Mr Gavin Hawkton
- Tutor in Media, Culture and Society (Sociological & Cultural Studies)
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ
I have worked as a tutor in the School of Social & Political Sciences since September 2021 with a background in the subjects of Sociology and Economic & Social History.
My PhD researched news media coverage of the miners' strike 1984-85 and explored the role, agency and memory of vetran reporters who covered the event.
I am currently collobrating with the Glasgow University Media Group on a project that examines news media coverage of the cost of living crisis.
Research interests
Research groups
Selected publications
Ashworth, S., Mackie, M. and Nixon, W.J. (2004) The DAEDALUS project, developing institutional repositories at Glasgow University:the story so far. Library Review, 53(5), pp. 259-264. (doi: 10.1108/00242530410538391)
Ashworth, S. (2003) The DAEDALUS Project. Serials, 16(3), pp. 249-253.
All publications
Economic History Society PhD Grant (2023/24)
- Media, Culture & Society
- Social Justice Activism in the Information Age