Dr Andrew Judge
- Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations (Political & International Studies)
Room 1303, Adam Smith Building, Bute Gardens
Andrew Judge joined the School of Social and Political Sciences in 2016.
Prior to coming to Glasgow, he worked for the University of Strathclyde where he was awarded his PhD in 2012. He has also previously worked for the European Court of Auditors.
Research interests
My research is at the intersection of Global Energy Politics, International Relations and Learning and Teaching. There are three main questions which animate my work:
- Why (should) people learn about Politics and International Relations?
- Why do some political concerns come to be regarded as security problems and what are the political effects of this 'securitisation' of politics and policy?
- How can we accelerate a global energy transition while ensuring energy security and addressing injustice?
Research groups
Carnegie Research Incentives Grant 70701 - The implications of Brexit for UK crisis governance: The cases of health and energy security
I am interested in supervising PhD projects on the politics of energy transitions and climate change, broadly defined. In particular, I welcome projects that focus on the interaction between energy transitions, climate change and the international order, or the securitisation of energy and climate issues.
Current projects
Walid Ali - Uncertainty in transition: what determines the current form of regime in Libya following the Arab Spring?
In 2024/25 I am teaching the following courses:
POLITIC1002: Introduction to International Relations (with Dr Sophia Dingli)
POLITIC4168: Global Energy Politics
Additional information
External Roles
Associate Editor (Learning and Teaching), Politics Journal
Roles and Committees
Director of Learning and Teaching (Undergraduate), School of Social and Political Sciences
University Learning and Teaching Committee
Adviser of Studies in College of Social Sciences
Previous Roles
Deputy Head of Politics and International Relations - Teaching and Learning (2019-2022)
Teaching Awards
Student Teaching Awards - Highly Innovative Teaching 2022/23