Number of items: 40.
Fear, J. and Kobrak, C.
Making capitalism respectable: the language of German and American corporate governance after the financial crisis of 1873.
In: Cassis, Y. and Schenk, C. (eds.)
Remembering and Learning from Financial Crises.
Oxford University Press, pp. 131-164.
ISBN 9780191913495
(doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198870906.003.0007)
Fear, J. and Stanca-Mustea, C.
“Carl Laemmle Presents”: A story of political and cultural risk in Germany, 1917–1934.
Business History Review, 95(3),
pp. 375-421.
(doi: 10.1017/S0007680520000902)
[Editor] Immigrant Entrepreneurship: The German-American Business Biography, 1720 to the Present (Volume 4: The Age of the World Wars, 1918-1945, Introduction: “Hiding in Plain Sight: German Immigrant Entrepreneurship and the Shaping of Mainstream America”).
Fear, J.
Gerald D. Feldman: an appreciation.
In: Hofmann, C. and Müller, M. L. (eds.)
History of Financial Institutions: Essays on the history of European finance 1800-1950.
Series: Banking, money and international finance (6).
Routledge (Taylor and Francis): London, pp. 1-12.
ISBN 978113866651
Fear, J. and Lerner, P.
Behind the Screens: Émigrés, Exiles and Refugees in Mid Twentieth-Century Los Angeles [Guest editors].
Jewish Culture and History, 17(1-2),
Fear, J. and Lerner, P.
Behind the screens: immigrants, émigrés and exiles in mid twentieth-century Los Angeles [Introduction].
Jewish Culture and History, 17(1-2),
pp. 1-21.
(doi: 10.1080/1462169X.2016.1190496)
Fear, J.
War of the factories.
In: Geyer, M. and Tooze, A. (eds.)
Cambridge History of the Second World War, Vol. 3. Total War: Economy, Society and Culture.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 94-121.
ISBN 9781107039957
Fear, J., Venohr, B. and Witt, A.
Best of German Mittelstand — The world market leaders.
In: Langenscheidt, F. and Venohr, B. (eds.)
The Best of German Mittelstand: The World Market Leaders.
Deutsche Standards: Cologne, pp. 10-27.
ISBN 9783942597487
Fear, J.
Mining the past: historicizing organizational learning and change.
In: Bucheli, M. and Wadhwani, R. D. (eds.)
Organizations in Time: History, Theory, Methods.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 169-191.
ISBN 9780199646890
(doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199646890.003.0007)
Lubinski, C., Fear, J.R. and Fernández Pérez, P. (Eds.)
Family Multinationals: Entrepreneurship, Governance, and Pathways to Internationalization.
Series: Routledge international studies in business history.
Routledge: London, UK.
ISBN 9780415836715
Fear, J.R.
Globalization from a 17mm diameter cylinder perspective: Mittelstand multinationals.
In: Lubinski, C., Fear, J.R. and Fernández Pérez, P. (eds.)
Family Multinationals: Entrepreneurship, Governance, and Pathways to Internationalization.
Series: Routledge international studies in business history (23).
Routledge: London, UK.
ISBN 9780415836715
Fear, J.R. and Wadhwani, R.D.
Populism and political entrepreneurship: The universalization of German savings banks and the decline of American savings banks, 1907-1934.
In: Berghoff, H., Kocka, J. and Ziegler, D. (eds.)
Business in the Age of Extremes: Essays in Modern German and Austrian Economic History.
Series: Publications of the German Historical Institute.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 94-118.
Fear, J.
Hiding in plain sight: German immigrant entrepreneurship and the shaping of mainstream America.
Immigrant Entrepreneurship: German-American Business Biographies, 4,
Fear, J.R.
Heinrich Dinkelbach: Eine Managerkarriere mit Lehre und katholischer Prägung.
In: Wessel, H.A. (ed.)
Mülheimer Unternehmer und Pioniere im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Flexibel - Kreativ - Innovativ.
Klartext Verlag: Essen, Germany, pp. 265-290.
ISBN 9783837507355
Fear, J.R.
Straight outta Oberberg: Transforming mid-sized family firms into global champions 1970–2010.
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 53(1),
pp. 125-169.
(doi: 10.1524/jbwg.2012.0007)
Deighton, J., Avery, J. and Fear, J.
Porsche: the Cayenne launch.
Harvard Business School Cases,
pp. 9-511.
Fear, J. and Kobrak, C.
Banks on board: German and American corporate governance, 1870–1914.
