Professor Ya Ping Wang

  • Emeritus Professor (School of Social & Political Sciences)


Room 244, 29 Bute Gardens, Urban Studies, School of Social & Political Sci, Glasgow

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List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1989 | 1988
Number of items: 96.


Wang, Y. P. (2024) New Drivers of Division: Urbanisation and Spatial Inequality in Africa and Asia. Springer. (Accepted for Publication)

Wang, Y. P. (2024) Urban Policy for Sustainable Development in the Global South: New Strategies for New Challenges. Springer. (Accepted for Publication)


Munir, F., Ahmad, S. , Ullah, S. and Wang, Y. P. (2022) Understanding housing inequalities in urban Pakistan: an intersectionality perspective of ethnicity, income and education. Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City, 3(1), pp. 1-22. (doi: 10.1080/26884674.2021.1986442)


Wang, Y. P. and Kintrea, K. (2021) Urban expansion and land use changes in Asia and Africa. Environment and Urbanization ASIA, 12(1_supp), S13-S17. (doi: 10.1177/0975425321999081)

Pryce, G., Wang, Y. P. , Chen, Y., Shan, J. and Wei, H. (Eds.) (2021) Urban Inequality and Segregation in Europe and China: Towards a New Dialogue. Series: The Urban Book Series. Springer: Cham. ISBN 9783030745431

Wang, Y. P. (2021) Urban villages, their redevelopment and implications for inequality and integration. In: Pryce, G., Wang, Y. P., Chen, Y., Shan, J. and Wei, H. (eds.) Urban Inequality and Segregation in Europe and China: Towards a New Dialogue. Series: The Urban Book Series. Springer: Cham, pp. 99-120. ISBN 9783030745448 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-74544-8_7)


Wang, W., Wang, Y. P. and Kintrea, K. (2020) The (re)making of polycentricity in China’s planning discourse: the case of Tianjin. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 44(5), pp. 857-875. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.12876)


Wang, Y. P. and Kintrea, K. (2019) Sustainable, healthy and learning cities and neighbourhoods. Environment and Urbanization ASIA, 10(2), pp. 146-150. (doi: 10.1177/0975425319859129)

Liu, Y., Shi, X., Wang, Y. P. and Sun, T. (2019) Promoting green residential buildings in China: bridging the gap between design and operation to improve occupants’ residential satisfaction. Sustainability, 11(13), 3590. (doi: 10.3390/su11133590)

Li, C., Wang, Y. and Sun, L. (2019) Livability of high-rise housing: international experiences and implications on China. Journal of Human Settlements in West China, 34(2), pp. 43-57. (doi: 10.13791/j.cnki.hsfwest.20190207)

Wang, Y. P. (2019) Migration and urban housing market dynamics in China. In: Chiu, R. L.H., Liu, Z. and Renaud, B. (eds.) International Housing Market Experience and Implications for China. Series: Routledge studies in international real estate. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 307-329. ISBN 9781138345034

Sun, X., Sun, T., Jin, Y. and Wang, Y. P. (2019) Spatial organization of hierarchical medical services within the city proper of Tianjin, China: towards efficient medical alliances. Sustainability, 11(1), 229. (doi: 10.3390/su11010229)


Sun, X., Yang, W., Sun, T. and Wang, Y. P. (2018) Negative emotion under haze: an investigation based on the microblog and weather records of Tianjin, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(1), 86. (doi: 10.3390/ijerph16010086) (PMID:30598015)

Sun, X., Wang, W., Sun, T. and Wang, Y. P. (2018) Understanding the living conditions of Chinese urban neighborhoods through social infrastructure configurations: the case study of Tianjin. Sustainability, 10(9), 3243. (doi: 10.3390/su10093243)

Guo, Y., Zhang, C., Wang, Y. P. and Li, X. (2018) (De-)activating the growth machine for redevelopment: the case of Liede urban village in Guangzhou. Urban Studies, 55(7), pp. 1420-1438. (doi: 10.1177/0042098017729788)


Sowgat, T., Wang, Y. P. and McWilliams, C. (2017) Pro-poorness of planning policies in Bangladesh: the case of Khulna city. International Planning Studies, 22(2), pp. 145-160. (doi: 10.1080/13563475.2016.1220287)


Wang, Y., Shao, L. and Wang, Y. P. (2015) Pre-reform socialist welfare housing estates in China: physical conditions and social profiles. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 14(3), pp. 609-616. (doi: 10.3130/jaabe.14.609)


Chen, J., Yang, Z. and Wang, Y. P. (2014) The new chinese model of public housing: a step forward or backward? Housing Studies, 29(4), pp. 534-550. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2013.873392)

Wang, Y. P. , Du, H. and Li, S. (2014) Migration and the dynamics of inform housing in China. In: Huang, Y. and Li, S. (eds.) Housing Inequality in Chinese Cities. Series: Routledge contemporary China series (115). Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 86-102. ISBN 9780415834285

