Dr Anna Gawlewicz
- Senior Lecturer (Urban Studies & Social Policy)
University of Glasgow, Room 114, 25 Bute Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8RS
I am Senior Lecturer at the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow. My work is broadly concerned with the issues of international migration, social diversity/difference and wellbeing. I hold a PhD in Human Geography from the University of Sheffield, UK and a combined BSc + MSc in International Relations and European Studies from the Cracow University of Economics, Poland.
I am co-leading the PostCEE network connecting researchers working on postcolonial and decolonial perspectives on Central and Eastern Europe.
I have worked extensively on research projects including, among others:
- the Rural Brexit project (as a Co-Investigator) funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2023-2025) and co-led by Prof. Sarah Neal (Principal Investigator), Dr Rhys Dafydd Jones and Dr Jesse Heley looking at migration and rural social relations in the context of Brexit. In a wider perspective, the project explores how Brexit politics and policies interact with wider social, economic and demographic rural changes and affect everyday social life.
- the Migrant Essential Workers project (as a Co-Investigator) funded by the ESRC/UKRI (2020-2022) and co-led by Prof. Sharon Wright (Principal Investigator), Dr Kasia Narkowicz and Dr Aneta Piekut investigating health, social, economic and cultural impacts of Covid-19 on migrant essential workers in the UK. To explore these issues with an adequate level of nuance and detail, the project focuses on one prominent migrant group, Polish migrants, as a case study.
- the Living Together project (as a Principal Investigator) funded by the Urban Studies Foundation (2017-2019) exploring encounters between Polish migrants and the long-settled population in the East End of Glasgow in the context of Brexit. In a wider perspective, this project looks at migrant-'host' encounters in rapidly changing urban areas and how institutional and political 'hostile environments' affect these encounters.
- the Intimate Migrations project (as a Research Associate) funded by the ESRC and led by Dr Francesca Stella (2015-2017) looking at the experiences of LGBT migrants from Central and Eastern Europe in Scotland. In a wider perspective, this project focuses on the role of sexuality in decisions to migrate, LGBT migrants’ sense of belonging in home and host societies, and their social networks.
- the LiveDifference project funded by the ERC (as a PhD Candidate) and led by Prof. Gill Valentine (2010-2014) investigating the nature of encounters with difference in two distinctive European contexts: the UK and Poland. As part of my PhD, I explored how migration from Poland to the UK impacts on people’s values and attitudes towards difference in terms of ethnicity, religion, class, sexuality, gender, age and disability.
Research interests
My research interests include:
1) International migration
- Migration and Covid-19, Brexit, and hostile environments
- Migrant-‘host’ encounters/relations
- Migration and the city: migrant city-making
- Social diversity: attitudes to/encounters with difference
- Transnational circulation of ideas: social remittances
- Migration and language: migrant language of difference
- Migration and sexuality: queer migration
- Post/decolonial approaches to researching migration
- Central and East European/Polish migration to the UK
2) Wellbeing
- Mental health and employment
- Migration and mental health
3) Qualitative methodologies
- Translation in research methods
- Position/positionality of migrant researcher
- Reflexive and intersectional methodologies
Research groups
Leverhulme Trust Grant 'Living Brexit in rural Britain: Migration and rural communities' as Co-Investigator with Prof. Sarah Neal (University of Sheffield, England) and Dr Jesse Heley and Dr Rhys Dafydd Jones (Aberystwyth University, Wales). Duration: Jan 2023 - Dec 2024. Value of award: £171,557. Click for project website.
The University of Sydney - University of Glasgow Ignition Grant 'Housing precarity for migrants and vulnerable households: A comparative perspective on policy challenges and opportunities' as Glasgow Chief Investigator with Dr Sophia Maalsen and Dr Zahra Nasreen (University of Sydney, Australia). Duration: Aug 2023 - Jun 2024. Value of award: AUD 36,925 (approx. £19,200).
Economic and Social Research Council/UKRI Covid-19 Grant 'Health, social, economic and cultural impacts of Covid-19 on migrant essential workers in the UK' as Co-Investigator with Prof. Sharon Wright and Dr Paulina Trevena (University of Glasgow, Scotland) and Dr Kasia Narkowicz (Middlesex University, England) and Dr Aneta Piekut (University of Sheffield, England). Duration: Nov 2020 - May 2023. Value of award: £253,982. Click for project website.
ESRC Impact Acceleration Account Grant 'Migrant essential workers in the UK - Portable multi-arts exhibition' as Principal Investigator with Dr Paulina Trevena and Prof. Sharon Wright (University of Glasgow, Scotland) as well as Dr Aneta Piekut (University of Sheffield, England) and Dr Kasia Narkowicz (Middlesex University, England). Duration: Nov 2021 - Oct 2022. Value of award: £20,127.
Scottish Government Expert Review Grant 'Addressing the needs of Scotland’s migrant and minority ethnic populations under Covid-19: Lessons for the future' as Co-Investigator with Dr Paulina Trevena and Prof. Sharon Wright (University of Glasgow, Scotland). Duration: May 2022 - Oct 2022. Value of award: £29,994.
Regional Studies Association Network Grant 'Postdependence Geographies in Central and Eastern Europe (PostCEE)' as Co-Organiser with Dr Kasia Narkowicz (Middlesex University, England) and Dr Konrad Pędziwiatr (Cracow University of Economics, Poland). Duration: Jan 2020 - Jan 2023. Value of award: £10,000. Click for network website.
- Fetrat, Mohammad Anwar
Research Topic: The role of local government in SDGs implementation: A case of Glasgow city, with special focus on the potential and limits of SDG 11 to support migrant communities.
- URBAN5136: Migration Policy Making in Times of Hostile Environment
- URBAN5080 and URBAN5054: Urban Studies Dissertation (with Dr Bilge Serin)
- URBAN5093: Understanding Public Policy
- PUBPOL4040: Making Public Policy
- PUBPOL4041: Work, Welfare and the Politics of Reform
Research datasets
Additional information
Rural Brexit project: Brexit, migration, community relations, rural areas in England, Scotland and Wales
Migrant Essential Workers project: Covid-19, migration, essential work and Poles in the UK
Living Together project: Brexit, migration, community relations and the East End of Glasgow
PostCEE network: postcolonial and decolonial perspectives on Central and Eastern Europe
Peer reviewing
Web of Science: my verified journal article reviews
I am a member of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Peer Review College.
Professional memberships
I am a member of the International Migration Research Network (IMISCOE). In previous years, I was also a member of the Regional Studies Association, the American Association of Geographers, and the British Sociological Association.