Business History Review, 84(4),
pp. 703-736.
(doi: 10.1017/S0007680500001999)
Fear, J.R.
Die Zukumft der Vergangenheit: Deutscher Kapitalismus aus der Sicht von Rhein und Ruhr.
In: Anna, S. (ed.)
Uberschreitungen: das Wechselspiel von Wirtschaft und Kunst im 19. Jahrhundert.
Series: Schriftenreihe Stadtmuseum.
Droste Verlag: Düsseldorf, Germany, pp. 25-46.
ISBN 9783770013463
Fear, J.R.
In: Jones, G. and Zeitlin, J. (eds.)
The Oxford Handbook of Business History.
Series: Oxford handbooks in business and management.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 268-292.
ISBN 9780199263684
(doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199263684.003.0012)
Fear, J.R.
Erich Potthoff: Gedanken über die Mitbestimmung mit warmen Herzen und klarem Verstand [English: Erich Potthoff: Thinking about codetermination with a sympathetic heart and sharp reasoning].
In: Feldenkirchen, W., Hilger, S. and Rennert, K. (eds.)
Geschichte - Unternehmen - Archive.
Klartext Verlag: Essen, Germany, pp. 397-423.
ISBN 9783837500073
Fear, J.R.
Mit Umsicht und Eifer: Der Führungsstil August Thyssens.
In: Wegener, S. (ed.)
August und Joseph Thyssen: Die Familie und ihre Unternehmen.
Klartext Verlag: Essen, Germany, pp. 173-212.
ISBN 9783898613125
Fear, J.
Banking on Germany? [Teaching Note].
Harvard Business School Cases,
Fear, J.
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche (A): true to brand? and (B): made in Germany [Teaching Note].
Harvard Business School Cases,
Fear, J. and Ketels, C.H.M.
Cluster mobilization in Mitteldeutschland [Teaching Note].
Harvard Business School Cases,
Fear, J.
BMW (A): ultimately driving away? [Teaching Note].
Harvard Business School Cases,
Fear, J., Knoop, C.-I. and Linsenmeier, C.
BMW (A): ultimately driving away?
Harvard Business School Cases,
Fear, J. and Linsenmeier, C.
BMW (B): not driving away.
Harvard Business School Cases,
Fear, J.R.
Die vernachlässigte Macht der altmodischen face-to-face Kommunikation in Unternehmen und Betrieb: BMW im Gespräch.
Ferrum – Nachrichten aus der Eisenbibliothek, 78,
pp. 100-111.
Fear, J. and Ketels, C.H.M.
Cluster mobilization in Mitteldeutschland.
Harvard Business School Cases,
Fear, J. and Kobrak, C.
Diverging paths: Accounting for corporate governance in America and Germany.
Business History Review, 80(1),
pp. 1-48.
(doi: 10.1017/S0007680500080971)
Fear, J. and Knoop, C.-I.
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (A): true to brand?
Harvard Business School Cases,
Fear, J. and Knoop, C.-I.
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (B): made in Germany.
Harvard Business School Cases,
Fear, J.R.
Organizing Control: August Thyssen and the Construction of German Corporate Management.
Series: Harvard studies in business history, 45.
Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA.
ISBN 9780674014923
Fear, J.
Banking on Germany?
Harvard Business School Cases,
Fear, J.R.
Thinking historically about organizational learning.
In: Dierkes, M., Berthoin Antal, A., Child, J. and Nonaka, I. (eds.)
Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 162-191.
ISBN 9780198295839
Fear, J.R.
August Thyssen and German steel.
In: McCraw, T.K. (ed.)
Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions.
Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 185-226.
ISBN 9780674175556
Fear, J.R.
Constructing big business: The cultural concept of the firm.
In: Chandler, A.D., Amatori, F. and Hikino, T. (eds.)
Big Business and the Wealth of Nations.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 546-574.
ISBN 9780521481236
Fear, J.R.
German capitalism.
In: McCraw, T.K. (ed.)
Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions.
Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 135-182.
ISBN 9780674175556
Fear, J.R.
Thyssen & Co., Mülheim a.d Ruhr: Blaupause für die Vereinigte Stahlwerke.
900 Jahre Mülheim an der Ruhr, 1093-1993.
Series: Zeitschrift des Geschichtsvereins Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, 1 (66).
Geschichtsverein: Mülheim, Germany, pp. 405-431.
Fear, J.
Die Rüstungsindustrie im Gau Schwaben 1939-1945.
Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 35(2),
pp. 193-216.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 19:04:25 2025 GMT.