Dr Madhu Satsangi

  • Lecturer (Urban Studies & Social Policy)

telephone: 0141 330 2535
email: Madhu.Satsangi@glasgow.ac.uk

School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow, 25 Bute Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8RT

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-0998-6307

Research interests

Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989
Number of items: 61.


Roberts, S. and Satsangi, M. (2021) “The bad landlord”: origins and significance in contemporary housing policy and practice. Housing, Theory and Society, 38(4), pp. 496-511. (doi: 10.1080/14036096.2020.1833080)


Satsangi, M. , Hoolachan, A., O'Brien, P. , Dembski, S., Dunning, R. and Lord, A. (2020) Housing Land Allocation, Assembly and Delivery: Lessons from Europe. [Research Reports or Papers]

McCall, V., Satsangi, M. and Greasley-Adams, C. (2020) The legacy of the right to buy and the differentiation of older home owners. Social Policy and Society, 19(2), pp. 225-241. (doi: 10.1017/S1474746419000320)

Satsangi, M. and Wilson, M. (2020) Do housing costs impact on poverty in rural areas? Housing Studies, 35(3), pp. 415-438. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2019.1610556)


Satsangi, M. and Gkartzios, M. (2019) Social inclusion, identities and planning practice. In: Scott, M., Gallent, N. and Gkartzios, M. (eds.) Routledge Companion to Rural Planning. Routledge. ISBN 9781138104051


Satsangi, M. , Theakstone, D., Matthews, P., Lawrence, J., Rummery, K., Macintosh, S., Baghirathan, S. and Boniface, G. (2018) The Housing Experiences of Disabled People in Britain. Research report 114. [Research Reports or Papers]


Satsangi, M. (2017) Affordable homes in rural Scotland: the role of housing associations, by Raymond Young, Edinburgh, Capercaillie Books, 2015, 240 pp., £15.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-909305-922. Housing Studies, 32(7), pp. 1016-1017. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2017.1351196)[Book Review]


Satsangi, M. , McCall, V. and Greasley-Adams, C. (2015) Understanding the Housing Needs of Older Owner Occupiers. [Research Reports or Papers]


Satsangi, M. (2014) Communities, land-ownership, housing and planning: reflections from the Scottish experience. In: Gallent, N. and Ciaffi, D. (eds.) Community Action and Planning: Contexts, Drivers and Outcomes. Policy Press: Bristol, UK, pp. 117-130. ISBN 9781447315162 (doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781447315162.003.0007)


Satsangi, M. (2013) The SAGE handbook of housing studies edited by D F Clapham, W A V Clark, K Gibb; Sage, Los Angeles, CA, 2012, 528 pages, £150.00 cloth (£95.00), ISBN 978-1-84787-430-6. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 40(5), pp. 949-950. (doi: 10.1068/b4005rev)[Book Review]

Satsangi, M. (2013) Rural Housing, Exurbanisation and Amenity-driven Development: Contrasting the ‘Haves’ and the ‘Have Nots’, David Marcouiller, Mark Lapping & Owen Furuseth (Eds) Farnham: Ashgate, 2011, 300 pp., £65.00 (hbk) ISBN 9780754670506. Housing Studies, 28(3), pp. 526-528. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2011.649943)[Book Review]

Satsangi, M. (2013) Synthesizing feminist and critical realist approaches to housing studies. Housing, Theory and Society, 30(2), pp. 193-207. (doi: 10.1080/14036096.2012.743484)


Morgan, J. and Satsangi, M. (2011) 'Reaching the parts other grants don't go?' Supporting self-provided housing in rural Scotland. Housing Studies, 26(04), pp. 615-628. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2011.559750)

Satsangi, M. (2011) Feminist epistemologies and the social relations of housing provision. Housing, Theory and Society, 28(4), pp. 398-409. (doi: 10.1080/14036096.2010.518800)


Satsangi, M. , Gallent, N. and Bevan, M. (2010) The Rural Housing Question : Communities and Planning in Britain's Countrysides. Policy Press. ISBN 9781847423849


Satsangi, M. (2009) Community land ownership, housing and sustainable rural communities. Planning Practice and Research, 24(2), pp. 251-262. (doi: 10.1080/02697450902827402)

