004)

Johnston, J. and Burman, M. (2015) Scotland. In: Dünkel, F., Grzywa-Holten, J. and Horsfield, P. (eds.) Restorative Justice and Mediation in Penal Matters. Series: Schriften zum Strafvollzug, Jugendstrafrecht und zur Kriminologie (50). Forum Verag Godesberg.

Johnstone, J. and Burman, M. (2015) Scotland. In: Dunkel, F., Gryzwa-Holten, J. and Horsfield, P. (eds.) Restorative Justice and Mediation in Penal Matters. Forum Verlag Godesberg: Greifswald. ISBN 9783942865319

Brindley, S. and Burman, M. (2011) Meeting the challenge? Responding to rape in Scotland. In: Westmarland, N. and Ganjoli, G. (eds.) International Approaches to Rape. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 9781847426208

Burman, M. , Johnstone, J., Fraser, A. and McNeill, F. (2010) Scotland. In: Dünkel, F., Grzywal, P., Horsfield, P. and Pruin, I. (eds.) Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe - Current Situation and Reform Developments. Forum Verlag Godesberg GmbH: Mönchengladbach, pp. 1149-1194. ISBN 9783936999754

Burman, M. and Johnstone, J. (2010) The future of Youth Justice. In: Johnstone, J. and Burman, M. (eds.) Youth Justice. Series: Policy and Practice in Health and Social Care. Dunedin Press: Edinburgh, pp. 86-95.

Batchelor, S. and Burman, M. (2009) The children's hearing system. In: Johnstone, J. and Burman, M. (eds.) Youth Justice. Series: Policy & Practice in Health and Social Care (9). Dunedin Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781903765913

Burman, M. (2009) Introduction. In: Johnstone, J. and Burman, M. (eds.) Youth Justice. Series: Policy and Practice in Health and Social Care. Dunedin Press: Edinburgh, xiii - xxi.

Johnstone, J. and Burman, M.J. (2008) What's the problem? The nature and extent of youth crime in Scotland. In: Johnstone, J. and Burman, M.J. (eds.) Youth Justice. Series: Practice and policy in health and social care (9). Dunedin Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781903765913

Burman, M., Bradshaw, P., Hutton, N., McNeill, F. and Munro, M. (2006) The end of an era? Youth justice in Scotland. In: Junger-Tas, J. and Scott, H.D. (eds.) International Handbook of Juvenile Justice. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 435-467. ISBN 9781402044007

Batchelor, S.A. and Burman, M.J. (2004) Working with girls and young women. In: McIvor, G. (ed.) Women who offend. Jessica Kingsley: London. ISBN 9781843101543

Burman, M. (2004) Breaking the mould: patterns of female offending. In: McIvor, G. (ed.) Women Who Offend. Series: Research highlights in social work (44). J. Kingsley: London, UK, 38 -65. ISBN 9781843101543

Burman, M. (2004) Turbulent talk: girls' making sense of violence. In: Alder, C. and Worrall, A. (eds.) Girls' Violence: Myths and Realities. Series: SUNY series in women, crime, and criminology. State University of New York Press: Albany, USA, pp. 81-104. ISBN 9780791461099

Burman, M.J., Brown, J.A. and Batchelor, S.A. (2003) 'Taking it to heart': girls and the meanings of violence. In: Stanko, E. (ed.) The Meanings of Violence. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 71-89. ISBN 9780415301305

Brown, J., Burman, M. and Tisdall, K. (2001) 'Just trying to be men'? Violence, girls and their social worlds. In: Lawrence, J. and Starkey, P. (eds.) Child Welfare and Social Action from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. Liverpool University Press: Liverpool, pp. 36-50. ISBN 0853236763 (hardback); 9780853236764 (hardback); 0853236860 (pbk.); 9780853236863 (pbk.)

Edited Books

Kersten, J., Burman, M. , Houtsonen, J., Herbinger, P. and Leonhardmair, N. (Eds.) (2023) Domestic Violence and COVID-19: The 2020 Lockdown in the European Union. Series: SpringerBriefs in Criminology. Springer. ISBN 9783031153341

Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. and McFeely, C. (Eds.) (2018) Domestic Abuse: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovative Practices. Series: Policy and practice in health and social care. Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781780460598

Johnstone, J. and Burman, M.J. (Eds.) (2010) Youth Justice. Series: Practice and policy in health and social care. Dunedin Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781903765913

Research Reports or Papers

Brooks-Hay, O. , Burman, M. and Glinski, J. (2024) Victim-Survivor Views and Experiences of Sentencing for Rape and Other Sexual Offences. [Research Reports or Papers]

Burman, M. , Friskney, R. , Mair, J. and Whitecross, R. (2022) Domestic Abuse and Child Contact: The Interface Between Criminal and Civil Proceedings. [Research Reports or Papers]

Armstrong, S. et al. (2020) Left out and locked down: impacts of COVID-19 for marginalised groups in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Brooks-Hay, O. , Burman, M. and Bradley, L. (2019) Justice Journeys: Informing Policy and Practice Through Lived Experience of Victim-Survivors of Rape and Serious Sexual Assault. [Research Reports or Papers]