Wang, Y. P. and Shao, L. (2014) Urban housing policy changes and challenges in China. In: Doling, J. and Ronald, R. (eds.) Housing East Asia: Socioeconomic and Demographic Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 44-70. ISBN 9780230358584


Wang, Y. P. (2013) New Trend of Urbanization in China: Land and housing development in suburban areas and small towns. [Research Reports or Papers]


Wang, Y.P. (2012) Housing the urban poor in a marketised system in China. Urban Policy and Research, 30(4), pp. 423-441. (doi: 10.1080/08111146.2012.738192)

Wang, Y.P. (2012) Urbanisation in China. Real Estate Research Quarterly, 11(4), pp. 30-38.

Wang, Y.P. , Shao, L., Murie, A. and Cheng, J. (2012) The maturation of the neo-liberal housing market in urban China. Housing Studies, 27(3), pp. 343-359. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2012.651106)


Ashiq-Ur-Rahman, M., Wang, Y.P. and Smith, H. (2011) Can an enabling approach promote the transformation for scaling-up pro-poor housing initiatives in Bangladesh? In: 12th Naerus Conference 2011, Madrid, Spain, 20-22 Oct 2011,

Ashiq-Ur-Rahman, M., Wang, Y.P. and Smith, H. (2011) Can democratic decentralisation promote good governance for housing the urban poor in Bangladesh? In: 40 Years of Bangladesh: Retrospect and Future Prospects, Bath University, Bath, UK, 26-29 Nov 2011, pp. 1-19.

Jing, J. and Wang, Y.P. (2011) A comparative study of social housing in Britain and China. In: 2nd International Conference on China's Urban Transition and City Planning, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 27-28 May 2011,

Wang, Y.P. (2011) The achievement, questions and visions of China's housing reform. Community Design, 41, pp. 56-57.

Wang, Y.P. (2011) New trend of urbanization in China: Land and housing development in small towns. In: International Symposium on China’s Urban Development and Land Policy, Peking University, Peking, China, 16-17 Jul 2011,

Wang, Y.P. (2011) Recent housing reform practice in Chinese cities: Social and spatial implications. In: Yanyun Man, J. (ed.) China's Housing Reform and Outcomes. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy: Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 19-44. ISBN 9781558442115

Wang, Y.P. and Li, S.M. (2011) Urbanising landless farmers in China: Village redevelopment and its housing and socio-economic implications. In: 2nd International Conference on China's Urban Transition and City Planning, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 27-28 May 2011,

Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (2011) The new affordable and social housing provision system in China: Implications for comparative housing studies. International Journal of Housing Policy, 11(3), pp. 237-254.

Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (2011) The new affordable and social housing provision system in China: implications for comparative housing studies. In: International Symposium on Social and Affordable Housing, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1-10 Jun 2011,


Wang, Y.P. (2010) The new social housing provision system in China: Which welfare regime does it fit? In: International Conference on Comparative Housing Research Approaches and Policy Challenges in a New International Era, TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands, 24-25 Mar 2010,

Wang, Y.P. (2010) Urban sprawl and the problems of landless farmers. In: Symposium on Urban Development and Land Policy in China, Peking University, Peking, China, 9-10 Jul 2010,

Wang, Y.P. , Shao, L. and Forrest, R. (2010) Housing affordability and market stability. Housing Studies, 25(6), pp. 773-775. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2010.522051)

Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y. and Wu, J. (2010) Housing migrant workers in rapidly urbanizing regions: A study of the Chinese model in Shenzhen. Housing Studies, 25(1), pp. 83-100. (doi: 10.1080/02673030903362019)

Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y.L. and Wu, J.S. (2010) Private rental housing in 'urban villages' in Shenzhen: Problems or solutions? In: Wu, F. and Webster, C. (eds.) Marginalization in Urban China: Comparative Perspectives. Series: International political economy series. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 152-175. ISBN 9780230237728


Wang, Y.P. (2009) Housing since 1978. In: Pong, D. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Modern China. Charles Scribner's Sons Reference Books/Gale: Detroit, MI, USA. ISBN 9780684315669

Wang, Y.P. (2009) A planner's profile. Scottish Planner, 131(Oct), p. 14.

Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y. and Wu, J. (2009) Urbanization and informal development in China: Urban villages in Shenzhen. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33(4), pp. 957-973. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2009.00891.x)


Wang, Y.P. and Wang, Y. (2008) Housing and migrants in cities. In: Murphy, R. (ed.) Labour Migration and Social Development in Contemporary China. Series: Comparative development and policy in Asia series (2). Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 137-153. ISBN 9780415468015


Jenkins, P., Smith, H. and Wang, Y.P. (2007) Planning and Housing in the Rapidly Urbanising World. Series: Housing, planning, and design series. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415357968

Wang, Y.P. (2007) From socialist welfare to support home ownership: the experience of China. In: Groves, R., Murie, A. and Watson, C. (eds.) Housing and the New Welfare State: Perspectives from East Asia and Europe. Series: Social policy in modern Asia. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK. ISBN 9780754644408

Wang, Y.P. (2007) New centre to boost planning exchange between Scotland and China. Scottish Planner, 117(Jul), p. 4.


