Number of items: 66.
White, J. T.
The future of placemaking in Scotland: moving beyond 'planning-by-concession'.
Scottish Planner(199),
p. 13.
Gardner, A., Orr, A. M., Jackson, C. and White, J. T.
A framework for the management of retail assets.
Journal of European Real Estate Research,
(doi: 10.1108/JERER-01-2024-0004)
(Early Online Publication)
Jackson, C., Lawson, V., Orr, A. and White, J. T.
Repurposing retail space: exploring stakeholder relationships.
Urban Studies, 61(1),
pp. 148-164.
(doi: 10.1177/00420980231178776)
White, J. T. , Kenny, T., Samuel, F., Foye, C. , James, G. and Serin, B.
Are well-designed places possible? A model of design governance intervention in the planning, design and development of new neighbourhoods.
Journal of Urban Design,
(doi: 10.1080/13574809.2023.2296885)
(Early Online Publication)
Serin, B. , White, J. and Hoolachan, A.
A Human-centred Approach to Retrofitting Housing for Carbon Reduction: Opportunities and Challenges.
UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference 2023, Glasgow, UK, 4-6 Sept 2023.
Gibb, K., Sharpe, T., Higney, A. , Moreno-Rangel, A., Serin, B. , White, J. and Hoolachan, A.
Niddrie Road, Glasgow: Tenement Retrofit Evaluation.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Richardson, R. , White, J. and James, G.
Progressive Placemaking in Scotland: The Long Road from Aspiration to Implementation.
UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference 2023, Glasgow, UK, 4-6 Sept 2023.
White, J. T. , Orr, A. , Jackson, C., Gardner, A., Hickie, J., Richardson, R. and Stewart, J.
Averting dead mall syndrome: de-malling and the future of the purpose-built shopping center in large UK cities.
Journal of Urban Affairs,
(doi: 10.1080/07352166.2023.2239957)
(Early Online Publication)
White, J. T. , Hickie, J., Orr, A. , Jackson, C. and Richardson, R.
The experience economy in UK city centres: a multidimensional and interconnected response to the 'death of the high street'?
Urban Studies, 60(10),
pp. 1833-1852.
(doi: 10.1177/00420980221143043)
White, J. T. and Punter, J.
Condoland: The Planning, Design, and Development of Toronto's CityPlace.
UBC Press: Vancouver.
ISBN 9780774868396
Orr, A. M. , Stewart, J. L. , Jackson, C. C. and White, J. T.
Shifting prime retailing pitches. A GIS analysis of the spatial adaptations in city centre retail markets.
Journal of Property Research, 40(2),
pp. 101-133.
(doi: 10.1080/09599916.2022.2141133)
Orr, A. M. , Stewart, J. L. , Jackson, C. C. and White, J. T.
Ownership diversity and fragmentation: a barrier to urban centre resilience.
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 50(3),
pp. 660-677.
(doi: 10.1177/23998083221124600)
Orr, A. , Stewart, J. , Jackson, C. and White, J. T.
Not quite the ‘death of the high street’ in UK city centres: rising vacancy rates and the shift in property use richness and diversity.
Cities, 133,
(doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2022.104124)
Orr, A. M. , Gardner, A., Jackson, C. and White, J. T.
Changing tenant covenant perceptions and flexibility in the lease model in UK city centres.
Journal of Property Research, 40(1),
pp. 1-24.
(doi: 10.1080/09599916.2022.2057866)
Webb, B. and White, J. T.
Planning and the high-rise neighbourhood: debates on vertical cities.
Urban Planning, 7(4),
pp. 208-212.
(doi: 10.17645/up.v7i4.6357)
Orr, A. M. , Jackson, C., White, J. T. , Lawson, V., Gardner, A., Hickie, J., Richardson, R. and Stewart, J. L.
Retail Change and Transition in UK City Centres. Real Estate, Place Adaptation and Innovation within an integrated Retailing system (REPAIR) End of Project Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
White, J. , Hickie, J. and Richardson, R.
Leisure and entertainment experiences: Reshaping city centres.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Orr, A. , Gardner, A., Jackson, C., Lawson, V., Stewart, J. and White, J.
The Adaptiveness of the Retail Property Market in the UK. A Mixed Method Study of Change.
28th Annual Conference of the European Real Estate Society, Milan, Italy, 22-25 June 2022.
Orr, A. and White, J.
All change on the high street.
Context, 171,
pp. 14-17.