Brooks-Hay, O. , Burman, M. , Bradley, L. and Kyle, D. (2018) Evaluation of the Rape Crisis Scotland National Advocacy Project: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Brooks-Hay, O. , Burman, M. , Bradley, L. and Kyle, D. (2018) Evaluation of the Rape Crisis Scotland National Advocacy Project: Summary Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Brooks, O. , Burman, M. and Kyle, D. (2015) Evaluation of Support to Report Pilot Advocacy Service: Summary Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Brooks, O. , Burman, M. , Lombard, N., McIvor, G., Stevenson-Hasgings, L. and Kyle, D. (2014) Violence Against Women: Effective Interventions and Practices with Perpetrators: A Literature Review. [Research Reports or Papers]

Mcfeely, C. , Whiting, N., Lombard, N., Brooks, O. , Burman, M. and McGowan, M. (2013) Domestic abuse and gender inequality: an overview of the current debate. [Research Reports or Papers]

Burman, M. and Imlah, N. (2011) Time for Change: An Evaluation of an Intensive Support Service for Young Women at High Risk of Secure Care or Custody: A Report for Up-2-Us. [Research Reports or Papers]

McIvor, G. and Burman, M. (2011) Understanding the Drivers of Female Imprisonment. [Research Reports or Papers]

Fraser, A. , Burman, M. , Batchelor, S. and McVie, S. (2010) Youth violence in Scotland: a literature review. [Research Reports or Papers]

Bannister, J., Pickering, J., Batchelor, S. , Burman, M. , Kintrea, K. and McVie, S. (2010) Troublesome Youth Groups, Gangs and Knife Carrying in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Burman, M. , Johnstone, J., de Haan, J. and Macleod, J. (2010) Responding to Gender-based Violence in Scotland: The Scope of the Gender Equality Duty to Drive Cultural and Practical Change. [Research Reports or Papers]

Burman, M. and Connelly, C. (1999) Mentally Disordered Offenders and Criminal Proceedings. [Research Reports or Papers]


Bradley, L. , Brooks, O. and Burman, M. (2020) Justice journeys: Survivor stories. [Website]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 00:28:23 2025 GMT.







May 23 -
Oct 24


Scottish Government

Scottish Prisons Assessment and Review of Outcomes for Women ( SPAROW)


Apr 23 -
Dec 23


Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service (SCTS)

Exploring Survivors Views on Sentencing for Rape and Sexual Assault


Aug 18 -

Apr 21


European Commission H2020

IMPRODOVA- frontline responses to domestic abuse

EURO 2.9m GU share 255,000

Sep 18 


Scottish Government

Child Contact and Domestic Abuse


Aug 18 



Scottish Government

Justice Journeys


Jan 18-

Nov 18



Justice Journeys: Survivors Stories


Feb 17 – April 18


Wellcome Trust, Social Sciences & Humanities

Vicarious Traumatisation amongst those who work with justice-involved women and girls


Jan 16 – Oct 17


Rape Crisis Scotland/Police Scotland

Evaluation of National Advocacy Project




Scottish Government Justice Analytical Services

SCCJR: Collaboration Agreement


Oct 14 – May 15


Scottish Government

Whole System Approach for Youth Justice


Feb 13 – Mar 14


Rape Crisis Scotland/Police Scotland

Evaluation of the Rape Advocacy Pilot Service (S2R)




Scottish Government Justice Analytical Services

SCCJR: Collaboration Agreement


2010 –13



European Commission:  Freedom, Justice and Security: 'Prevention of and fight against Crime' 

Security Planning and Governance of Risk Commonwealth Games Glasgow G2014,

EURO 245,000


Feb – May 11



Dumfries & Galloway Constabulary,

Research and Evaluation of Early and Effective Intervention Services for 16 & 17 year olds






Adam Smith Research Foundation

Confronting Danger, Feeling Fear: Gender and Emotions in Research





Scottish Government,

Youth Gangs and Knife Carrying in Scotland




Equality and Human Rights Commission,

The Gender Equality Duty: Policy & Legislative Responses to Gender-based Crime in Scotland,




Co I

European Commission Framework Partnership 'Prevention of and Fight Against Crime, 2007-2009’

Consenso Projecto (identifying, analysing and disseminating good practices in restorative juvenile justice




Scotland country partner

Daphne II, European Commission

Tracking Attrition in Reported Rape Cases,






Risk Management Authority

Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Children and Young People who Offend,



Aug 06 – Oct 06


Equal Opportunities Commission

Gender Equality Duty in Scottish Criminal Justice 




Sept 06 – Sept 12



Scottish Funding Council

The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR)



Sept 06-

Sept 12


 Scottish Executive Justice Department

The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR)