Wang, Y.P. (2005) Low-income communities and urban poverty in China. Urban Geography, 26(3), pp. 222-242. (doi: 10.2747/0272-3638.26.3.222)

Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y. and Bramley, G. (2005) Chinese housing reform in state-owned enterprises and its impacts on different social groups. Urban Studies, 42(10), pp. 1859-1878. (doi: 10.1080/00420980500231746)


Wang, Y.P. (2004) Recent Progress of Housing Reform in State Owned Enterprises in China - Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wang, Y.P. (2004) Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China. Series: Housing and society series. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415307383


Wang, Y.P. (2003) Living conditions of migrants in inland Chinese cities. Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 2(1), pp. 47-69. (doi: 10.1080/15339114.2003.9678371)

Wang, Y.P. (2003) Opening an escape hatch for China's urban poor. South China Morning Post, 27 Feb,

Wang, Y.P. (2003) Progress and problems of urban housing reform. In: Jones Finer, C. (ed.) Social Policy Reform in China: Views From Home and Abroad. Series: Social policy in modern Asia. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, pp. 176-190. ISBN 9780754631750

Wang, Y.P. (2003) Urban reform and low income communities in Chinese cities. In: Housing and Social Change: East-West Perspectives. Series: Housing and society series. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 240-263. ISBN 9780415273312

Wang, Y.P. (2003) Urban reforms in China: Improving housing for the poor. ID21: Society and Economy, 27 Jan,


Wang, Y.P. (2002) Low income housing and urban poverty in China. In: 13th Annual Conference of the Chinese Economic Association (UK), Middlesex University Business School, London, UK, 25-26 Mar 2002,


Wang, Y.P. (2001) Prospect and problems of urban housing reform. In: Workshop on Social Policy Reform in Socialist Market China, Scope for Lessons for and from Abroad, St Antony's College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 19-20 Oct 2001,

Wang, Y.P. (2001) Urban housing reform and finance in China: A case study of Beijing. Urban Affairs Review, 36(5), pp. 620-645. (doi: 10.1177/10780870122185028)

Wang, Y.P. (2001) Urban poverty and housing in transitional economies: A case study of Shenyang and Chongqing. In: International Conference on Managing Housing and Social Change, Hong Kong City University, Hong Kong, China, 16-18 Apr 2001,

Wang, Y.P. (2001) Win some, lose some. China Review, 19(Summer), pp. 18-22.

Wang, Y.P. , Dai, Y.Z. and Long, H. (2001) Social Implications of Urban Reform in China - A Case Study of Housing for the Poor - Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Zuo, C. and Wang, Y.P. (2001) China. In: Dal Cin, A. and Lyddon, D. (eds.) International Manual of Planning Practice. International Society of City and Regional Planners: Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 46-57. ISBN 9789075524178


Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (2000) Social and spatial implications of housing reform in China. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(2), pp. 397-417. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.00254)

Wang, Y.P. (2000) Housing provision and housing policy reform in China. In: East Asian Housing Workshop, Seoul, South Korea, 7-10 Nov 2000,

Wang, Y.P. (2000) Housing reform and its impacts on the urban poor in China. Housing Studies, 15(6), pp. 845-864. (doi: 10.1080/02673030020002573)

Wang, Y.P. (2000) Planning and conservation in historic Chinese cities: the case of Xi'an. Town Planning Review, 71(3), pp. 329-350.


Wang, Y.P. (1999) Housing reform and its impact on the urban poor. In: Conference on the Future of Chinese Cities: A Research Agenda for the 21st Century, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China, 28-31 Jul 1999,

Wang, Y.P. (1999) Urban housing reform and its limitations in China. In: Workshop on Social Policy in China, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 24-25 Jul 1999,

Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (1999) Commercial housing development in urban China. Urban Studies, 36(9), pp. 1475-1494. (doi: 10.1080/0042098992881)

Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (1999) Housing Policy and Practice in China. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333682531


Wang, Y.P. (1998) Social and spatial impacts of housing reform in China. In: Asian Real Estate Society Third Annual Conference, Taipei, China, 26-29 Aug 1998,

Wang, Y.P. (1998) Urban social structure changes and the progress of housing reform in China [In Chinese]. In: First Conference of Chinese Real Estate Community, Taipei, China, 24-27 Aug 1998,

Wang, Y.P. (1998) What can be learnt from the East European housing privatisation experience? Some reflection on the future of Chinese urban housing reform [In Chinese]. In: International Symposium of Urban Housing and Property Market, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 31 Oct-1 Nov 1998,


