Professor Eamonn Butler McIntosh
- Professor of Central European Politics and Security (Political & International Studies)
R402 Level 4, 42 Butes Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8RT
Eamonn is the Deputy Head of the School of Social and Political Sciences with responsibility for leading on strategic development and delivery of Learning and Teaching within the School. He is also a Professor of Central European Politics and Security based in the Central and East European Studies subject area. His research interests include political and security developments in Central Europe, specifically the Visegrad group of states and he has a particular interest in the role and place of Central European states within European institutions (e.g. EU, NATO, OSCE). He has previously focused his research on European Union enlargement and post-accession policy matters, which has informed his recent work on energy security in the Central and East European region.
Eamonn has previously held roles including Postgraduate Taught (PGT) Programmes Convenor and PGT Quality Assurance Officer for the School. He played a leading role in overseeing the development of the University’s Security Studies master's degree programmes, including the MSc Global Security and the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree International Masters in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (in conjunction with the Charles University Prague, University of Trento and Dublin City University). He continues to work closely with international partners on various projects, including SECUREU.
Research interests
- EU Enlargement and Post-Enlargement Studies
- Central Europe: Identity, History and Contemporary Politics
- Energy Security
- Global Security
- EU institutions
- EU policymaking
- Intercultural Competency
Research groups
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree: Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies, European Union (€4.37million), 2019-2025
- Glasgow City Council, Council for European Studies 24th Annual Conference Grant (£30,000), 2016-2017
- Visit Scotland, Council for European Studies 24th Annual Conference Grant (£30,000), 2016-2017
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree: Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies, European Union (€3.04million) 2016-2021
- 'Strategies of Energy Actors in Hungary: Actors, Structures and Institutions in a Liberalising Energy Market', Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (£2200), 2010-2011
- Assessing Accession: Central and Eastern Europe in the EU, UACES Collaborative Research Network (£4860), 2009-2011
Eamonn is available for supervision on topics relating to:
- Central, Eastern and Southeastern European Politics and History
- The European Union
- Energy Politics
- Cyber Security
- International Organisations
- Nationalism, Identity and Societal Security
Current students include:
- Julia Schwab - Energy megaprojects in post-Soviet Kazakhstan and Russia: What role for Technology, Western Transnational Oil Companies, and regime maintenance techniques?
- Irena Baboi - Europeanisation and the Future of European Union Involvement in the Western Balkans
- Gabdullin, Gabit
Eurasian Economic Union: Political and socio-economic implications - Khalafov, Teymur
Natural Resource Funds (NRFs) in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan - unexpected efficiency
Students who have completed the PhD with Eamonn as a supervisor include:
- Eleanor Bindman - Economic and Social Rights in EU-Russia relations
- Robert Dewar - Cyber security and the European Union: An institutionalist response to a 21st century security concern
- Graham Donnelly - EU Minority Rights and Eastern Partnership
- Ruth McKenna - Imagining Russia in British political, media and popular discourses post-1999: the impact upon Russian speaking migrant integration in the UK
- Paolo Sorbello - State and Business Responses to Energy Industry Worker Unrest in Western Kazakhstan
- Jolan Nisbet - New Member States Engagement: lessons from recasting the Common European Asylum System
- David Edwards - Ever Decreasing Circles: Perceptions and Projections of Estonia's Regionality within North-Eastern Europe
- Kristina Cimova - Investigation of grand and petty corruption through the lens of Slovakia's healthcare sector
Undergraduate Teaching
- CEES 4047: Security and International Relations in Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe
- SPS1009: Intercultural Understanding and Emotional Resilience in Times of Uncertainty (Microcredential)
Postgraduate Teaching
- CEES 5061: Geopolitics of Central Europe
- SPS5007: Thematic Issues in Global Security
- SPS5026: European and International Security Strategies
- CEES5065: Research Methods for Studying Russia and Central and Eastern Europe
- SPS5027P: Research Design and Methodology for Security Studies part of Independent Study Portfolio (Security)
Additional information
Current University Roles
Deputy Head of School (Social and Political Science) Director of Learning and Teaching (from January 2021)
Previous University Roles
- Programme Director: International Masters in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (Erasmus Mundus) (2015-2020)
- PGT Convenor in the School of Social and Political Sciences (2018-2020)
- Convenor of the Transitions of Online Learning in Response to Covid-19 Committee (SPS) (2020-2021)
- PGT Quality Assurance Officer in the School of Social and Political Sciences
- Programme Convenor for MSc Global Security (2010-2016)
- Member of Senate
Editorial Roles
- Editorial Board: Europe-Asia Studies 2009-present
- Political Science Editor: EuropeNow (Council for European Studies) 2017-2019
- Senior Editor: Journal of Contemporary European Research (UACES) 2007-2009
- Council for European Studies (CES) - Member of Critical European Studies Research Network
- Fellow of the British Higher Education Academy
- Jean Monnet Research Network - SECUREU - The Securitisation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities and the Rise of Xenophobia in the EU (2020-2023)
- Leverhulme Russian Environmental History Network (2013-2016)
Conference Organisation
- Chair of Conference Committee for the Council for European Studies: (2023) 29th International Conference of Europeanists - Europe’s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias, University of Iceland | Reykjavik, Iceland
- Chair of the Glasgow Local Organising Committee: 2017 Council for European Studies 24th International Conference of Europeanists - Sustainability and Transformation.