Dr Kirsteen Paton
- Senior Lecturer in the Sociology of Class (Sociological & Cultural Studies)
0141 330 5070
Research interests
I am a Senior Lecturer in the Sociology of Class at the University of Glasgow. My work explores the complex relationship between urban restructuring and class restructuring, with a focus on housing accumulation, dispossession and resistance. This includes analyses of the changing urban political economy and class and everyday life in neighbourhoods and cities. My research offers conjunctural analyses of gentrification, evictions, and large-scale sporting events (Commonwealth Games 2014) and their impacts on working-class communities, with a strong focus on local community resistance and counter-hegemonic movements.
Research groups
I am currently supervising
Abi O'Connor
Meg Bishop
Completed PhD supervision
Emma Bimpson (ESRC, White Rose)
Michael Simon
Professional activities & recognition
Editorial boards
- 2021: The Sociological Review
Professional & learned societies
- 2017 - 2019: Study Group Convenor, British Sociological Association
- Keynote Speaker 2015 Housing: Critical Perspectives Conference in association with Liverpool University and Liverpool John Moores University and Architecture MPS. 8th April 2015, University of Liverpool. 2014 ‘Private Spaces/Public Lives: Performing neoliberal value as the new urban frontier?’ European Sociological Association, RN37 Urban Sociology, University of Lisbon. 2014 ‘Living with Gentrification: A working-class perspective’, 4th September 2014, Göteborgs Stadsmuseum, Gothenburg. 2011 ‘Housing in Hard Times: Marginality, Inequality and Class’, Housing Studies Association Annual Conference: ‘Hard Times; Class, Poverty and Social Exclusion’ 13th -15th April University of York. 2020 General Editor, The Sociological Review 2019- Trustee and Secretary, Interchange Charity https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/interchange/about/ 2017 Senior Fellowship, AdvancedHE Academy.