Satsangi, M. and Crawford, J. (2009) An Investigation of Occupancy Conditions in Rural Housing. [Research Reports or Papers]


Satsangi, M. (2008) The Private Rented Housing Market, Regulation or Deregulation? David Hughes & Stuart Lowe (Eds), Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 168 þ xiv pp., £55.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780754648352. Housing Studies, (doi: 10.1080/02673030802423383)[Book Review]

Satsangi, M. , Bramley, G., Dunmore, K. and Cousins, L. (2008) Planning for Affordable Housing in the Cairngorms National Park. [Research Reports or Papers]


Satsangi, M. (2007) Housing allowances in France. In: Kemp, P. A. (ed.) Housing Allowances in Comparative Perspective. Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 135-157. ISBN 9781861347541 (doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781861347541.001.0001)

Satsangi, M. (2007) Land tenure change and rural housing in Scotland. Scottish Geographical Journal, 123(1), pp. 33-47. (doi: 10.1080/00369220718737282)

Matthews, P. and Satsangi, M. (2007) Planners, developers and power: a critical discourse analysis of the redevelopment of Leith Docks, Scotland. Planning Practice and Research, 22(4), pp. 495-511. (doi: 10.1080/02697450701770043)


Satsangi, M. (2006) 'The best laid plans…'? An assessment of housing association provision in rural Scotland. Policy and Politics, 34(4), pp. 731-752. (doi: 10.1332/030557306778553105)

Satsangi, M. (2006) Making the most of planning with new legislation? Scottish Housing Matters, 34,

Satsangi, M. , Donohoe, T., Bramley, G., Wagner, F., Warren, F. and Watkins, D. (2006) Cairngorms Housing Systems Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Cairncross, L., Dowling, L., Morgan, J. and Wager, F. (2006) The Use of Existing Housing Stock in Rural England. [Research Reports or Papers]


Satsangi, M. (2005) Landowners and the structure of affordable housing provision in rural Scotland. Journal of Rural Studies, 21(3), pp. 349-358. (doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2005.05.001)

Higgins, M., Hague, C., Prior, A., McIntosh, S., Satsangi, M. , Warren, F., Smith, H. and Netto, G. (2005) Diversity and Equality in Planning : a Good Practice Guide. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Bramley, G., Morgan, J., Bowles, G., Wilcox, S. and Karley, K. (2005) Evaluation of Housing Association Grant for Rent in Scotland, 1989-2002 : Research Report to the Scottish Executive. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Pawson, H., Munro, M., Cairncross, L., Warren, F. and Lomax, D. (2005) Review of Housing Association Governance. [Research Reports or Papers]


Netto, G., Fancy, C., Lomax, D., Satsangi, M. and Smith, H. (2004) Improving Understanding of the Housing Experiences of Minority Ethnic Communities in Aberdeen City. [Research Reports or Papers]

Richards, F. and Satsangi, M. (2004) Importing a policy problem? Affordable housing in Britain's National Parks. Planning Practice and Research, 19(3), pp. 251-266. (doi: 10.1080/0269745042000323201)

Netto, G., Fancy, C., Satsangi, M. and Smith, H. (2004) Improving Understanding of Housing Circumstances of Minority Ethnic Communities in Moray and Aberdeenshire. [Research Reports or Papers]


Ward Thompson, C., Bell, S., Satsangi, M. , Netto, G., Morris, N., Travlou, P., Raemaekers, J. and Griffiths, A. (2003) The Countryside Agency Diversity Review: Options for Implementation. Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. and Dunmore, K. (2003) The planning system and the provision of affordable housing in rural Britain: a comparison of the Scottish and English experience. Housing Studies, 18(2), pp. 201-217. (doi: 10.1080/0267303032000087720)


Satsangi, M. (2002) Rental housing supply in rural Scotland: the role of private landowners. In: Hughes, D. and Lowe, S. (eds.) The Privately Rented Sector in a New Century: Revival or False Dawn? Policy Press: Bristol, UK, pp. 79-94. ISBN 9781861343499 (doi: 10.2307/j.ctt1t895s1.11)

Satsangi, M. (2002) Affordable housing in rural areas. Scottish Planner, p. 5.

