Dr Craig Donnachie
- Affiliate (School of Social & Political Sciences)
Craig is based in the School of Social and Political Sciences and a member of the Institute of Health and Wellbeing’s Social Scientists in Health group. He obtained his PhD in Social and Public Health Science from the University of Glasgow in 2016 and was a member of the Gender and Health Programme at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (SPHSU) (2011-2015). His thesis examined men’s responses to receiving objective feedback on their physical activity and other indicators of health-risk within the context of a gender-sensitised weight management programme - Football Fans in Training (FFIT). After completing his PhD, Craig continued to work as a researcher on the Understanding and Improving Health within Settings and Organisations Programme at the MRC/CSO SPHSU, principally working on projects exploring the potential to adapt the FFIT programme to different settings and populations. In 2018, he became Acting Lead of the Professional Sports Settings Workstream and Co-lead of the Digital Workstream (2019-2020). In February 2020, Craig joined the School of Social and Political Sciences as Study Coordinator on the Football Fans and Betting (FFAB) Project.
Research interests
Research Interests: Development and evaluation of public health interventions, physical activity, diet, weight management, obesity, digital health and gambling-related harms.
Expertise: Mixed methods, qualitative research methods, process evaluation and intervention development.
Feasibility of an intervention co-supporting children and fathers in health behaviour change and maintenance following fathers’ participation in Football Fans in Training: FFITer families
Chief Scientist Office
Transitions to more harmful forms of gambling during Covid-19 pandemic: behaviours and targeted marketing in young people and bettors on sport
Craig has supervised a range of student MSc research projects.
Current PhD supervision – George Burrows: Identifying factors influencing sexual health and wellbeing in transgender adults in Scotland (Glasgow)
- Burrows, George
Identifying factors influencing sexual health and wellbeing among transgender adults in Scotland.
Craig has delivered teaching on a range of MSc and undergraduate programmes, including qualitative research methods and gender and health inequalities.