Murie, A. and Wang, Y.P. (1997) Housing Policy and Reform in the People's Republic in China. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wang, Y.P. and Hague, C. (1997) Social and spatial stratification in Chinese cities. In: 9th Annual Conference of the Chinese Economic Association in the UK, London School of Economics, London, UK, 16-17 Dec 1997,


Wang, Y.P. (1996) Urban development and housing reform in China in the 1990s. In: Annual Conference of the RGS-IBG, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 3-6 Jan 1996,

Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (1996) The process of commercialisation of urban housing in China. Urban Studies, 33(6), pp. 971-989. (doi: 10.1080/00420989650011690)


Wang, Y.P. and Hague, C. (1995) Baoji (City profile). Cities, 12(5), pp. 361-368. (doi: 10.1016/0264-2751(95)00052-N)

Hine, J. and Wang, Y.P. (1995) Social polarisation: An examination of the implications of economic and social change for planning in the City of Edinburgh. In: IBG 1995 Annual Conference, University of Northumbia, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 3-6 Jan 1995,

Wang, Y.P. (1995) The Characteristics of Public Sector Housing in Britain and China: A Comparative Evaluation. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wang, Y.P. (1995) Public sector housing in urban China 1949–1988: The case of Xian. Housing Studies, 10(1), pp. 57-82. (doi: 10.1080/02673039508720809)


Hine, J.P. and Wang, Y.P. (1994) Change in the city: Planning and social change in the city of Edinburgh, 1981-1991. In: 34th European Congress of Regional Science, Groningen, Netherlands, 23-26 Aug 1994,

Hine, J.P. and Wang, Y.P. (1994) Change in the City: Planning and Social Change in the City of Edinburgh, 1981-1991. In: Societies in Transition Conference, School of Planning and Housing, Edinburgh College of Art/Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 29-30 Jun 1994,

Rosenburg, L. and Wang, Y.P. (1994) Dependency and Consumer Satisfaction in Sheltered Housing: An Analysis of the 1991 Bield Tenant Survey. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rosenburg, L. and Wang, Y.P. (1994) The Financial Position of Bield Tenants in 1991 and Their Perceptions of Value-For-Money in Respect of Accommodation and Services. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wang, Y.P. (1994) Public sector housing in Britain and China: A comparative evaluation. In: 6th International Research Conference on Housing, Beijing, China, 21-24 Sept 1994,


Murie, A. and Wang, Y.P. (1993) Changes in council house estates in Edinburgh: 1981-1991. In: Research on the 1991 Census Conference, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 13-15 Sept 1993,

Rosenburg, L. and Wang, Y.P. (1993) Dependency and Consumer Satisfaction in Sheltered Housing: An Analysis of the 1991 Bield Tenant Survey - Internal Report for Bield Housing Association. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wang, Y.P. and Hague, C. (1993) Territory planning in China: A new regional approach. Regional Studies, 27(6), pp. 561-573. (doi: 10.1080/00343409312331347765)


Murie, A. and Wang, Y.P. (1992) The Sales of Public Sector Housing in Scotland: 1979-1991. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rosenburg, L. and Wang, Y.P. (1992) The Tenant's View, Report of the 1991 Bield Tenant Survey. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wang, Y.P. (1992) China. In: Dal Cin, A. and Lyddon, D. (eds.) International Manual of Planning Practice. International Society of City and Regional Planners: Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 24-32. ISBN 9789090055176

Wang, Y.P. (1992) Private sector housing in urban China since 1949: The case of Xian. Housing Studies, 7(2), pp. 119-137. (doi: 10.1080/02673039208720729)

Wang, Y.P. and Hague, C. (1992) The development and planning of Xian since 1949. Planning Perspectives, 7(1), pp. 1-26. (doi: 10.1080/02665439208725736)


Rosenburg, L. and Wang, Y.P. (1991) Bield Housing Association Survey of Tenants: Summary of Statistical Results from 1986 and 1991. [Research Reports or Papers]


Wang, Y.P. and Hague, C. (1989) Cross-National Comparative Analysis of Planning Systems and Practices: An Approach to a Comparison of Planning in China and Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]


Hague, C. and Wang, Y.P. (1988) Land Policy in the People's Republic of China. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 16:28:32 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 96.


