Professor Jeffrey Fear

  • Professor of International Business History (Political & International Studies)

telephone: 0141-330-5553

Lilybank House, Bute Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8qq

Import to contacts

Research interests

Research Interests

  • 20th century German business and economic history
  • competitiveness and internationalization of family/small and midsize businesses
  • history of multinational business and international cartels
  • comparative corporate governance and organization
  • immigrant entrepreneurship

My research ranges across a variety of disciplines although topics tend to center on the nature and development of German business or German and American varieties of capitalism. At present I am researching and organizing collaborative projects on family or small and midsize businesses that are global champions in their market niche and, surprisingly often, multinational companies. The main research question is how such companies evolved in developed countries from their small business roots since the 1970s in the teeth of deindustrialization to become world market leaders and why Central Europe (Germany) appears to have a particular strength in this area. These firms are emerging multinationals from wealthier countries rather than emerging market multinationals or established transnationals.  This topic bridges history, family business, entrepreneurship, and strategic management studies.

The second ongoing project is an ongoing website regarding German-American immigrant entrepreneurship between the Two World Wars. Based on individual biographies and with a rich documentary basis on-line, this project presents a mosaic of individual immigrants from Germany who helped make modern America “America” or Hollywood “Hollywood” such as Carl Laemmle (Universal Studios) or Albert Lasker (Lord & Thomas), a major advertising executive who created such famous brands as Sunkist oranges, Wrigley’s Gum, or Lucky Strike cigarettes. Such immigrants did not just assimilate but transformed America.

Research Contribution / Collaborations

  • Editorial Board, Business History Review from 2005 to the present
  • Editorial Board, Essays in Economic and Business History from 2012 to the present
  • Editor, Immigrant Entrepreneurship: German-American Business Biographies, German Historical Institute from 2010 to the present
  • Kroos Dissertation Prize Committee 2013-2015, Business History Conference
  • Presidential Nominating Committee 2011-2014, Business History Conference
  • Trustee 2006-2009, Business History Conference
  • Co-organizer with University of Southern California, “Los Angeles as a Site of German-American Crossings: A Symposium,” February 2014
  • Visiting Professor, University of Southern California Max Kade Institute for Austrian-German-Swiss Studies 2013
  • Visiting DAAD Professor, University of Marburg, 2012 with symposium on “Business, Business Associations, and the State after 1945,” July 2012


(available as e-book and hard copy)

With Christina Lubinski and Paloma Fernández Pérez (eds.), Family Multinationals: Entrepreneurship, Governance and Pathways to Internationalization (Routledge International Studies in Business History) (London: Routledge, 2013)

Organizing Control: August Thyssen and the Construction of German Corporate Management (Harvard University Press 2005)  

Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2021 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003 | 2001 | 1997 | 1993 | 1987
Number of items: 40.


Fear, J. and Kobrak, C. (2021) Making capitalism respectable: the language of German and American corporate governance after the financial crisis of 1873. In: Cassis, Y. and Schenk, C. (eds.) Remembering and Learning from Financial Crises. Oxford University Press, pp. 131-164. ISBN 9780191913495 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198870906.003.0007)

Fear, J. and Stanca-Mustea, C. (2021) “Carl Laemmle Presents”: A story of political and cultural risk in Germany, 1917–1934. Business History Review, 95(3), pp. 375-421. (doi: 10.1017/S0007680520000902)


(2018) [Editor] Immigrant Entrepreneurship: The German-American Business Biography, 1720 to the Present (Volume 4: The Age of the World Wars, 1918-1945, Introduction: “Hiding in Plain Sight: German Immigrant Entrepreneurship and the Shaping of Mainstream America”). [Website]


Fear, J. (2017) Gerald D. Feldman: an appreciation. In: Hofmann, C. and Müller, M. L. (eds.) History of Financial Institutions: Essays on the history of European finance 1800-1950. Series: Banking, money and international finance (6). Routledge (Taylor and Francis): London, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978113866651


Fear, J. and Lerner, P. (2016) Behind the Screens: Émigrés, Exiles and Refugees in Mid Twentieth-Century Los Angeles [Guest editors]. Jewish Culture and History, 17(1-2),

