Professor Craig Smith

  • Professor of the History of Political Thought (Political & International Studies)

telephone: 01413304681

College of Social Sciences, School of Social and Political Sciences, Room 1207, Adam Smith Building, Glasgow, G12 8RT

Import to contacts


Research interests

Research Interests

  • The Scottish Enlightenment
  • History of Political Thought
  • History of Political Economy
  • Political Philosophy

Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005
Number of items: 53.


Smith, C. (2024) Adam Ferguson as Founding Father of sociology. In: Demeter, T. (ed.) The Sociological Heritage of the Scottish Enlightenment. Series: Edinburgh Studies in Scottish Philosophy. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 85-102. ISBN 9781399512336

Smith, C. (2024) Adam Smith y el improvement = Adam Smith and improvement. Estudios Públicos, NE(002), pp. 45-62. (doi: 10.38178/07183089/0443230829)

Atal, M. R. , Riach, K. , Smith, C. and McMaster, R. (2024) Adam Smith: His continuing relevance for contemporary management thought. European Management Journal, 42(1), pp. 4-10. (doi: 10.1016/j.emj.2024.01.005)


Smith, C. (2023) Adam Ferguson on trade and empire. Revue d’études benthamiennes, 2023(24), 10850. (doi: 10.4000/etudes-benthamiennes.10850)

Smith, C. (2023) Adam Smith and the limits of philosophy. In: Sagar, P. (ed.) Interpreting Adam Smith: Critical Essays. Cambridge University Press, pp. 232-244. ISBN 9781009296335 (doi: 10.1017/9781009296335.015)

Smith, C. (2023) Adam Ferguson: moral science and moralising. In: Hill, J. A. and Brown, M. (eds.) Adam Ferguson and the Politics of Virtue. Aberdeen University Press: Aberdeen, pp. 55-74. ISBN 9781857521269 (open access) 9781857520941 (hbk) (doi: 10.57132/book23)

Smith, C. (2023) Smith at 300: Adam Smith on Edinburgh and Glasgow. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 45(2), pp. 190-192. (doi: 10.1017/S1053837222000529)

Smith, C. (2023) Adam Smith and spontaneous order. In: Burgio, A. (ed.) Adam Smith and Modernity 1723–2023. Routledge, pp. 3-17. ISBN 9781003301448 (doi: 10.4324/9781003301448-2)


Smith, C. (2022) Adam Smith, Adam Ferguson, and the reconceptualization of philosophy in eighteenth-century Scotland. History of Political Economy, 54(5), pp. 921-934. (doi: 10.1215/00182702-10005774)

Smith, C. (2022) Public spirit and corruption in the Scottish Enlightenment: a reconsideration. In: Cawood, I. and Crook, T. (eds.) The Many Lives Of Corruption: The Reform Of Public Life In Modern Britain, C. 1750-1950. Manchester University Press: Manchester, pp. 34-53. ISBN 9781526150035

Smith, C. (2022) Capitalism and the legacy of Adam Smith. In: Lewin, A. Y., Linden, G. and Teece, D. J. (eds.) The New Enlightenment: Reshaping Capitalism and the Global Order in the 21st Century. Series: Elements in Reinventing Capitalism. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 11-17. ISBN 9781009258630


Smith, C. (2021) Adam Smith on organic change in moral beliefs. In: Bíró, G. (ed.) Humanity and Nature in Economic Thought: Searching for the Organic Origins of the Economy. Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics. Routledge: London, pp. 24-40. ISBN 9780367686956

Mills, R. J. W. and Smith, C. (Eds.) (2021) The Scottish Enlightenment : Human Nature, Social Theory and Moral Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Christopher J. Berry. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474467315

Mills, R. J. W. and Smith, C. (2021) Introduction: The work of Christopher J. Berry – an appreciation. In: Mills, R. J. W. and Smith, C. (eds.) The Scottish Enlightenment : Human Nature, Social Theory and Moral Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Christopher J. Berry. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 1-25. ISBN 9781474467315

