Professor Ana Ines Langer

  • Professor of Political Communication (Political & International Studies)

telephone: 01413303055

R1215 Level 12, Politics, Adam Smith Building, Glasgow G12 8RT

Import to contacts



 Office Hours: Thursdays 14.00-15.00, or by email appointment 

I joined the subject of Politics at Glasgow in September 2006 from the London School of Economics (LSE), where I completed my PhD in Political Communication. My research focuses on political communication: how politics is mediated and how this affects the conduct and nature of the democratic process. Most of my work has focused on the UK and Scotland but I have also done comparative work about countries including Argentina, Germany and China.

I have published articles in European Journal of Communication, International Journal Press/Politics, Parliamentary AffairsPolicy StudiesPolitical Studies, and West European Politics. My book, 'The Personalisation of Politics in the UK. Mediated Leadership from Attlee to Cameron(Manchester University Press), was the first in-depth historical study of the phenomenon in the UK.

During the early years of my career, I focused on the personalisation of politics, especially its media dimensions. I still work on the topic but, in the last few years, I have become keenly interested in understanding how the hybrid media environment is affecting ‘classic functions’ of political communication and its impact on democracy. I have recently published work about the Scottish independence referendum campaigns and have work in progress about non-party campaign organisations or ‘satellite’ campaigns.

Most of my current work focuses on analysing how media of different types can shape the policy process. This includes a recent paper about Windrush, published in the International Journal of Press/Politics, and a project (funded by NIHR & MRC) about the role of social media on shaping the Chinese government’s policy response during COVID. I have also started to explore how different platform affordances shape to what extent and how topics are politicised.

Finally, I am working with colleagues in the Glasgow University Media Group and stakeholders to develop a better understanding of the future of the media in Scotland and how it can better serve democracy.

In most of my recent projects I use a mixed methods approach, combining manual content analysis, ‘big data’ methodologies (including quantitative text analysis and network analysis) and qualitative interviewing. 

Research interests


  • The role of the media in the democratic process
  • Media and policy making
  • Personalisation of politics
  • Political campaigns, the role of different actors and how they use media

Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005
Number of items: 17.


Temple, L. and Langer, A. I. (2023) Exploring the campaign space of non-party activism in the 2017 and 2019 UK general elections. Geoforum, 145, 103847. (doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2023.103847)

Vaughan, M., Gruber, J. B. and Langer, A. I. (2023) The tension between connective action and platformisation: disconnected action in the GameStop short squeeze. New Media and Society, (doi: 10.1177/14614448231182617) (Early Online Publication)


Happer, C. , Schlesinger, P. , Langer, A. I. , Mabweazara, H. and Hinde, D. (2022) Scotland’s Sustainable Media Future: Challenges and Opportunities: a Stakeholder Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]


Langer, A. I. and Gruber, J. B. (2021) Political agenda setting in the hybrid media system: why legacy media still matter a great deal. International Journal of Press/Politics, 26(2), pp. 313-340. (doi: 10.1177/1940161220925023)


Langer, A. I. , Comerford, M. and McNulty, D. (2019) Online allies and tricky freelancers: understanding the differences in the role of social media in the campaigns for the Scottish Independence Referendum. Political Studies, 67(4), pp. 834-854. (doi: 10.1177/0032321718811252)


Langer, A. I. and Sagarzazu, I. (2018) Bring back the party: personalization, the media and coalition politics. West European Politics, 41(2), pp. 472-495. (doi: 10.1080/01402382.2017.1354528)


Langer, A. I. and Sagarzazu, I. (2017) Are all policy decisions equal? Explaining the variation in media coverage of the UK Budget. Policy Studies Journal, 45(2), pp. 337-358. (doi: 10.1111/psj.12119)


Holtz-Bacha, C., Langer, A. I. and Merkle, S. (2014) The personalisation of politics in comparative perspective: campaign coverage in Germany and the United Kingdom. European Journal of Communication, 29(2), pp. 153-170. (doi: 10.1177/0267323113516727)


Duckett, J. and Langer, A.I. (2013) Populism versus neo-liberalism: diversity and ideology in the Chinese media's reporting of health system reform. Modern China, 39(6), pp. 653-680. (doi: 10.1177/0097700413492602)


Langer, A.I. (2011) The Personalisation of Politics in the UK: Mediated Leadership from Attlee to Cameron. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719081460


Langer, A.I. (2010) The politicization of private persona: exceptional leaders or the new rule? The case of the UK and the Blair effect. International Journal of Press/Politics, 15(1), pp. 60-76. (doi: 10.1177/1940161209351003)