Fear, J. and Lerner, P. (2016) Behind the screens: immigrants, émigrés and exiles in mid twentieth-century Los Angeles [Introduction]. Jewish Culture and History, 17(1-2), pp. 1-21. (doi: 10.1080/1462169X.2016.1190496)


Fear, J. (2015) War of the factories. In: Geyer, M. and Tooze, A. (eds.) Cambridge History of the Second World War, Vol. 3. Total War: Economy, Society and Culture. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 94-121. ISBN 9781107039957

Fear, J., Venohr, B. and Witt, A. (2015) Best of German Mittelstand — The world market leaders. In: Langenscheidt, F. and Venohr, B. (eds.) The Best of German Mittelstand: The World Market Leaders. Deutsche Standards: Cologne, pp. 10-27. ISBN 9783942597487


Fear, J. (2014) Mining the past: historicizing organizational learning and change. In: Bucheli, M. and Wadhwani, R. D. (eds.) Organizations in Time: History, Theory, Methods. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 169-191. ISBN 9780199646890 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199646890.003.0007)


Lubinski, C., Fear, J.R. and Fernández Pérez, P. (Eds.) (2013) Family Multinationals: Entrepreneurship, Governance, and Pathways to Internationalization. Series: Routledge international studies in business history. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415836715

Fear, J.R. (2013) Globalization from a 17mm diameter cylinder perspective: Mittelstand multinationals. In: Lubinski, C., Fear, J.R. and Fernández Pérez, P. (eds.) Family Multinationals: Entrepreneurship, Governance, and Pathways to Internationalization. Series: Routledge international studies in business history (23). Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415836715

Fear, J.R. and Wadhwani, R.D. (2013) Populism and political entrepreneurship: The universalization of German savings banks and the decline of American savings banks, 1907-1934. In: Berghoff, H., Kocka, J. and Ziegler, D. (eds.) Business in the Age of Extremes: Essays in Modern German and Austrian Economic History. Series: Publications of the German Historical Institute. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 94-118.


Fear, J. (2012) Hiding in plain sight: German immigrant entrepreneurship and the shaping of mainstream America. Immigrant Entrepreneurship: German-American Business Biographies, 4,

Fear, J.R. (2012) Heinrich Dinkelbach: Eine Managerkarriere mit Lehre und katholischer Prägung. In: Wessel, H.A. (ed.) Mülheimer Unternehmer und Pioniere im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Flexibel - Kreativ - Innovativ. Klartext Verlag: Essen, Germany, pp. 265-290. ISBN 9783837507355

Fear, J.R. (2012) Straight outta Oberberg: Transforming mid-sized family firms into global champions 1970–2010. Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 53(1), pp. 125-169. (doi: 10.1524/jbwg.2012.0007)


Deighton, J., Avery, J. and Fear, J. (2011) Porsche: the Cayenne launch. Harvard Business School Cases, pp. 9-511.


Fear, J. and Kobrak, C. (2010) Banks on board: German and American corporate governance, 1870–1914. Business History Review, 84(4), pp. 703-736. (doi: 10.1017/S0007680500001999)


Fear, J.R. (2009) Die Zukumft der Vergangenheit: Deutscher Kapitalismus aus der Sicht von Rhein und Ruhr. In: Anna, S. (ed.) Uberschreitungen: das Wechselspiel von Wirtschaft und Kunst im 19. Jahrhundert. Series: Schriftenreihe Stadtmuseum. Droste Verlag: Düsseldorf, Germany, pp. 25-46. ISBN 9783770013463


Fear, J.R. (2008) Cartels. In: Jones, G. and Zeitlin, J. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Business History. Series: Oxford handbooks in business and management. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 268-292. ISBN 9780199263684 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199263684.003.0012)

Fear, J.R. (2008) Erich Potthoff: Gedanken über die Mitbestimmung mit warmen Herzen und klarem Verstand [English: Erich Potthoff: Thinking about codetermination with a sympathetic heart and sharp reasoning]. In: Feldenkirchen, W., Hilger, S. and Rennert, K. (eds.) Geschichte - Unternehmen - Archive. Klartext Verlag: Essen, Germany, pp. 397-423. ISBN 9783837500073

Fear, J.R. (2008) Mit Umsicht und Eifer: Der Führungsstil August Thyssens. In: Wegener, S. (ed.) August und Joseph Thyssen: Die Familie und ihre Unternehmen. Klartext Verlag: Essen, Germany, pp. 173-212. ISBN 9783898613125


Fear, J. (2006) Banking on Germany? [Teaching Note]. Harvard Business School Cases, 5-706-050.