Satsangi, M. , Pawson, H., Leishman, C. and Jones, C. (2002) Measuring and Predicting the Long-Term Impact of the Right-to-Buy. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. (2002) Potential Land Supply for Housing in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]


Satsangi, M. , Higgins, M., Pawson, H., Rosenburg, L., Hague, C., Bramley, G. and Storey, C. (2001) Factors Affecting Land Supply for Affordable Housing in Rural Areas. [Research Reports or Papers]


Satsangi, M. (2000) Housing. In: Allmendinger, P., Prior, A. and Raemaekers, J. (eds.) Introduction to Planning Practice. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester ; New York, N.Y.. ISBN 9780471985211

Satsangi, M. , Storey, C. and Bramley, G. (2000) Selling and Developing Land and Buildings for Renting and Low Cost Home Ownership : the Views of Landowners. [Research Reports or Papers]


Gibb, K., Munro, M. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Housing Finance in the UK: an Introduction. Macmillan: Basingstoke. ISBN 9780333664360 (doi: 10.1007/978-1-349-14117-3)

Bramley, G., Pawson, H. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Local Housing Needs Assessment : a Review of Current Practice and the Need for Guidance. [Research Reports or Papers]

Bramley, G., Pryce, G. and Satsangi, M. (1999) The Supply Responsiveness of the Private Rented Sector: An International Comparison. [Research Reports or Papers]

Fitzpatrick, S., Forsyth, B. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Young People and Housing in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Fitzpatrick, S. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Young People and Housing in Scotland: a Literature Review. [Research Reports or Papers]

Lancaster, S., Munro, M. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Northern Ireland House Condition Survey, 1996, an Investigation into the Private Rented Sector in Northern Ireland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Munro, M. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Les villes Ecossaises. In: Haumont, N. (ed.) Villes Nouvelles et Villes Traditionnelles: une Comparaison International. Series: Habitats et Sociétiés. Editions l'Harmattan: Paris, France, pp. 291-330. ISBN 9782738474698


Satsangi, M. (1998) Private rented housing in France. Netherlands Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 13(3), pp. 301-326. (doi: 10.1007/BF02496781)

Currie, H., Third, H. and Satsangi, M. (1998) Good Practice in the Use of Licensing Schemes for Houses in Multiple Occupation in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]


Satsangi, M. (1994) Housing and ethnic minorities in Scotland. Research Review(Summer), pp. 4-7.


Satsangi, M. (1993) Markets and quasi- markets in British public service production: how does the customer gain? In: Williams, P. and Satsangi, M. (eds.) Management and Change in Social Housing: Papers from the Spring 1992 Housing Studies Association Conference. Series: Papers in housing research (4). Centre for Housing Management and Development: Cardiff. ISBN 9781897901267


Satsangi, M. and Kearns, A. (1992) The use and interpretation of tenant satisfaction surveys in British social housing. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 10(3), pp. 317-331. (doi: 10.1068/c100317)

Clapham, D. and Satsangi, M. (1992) Performance assessment and accountability in British housing management. Policy and Politics, 20(1), pp. 63-74. (doi: 10.1332/030557392782454123)


Hancock, K., Jones, C., Munro, M. , Satsangi, M. , McGuckin, A. and Parkey, H. (1991) Housing Costs and Subsidies in Glasgow: the Impact of Housing Subsidies in the Glasgow Travel-To-Work Area. Joseph Rowntree Foundation: York. ISBN 9781872470276

Satsangi, M. (1991) Changing Housing Finance Systems. Series: Studies in housing (3). Centre for Housing Research, University of Glasgow: Glasgow. ISBN 9781871769357


Satsangi, M. and Clapham, D. (1990) Management Performance in Housing Co-operatives : a Report to the Department of the Environment. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Malcolm, J. and MacLennan, D. (1990) House Condition Survey 1985. Vol. 2 : People and Dwellings, the Household Survey. [Research Reports or Papers]


MacLennan, D. , Clapham, D. , Goodlad, R., Kemp, P., Malcolm, J., Satsangi, M. and Whitefield, L. (1989) The Nature and Effectiveness of Housing Management in England. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , MacLennan, D. , Kearns, A. , Mason, T. and Whitefield, L.M. (1989) Tenants' Views and Staff Attitudes : the North Experience. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 19:06:57 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 61.


