Dr Caitlin Gormley
- Lecturer (Sociological & Cultural Studies)
- Associate (School of Health & Wellbeing)
Dr Caitlin Gormley is a lecturer in criminology within the School of Social and Political Sciences, and a member of the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research and the Glasgow Centre for Disability Research, at the University of Glasgow. She joined the University of Glasgow in June 2017 having previously worked as a lecturer within prison-based learning centres in Scotland between 2015-2017. She coordinates a university-prison reading group which brings members together to explore literature covering a broad range of topics.
Caitlin obtained her PhD in Criminology (2017), MRes in Criminology (2012), and MA (hons) Sociology, Anthropology and Hispanic Studies (2011) all from the University of Glasgow.
Research interests
- Inequalities within, and caused by, criminal justice systems
- Experiences of punishment
- Violence, vulnerability, and injustice
- Inclusive research practices
Research groups
2019-2023: Understanding repeat violent victimisation in Scotland – a Qualitative Approach. Funded by The Scottish Government, £109,998, as co-investigator with Dr Susan Batchelor as principal investigator.
2021-2022: Illustrating life in lockdown: stories from marginalised communities during the Covid-19 pandemic in Scotland. Funded by ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, £11,176, as principal investigator along with Dr Nughmana Mirza and Dr Phillippa Wiseman as co-investigators.
2021: Deepening community research partnerships and impact following Covid-19 study. Funded by ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, £4,460, as co-lead along with Dr Nughmana Mirza and Dr Phillippa Wiseman.
2020-2021: The Scotland in lockdown study (or 'The health and social impacts of Covid-19 in Scotland'). Funded by Chief Scientist Office Scotland, £186,869, as co-investigator and co-stream lead, with Prof Sarah Armstrong and Dr Lucy Pickering as principal investigators.
2019: The experiences of disabled accused people at the pre-trial stage in the Scottish criminal justice system. Funded by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, £12,000, as principal investigator along with Prof Nick Watson as co-investigator.
2014: MacRobertson Travel Scholarship, £3,500.
2012 - 2015: Prison, Power, and People with a Learning Disability: The Complexities of Curtailed Lives. ESRC +3 PhD Scholarship.
I am interested in supervising research projects in the broad areas of vulnerability, harm, inequalities and systemic injustice. I supervise students in Sociology (UG and PGR), Criminology (PGT and PGR), and Global Health (PGT) on a wide range of topics relating to disability, violence, vulnerability, inequality and criminal justice, prisons, community supervision, justice, health and wellbeing. I have also worked with external organisations from the public and statutory sectors on collaborative dissertation projects.
- Brasio-McLaughlin, Maria Teresa
Mental Healthcare Provision within Scottish Prisons - Chapman, Claire
Supporting victimised autistic women in Scotland: Using inclusive approaches to understanding their experiences
Postgraduate Taught
- Criminology Dissertations (convenor, workshop co-ordinator, and supervisor)
- Violence, Victimisation and Social Harm (co-convenor and lecturer)
- Punishment and In/Justice (co-convenor and lecturer)
- Criminological Theory in Context (lecturer)
- Disability and Society (lecturer)
- Qualitative Research Methods (lecturer)
- Sociology Dissertations (supervisor)
Additional information
Roles and affiliations
- Postgraduate Research (PGR) convenor for Criminology admissions (2023 - )
- Member of Learning Disabilities, Autism, and Neurodivergence Bill professional advisory panel (2023 - )
- Member of College of Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (2022 - )
- Member of SOLD advisory group (2020 - )
- Advisor for the Equality and Human Rights Commission's Inclusive Justice Inquiry (2019 - 2020)
- Editorial Officer for Criminology and Criminal Justice journal (2017 - 2020)
- Member, British Society of Criminology (2017 - ), European Society of Criminology (2017 - )