Dr Isaac Hoff

  • Lecturer (Media and Sociology) (Sociological & Cultural Studies)


I joined the University of Glasgow in September 2022 after having held teaching roles at De Montfort University, Birmingham City University, University of Leicester and the University of Northampton where I taught a range of Media Studies and Sociology courses. I completed my PhD at the University of Leicester between 2017 - 2021, where I was a Graduate Research Assistant and student at CAMEo, the university's reserach institute for Cultural and Media Economies. My thesis was an ethnography of 12 white men and how they navigated transitions to adulthood and leisure within the context of austerity in the UK, and how they articulated their masculinities within this relationship. As part of this I also interrogated how these were enabled and constrained by class and race. 

More recently, working with colleagues at the Glasgow University Media Group (GUMG) I have been working on research about media and the Cost-of-Living Crisis in the UK where I have also been developing an interest in the concept of crisis more broadly. Alongside this, I am also conducting research on five-a-side football, masculinities and the Cost-of-Living Crisis in Glasgow.   

Research interests

I am broadly interested in and have wrote about the folllowing areas:

  • Culture and Cultural Practice
  • Leisure
  • Men and Masculinities
  • Youth and Young Adulthood
  • Representation of Crisis in the Media
  • Class
  • Gender
  • Raymond Williams

Research groups


List by: Type | Date


I currently co-convene MSc Media, Culture and Society with Dr Paul Reilly where I convene the core course Transformations in MCS 1. I also co-convene the Honours Sociology course Youth and Young Adulthood with Dr Maureen McBride.

Outside of this, I contribute to teaching on Transformations on MCS 2, Gender Relations, Media Methods, Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences, Researching Audiences and Leisure and Society. I also supervise dissertations in Sociology as well as the independent research project in MCS.