Professor Christopher Berry

  • Honorary Professorial Research Fellow (School of Social & Political Sciences)

telephone: 01413305064

R1001 Level 10, Politics, Adam Smith Building, Glasgow G12 8RT

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I am Professor Emeritus (Political Theory) and Honorary Professorial Research Fellow. I've been at Glasgow since 1970. I work at the interface between politics, history and philosophy and have written many books and papers, on Luxury and especially on aspects of the Scottish Enlightenment and have made frequent visits to Japan and China to lecture in that area.  On a wider front I have an interest in what I call 'the philosophical anthropology of politics' (what it is about being human that appears to call forth a response that is labelled political). I am an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Research interests

  • Scottish enlightenment
  • Luxury
  • Philosophical anthropology


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2021 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003
Number of items: 18.


Berry, C. J. (2023) The idea of luxury: revisited. Papers in Applied Geography, (doi: 10.1080/20511817.2022.2183542) (Early Online Publication)


Berry, C. J. (2021) The changing career of luxury: from moral threat to material well-being. Research in Hospitality Management, 11(1), pp. 1-4. (doi: 10.1080/22243534.2020.1867366)


Berry, C. (2011) Science and superstition: Hume and conservatism. European Journal of Political Theory, 10(2), pp. 141-155. (doi: 10.1177/1474885110395472)

Berry, C. (2011) Adam Smith's moral economy. Kyoto Economic Review, 79(1), pp. 2-15.


Berry, C. (2009) 'But art itself is natural to man': Ferguson and the principle of simultaneity. In: Heath, E. and Merolle, V. (eds.) Adam Ferguson: Philosophy, Politics and Society. Series: The Enlightenment world (8). Pickering and Chatto: London, 143/214n-214/217n. ISBN 9781851968657

Berry, C. (2009) David Hume. Series: Major conservative and libertarian thinkers. Continuum: New York & London. ISBN 9780826429803

Berry, C. (2009) Hume y la inflexibilidad de la justice:propriedad commercio y expectativas. Anuario Filosofico, pp. 65-88.

Berry, C. (2009) Luxury: From Poverty to Opulence. Literal: Latin American Voices, 15, pp. 27-28.


Berry, C. (2008) Hume and superfluous value (or the problem with Epictetus' slippers). In: Wennerlind, C. and Schabas, M. (eds.) David Hume's Political Economy. Routledge: London, pp. 49-64. ISBN 9780415320016


Berry, C. (2007) Hume's Universalism: The Science of Man and the Anthropological Point of View. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 15(3), pp. 535-550. (doi: 10.1080/09608780701444980)

Berry, C. (2007) Modeo, deseo e identidad. In: González, A.M. and García Martínez, A.J. (eds.) Distincion Social y Moda. Series: Ciencias Sociales (1). Ediciones Universidad de Navarra: Navarra. ISBN 9788431324452


Berry, C. (2006) Smith and science. In: Haakonssen, K. (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 112-135. ISBN 9780521770590

Berry, C. (2006) Aristotle, Hobbes and chimpanzees. Political Studies, 54(4), pp. 827-845. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9248.2006.00627.x)

Berry, C. (2006) Hume and the customary causes of industry, knowledge, and humanity. History of Political Economy, 38, pp. 291-317. (doi: 10.1215/00182702-2005-004)

Philo, G. and Berry, C. (2006) More bad news from the Middle East. In: Demaria, C. and Wright, C. (eds.) Post-Conflict Cultures: Rules of Representation. Zoilus Press: London, UK. ISBN 9781902878584


Berry, C. (2004) Smith under strain. European Journal of Political Theory, 3(4), pp. 455-463. (doi: 10.1177/1474885104045915)

Berry, C. (2004) De la vertu a l'opulence: la construction liberale du Luxe. In: Assouly, O. (ed.) Le Luxe: Essais sur la Fabrique de l'Ostentation. Editions du Regard: Paris, France, pp. 85-99. ISBN 9782914863094


Berry, C. (2003) Lusty women and loose imagination: Hume's philosophical anthropology of chastity. History of Political Thought, 24(3), pp. 415-433.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:31:15 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 18.