Munir, F., Ahmad, S. , Ullah, S. and Wang, Y. P. (2022) Understanding housing inequalities in urban Pakistan: an intersectionality perspective of ethnicity, income and education. Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City, 3(1), pp. 1-22. (doi: 10.1080/26884674.2021.1986442)

Wang, Y. P. and Kintrea, K. (2021) Urban expansion and land use changes in Asia and Africa. Environment and Urbanization ASIA, 12(1_supp), S13-S17. (doi: 10.1177/0975425321999081)

Wang, W., Wang, Y. P. and Kintrea, K. (2020) The (re)making of polycentricity in China’s planning discourse: the case of Tianjin. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 44(5), pp. 857-875. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.12876)

Wang, Y. P. and Kintrea, K. (2019) Sustainable, healthy and learning cities and neighbourhoods. Environment and Urbanization ASIA, 10(2), pp. 146-150. (doi: 10.1177/0975425319859129)

Liu, Y., Shi, X., Wang, Y. P. and Sun, T. (2019) Promoting green residential buildings in China: bridging the gap between design and operation to improve occupants’ residential satisfaction. Sustainability, 11(13), 3590. (doi: 10.3390/su11133590)

Li, C., Wang, Y. and Sun, L. (2019) Livability of high-rise housing: international experiences and implications on China. Journal of Human Settlements in West China, 34(2), pp. 43-57. (doi: 10.13791/j.cnki.hsfwest.20190207)

Sun, X., Sun, T., Jin, Y. and Wang, Y. P. (2019) Spatial organization of hierarchical medical services within the city proper of Tianjin, China: towards efficient medical alliances. Sustainability, 11(1), 229. (doi: 10.3390/su11010229)

Sun, X., Yang, W., Sun, T. and Wang, Y. P. (2018) Negative emotion under haze: an investigation based on the microblog and weather records of Tianjin, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(1), 86. (doi: 10.3390/ijerph16010086) (PMID:30598015)

Sun, X., Wang, W., Sun, T. and Wang, Y. P. (2018) Understanding the living conditions of Chinese urban neighborhoods through social infrastructure configurations: the case study of Tianjin. Sustainability, 10(9), 3243. (doi: 10.3390/su10093243)

Guo, Y., Zhang, C., Wang, Y. P. and Li, X. (2018) (De-)activating the growth machine for redevelopment: the case of Liede urban village in Guangzhou. Urban Studies, 55(7), pp. 1420-1438. (doi: 10.1177/0042098017729788)

Sowgat, T., Wang, Y. P. and McWilliams, C. (2017) Pro-poorness of planning policies in Bangladesh: the case of Khulna city. International Planning Studies, 22(2), pp. 145-160. (doi: 10.1080/13563475.2016.1220287)

Wang, Y., Shao, L. and Wang, Y. P. (2015) Pre-reform socialist welfare housing estates in China: physical conditions and social profiles. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 14(3), pp. 609-616. (doi: 10.3130/jaabe.14.609)

Chen, J., Yang, Z. and Wang, Y. P. (2014) The new chinese model of public housing: a step forward or backward? Housing Studies, 29(4), pp. 534-550. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2013.873392)

Wang, Y.P. (2012) Housing the urban poor in a marketised system in China. Urban Policy and Research, 30(4), pp. 423-441. (doi: 10.1080/08111146.2012.738192)

Wang, Y.P. (2012) Urbanisation in China. Real Estate Research Quarterly, 11(4), pp. 30-38.

Wang, Y.P. , Shao, L., Murie, A. and Cheng, J. (2012) The maturation of the neo-liberal housing market in urban China. Housing Studies, 27(3), pp. 343-359. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2012.651106)

Wang, Y.P. (2011) The achievement, questions and visions of China's housing reform. Community Design, 41, pp. 56-57.

Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (2011) The new affordable and social housing provision system in China: Implications for comparative housing studies. International Journal of Housing Policy, 11(3), pp. 237-254.

Wang, Y.P. , Shao, L. and Forrest, R. (2010) Housing affordability and market stability. Housing Studies, 25(6), pp. 773-775. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2010.522051)

Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y. and Wu, J. (2010) Housing migrant workers in rapidly urbanizing regions: A study of the Chinese model in Shenzhen. Housing Studies, 25(1), pp. 83-100. (doi: 10.1080/02673030903362019)

Wang, Y.P. (2009) A planner's profile. Scottish Planner, 131(Oct), p. 14.

Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y. and Wu, J. (2009) Urbanization and informal development in China: Urban villages in Shenzhen. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33(4), pp. 957-973. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2009.00891.x)

Wang, Y.P. (2007) New centre to boost planning exchange between Scotland and China. Scottish Planner, 117(Jul), p. 4.

Wang, Y.P. (2005) Low-income communities and urban poverty in China. Urban Geography, 26(3), pp. 222-242. (doi: 10.2747/0272-3638.26.3.222)

Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y. and Bramley, G. (2005) Chinese housing reform in state-owned enterprises and its impacts on different social groups. Urban Studies, 42(10), pp. 1859-1878. (doi: 10.1080/00420980500231746)

Wang, Y.P. (2003) Living conditions of migrants in inland Chinese cities. Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 2(1), pp. 47-69. (doi: 10.1080/15339114.2003.9678371)

Wang, Y.P. (2003) Opening an escape hatch for China's urban poor. South China Morning Post, 27 Feb,

Wang, Y.P. (2003) Urban reforms in China: Improving housing for the poor. ID21: Society and Economy, 27 Jan,

Wang, Y.P. (2001) Urban housing reform and finance in China: A case study of Beijing. Urban Affairs Review, 36(5), pp. 620-645. (doi: 10.1177/10780870122185028)

Wang, Y.P. (2001) Win some, lose some. China Review, 19(Summer), pp. 18-22.

Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (2000) Social and spatial implications of housing reform in China. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(2), pp. 397-417. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.00254)

Wang, Y.P. (2000) Housing reform and its impacts on the urban poor in China. Housing Studies, 15(6), pp. 845-864. (doi: 10.1080/02673030020002573)

Wang, Y.P. (2000) Planning and conservation in historic Chinese cities: the case of Xi'an. Town Planning Review, 71(3), pp. 329-350.

Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (1999) Commercial housing development in urban China. Urban Studies, 36(9), pp. 1475-1494. (doi: 10.1080/0042098992881)

Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (1996) The process of commercialisation of urban housing in China. Urban Studies, 33(6), pp. 971-989. (doi: 10.1080/00420989650011690)

Wang, Y.P. and Hague, C. (1995) Baoji (City profile). Cities, 12(5), pp. 361-368. (doi: 10.1016/0264-2751(95)00052-N)

Wang, Y.P. (1995) Public sector housing in urban China 1949–1988: The case of Xian. Housing Studies, 10(1), pp. 57-82. (doi: 10.1080/02673039508720809)

Wang, Y.P. and Hague, C. (1993) Territory planning in China: A new regional approach. Regional Studies, 27(6), pp. 561-573. (doi: 10.1080/00343409312331347765)

Wang, Y.P. (1992) Private sector housing in urban China since 1949: The case of Xian. Housing Studies, 7(2), pp. 119-137. (doi: 10.1080/02673039208720729)

Wang, Y.P. and Hague, C. (1992) The development and planning of Xian since 1949. Planning Perspectives, 7(1), pp. 1-26. (doi: 10.1080/02665439208725736)


Jenkins, P., Smith, H. and Wang, Y.P. (2007) Planning and Housing in the Rapidly Urbanising World. Series: Housing, planning, and design series. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415357968

Wang, Y.P. (2004) Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China. Series: Housing and society series. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415307383

Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (1999) Housing Policy and Practice in China. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333682531

Book Sections

Wang, Y. P. (2021) Urban villages, their redevelopment and implications for inequality and integration. In: Pryce, G., Wang, Y. P., Chen, Y., Shan, J. and Wei, H. (eds.) Urban Inequality and Segregation in Europe and China: Towards a New Dialogue. Series: The Urban Book Series. Springer: Cham, pp. 99-120. ISBN 9783030745448 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-74544-8_7)

Wang, Y. P. (2019) Migration and urban housing market dynamics in China. In: Chiu, R. L.H., Liu, Z. and Renaud, B. (eds.) International Housing Market Experience and Implications for China. Series: Routledge studies in international real estate. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 307-329. ISBN 9781138345034

Wang, Y. P. , Du, H. and Li, S. (2014) Migration and the dynamics of inform housing in China. In: Huang, Y. and Li, S. (eds.) Housing Inequality in Chinese Cities. Series: Routledge contemporary China series (115). Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 86-102. ISBN 9780415834285

Wang, Y. P. and Shao, L. (2014) Urban housing policy changes and challenges in China. In: Doling, J. and Ronald, R. (eds.) Housing East Asia: Socioeconomic and Demographic Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 44-70. ISBN 9780230358584

Wang, Y.P. (2011) Recent housing reform practice in Chinese cities: Social and spatial implications. In: Yanyun Man, J. (ed.) China's Housing Reform and Outcomes. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy: Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 19-44. ISBN 9781558442115

Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y.L. and Wu, J.S. (2010) Private rental housing in 'urban villages' in Shenzhen: Problems or solutions? In: Wu, F. and Webster, C. (eds.) Marginalization in Urban China: Comparative Perspectives. Series: International political economy series. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 152-175. ISBN 9780230237728

Wang, Y.P. (2009) Housing since 1978. In: Pong, D. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Modern China. Charles Scribner's Sons Reference Books/Gale: Detroit, MI, USA. ISBN 9780684315669

Wang, Y.P. and Wang, Y. (2008) Housing and migrants in cities. In: Murphy, R. (ed.) Labour Migration and Social Development in Contemporary China. Series: Comparative development and policy in Asia series (2). Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 137-153. ISBN 9780415468015

Wang, Y.P. (2007) From socialist welfare to support home ownership: the experience of China. In: Groves, R., Murie, A. and Watson, C. (eds.) Housing and the New Welfare State: Perspectives from East Asia and Europe. Series: Social policy in modern Asia. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK. ISBN 9780754644408

