Number of items: 13.
Norberg, I.
The Ideological Foundation of Neoliberal Economic Rationale: Understanding the Relationship Between Eugenics and Economic Theory.
Leeds Disability Studies Conference, Leeds, 3-5 September 2024.
Norberg, I.
Den svenska åtstramningspolitikens konsekvenser = consequences of Swedish austerity policies.
Seminarium om jämlika levnadsvillkor = Seminar on equal living conditions, Online, 22 May 2024.
Norberg, I.
Den svenska åtstramningspolitikens konsekvenser = consequences of Swedish austerity policies.
Sverige och funktionsrättskonventionen – ett seminarium om förväntningar och förverkligande = Sweden and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - a seminar on expectations and realisation, Stockholm, Sweden, 04 Apr 2024.
Norberg, I. , Hoff, I. , Humphrey, H. and Lawton, S.
Early Career Research Panel: Intersectional Method and Building a Research Career.
Intersectionality and Interdisciplinarity, ARC Studio 2, University of Glasgow, 25 March 2024.
Norberg, I. and Palmqvist, L.
Delaktighetsparadoxen: från människorättsperspektiv till individualiserat ansvar?
In: Wolmesjö, M. and Solli, R. (eds.)
Välfärdens paradoxer, spänningar och dilemman.
Studentlitteratur: Lund, pp. 145-168.
ISBN 9789144161006
Norberg, I.
Konsekvenserna av Begreppet Flerfunktionsnedsättning = The Consequences of the Concept of Multiple Impairment.
Livets möjligheter 2022 = Life's possibilities 2022, Stockholm, Sweden, 24-25 Oct 2022.
Norberg, I.
Austerity as bureaucratic violence: understanding the impact of (neoliberal) austerity on disabled people in Sweden.
Sociology, 56(4),
pp. 655-672.
(doi: 10.1177/00380385211051210)
Norberg, I. , Giraldo, M., Vehmas, S. and Westling Allodi, M.
(De)Institutionalisation of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Italy and
2022 ALTER Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 7-8 Jul 2022.
van Lanen, S., Norberg, I. and Kiely, E.
Quiet Austerities – Locating Austerity in Nordic and Northern European Contexts.
Multiple Nordic Geographies: 9th Nordic Geographers Meeting, Joensuu, Finland, 19-22 Jun 2022.
ISBN 9789526145853
Pearson, C. , Watson, N. , Gangneux, J. and Norberg, I.
Transition to where and to what? Exploring the experiences of transitions to adulthood for young disabled people.
Journal of Youth Studies, 24(10),
pp. 1291-1307.
(doi: 10.1080/13676261.2020.1820972)
Armstrong, S. et al.
Left out and locked down: impacts of COVID-19 for marginalised groups in Scotland.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Pearson, C. , Watson, N. , Gangneux, J. and Norberg, I.
Transition to where and to what? Transitions for young disabled people and the epistemological fallacy.
In: Goodley, D., Runswick-Cole, K. and Liddiard, K. (eds.)
Interventions in Disabled Childhood Studies.
iHuman Press: Sheffield, pp. 59-64.
Norberg, I.
Kostnadsfrågan som struktruell diskriminering.
In: Altermark, N., Knutsson, H. and Svensson Chowdhury, M. (eds.)
Forskning om personlig assistans - en antologi.
KFO Personlig Assistans: Sweden, pp. 139-147.
ISBN 9789163999710
This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 04:28:49 2025 GMT.