Fear, J. (2006) Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche (A): true to brand? and (B): made in Germany [Teaching Note]. Harvard Business School Cases, 5-706-056.

Fear, J. and Ketels, C.H.M. (2006) Cluster mobilization in Mitteldeutschland [Teaching Note]. Harvard Business School Cases, 5-707-005.

Fear, J. (2006) BMW (A): ultimately driving away? [Teaching Note]. Harvard Business School Cases, 5-706-056.

Fear, J., Knoop, C.-I. and Linsenmeier, C. (2006) BMW (A): ultimately driving away? Harvard Business School Cases, 9-705-029.

Fear, J. and Linsenmeier, C. (2006) BMW (B): not driving away. Harvard Business School Cases, 9-706-063.

Fear, J.R. (2006) Die vernachlässigte Macht der altmodischen face-to-face Kommunikation in Unternehmen und Betrieb: BMW im Gespräch. Ferrum – Nachrichten aus der Eisenbibliothek, 78, pp. 100-111.

Fear, J. and Ketels, C.H.M. (2006) Cluster mobilization in Mitteldeutschland. Harvard Business School Cases, 9-707-004.

Fear, J. and Kobrak, C. (2006) Diverging paths: Accounting for corporate governance in America and Germany. Business History Review, 80(1), pp. 1-48. (doi: 10.1017/S0007680500080971)

Fear, J. and Knoop, C.-I. (2006) Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (A): true to brand? Harvard Business School Cases, 9-706-018.

Fear, J. and Knoop, C.-I. (2006) Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (B): made in Germany. Harvard Business School Cases, 9-706-019.


Fear, J.R. (2005) Organizing Control: August Thyssen and the Construction of German Corporate Management. Series: Harvard studies in business history, 45. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA. ISBN 9780674014923


Fear, J. (2003) Banking on Germany? Harvard Business School Cases, 9-703-028.


Fear, J.R. (2001) Thinking historically about organizational learning. In: Dierkes, M., Berthoin Antal, A., Child, J. and Nonaka, I. (eds.) Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 162-191. ISBN 9780198295839


Fear, J.R. (1997) August Thyssen and German steel. In: McCraw, T.K. (ed.) Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 185-226. ISBN 9780674175556

Fear, J.R. (1997) Constructing big business: The cultural concept of the firm. In: Chandler, A.D., Amatori, F. and Hikino, T. (eds.) Big Business and the Wealth of Nations. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 546-574. ISBN 9780521481236

Fear, J.R. (1997) German capitalism. In: McCraw, T.K. (ed.) Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 135-182. ISBN 9780674175556


Fear, J.R. (1993) Thyssen & Co., Mülheim a.d Ruhr: Blaupause für die Vereinigte Stahlwerke. In: 900 Jahre Mülheim an der Ruhr, 1093-1993. Series: Zeitschrift des Geschichtsvereins Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, 1 (66). Geschichtsverein: Mülheim, Germany, pp. 405-431.


Fear, J. (1987) Die Rüstungsindustrie im Gau Schwaben 1939-1945. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 35(2), pp. 193-216.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 19:04:25 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 40.


Fear, J. and Stanca-Mustea, C. (2021) “Carl Laemmle Presents”: A story of political and cultural risk in Germany, 1917–1934. Business History Review, 95(3), pp. 375-421. (doi: 10.1017/S0007680520000902)

Fear, J. and Lerner, P. (2016) Behind the Screens: Émigrés, Exiles and Refugees in Mid Twentieth-Century Los Angeles [Guest editors]. Jewish Culture and History, 17(1-2),

Fear, J. and Lerner, P. (2016) Behind the screens: immigrants, émigrés and exiles in mid twentieth-century Los Angeles [Introduction]. Jewish Culture and History, 17(1-2), pp. 1-21. (doi: 10.1080/1462169X.2016.1190496)

Fear, J. (2012) Hiding in plain sight: German immigrant entrepreneurship and the shaping of mainstream America. Immigrant Entrepreneurship: German-American Business Biographies, 4,

Fear, J.R. (2012) Straight outta Oberberg: Transforming mid-sized family firms into global champions 1970–2010. Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 53(1), pp. 125-169. (doi: 10.1524/jbwg.2012.0007)

Deighton, J., Avery, J. and Fear, J. (2011) Porsche: the Cayenne launch. Harvard Business School Cases, pp. 9-511.