Wang, Y.P. (2003) Progress and problems of urban housing reform. In: Jones Finer, C. (ed.) Social Policy Reform in China: Views From Home and Abroad. Series: Social policy in modern Asia. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, pp. 176-190. ISBN 9780754631750

Wang, Y.P. (2003) Urban reform and low income communities in Chinese cities. In: Housing and Social Change: East-West Perspectives. Series: Housing and society series. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 240-263. ISBN 9780415273312

Zuo, C. and Wang, Y.P. (2001) China. In: Dal Cin, A. and Lyddon, D. (eds.) International Manual of Planning Practice. International Society of City and Regional Planners: Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 46-57. ISBN 9789075524178

Wang, Y.P. (1992) China. In: Dal Cin, A. and Lyddon, D. (eds.) International Manual of Planning Practice. International Society of City and Regional Planners: Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 24-32. ISBN 9789090055176

Edited Books

Wang, Y. P. (2024) New Drivers of Division: Urbanisation and Spatial Inequality in Africa and Asia. Springer. (Accepted for Publication)

Wang, Y. P. (2024) Urban Policy for Sustainable Development in the Global South: New Strategies for New Challenges. Springer. (Accepted for Publication)

Pryce, G., Wang, Y. P. , Chen, Y., Shan, J. and Wei, H. (Eds.) (2021) Urban Inequality and Segregation in Europe and China: Towards a New Dialogue. Series: The Urban Book Series. Springer: Cham. ISBN 9783030745431

Research Reports or Papers

Wang, Y. P. (2013) New Trend of Urbanization in China: Land and housing development in suburban areas and small towns. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wang, Y.P. (2004) Recent Progress of Housing Reform in State Owned Enterprises in China - Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wang, Y.P. , Dai, Y.Z. and Long, H. (2001) Social Implications of Urban Reform in China - A Case Study of Housing for the Poor - Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Murie, A. and Wang, Y.P. (1997) Housing Policy and Reform in the People's Republic in China. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wang, Y.P. (1995) The Characteristics of Public Sector Housing in Britain and China: A Comparative Evaluation. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rosenburg, L. and Wang, Y.P. (1994) Dependency and Consumer Satisfaction in Sheltered Housing: An Analysis of the 1991 Bield Tenant Survey. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rosenburg, L. and Wang, Y.P. (1994) The Financial Position of Bield Tenants in 1991 and Their Perceptions of Value-For-Money in Respect of Accommodation and Services. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rosenburg, L. and Wang, Y.P. (1993) Dependency and Consumer Satisfaction in Sheltered Housing: An Analysis of the 1991 Bield Tenant Survey - Internal Report for Bield Housing Association. [Research Reports or Papers]

Murie, A. and Wang, Y.P. (1992) The Sales of Public Sector Housing in Scotland: 1979-1991. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rosenburg, L. and Wang, Y.P. (1992) The Tenant's View, Report of the 1991 Bield Tenant Survey. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rosenburg, L. and Wang, Y.P. (1991) Bield Housing Association Survey of Tenants: Summary of Statistical Results from 1986 and 1991. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wang, Y.P. and Hague, C. (1989) Cross-National Comparative Analysis of Planning Systems and Practices: An Approach to a Comparison of Planning in China and Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hague, C. and Wang, Y.P. (1988) Land Policy in the People's Republic of China. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference Proceedings

Ashiq-Ur-Rahman, M., Wang, Y.P. and Smith, H. (2011) Can an enabling approach promote the transformation for scaling-up pro-poor housing initiatives in Bangladesh? In: 12th Naerus Conference 2011, Madrid, Spain, 20-22 Oct 2011,

Ashiq-Ur-Rahman, M., Wang, Y.P. and Smith, H. (2011) Can democratic decentralisation promote good governance for housing the urban poor in Bangladesh? In: 40 Years of Bangladesh: Retrospect and Future Prospects, Bath University, Bath, UK, 26-29 Nov 2011, pp. 1-19.

Jing, J. and Wang, Y.P. (2011) A comparative study of social housing in Britain and China. In: 2nd International Conference on China's Urban Transition and City Planning, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 27-28 May 2011,

Wang, Y.P. (2011) New trend of urbanization in China: Land and housing development in small towns. In: International Symposium on China’s Urban Development and Land Policy, Peking University, Peking, China, 16-17 Jul 2011,

Wang, Y.P. and Li, S.M. (2011) Urbanising landless farmers in China: Village redevelopment and its housing and socio-economic implications. In: 2nd International Conference on China's Urban Transition and City Planning, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 27-28 May 2011,

Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (2011) The new affordable and social housing provision system in China: implications for comparative housing studies. In: International Symposium on Social and Affordable Housing, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1-10 Jun 2011,

Wang, Y.P. (2010) The new social housing provision system in China: Which welfare regime does it fit? In: International Conference on Comparative Housing Research Approaches and Policy Challenges in a New International Era, TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands, 24-25 Mar 2010,