Jun 05 – Dec 06


Scottish Executive

The Law of Evidence in Sexual Offence Trials



Oct 03 – Mar 05



NHS Health Scotland

Understanding Young People’s Attitudes Towards Gendered Violence



Jun 03 – Dec 04


The Scottish Executive

The Law of Evidence in Sexual Offence Trials: Base-Line Study


Sep 01 – Apr 02


Co I

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Understanding Violence and Aggression in Nursery School Children


Aug 98 – Sep 00


ESRC Violence Research Programme

A View from the Girls: Exploring Violence and Violent Behaviour


Jul -Nov 98

Co I

The Scottish Executive

Attrition of Sexual Offences in the Criminal Justice System


Sep 98 – June 00


The Scottish Executive,

Court Disposals for Mentally Disordered Offenders: Hospital Directions and Extended Interim Orders


Sep –Aug 98




The Scottish Office

Criminal Proceedings and Mentally Disordered Offenders: The Insanity Defence and Unfitness to Plead


Apr –Sep 97



Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Developing Research Methodologies for Investigating Girls and Violence


Sep 95-Jan 96


British Academy/Nuffield Foundation

Sexual Evidence in South African Sexual Offence Trials


Oct 96 – Feb 97


The Scottish Office

Legal Representation and Ethnic Minority Accused in the Glasgow Courts


May –Jul 96


The Scottish Office

Prosecutorial Decision-Making: Developmental and Pilot Stage



Current Students 

  • Baturoglu Balci, Ulku
    Constituting Violence: Women's Experiences of Gender-Based Violence in Rural Scotland
  • Duley, Jeanne
  • Love, Stephanie
    Women's experiences of online dating: examining men's intrusions in online dating contexts
  • Tayo, Oluwatofunmi Oreoluwa
    Societies response to male domestic abuse in Nigeria.
  • Yin, Yubo
    Female victims in the just world: Exploring victim-blaming

Past Students

Patrick Quinn

Thesis title: Easterhouse 2004: an ethnographic account of men's experience, use and refusal of violence  
Funder: ESRC
Awarded PhD: December 2004

Susan Batchelor

Thesis title:  'Prove Me the Bam!' Victimisation and Agency in the Lives of Young Women Who Commit Violent Offences
Funder: ESRC
Awarded PhD: December 2007

Alistair Fraser

Thesis title: Growing up in Glasgow: young people, 'gangs' and community
Funder: College of Social Science Studentship
Awarded PhD: December 2010

Jennifer Fleetwood 

Thesis title: Female Drug Mules in the Cocaine Trade  
Funder: ESRC
Awarded PhD: December 2010

Selina Doran

Thesis title: News media constructions and policy implications of school shootings in the United States 
Funder: self-funding 
Awarded PhD: December 2014

Paul McGuinness

Thesis title: Room for reparation? An ethnographic study into the implementation of the Community Payback Order in a Scottish Criminal Justice Social Work Office.
Funder: SCCJR Studentship
Awarded PhD: December 2014

Adam Aitken

Thesis title: G2014 Commonwealth Games Security legacy 
Funder: ESRC/Scottish Government Co-Funded Studentship 
Awarded PhD: December 2016

Rebecca Foster

Thesis title: Half in/half out: exploring the experiences of the families of prisoners in a Scottish prison visitors' centre. 
Funder: Dawes Trust Studentship 
Awarded PhD: December 2017

Laura Robertson

Thesis title: A practice-based approach to youth justice: the whole system approach in Scotland. 
Funder: ESRC/Scottish Government Co-Funded Studentship 
Awarded PhD: December 2017

Caitlin Gormley

Thesis title: Prison, power, and people with learning disabilities: the complexities of curtailed lives. 
Funder: ESRC/Cornerstone Collaborative Studentship 
Awarded PhD: December 2017

Annie Crowley

Thesis title: Protection for whom? Responding to 'at risk' young women' 
Funder: ESRC/Up-2-Us Collaborative Studentship 
Awarded PhD: December 2018

Emma Forbes

Thesis title: Perception and reality: an exploration of domestic abuse victims’ experiences of the criminal justice process.   
Funder: ESRC/Up-2-Us Collaborative Studentship 
Awarded PhD: December 2018



  • Module convenor:  Understanding and Explaining Crime [86E]
  • Module convenor:  Understanding Qualitative Research


Programme Director of the MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice 
Programme Director of the MRes Criminology
Module Co-ordinator: Research and Enquiry in Crime and Justice 
Module Co-ordinator: Criminal Justice: Global Challenges
Module Co-ordinator: Dissertation Module

Collaborative Postgraduate Teaching

Module Coordinator: Managing and Controlling Crime (MSC/PG/Dip Policing Studies University of Dundee)

Additional information

Consulting and Advice

Michele has worked with a wide range of local and national government and international organisations, including the Scottish Parliament;  the Northern Irish Ministry of Justice; and Xunta de Galicia, Spain.  

Academic and Professional Body Membership

Member of the British Society of Criminology
Member of the European Society of Criminology
Member of the  Socio-Legal Studies Association 
Member of the Scottish Association for the Study of Offending (SASO)

Editorial Boards

Co-Editor-in-Chief Criminology and Criminal Justice (2015-2020)