Smith, C. (2021) The rough edges of civilisation in the Scottish Enlightenment. In: Mills, R. J. W. and Smith, C. (eds.) The Scottish Enlightenment : Human Nature, Social Theory and Moral Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Christopher J. Berry. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 71-97. ISBN 9781474467315

Smith, C. (2021) Self-interest in the thought of Adam Ferguson. In: Egashira, S., Taishido, M., Hands, D. W. and Mäki, U. (eds.) A Genealogy of Self-Interest in Economics. Springer: Singapore, pp. 31-46. ISBN 9789811593949 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-9395-6_3)


Smith, C. (2020) Adam Smith. Polity Press. ISBN 9781509518227


Broadie, A. and Smith, C. (Eds.) (2019) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. Second Edition. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9781108420709

Smith, C. (2019) Political economy. In: Broadie, A. and Smith, C. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. 2nd Edition. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 177-194. ISBN 9781108420709

Smith, C. (2019) Adam Smith on moral luck and the invisible hand. In: Church, I. M. and Hartman, R. J. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck. Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. Routledge, pp. 70-79. ISBN 9780815366591

Smith, C. (2019) Adam Ferguson and the Idea of Civil Society: Moral Science in the Scottish Enlightenment. Series: Edinburgh studies in Scottish philosophy. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474413275 (doi: 10.3366/edinburgh/9781474413275.001.0001)


Smith, C. (2018) Adam Smith's library: recent work on his books and marginalia. In: Forman, F. (ed.) The Adam Smith Review: Volume 11. Routledge: Abingdon. ISBN 9780367002428

Smith, C. (2018) Comment on Eric Schliesser's Adam Smith. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 16(3), pp. 252-255. (doi: 10.3366/jsp.2018.0208)[Book Review]

Smith, C. (2018) The invisible hand and political philosophy. In: Mica, A., Wyrzykowska, K. M., Wiśniewski, R. and Zielińska, I. (eds.) Sociology of the Invisible Hand. Series: Studies in social sciences, philosophy and history of ideas (20). Peter Lang: Berlin ; New York, pp. 43-61. ISBN 9783631672327

Paganelli, M. P., Rasmussen, D. C. and Smith, C. (Eds.) (2018) Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics. Series: Edinburgh studies in Scottish philosophy. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474422857

Smith, C. (2018) Adam Smith on philosophy and religion. Ruch Filozoficzny, 74(3), pp. 23-39. (doi: 10.12775/RF.2018.025)


Smith, C. (2017) Smith and Bentham. In: Golob, S. and Timmermann, J. (eds.) The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 352-364. ISBN 9781107033054 (doi: 10.1017/9781139519267.028)

Smith, C. (2017) The Scottish Enlightenment the challenges of commercial society: Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. Horyzonty Polityki = Horizons of Politics, 8(25), pp. 43-64. (doi: 10.17399/HP.2017.082503)


Smith, C. (2016) All in the best possible taste: Adam Smith and the leaders of fashion. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 23(4), pp. 597-610. (doi: 10.1080/09672567.2014.997834)

Smith, C. (2016) The essays on philosophical subjects. In: Hanley, R. P. (ed.) Adam Smith His Life, Thought, and Legacy. Princeton University Press: Princeton, pp. 89-104. ISBN 9780691154053

Smith, C. (2016) Ferguson, Adam (1723–1816). In: Ritzer, G. (ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online. Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 9781405124331 (doi: 10.1002/9781405165518.wbeos0660)

Smith, C. (2016) Religion and civil society in the Scottish Enlightenment: The case of Adam Smith. In: Lázaro, R. and Seoane, J. (eds.) The Changing Faces of Religion in XVIIIth Century Scotland. Series: Religion and civil society (7). Georg Olms Verlag: Hildesheim, pp. 47-71. ISBN 9783487155128


