Professor Kelly Kollman
- Professor of Politics (Political & International Studies)
0141 330 3910
R1212 Level 12, Politics, Adam Smith Building, Glasgow G12 8RT
I joined the University of Glasgow in 2005 as a Lecturer in Politics and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2011.
My research interests focus on the ways in which norms and policy ideas form within international policy communities and have (fail to have) effects in individual countries. Substantively my research focuses on policy change in western democracies in two distinct areas: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & inter-sex rights and corporate social responsibility.
I have published extensively in both areas in high-profile journals such as World Politics, International Studies Quarterly, International Studies Review, Contemporary Politics and Regulation & Governance as well as a monograph entitled The Same-sex Unions Revolution (Manchester University Press, 2013). My work has been supported by leading funding bodies including by the Carnegie Trust for Scottish Universities (Same-sex Unions in Western Democracies, 2009), the Economic and Social Research Council (Borderless Politics, 2012-2015) and the Leverhulme Trust (Responsible Lobbyists? 2019-2021).
In the current Leverhulme project I examine the ways in which large firms’ corporate social responsibility credentials and practices influence their access to policymakers in the UK as well as how these firms engage in the policy process.
I hold a PhD from the George Washington University in Washington DC (USA). Before coming to the Glasgow, I was an assistant professor in the Political Science Department at Carleton College in Minnesota, USA.
Research interests
- Comparative European Politics
- Policy diffusion / cross border policy learning
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & intersex+ (LGBTI+) politics
- Business & Politics
Research groups
- Leverhulme Trust (2019-2021): Responsbile Lobbyists?
- Economic and Social Research Council (ES/I036974/1; 2012-2015): Borderless Politics
- Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (2009) Same-sex Unions Policy in Western Democracies: Common Ideas and Diverse Models.
Supervision Areas:
- European politics / public policy
- Policy diffusion
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender+ politics and activism
- Social movements
- Business & politics
- Rehm, Eva Sophia
Analysis of recent developments towards the harmonisation of sustainability reporting and its impact on companies’ CSR practices and sustainability disclosures
Undergraduate Teaching
- Politics 2B Comparative Politics in a Globalising World (Coordinator / contributor)
- Business & Politics (Honours)
Postgraduate Teaching
- Qualitative Research Methods (contributor)
- Human Rights & Global Politics