Berry, C. J. (2023) The idea of luxury: revisited. Papers in Applied Geography, (doi: 10.1080/20511817.2022.2183542) (Early Online Publication)

Berry, C. J. (2021) The changing career of luxury: from moral threat to material well-being. Research in Hospitality Management, 11(1), pp. 1-4. (doi: 10.1080/22243534.2020.1867366)

Berry, C. (2011) Science and superstition: Hume and conservatism. European Journal of Political Theory, 10(2), pp. 141-155. (doi: 10.1177/1474885110395472)

Berry, C. (2011) Adam Smith's moral economy. Kyoto Economic Review, 79(1), pp. 2-15.

Berry, C. (2009) Hume y la inflexibilidad de la justice:propriedad commercio y expectativas. Anuario Filosofico, pp. 65-88.

Berry, C. (2009) Luxury: From Poverty to Opulence. Literal: Latin American Voices, 15, pp. 27-28.

Berry, C. (2007) Hume's Universalism: The Science of Man and the Anthropological Point of View. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 15(3), pp. 535-550. (doi: 10.1080/09608780701444980)

Berry, C. (2006) Aristotle, Hobbes and chimpanzees. Political Studies, 54(4), pp. 827-845. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9248.2006.00627.x)

Berry, C. (2006) Hume and the customary causes of industry, knowledge, and humanity. History of Political Economy, 38, pp. 291-317. (doi: 10.1215/00182702-2005-004)

Berry, C. (2004) Smith under strain. European Journal of Political Theory, 3(4), pp. 455-463. (doi: 10.1177/1474885104045915)

Berry, C. (2003) Lusty women and loose imagination: Hume's philosophical anthropology of chastity. History of Political Thought, 24(3), pp. 415-433.


Berry, C. (2009) David Hume. Series: Major conservative and libertarian thinkers. Continuum: New York & London. ISBN 9780826429803

Book Sections

Berry, C. (2009) 'But art itself is natural to man': Ferguson and the principle of simultaneity. In: Heath, E. and Merolle, V. (eds.) Adam Ferguson: Philosophy, Politics and Society. Series: The Enlightenment world (8). Pickering and Chatto: London, 143/214n-214/217n. ISBN 9781851968657

Berry, C. (2008) Hume and superfluous value (or the problem with Epictetus' slippers). In: Wennerlind, C. and Schabas, M. (eds.) David Hume's Political Economy. Routledge: London, pp. 49-64. ISBN 9780415320016

Berry, C. (2007) Modeo, deseo e identidad. In: González, A.M. and García Martínez, A.J. (eds.) Distincion Social y Moda. Series: Ciencias Sociales (1). Ediciones Universidad de Navarra: Navarra. ISBN 9788431324452

Berry, C. (2006) Smith and science. In: Haakonssen, K. (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith. Series: Cambridge companions to philosophy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 112-135. ISBN 9780521770590

Philo, G. and Berry, C. (2006) More bad news from the Middle East. In: Demaria, C. and Wright, C. (eds.) Post-Conflict Cultures: Rules of Representation. Zoilus Press: London, UK. ISBN 9781902878584

Berry, C. (2004) De la vertu a l'opulence: la construction liberale du Luxe. In: Assouly, O. (ed.) Le Luxe: Essais sur la Fabrique de l'Ostentation. Editions du Regard: Paris, France, pp. 85-99. ISBN 9782914863094

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:31:15 2025 GMT.

Additional information

Major Publications

Hume, Hegel and Human Nature ( Martinus Nijhoff, 1982).

Human Nature (Macmillan, 1986).

The Idea of Democratic Community (Wheatsheaf Books, 1989)

The Idea of Luxury:  A Conceptual and Historical Investigation (Cambridge: 1994); Chinese translation (Century Publishing Group, Beijing, 2005)

Social Theory of the Scottish Enlightenment (Edinburgh,1997) Chinese Translation (ZheJiang University Press, 2013). Forthcoming Japanese Translation.

David Hume, (Bloomsbury: New York & London 2009)

Idea of Commercial Society in the Scottish Enlightenment. ( Edinburgh,2013). Japanese translation (Minerva)  and Chinese (Zhejiang UP) forthcoming.

Editor (with M. Paganelli & C.Smith ) & author of 2 essays in Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith (Oxford, 2013).


Many articles and book chapters.