Smith, C. (2015) Adam Smith: moral judgment versus moral theory. In: Sison, A. J. G. (ed.) Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management. Springer, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9789400767294 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-6729-4_63-1)


Smith, C. (2014) Spontaneous order and economics. In: Garrison, R. and Barry, N. (eds.) Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, pp. 224-245. ISBN 9780857931108

Smith, C. (2014) Smith, justice, and the scope of the political. In: Hardwick, D. F. and Marsh, L. (eds.) Propriety and Prosperity: New Studies on the Philosophy of Adam Smith. Series: Archival insights into the evolution of economics. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 254-274. ISBN 9781137320681

Smith, C. (2014) 'We have mingled politeness with the use of the sword': nature and civilisation in Adam Ferguson's philosophy of war. European Legacy, 19(1), pp. 1-15. (doi: 10.1080/10848770.2013.859800)


Smith, C. (2013) Adam Smith: left or right? Political Studies, 61(4), pp. 784-798. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9248.2012.00985.x)

Smith, C. (2013) Adam Ferguson and ethnocentrism in the science of man. History of the Human Sciences, 26(1), pp. 52-67. (doi: 10.1177/0952695112467027)

Berry, C.J., Paganelli, M.P. and Smith, C. (Eds.) (2013) Oxford Handbook on Adam Smith. Series: Oxford handbooks in economics. Oxford University Press: Corby. ISBN 9780199605064

Smith, C. (2013) Adam Smith's 'collateral' inquiry: fashion and morality in the theory of moral sentiments and the wealth of nations. History of Political Economy, 45(3), pp. 505-522. (doi: 10.1215/00182702-2334776)

Smith, C. (2013) Forms of government. In: Harris, J.A. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Eighteenth Century Philosophy. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199549023

Smith, C. (2013) The Scottish Enlightenment and Scottish independence. Economic Affairs, 33(3), pp. 334-347. (doi: 10.1111/ecaf.12041)

Smith, C. (2013) Smith and the new right. In: Berry, C.J., Paganelli, M.P. and Smith, C. (eds.) Oxford Handbook on Adam Smith. Series: Oxford handbooks in economics. Oxford University Press: Corby, UK. ISBN 9780199605064


Smith, C. (2012) Adam Smith and natural law. In: Gregg, S. and James, H. (eds.) Natural Law, Economics, and the Common Good: Perspectives from Natural Law. Series: St. Andrews studies in philosophy and public affairs. Imprint Academic: Exeter, UK, pp. 24-37. ISBN 9781845403102


Smith, C. and Miers, T. (2011) Democracy and the Fall of the West. Imprint Academic: Exeter, UK. ISBN 9781845402150


Smith, C. (2010) Adam Smith. In: Skorupski, J. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Ethics. Series: Routledge philosophy companions. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 133-143. ISBN 9780415413626

Smith, C. (2010) The Scottish Enlightenment's reflection on mixed government. Giornale di Storia Costituzionale, 20(2), pp. 121-134.


Smith, C. (2009) The Scottish Enlightenment, unintended consequences and the science of man. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 7(1), pp. 9-28. (doi: 10.3366/E1479665108000304)


Smith, C. (2008) Ferguson and the active genius of mankind. In: Heath, E. and Merolle, V. (eds.) Adam Ferguson: History, Progress and Human Nature. Pickering & Chatto: London, UK, pp. 157-170. ISBN 9781851968640


Smith, C. (2006) Adam Ferguson and the danger of books. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 4(2), pp. 93-109. (doi: 10.3366/jsp.2006.4.2.93)

Smith, C. (2006) Adam Smith on progress and knowledge. In: Montes, L. and Schliesser, E. (eds.) New Voices on Adam Smith. Series: Routledge studies in the history of economics (82). Routledge: London, UK, pp. 293-312. ISBN 9780415356961

Smith, C. (2006) Adam Smith's Political Philosophy: The Invisible Hand and Spontaneous Order. Series: Routledge studies in social and political thought. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415360944


Smith, C. (2005) "Great reformation in the manners of mankind": Utopian thought in the Scottish Reformation and Enlightenment. Utopian Studies, 16(2), pp. 221-245.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 22:36:40 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 53.