Langer, A.I. (2008) Peter Mandelson. In: Kaid, L.L. and Holtz-Bacha, C. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Sage: London. ISBN 9781412917995

Langer, A.I. (2008) The royal press commission. In: Kaid, L.L. and Holtz-Bacha, C. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Sage: London. ISBN 9781412917995


Langer, A.I. (2007) A historical exploration of the personalisation of politics in the print media: the British prime ministers (1945-1999). Parliamentary Affairs, 60(3), pp. 371-387. (doi: 10.1093/pa/gsm028)


Scammell, M. and Langer, A.I. (2006) Political advertising: why is it so boring? Media, Culture and Society, 28(5), p. 763. (doi: 10.1177/0163443706067025)

Langer, A.I. (2006) Political advertising in the United Kingdom. In: Kaid, L.L. and Holtz-Bacha, C. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Political Advertising. Sage: Thousand Oaks, C.A., pp. 65-82. ISBN 9781412917957


Langer, A.I. (2005) Media consumption and public connection: toward a typology of the dispersed citizen. Communication Review, 8(2), pp. 237-257. (doi: 10.1080/10714420590953325)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 09:13:23 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 17.


Temple, L. and Langer, A. I. (2023) Exploring the campaign space of non-party activism in the 2017 and 2019 UK general elections. Geoforum, 145, 103847. (doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2023.103847)

Vaughan, M., Gruber, J. B. and Langer, A. I. (2023) The tension between connective action and platformisation: disconnected action in the GameStop short squeeze. New Media and Society, (doi: 10.1177/14614448231182617) (Early Online Publication)

Langer, A. I. and Gruber, J. B. (2021) Political agenda setting in the hybrid media system: why legacy media still matter a great deal. International Journal of Press/Politics, 26(2), pp. 313-340. (doi: 10.1177/1940161220925023)

Langer, A. I. , Comerford, M. and McNulty, D. (2019) Online allies and tricky freelancers: understanding the differences in the role of social media in the campaigns for the Scottish Independence Referendum. Political Studies, 67(4), pp. 834-854. (doi: 10.1177/0032321718811252)

Langer, A. I. and Sagarzazu, I. (2018) Bring back the party: personalization, the media and coalition politics. West European Politics, 41(2), pp. 472-495. (doi: 10.1080/01402382.2017.1354528)

Langer, A. I. and Sagarzazu, I. (2017) Are all policy decisions equal? Explaining the variation in media coverage of the UK Budget. Policy Studies Journal, 45(2), pp. 337-358. (doi: 10.1111/psj.12119)

Holtz-Bacha, C., Langer, A. I. and Merkle, S. (2014) The personalisation of politics in comparative perspective: campaign coverage in Germany and the United Kingdom. European Journal of Communication, 29(2), pp. 153-170. (doi: 10.1177/0267323113516727)

Duckett, J. and Langer, A.I. (2013) Populism versus neo-liberalism: diversity and ideology in the Chinese media's reporting of health system reform. Modern China, 39(6), pp. 653-680. (doi: 10.1177/0097700413492602)

Langer, A.I. (2010) The politicization of private persona: exceptional leaders or the new rule? The case of the UK and the Blair effect. International Journal of Press/Politics, 15(1), pp. 60-76. (doi: 10.1177/1940161209351003)

Langer, A.I. (2007) A historical exploration of the personalisation of politics in the print media: the British prime ministers (1945-1999). Parliamentary Affairs, 60(3), pp. 371-387. (doi: 10.1093/pa/gsm028)

Scammell, M. and Langer, A.I. (2006) Political advertising: why is it so boring? Media, Culture and Society, 28(5), p. 763. (doi: 10.1177/0163443706067025)

Langer, A.I. (2005) Media consumption and public connection: toward a typology of the dispersed citizen. Communication Review, 8(2), pp. 237-257. (doi: 10.1080/10714420590953325)


Langer, A.I. (2011) The Personalisation of Politics in the UK: Mediated Leadership from Attlee to Cameron. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719081460

Book Sections

Langer, A.I. (2008) Peter Mandelson. In: Kaid, L.L. and Holtz-Bacha, C. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Sage: London. ISBN 9781412917995

Langer, A.I. (2008) The royal press commission. In: Kaid, L.L. and Holtz-Bacha, C. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Sage: London. ISBN 9781412917995

Langer, A.I. (2006) Political advertising in the United Kingdom. In: Kaid, L.L. and Holtz-Bacha, C. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Political Advertising. Sage: Thousand Oaks, C.A., pp. 65-82. ISBN 9781412917957

Research Reports or Papers

Happer, C. , Schlesinger, P. , