Professor Charlotte Pearson
- Professor of Social Policy (Urban Studies & Social Policy)
- Associate (School of Health & Wellbeing)
R210 Level 2, Urban Studies, 26 Bute Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ
Research interests
My research interests focus on critical analyses of policies which promote independent living and equality for disabled people. I am currently working with colleagues at Glasgow, Newcastle and York Universities on a major ESRC study, which examines the experiences of young disabled people as they transition to adulthood.
In other recent work, I have explored the impact of COVID-19 on disabled people and have a long-term interest in examining the implementation of different models of personalisation in social care. I have also completed studies looking at the impact of benefit changes on the lives of disabled people over the life course.
Research groups
Exploring the inequalities and diversities in disabled young adult transitions with J McLaughlin (Newcastle University) (PI), T Shildrick(Newcastle University), E Coleman-Fountain (York University) and N Watson (Glasgow).
ESRC Open call
Why has the policy of self-directed support not secured transformative change in social care in Scotland? Establishing a dialogue for policy reform at a time of change (PI) with N Watson
ERSC Impact Acceleration Account
Disabled People and COVID-19 in the UK with N Watson and T Shakespeare (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) (Co-I)
Evaluation of the Independent Living Transitions Fund, with N Watson (PI)
Scottish Government
Exploring the impact of welfare reform on the lives of disabled people, with T Porter, T Shakespeare (University of East Anglia) and N Watson (Co-I)
Disability Benefits Consortium
Exploring the implementation of health and social care integration in Scotland (PI)
What Works Scotland.
An In-Depth Examination of the Implementation of the Disability Equality Duty with N Watson and K Stalker (University of Strathclyde) (Co-I)
Office for Disability Issues, Department for Work and Pensions.
The implementation of direct payments for people who use care services with S Riddell (University of Edinburgh) and N Watson (Co-I)
Scottish Parliament Information Centre for the Health Committee
Disabled People and Direct Payments: A UK comparative study with S. Riddell (University of Edinburgh), C. Barnes, G. Mercer and M. Priestley (University of Leeds) (Co-I)
Economic and Social Research Council
I am interested in supervising doctoral studies in the following areas:
- Disability and independent living.
- Disability and youth transitions to adulthood.
- Personalisation in social care.
- Disability and social security systems.
- Paul, Lisa
Personal assistance for disabled people, changing labour markets and social care reform
Current students:
Lisa Paul
Thesis title: Personal assistance for disabled people, changing labour markets and social care reform
Sponser: SGSSS Collaborative Studentship (with Scottish Government/PA Programme Board)
Duration: 2024-2027
Successful completions:
Aizan Amin
Thesis title: Disability and gender in the global South: the lived experiences of disabled women in Malaysia
Sponsor: Association of Commonwealth Universities
Duration: 2011-2014
Joanne Brown
Thesis title: Behaviour change in action for disabled benefit recipients
Sponsor: ESRC
Duration: 2013-2020
Kainde Manji
Thesis title: Understanding the impact of welfare reform on equality groups in Scotland
Sponsor: Scottish Government/ESRC
Duration: 2012-2017
Filippo Trevisan
Thesis title: Connected citizens or digital isolation? Online disability activism in times of crisis
Sponsor: ESRC
Duration: 2009-2013
Chris Warburton-Brown
Thesis title: How does Mum manage? Investigating the financial circumstances of mothers in lower incomes working families
Sponsor: ESRC/DWP
Duration: 2006-2011
Victoria Williams
Thesis title: Obesity, Food Choice and Body Image in Adults with Learning Disabilities
Sponsor: ESRC
Duration: 2006-11
Karen Young
Thesis title: Where is the person in personalisation? Experiences of People with Learning Disabilities and their Families in Glasgow
Sponsor: ESRC
Duration: 2013-2020
PhD examining
Anna Bochorishvili: Relationship experiences of Disabled Women in Georgia, University of Glasgow 2022.
Lisa Curtice: Lessons for inclusive citizenship?: Difference, disability and rights of people with leaning disabilities who have high support needs, University of Glasgow, 2010.
Susanne Gamble: Collaborative working within one Scottish Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board: A case study approach, University of West of Scotland, 2023.
Susan Laughlin: Social Justice for a Heterogeneous Population? An Investigation into the Public Sector Duty in Glasgow, University of Glasgow, 2018.
Victoria Murray: The Moving Landscapes of Learning Disability, University of Glasgow, 2017.
Thomas Rochow: Young people, individualism and welfare conditionality over time, University of Glasgow, 2023.
Dianne-Dominque Theakstone: A citizenship of humanity: a comparative analysis of the governance mechanisms in two centres for independent living that enhance disabled peoples’ life choices, University of Stirling, 2015.
Philippa Wiseman: Reconciling the Private’ and ‘Public’: disabled young people’s experiences of everyday embodied citizenship, University of Glasgow, 2014.
- I am currently the Honours Convenor for the Undergraduate Programme in Social & Public Policy.
My other teaching and administration roles include:
- Social & Public Policy 2B: Policy, Politics & Power
- Social & Public Policy Honours: Disability and Society (next session: 2023-24)
- Adviser of Studies
- MSc Global Health: Lecturer on Understanding Health Policy.
- MSc Equalities and Human Rights: Lecturer on The Disabling Society.
Additional information
Special Advising roles
I was specialist adviser to the House of Lords Public Services Committee Inquiry which is looking at the transition from education to employment for young disabled people.
I am an academic adviser to the Scottish Government's Personal Assistants' Programme Board.
Editorial Boards
Editor: Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
Editor: Disability & Society (2005-2019)
Series Editor: Policy and Practice In Health and Social Care: Dunedin Press (2012-2020)