Smith, C. (2024) Adam Smith y el improvement = Adam Smith and improvement. Estudios Públicos, NE(002), pp. 45-62. (doi: 10.38178/07183089/0443230829)

Atal, M. R. , Riach, K. , Smith, C. and McMaster, R. (2024) Adam Smith: His continuing relevance for contemporary management thought. European Management Journal, 42(1), pp. 4-10. (doi: 10.1016/j.emj.2024.01.005)

Smith, C. (2023) Adam Ferguson on trade and empire. Revue d’études benthamiennes, 2023(24), 10850. (doi: 10.4000/etudes-benthamiennes.10850)

Smith, C. (2023) Smith at 300: Adam Smith on Edinburgh and Glasgow. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 45(2), pp. 190-192. (doi: 10.1017/S1053837222000529)

Smith, C. (2022) Adam Smith, Adam Ferguson, and the reconceptualization of philosophy in eighteenth-century Scotland. History of Political Economy, 54(5), pp. 921-934. (doi: 10.1215/00182702-10005774)

Smith, C. (2018) Adam Smith on philosophy and religion. Ruch Filozoficzny, 74(3), pp. 23-39. (doi: 10.12775/RF.2018.025)

Smith, C. (2017) The Scottish Enlightenment the challenges of commercial society: Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. Horyzonty Polityki = Horizons of Politics, 8(25), pp. 43-64. (doi: 10.17399/HP.2017.082503)

Smith, C. (2016) All in the best possible taste: Adam Smith and the leaders of fashion. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 23(4), pp. 597-610. (doi: 10.1080/09672567.2014.997834)

Smith, C. (2014) 'We have mingled politeness with the use of the sword': nature and civilisation in Adam Ferguson's philosophy of war. European Legacy, 19(1), pp. 1-15. (doi: 10.1080/10848770.2013.859800)

Smith, C. (2013) Adam Smith: left or right? Political Studies, 61(4), pp. 784-798. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9248.2012.00985.x)

Smith, C. (2013) Adam Ferguson and ethnocentrism in the science of man. History of the Human Sciences, 26(1), pp. 52-67. (doi: 10.1177/0952695112467027)

Smith, C. (2013) Adam Smith's 'collateral' inquiry: fashion and morality in the theory of moral sentiments and the wealth of nations. History of Political Economy, 45(3), pp. 505-522. (doi: 10.1215/00182702-2334776)

Smith, C. (2013) The Scottish Enlightenment and Scottish independence. Economic Affairs, 33(3), pp. 334-347. (doi: 10.1111/ecaf.12041)

Smith, C. (2010) The Scottish Enlightenment's reflection on mixed government. Giornale di Storia Costituzionale, 20(2), pp. 121-134.

Smith, C. (2009) The Scottish Enlightenment, unintended consequences and the science of man. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 7(1), pp. 9-28. (doi: 10.3366/E1479665108000304)

Smith, C. (2006) Adam Ferguson and the danger of books. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 4(2), pp. 93-109. (doi: 10.3366/jsp.2006.4.2.93)

Smith, C. (2005) "Great reformation in the manners of mankind": Utopian thought in the Scottish Reformation and Enlightenment. Utopian Studies, 16(2), pp. 221-245.


Smith, C. (2020) Adam Smith. Polity Press. ISBN 9781509518227

Smith, C. (2019) Adam Ferguson and the Idea of Civil Society: Moral Science in the Scottish Enlightenment. Series: Edinburgh studies in Scottish philosophy. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474413275 (doi: 10.3366/edinburgh/9781474413275.001.0001)

Smith, C. and Miers, T. (2011) Democracy and the Fall of the West. Imprint Academic: Exeter, UK. ISBN 9781845402150

Smith, C. (2006) Adam Smith's Political Philosophy: The Invisible Hand and Spontaneous Order. Series: Routledge studies in social and political thought. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415360944

Book Sections

Smith, C. (2024) Adam Ferguson as Founding Father of sociology. In: Demeter, T. (ed.) The Sociological Heritage of the Scottish Enlightenment. Series: Edinburgh Studies in Scottish Philosophy. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 85-102. ISBN 9781399512336

Smith, C. (2023) Adam Smith and the limits of philosophy. In: Sagar, P. (ed.) Interpreting Adam Smith: Critical Essays. Cambridge University Press, pp. 232-244. ISBN 9781009296335 (doi: 10.1017/9781009296335.015)

Smith, C. (2023) Adam Ferguson: moral science and moralising. In: Hill, J. A. and Brown, M. (eds.) Adam Ferguson and the Politics of Virtue. Aberdeen University Press: Aberdeen, pp. 55-74. ISBN 9781857521269 (open access) 9781857520941 (hbk) (doi: 10.57132/book23)

Smith, C. (2023) Adam Smith and spontaneous order. In: Burgio, A. (ed.) Adam Smith and Modernity 1723–2023. Routledge, pp. 3-17. ISBN 9781003301448 (doi: 10.4324/9781003301448-2)

Smith, C. (2022) Public spirit and corruption in the Scottish Enlightenment: a reconsideration. In: Cawood, I. and Crook, T. (eds.) The Many Lives Of Corruption: The Reform Of Public Life In Modern Britain, C. 1750-1950. Manchester University Press: Manchester, pp. 34-53. ISBN 9781526150035

Smith, C. (2022) Capitalism and the legacy of Adam Smith. In: Lewin, A. Y., Linden, G. and Teece, D. J. (eds.) The New Enlightenment: Reshaping Capitalism and the Global Order in the 21st Century. Series: Elements in Reinventing Capitalism. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 11-17. ISBN 9781009258630

Smith, C. (2021) Adam Smith on organic change in moral beliefs. In: Bíró, G. (ed.) Humanity and Nature in Economic Thought: Searching for the Organic Origins of the Economy. Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics. Routledge: London, pp. 24-40. ISBN 9780367686956

Mills, R. J. W. and Smith, C. (2021) Introduction: The work of Christopher J. Berry – an appreciation. In: Mills, R. J. W. and Smith, C. (eds.) The Scottish Enlightenment : Human Nature, Social Theory and Moral Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Christopher J. Berry. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 1-25. ISBN 9781474467315

Smith, C. (2021) The rough edges of civilisation in the Scottish Enlightenment. In: Mills, R. J. W. and Smith, C. (eds.) The Scottish Enlightenment : Human Nature, Social Theory and Moral Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Christopher J. Berry. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 71-97. ISBN 9781474467315

Smith, C. (2021) Self-interest in the thought of Adam Ferguson. In: Egashira, S., Taishido, M., Hands, D. W. and Mäki, U. (eds.) A Genealogy of Self-Interest in Economics. Springer: Singapore, pp. 31-46. ISBN 9789811593949 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-9395-6_3)

Smith, C. (2019) Political economy. In: Broadie, A. and Smith, C. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. 2nd Edition. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 177-194. ISBN 9781108420709

Smith, C. (2019) Adam Smith on moral luck and the invisible hand. In: Church, I. M. and Hartman, R. J. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck. Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. Routledge, pp. 70-79. ISBN 9780815366591

Smith, C. (2018) Adam Smith's library: recent work on his books and marginalia. In: Forman, F. (ed.) The Adam Smith Review: Volume 11. Routledge: Abingdon. ISBN 9780367002428

Smith, C. (2018) The invisible hand and political philosophy. In: Mica, A., Wyrzykowska, K. M., Wiśniewski, R. and Zielińska, I. (eds.) Sociology of the Invisible Hand. Series: Studies in social sciences, philosophy and history of ideas (20). Peter Lang: Berlin ; New York, pp. 43-61. ISBN 9783631672327

Smith, C. (2017) Smith and Bentham. In: Golob, S. and Timmermann, J. (eds.) The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 352-364. ISBN 9781107033054 (doi: 10.1017/9781139519267.028)

Smith, C. (2016) The essays on philosophical subjects. In: Hanley, R. P. (ed.) Adam Smith His Life, Thought, and Legacy. Princeton University Press: Princeton, pp. 89-104. ISBN 9780691154053

Smith, C. (2016) Ferguson, Adam (1723–1816). In: Ritzer, G. (ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online. Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 9781405124331 (doi: 10.1002/9781405165518.wbeos0660)

Smith, C. (2016) Religion and civil society in the Scottish Enlightenment: The case of Adam Smith. In: Lázaro, R. and Seoane, J. (eds.) The Changing Faces of Religion in XVIIIth Century Scotland. Series: Religion and civil society (7). Georg Olms Verlag: Hildesheim, pp. 47-71. ISBN 9783487155128

Smith, C. (2015) Adam Smith: moral judgment versus moral theory. In: Sison, A. J. G. (ed.) Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management. Springer, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9789400767294 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-6729-4_63-1)

Smith, C. (2014) Spontaneous order and economics. In: Garrison, R. and Barry, N. (eds.) Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, pp. 224-245. ISBN 9780857931108

Smith, C. (2014) Smith, justice, and the scope of the political. In: Hardwick, D. F. and Marsh, L. (eds.) Propriety and Prosperity: New Studies on the Philosophy of Adam Smith. Series: Archival insights into the evolution of economics. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 254-274. ISBN 9781137320681

Smith, C. (2013) Forms of government. In: Harris, J.A. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Eighteenth Century Philosophy. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199549023

Smith, C. (2013) Smith and the new right. In: Berry, C.J., Paganelli, M.P. and Smith, C. (eds.) Oxford Handbook on Adam Smith. Series: Oxford handbooks in economics. Oxford University Press: Corby, UK. ISBN 9780199605064

Smith, C. (2012) Adam Smith and natural law. In: Gregg, S. and James, H. (eds.) Natural Law, Economics, and the Common Good: Perspectives from Natural Law. Series: St. Andrews studies in philosophy and public affairs. Imprint Academic: Exeter, UK, pp. 24-37. ISBN 9781845403102

Smith, C. (2010) Adam Smith. In: Skorupski, J. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Ethics. Series: Routledge philosophy companions. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 133-143. ISBN 9780415413626

Smith, C. (2008) Ferguson and the active genius of mankind. In: Heath, E. and Merolle, V. (eds.) Adam Ferguson: History, Progress and Human Nature. Pickering & Chatto: London, UK, pp. 157-170. ISBN 9781851968640

Smith, C. (2006) Adam Smith on progress and knowledge. In: Montes, L. and Schliesser, E. (eds.) New Voices on Adam Smith. Series: Routledge studies in the history of economics (82). Routledge: London, UK, pp. 293-312. ISBN 9780415356961

Book Reviews

Smith, C. (2018) Comment on Eric Schliesser's Adam Smith. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 16(3), pp. 252-255. (doi: 10.3366/jsp.2018.0208)[Book Review]

Edited Books

Mills, R. J. W. and Smith, C. (Eds.) (2021) The Scottish Enlightenment : Human Nature, Social Theory and Moral Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Christopher J. Berry. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474467315

Broadie, A. and Smith, C. (Eds.) (2019) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. Second Edition. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9781108420709

Paganelli, M. P., Rasmussen, D. C. and Smith, C. (Eds.) (2018) Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics. Series: Edinburgh studies in Scottish philosophy. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474422857

Berry, C.J., Paganelli, M.P. and Smith, C. (Eds.) (2013) Oxford Handbook on Adam Smith. Series: Oxford handbooks in economics. Oxford University Press: Corby. ISBN 9780199605064

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 22:36:40 2025 GMT.


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