Orr, A. M. , White, J. T. and Lawson, V.
Retail Decline and the Fate of the Urban Shopping Centre in UK City Centres.
2022 AAG Annual Meeting, 25 Feb - 01 Mar 2022.
Orr, A. M. , Gardner, A., Jackson, C. and White, J. T.
Adaptation of the Retail Investment Market in the UK: Changing Tenant Covenant Perceptions and Flexibility in the Lease Model.
In: 28th Annual Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, 19 Jan 2022,
Haart, M., Webb, B. and White, J.
Nested aging: lifecycles in the vertical city.
Plan Canada, 2021(Summer),
pp. 32-36.
Richardson, R. and White, J. T.
Design governance, austerity and the public interest: Planning and the delivery of 'well-designed places' in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland.
Planning Theory and Practice, 22(4),
pp. 572-594.
(doi: 10.1080/14649357.2021.1958911)
White, J. and Serin, B.
High-Rise Residential Development: An International Evidence Review.
[Research Reports or Papers]
White, J. T. and James, G.
Designing streets to designing neighbourhoods?
Scottish Planner, 184,
pp. 8-9.
White, J.
Delivering housing design value – is the momentum building?
White, J. and Foye, C.
Guest Blog: A skills revolution to create the healthy, well-designed places of the future.
Foye, C. and White, J.
How can we improve the design value of new housing and neighbourhoods?
Housing Quality Magazine(1),
pp. 14-15.
Chen, F. and White, J. T.
Urban design governance in three Chinese ‘pioneer cities’.
International Planning Studies, 26(2),
pp. 130-148.
(doi: 10.1080/13563475.2020.1752160)
White, J.
The housing design quality conundrum - what can be done about it?
White, J. T. , Kenny, T., Samuel, F., Foye, C. , James, G. and Serin, B.
Delivering design value: The housing design quality conundrum.
[Research Reports or Papers]
White, J. T.
Designing the Global City: Design Excellence, Competitions and the Remaking of Central Sydney.
Planning Theory and Practice, 21(5),
pp. 812-815.
(doi: 10.1080/14649357.2020.1842593)[Book Review]
White, J.
What once was old is new again: placemaking and transformational regeneration in Glasgow.
In: Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (eds.)
Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City.
Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 201-219.
ISBN 9781447349778
Orr, A. , Jackson, C., Stewart, J. and White, J.
Real Estate Adaptation and Innovation: Diversity and Landownership.
26th Annual Conference of the European Real Estate Society, Cergy-Pontoise, France, 3-6 July 2019.
White, J. T. and Chapple, H.
Beyond design review: collaborating to create well-designed places in Scotland.
Journal of Urban Design, 24(4),
pp. 597-604.
(doi: 10.1080/13574809.2018.1529537)
Serin, B. , Kenny, T., White, J. and Samual, F.
Design Value at the neighbourhood scale: what does it mean and how do we measure it?
[Research Reports or Papers]
White, J.
What Once was Old is New Again: Placemaking and Transformational Regeneration in Glasgow.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 58th Annual Conference, Buffalo, NY, USA, 25-28 Oct 2018.
White, J. T.
High-rise residential development: an international evidence review.
White, J.
What Once was Old is New Again: Placemaking and Transformational Regeneration in Glasgow.
Planning Research Conference 2018, Sheffield, UK, 03-05 Sep 2018.
Serin, B., Samuel, F., White, J. , Kenny, T. and Foye, C.
The Value of Design in Housing and Neighbourhoods.
ENHR International Conference: More Together, More Apart: Migration, Densification, Segregation, Uppsala, Sweden, 26-29 Jun 2018.
Serin, B., White, J. , Kenny, T., Samuel, F. and Foye, C.
Housing Placemaking: What is the Value of Design?
Serin, B. , Kenny, T., White, J. and Samuel, F.
Design Value at the Neighbourhood Scale: What Does It Mean and How Do We Measure It?
Housing Studies Association Conference, Sheffield, UK, 10-12 Apr 2018.
White, J. T. and Bunn, C.
Growing in Glasgow: Innovative practices and emerging policy pathways for urban agriculture.
Land Use Policy, 68,
pp. 334-344.
(doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.07.056)
White, J.
CityPlace, Toronto: Policy Mobility and Vancouverism.
Planning Research Conference 2017, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 11-13 Sep 2017.
White, J. T. and Punter, J.
Toronto's Vancouverism: developer adaptation, planning responses, and the challenge of design quality.
Town Planning Review, 88(2),
pp. 173-200.