Roberts, S. and Satsangi, M. (2021) “The bad landlord”: origins and significance in contemporary housing policy and practice. Housing, Theory and Society, 38(4), pp. 496-511. (doi: 10.1080/14036096.2020.1833080)

McCall, V., Satsangi, M. and Greasley-Adams, C. (2020) The legacy of the right to buy and the differentiation of older home owners. Social Policy and Society, 19(2), pp. 225-241. (doi: 10.1017/S1474746419000320)

Satsangi, M. and Wilson, M. (2020) Do housing costs impact on poverty in rural areas? Housing Studies, 35(3), pp. 415-438. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2019.1610556)

Satsangi, M. (2013) Synthesizing feminist and critical realist approaches to housing studies. Housing, Theory and Society, 30(2), pp. 193-207. (doi: 10.1080/14036096.2012.743484)

Morgan, J. and Satsangi, M. (2011) 'Reaching the parts other grants don't go?' Supporting self-provided housing in rural Scotland. Housing Studies, 26(04), pp. 615-628. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2011.559750)

Satsangi, M. (2011) Feminist epistemologies and the social relations of housing provision. Housing, Theory and Society, 28(4), pp. 398-409. (doi: 10.1080/14036096.2010.518800)

Satsangi, M. (2009) Community land ownership, housing and sustainable rural communities. Planning Practice and Research, 24(2), pp. 251-262. (doi: 10.1080/02697450902827402)

Satsangi, M. (2007) Land tenure change and rural housing in Scotland. Scottish Geographical Journal, 123(1), pp. 33-47. (doi: 10.1080/00369220718737282)

Matthews, P. and Satsangi, M. (2007) Planners, developers and power: a critical discourse analysis of the redevelopment of Leith Docks, Scotland. Planning Practice and Research, 22(4), pp. 495-511. (doi: 10.1080/02697450701770043)

Satsangi, M. (2006) 'The best laid plans…'? An assessment of housing association provision in rural Scotland. Policy and Politics, 34(4), pp. 731-752. (doi: 10.1332/030557306778553105)

Satsangi, M. (2006) Making the most of planning with new legislation? Scottish Housing Matters, 34,

Satsangi, M. (2005) Landowners and the structure of affordable housing provision in rural Scotland. Journal of Rural Studies, 21(3), pp. 349-358. (doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2005.05.001)

Richards, F. and Satsangi, M. (2004) Importing a policy problem? Affordable housing in Britain's National Parks. Planning Practice and Research, 19(3), pp. 251-266. (doi: 10.1080/0269745042000323201)

Satsangi, M. and Dunmore, K. (2003) The planning system and the provision of affordable housing in rural Britain: a comparison of the Scottish and English experience. Housing Studies, 18(2), pp. 201-217. (doi: 10.1080/0267303032000087720)

Satsangi, M. (2002) Affordable housing in rural areas. Scottish Planner, p. 5.

Satsangi, M. (1998) Private rented housing in France. Netherlands Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 13(3), pp. 301-326. (doi: 10.1007/BF02496781)

Satsangi, M. (1994) Housing and ethnic minorities in Scotland. Research Review(Summer), pp. 4-7.

Satsangi, M. and Kearns, A. (1992) The use and interpretation of tenant satisfaction surveys in British social housing. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 10(3), pp. 317-331. (doi: 10.1068/c100317)

Clapham, D. and Satsangi, M. (1992) Performance assessment and accountability in British housing management. Policy and Politics, 20(1), pp. 63-74. (doi: 10.1332/030557392782454123)


Satsangi, M. , Gallent, N. and Bevan, M. (2010) The Rural Housing Question : Communities and Planning in Britain's Countrysides. Policy Press. ISBN 9781847423849

Gibb, K., Munro, M. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Housing Finance in the UK: an Introduction. Macmillan: Basingstoke. ISBN 9780333664360 (doi: 10.1007/978-1-349-14117-3)