Fear, J. and Kobrak, C. (2010) Banks on board: German and American corporate governance, 1870–1914. Business History Review, 84(4), pp. 703-736. (doi: 10.1017/S0007680500001999)

Fear, J. (2006) Banking on Germany? [Teaching Note]. Harvard Business School Cases, 5-706-050.

Fear, J. (2006) Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche (A): true to brand? and (B): made in Germany [Teaching Note]. Harvard Business School Cases, 5-706-056.

Fear, J. and Ketels, C.H.M. (2006) Cluster mobilization in Mitteldeutschland [Teaching Note]. Harvard Business School Cases, 5-707-005.

Fear, J. (2006) BMW (A): ultimately driving away? [Teaching Note]. Harvard Business School Cases, 5-706-056.

Fear, J., Knoop, C.-I. and Linsenmeier, C. (2006) BMW (A): ultimately driving away? Harvard Business School Cases, 9-705-029.

Fear, J. and Linsenmeier, C. (2006) BMW (B): not driving away. Harvard Business School Cases, 9-706-063.

Fear, J.R. (2006) Die vernachlässigte Macht der altmodischen face-to-face Kommunikation in Unternehmen und Betrieb: BMW im Gespräch. Ferrum – Nachrichten aus der Eisenbibliothek, 78, pp. 100-111.

Fear, J. and Ketels, C.H.M. (2006) Cluster mobilization in Mitteldeutschland. Harvard Business School Cases, 9-707-004.

Fear, J. and Kobrak, C. (2006) Diverging paths: Accounting for corporate governance in America and Germany. Business History Review, 80(1), pp. 1-48. (doi: 10.1017/S0007680500080971)

Fear, J. and Knoop, C.-I. (2006) Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (A): true to brand? Harvard Business School Cases, 9-706-018.

Fear, J. and Knoop, C.-I. (2006) Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (B): made in Germany. Harvard Business School Cases, 9-706-019.

Fear, J. (2003) Banking on Germany? Harvard Business School Cases, 9-703-028.

Fear, J. (1987) Die Rüstungsindustrie im Gau Schwaben 1939-1945. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 35(2), pp. 193-216.


Fear, J.R. (2005) Organizing Control: August Thyssen and the Construction of German Corporate Management. Series: Harvard studies in business history, 45. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA. ISBN 9780674014923

Book Sections

Fear, J. and Kobrak, C. (2021) Making capitalism respectable: the language of German and American corporate governance after the financial crisis of 1873. In: Cassis, Y. and Schenk, C. (eds.) Remembering and Learning from Financial Crises. Oxford University Press, pp. 131-164. ISBN 9780191913495 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198870906.003.0007)

Fear, J. (2017) Gerald D. Feldman: an appreciation. In: Hofmann, C. and Müller, M. L. (eds.) History of Financial Institutions: Essays on the history of European finance 1800-1950. Series: Banking, money and international finance (6). Routledge (Taylor and Francis): London, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978113866651

Fear, J. (2015) War of the factories. In: Geyer, M. and Tooze, A. (eds.) Cambridge History of the Second World War, Vol. 3. Total War: Economy, Society and Culture. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 94-121. ISBN 9781107039957

Fear, J., Venohr, B. and Witt, A. (2015) Best of German Mittelstand — The world market leaders. In: Langenscheidt, F. and Venohr, B. (eds.) The Best of German Mittelstand: The World Market Leaders. Deutsche Standards: Cologne, pp. 10-27. ISBN 9783942597487

Fear, J. (2014) Mining the past: historicizing organizational learning and change. In: Bucheli, M. and Wadhwani, R. D. (eds.) Organizations in Time: History, Theory, Methods. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 169-191. ISBN 9780199646890 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199646890.003.0007)