(doi: 10.3828/tpr.2016.45)
White, J. and Punter, J.
Toronto's 'Vancouverism': Developer Adaptation, Planning Responses, and the Challenge of Design Quality.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 56th Annual Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 03-06 Nov 2016.
White, J. T.
Pursuing design excellence: Urban design governance on Toronto's waterfront.
Progress in Planning, 110,
pp. 1-41.
(doi: 10.1016/j.progress.2015.06.001)
White, J. T.
Planning as placemaking? The case of the East Bayfront Precinct planning process.
In: Thomas, R. (ed.)
Planning Canada: A Case Study Approach.
Oxford University Press Canada.
ISBN 9780199008070
White, J.
Separating the Personal, Professional and Political: Realising Effective Urban Design Review on Toronto's Waterfront.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 55th Annual Conference, Houston, TX, USA, 22-25 Oct 2015.
White, J.
The case of Toronto's waterfront.
DECADE: a Collection of Reflections to Mark 10 Years of Architecture and Design Scotland.
Architecture and Design Scotland, p. 46.
White, J. and Punter, J.
Toronto's Vancouverism: Developer Adaptation, Planning Responses, and the Challenge of Design Quality.
Association of the European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Annual Congress 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 13-15 Jul 2015.
White, J. T.
Future directions in urban design as public policy: reassessing best practice principles for design review and development management.
Journal of Urban Design, 20(3),
pp. 325-348.
(doi: 10.1080/13574809.2015.1031212)
White, J. T.
Measuring Urban Design: Metrics for Livable Places, by Ewing, R. and Clemente, O.
Journal of Urban Design, 20(2),
pp. 291-292.
(doi: 10.1080/13574809.2015.1008881)[Book Review]
White, J.
Future Directions in Urban Design as Public Policy: Reassessing Best Practice Principles for Design Review and Development Management.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 54th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 30 Oct - 02 Nov 2014.
White, J. T.
Design by competition and the potential for public participation: assessing an urban design competition on Toronto’s waterfront.
Journal of Urban Design, 19(4),
pp. 541-564.
(doi: 10.1080/13574809.2014.923744)
White, J.
Challenging the Rule of Experts: a Participatory Design Competition on Toronto's Waterfront.
Joint AESOP/ACSP Congress 2013, Dublin, Ireland, 15-19 Jul 2013.
Senbel, M., Girling, C., White, J. , Kellett, R. and Chan, P.F.
Precedents reconceived: urban design learning catalysed through data rich 3-D digital models.
Design Studies, 34(1),
pp. 74-92.
(doi: 10.1016/j.destud.2012.08.001)
Adams, D. , Tiesdell, S. and White, J.T.
Smart parcelization and place diversity: reconciling real estate and urban design priorities.
Journal of Urban Design, 18(4),
pp. 459-477.
(doi: 10.1080/13574809.2013.824367)
Senbel, M., Girling, C., Kellet, R. and White, J.
Evaluating a web based urban design reference tool.
In: Berney, R. (ed.)
Urban Nature, Conference Proceedings of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA), 2011.
Figueroa Press: Los Angeles, CA, USA, pp. 197-216.
White, J.
An Evaluative Study of Urban Design as Public Policy on Toronto's Waterfront.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 52nd Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 13-16 Oct 2011.
White, J. T.
Beth Moore Milroy, Thinking Planning and Urbanism.
Journal of Planning Education and Research, 31(3),
pp. 363-365.
(doi: 10.1177/0739456X11398199)[Book Review]
White, J.
The Politics of Urban Design Decision Making in Large-Scale Urban Development Projects in Canadian Cities.
Association of American Georgraphers 2009 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 22-27 Mar 2009.
White, J. T.
America’s Waterfront Revival: Port Authorities and Urban Redevelopment, by P.H. Brown.
Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 18(2),
pp. 99-101.
[Book Review]
White, J.
An ecological design philosophy: Randolph T. Hester's design for ecological democracy.
Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 1(2),
pp. 187-198.
(doi: 10.1080/17549170802221542)[Book Review]
White, J. T.
Tradition Today: Continuity in Architecture and Society, by R. Adam and M. Hardy (eds.).
International Planning Studies, 13(3),
pp. 287-289.
(doi: 10.1080/13563470802521465)[Book Review]
White, J.
Downtown Calgary: in pursuit of urban design quality.
Urban Design Quarterly, Winter,
pp. 16-17.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:24:51 2025 GMT.