Hancock, K., Jones, C., Munro, M. , Satsangi, M. , McGuckin, A. and Parkey, H. (1991) Housing Costs and Subsidies in Glasgow: the Impact of Housing Subsidies in the Glasgow Travel-To-Work Area. Joseph Rowntree Foundation: York. ISBN 9781872470276

Satsangi, M. (1991) Changing Housing Finance Systems. Series: Studies in housing (3). Centre for Housing Research, University of Glasgow: Glasgow. ISBN 9781871769357

Book Sections

Satsangi, M. and Gkartzios, M. (2019) Social inclusion, identities and planning practice. In: Scott, M., Gallent, N. and Gkartzios, M. (eds.) Routledge Companion to Rural Planning. Routledge. ISBN 9781138104051

Satsangi, M. (2014) Communities, land-ownership, housing and planning: reflections from the Scottish experience. In: Gallent, N. and Ciaffi, D. (eds.) Community Action and Planning: Contexts, Drivers and Outcomes. Policy Press: Bristol, UK, pp. 117-130. ISBN 9781447315162 (doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781447315162.003.0007)

Satsangi, M. (2007) Housing allowances in France. In: Kemp, P. A. (ed.) Housing Allowances in Comparative Perspective. Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 135-157. ISBN 9781861347541 (doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781861347541.001.0001)

Satsangi, M. (2002) Rental housing supply in rural Scotland: the role of private landowners. In: Hughes, D. and Lowe, S. (eds.) The Privately Rented Sector in a New Century: Revival or False Dawn? Policy Press: Bristol, UK, pp. 79-94. ISBN 9781861343499 (doi: 10.2307/j.ctt1t895s1.11)

Satsangi, M. (2000) Housing. In: Allmendinger, P., Prior, A. and Raemaekers, J. (eds.) Introduction to Planning Practice. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester ; New York, N.Y.. ISBN 9780471985211

Munro, M. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Les villes Ecossaises. In: Haumont, N. (ed.) Villes Nouvelles et Villes Traditionnelles: une Comparaison International. Series: Habitats et Sociétiés. Editions l'Harmattan: Paris, France, pp. 291-330. ISBN 9782738474698

Satsangi, M. (1993) Markets and quasi- markets in British public service production: how does the customer gain? In: Williams, P. and Satsangi, M. (eds.) Management and Change in Social Housing: Papers from the Spring 1992 Housing Studies Association Conference. Series: Papers in housing research (4). Centre for Housing Management and Development: Cardiff. ISBN 9781897901267

Book Reviews

Satsangi, M. (2017) Affordable homes in rural Scotland: the role of housing associations, by Raymond Young, Edinburgh, Capercaillie Books, 2015, 240 pp., £15.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-909305-922. Housing Studies, 32(7), pp. 1016-1017. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2017.1351196)[Book Review]

Satsangi, M. (2013) The SAGE handbook of housing studies edited by D F Clapham, W A V Clark, K Gibb; Sage, Los Angeles, CA, 2012, 528 pages, £150.00 cloth (£95.00), ISBN 978-1-84787-430-6. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 40(5), pp. 949-950. (doi: 10.1068/b4005rev)[Book Review]

Satsangi, M. (2013) Rural Housing, Exurbanisation and Amenity-driven Development: Contrasting the ‘Haves’ and the ‘Have Nots’, David Marcouiller, Mark Lapping & Owen Furuseth (Eds) Farnham: Ashgate, 2011, 300 pp., £65.00 (hbk) ISBN 9780754670506. Housing Studies, 28(3), pp. 526-528. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2011.649943)[Book Review]

Satsangi, M. (2008) The Private Rented Housing Market, Regulation or Deregulation? David Hughes & Stuart Lowe (Eds), Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 168 þ xiv pp., £55.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780754648352. Housing Studies, (doi: 10.1080/02673030802423383)[Book Review]