Wang, Y.P. (2010) Urban sprawl and the problems of landless farmers. In: Symposium on Urban Development and Land Policy in China, Peking University, Peking, China, 9-10 Jul 2010,

Wang, Y.P. (2002) Low income housing and urban poverty in China. In: 13th Annual Conference of the Chinese Economic Association (UK), Middlesex University Business School, London, UK, 25-26 Mar 2002,

Wang, Y.P. (2001) Prospect and problems of urban housing reform. In: Workshop on Social Policy Reform in Socialist Market China, Scope for Lessons for and from Abroad, St Antony's College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 19-20 Oct 2001,

Wang, Y.P. (2001) Urban poverty and housing in transitional economies: A case study of Shenyang and Chongqing. In: International Conference on Managing Housing and Social Change, Hong Kong City University, Hong Kong, China, 16-18 Apr 2001,

Wang, Y.P. (2000) Housing provision and housing policy reform in China. In: East Asian Housing Workshop, Seoul, South Korea, 7-10 Nov 2000,

Wang, Y.P. (1999) Housing reform and its impact on the urban poor. In: Conference on the Future of Chinese Cities: A Research Agenda for the 21st Century, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China, 28-31 Jul 1999,

Wang, Y.P. (1999) Urban housing reform and its limitations in China. In: Workshop on Social Policy in China, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 24-25 Jul 1999,

Wang, Y.P. (1998) Social and spatial impacts of housing reform in China. In: Asian Real Estate Society Third Annual Conference, Taipei, China, 26-29 Aug 1998,

Wang, Y.P. (1998) Urban social structure changes and the progress of housing reform in China [In Chinese]. In: First Conference of Chinese Real Estate Community, Taipei, China, 24-27 Aug 1998,

Wang, Y.P. (1998) What can be learnt from the East European housing privatisation experience? Some reflection on the future of Chinese urban housing reform [In Chinese]. In: International Symposium of Urban Housing and Property Market, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 31 Oct-1 Nov 1998,

Wang, Y.P. and Hague, C. (1997) Social and spatial stratification in Chinese cities. In: 9th Annual Conference of the Chinese Economic Association in the UK, London School of Economics, London, UK, 16-17 Dec 1997,

Wang, Y.P. (1996) Urban development and housing reform in China in the 1990s. In: Annual Conference of the RGS-IBG, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 3-6 Jan 1996,

Hine, J. and Wang, Y.P. (1995) Social polarisation: An examination of the implications of economic and social change for planning in the City of Edinburgh. In: IBG 1995 Annual Conference, University of Northumbia, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 3-6 Jan 1995,

Hine, J.P. and Wang, Y.P. (1994) Change in the city: Planning and social change in the city of Edinburgh, 1981-1991. In: 34th European Congress of Regional Science, Groningen, Netherlands, 23-26 Aug 1994,

Hine, J.P. and Wang, Y.P. (1994) Change in the City: Planning and Social Change in the City of Edinburgh, 1981-1991. In: Societies in Transition Conference, School of Planning and Housing, Edinburgh College of Art/Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 29-30 Jun 1994,

Wang, Y.P. (1994) Public sector housing in Britain and China: A comparative evaluation. In: 6th International Research Conference on Housing, Beijing, China, 21-24 Sept 1994,

Murie, A. and Wang, Y.P. (1993) Changes in council house estates in Edinburgh: 1981-1991. In: Research on the 1991 Census Conference, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 13-15 Sept 1993,

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 16:28:32 2025 GMT.

Research datasets

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Number of items: 2.


Wang, Y. P. , Kintrea, K. , Osborne, M. , Schweisfurth, M. , Mitchell, R. , Kamete, A. , Yao, J. , Stewart, A. , Ahmad, S. , Young, G., Nesterova, Y. , Everatt, D., Lynge, H., Abrahams, C., Turok, I., Scheba, A., Visagie, J., Manirakiza, V., Malonza, J., Nduwayezu, G., Mugabe, L., Nsabimana, A., Rutayisire, P., Nzayirambaho, M., Njunwa, J.K., Levira, F., Moshi, I., Msuya, I., Kundu, D., Sharma, P., Debnath, T., Roy, S., Sowgat, T., Islam, T., Shakil, I., Reyes, M., Gamboa, M., Rivera, R., Caluag, A., Manlapas, I., Racoma, D., Sun, T., Zhai, L., Li, C., Liu, Y., Wang, C., Zhang, L., Sun, X., Bhandari, R., Baffoe, G., Lawson, V. and Long, J. (2023) GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods: Household Survey and Neighbourhood Focus Group Data from Seven Asian and African Countries, 2021-2022. [Data Collection]


Munir, F., Ahmad, S. , Ullah, S. and Wang, Y. P. (2021) Understanding housing inequalities in urban Pakistan: An intersectionality perspective of ethnicity, income and education. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 04:33:00 2025 GMT.