Fear, J.R. (2013) Globalization from a 17mm diameter cylinder perspective: Mittelstand multinationals. In: Lubinski, C., Fear, J.R. and Fernández Pérez, P. (eds.) Family Multinationals: Entrepreneurship, Governance, and Pathways to Internationalization. Series: Routledge international studies in business history (23). Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415836715

Fear, J.R. and Wadhwani, R.D. (2013) Populism and political entrepreneurship: The universalization of German savings banks and the decline of American savings banks, 1907-1934. In: Berghoff, H., Kocka, J. and Ziegler, D. (eds.) Business in the Age of Extremes: Essays in Modern German and Austrian Economic History. Series: Publications of the German Historical Institute. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 94-118.

Fear, J.R. (2012) Heinrich Dinkelbach: Eine Managerkarriere mit Lehre und katholischer Prägung. In: Wessel, H.A. (ed.) Mülheimer Unternehmer und Pioniere im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Flexibel - Kreativ - Innovativ. Klartext Verlag: Essen, Germany, pp. 265-290. ISBN 9783837507355

Fear, J.R. (2009) Die Zukumft der Vergangenheit: Deutscher Kapitalismus aus der Sicht von Rhein und Ruhr. In: Anna, S. (ed.) Uberschreitungen: das Wechselspiel von Wirtschaft und Kunst im 19. Jahrhundert. Series: Schriftenreihe Stadtmuseum. Droste Verlag: Düsseldorf, Germany, pp. 25-46. ISBN 9783770013463

Fear, J.R. (2008) Cartels. In: Jones, G. and Zeitlin, J. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Business History. Series: Oxford handbooks in business and management. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 268-292. ISBN 9780199263684 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199263684.003.0012)

Fear, J.R. (2008) Erich Potthoff: Gedanken über die Mitbestimmung mit warmen Herzen und klarem Verstand [English: Erich Potthoff: Thinking about codetermination with a sympathetic heart and sharp reasoning]. In: Feldenkirchen, W., Hilger, S. and Rennert, K. (eds.) Geschichte - Unternehmen - Archive. Klartext Verlag: Essen, Germany, pp. 397-423. ISBN 9783837500073

Fear, J.R. (2008) Mit Umsicht und Eifer: Der Führungsstil August Thyssens. In: Wegener, S. (ed.) August und Joseph Thyssen: Die Familie und ihre Unternehmen. Klartext Verlag: Essen, Germany, pp. 173-212. ISBN 9783898613125

Fear, J.R. (2001) Thinking historically about organizational learning. In: Dierkes, M., Berthoin Antal, A., Child, J. and Nonaka, I. (eds.) Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 162-191. ISBN 9780198295839

Fear, J.R. (1997) August Thyssen and German steel. In: McCraw, T.K. (ed.) Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 185-226. ISBN 9780674175556

Fear, J.R. (1997) Constructing big business: The cultural concept of the firm. In: Chandler, A.D., Amatori, F. and Hikino, T. (eds.) Big Business and the Wealth of Nations. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 546-574. ISBN 9780521481236

Fear, J.R. (1997) German capitalism. In: McCraw, T.K. (ed.) Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 135-182. ISBN 9780674175556

Fear, J.R. (1993) Thyssen & Co., Mülheim a.d Ruhr: Blaupause für die Vereinigte Stahlwerke. In: 900 Jahre Mülheim an der Ruhr, 1093-1993. Series: Zeitschrift des Geschichtsvereins Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, 1 (66). Geschichtsverein: Mülheim, Germany, pp. 405-431.

Edited Books

Lubinski, C., Fear, J.R. and Fernández Pérez, P. (Eds.) (2013) Family Multinationals: Entrepreneurship, Governance, and Pathways to Internationalization. Series: Routledge international studies in business history. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415836715


(2018) [Editor] Immigrant Entrepreneurship: The German-American Business Biography, 1720 to the Present (Volume 4: The Age of the World Wars, 1918-1945, Introduction: “Hiding in Plain Sight: German Immigrant Entrepreneurship and the Shaping of Mainstream America”). [Website]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 19:04:25 2025 GMT.