Research Reports or Papers

Satsangi, M. , Hoolachan, A., O'Brien, P. , Dembski, S., Dunning, R. and Lord, A. (2020) Housing Land Allocation, Assembly and Delivery: Lessons from Europe. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Theakstone, D., Matthews, P., Lawrence, J., Rummery, K., Macintosh, S., Baghirathan, S. and Boniface, G. (2018) The Housing Experiences of Disabled People in Britain. Research report 114. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , McCall, V. and Greasley-Adams, C. (2015) Understanding the Housing Needs of Older Owner Occupiers. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. and Crawford, J. (2009) An Investigation of Occupancy Conditions in Rural Housing. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Bramley, G., Dunmore, K. and Cousins, L. (2008) Planning for Affordable Housing in the Cairngorms National Park. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Donohoe, T., Bramley, G., Wagner, F., Warren, F. and Watkins, D. (2006) Cairngorms Housing Systems Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Cairncross, L., Dowling, L., Morgan, J. and Wager, F. (2006) The Use of Existing Housing Stock in Rural England. [Research Reports or Papers]

Higgins, M., Hague, C., Prior, A., McIntosh, S., Satsangi, M. , Warren, F., Smith, H. and Netto, G. (2005) Diversity and Equality in Planning : a Good Practice Guide. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Bramley, G., Morgan, J., Bowles, G., Wilcox, S. and Karley, K. (2005) Evaluation of Housing Association Grant for Rent in Scotland, 1989-2002 : Research Report to the Scottish Executive. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Pawson, H., Munro, M., Cairncross, L., Warren, F. and Lomax, D. (2005) Review of Housing Association Governance. [Research Reports or Papers]

Netto, G., Fancy, C., Lomax, D., Satsangi, M. and Smith, H. (2004) Improving Understanding of the Housing Experiences of Minority Ethnic Communities in Aberdeen City. [Research Reports or Papers]

Netto, G., Fancy, C., Satsangi, M. and Smith, H. (2004) Improving Understanding of Housing Circumstances of Minority Ethnic Communities in Moray and Aberdeenshire. [Research Reports or Papers]

Ward Thompson, C., Bell, S., Satsangi, M. , Netto, G., Morris, N., Travlou, P., Raemaekers, J. and Griffiths, A. (2003) The Countryside Agency Diversity Review: Options for Implementation. Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Pawson, H., Leishman, C. and Jones, C. (2002) Measuring and Predicting the Long-Term Impact of the Right-to-Buy. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. (2002) Potential Land Supply for Housing in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Higgins, M., Pawson, H., Rosenburg, L., Hague, C., Bramley, G. and Storey, C. (2001) Factors Affecting Land Supply for Affordable Housing in Rural Areas. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Storey, C. and Bramley, G. (2000) Selling and Developing Land and Buildings for Renting and Low Cost Home Ownership : the Views of Landowners. [Research Reports or Papers]

Bramley, G., Pawson, H. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Local Housing Needs Assessment : a Review of Current Practice and the Need for Guidance. [Research Reports or Papers]

Bramley, G., Pryce, G. and Satsangi, M. (1999) The Supply Responsiveness of the Private Rented Sector: An International Comparison. [Research Reports or Papers]

Fitzpatrick, S., Forsyth, B. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Young People and Housing in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Fitzpatrick, S. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Young People and Housing in Scotland: a Literature Review. [Research Reports or Papers]

Lancaster, S., Munro, M. and Satsangi, M. (1999) Northern Ireland House Condition Survey, 1996, an Investigation into the Private Rented Sector in Northern Ireland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Currie, H., Third, H. and Satsangi, M. (1998) Good Practice in the Use of Licensing Schemes for Houses in Multiple Occupation in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. and Clapham, D. (1990) Management Performance in Housing Co-operatives : a Report to the Department of the Environment. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , Malcolm, J. and MacLennan, D. (1990) House Condition Survey 1985. Vol. 2 : People and Dwellings, the Household Survey. [Research Reports or Papers]

MacLennan, D. , Clapham, D. , Goodlad, R., Kemp, P., Malcolm, J., Satsangi, M. and Whitefield, L. (1989) The Nature and Effectiveness of Housing Management in England. [Research Reports or Papers]

Satsangi, M. , MacLennan, D. , Kearns, A. , Mason, T. and Whitefield, L.M. (1989) Tenants' Views and Staff Attitudes : the North Experience. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 19:06:57 2025 GMT.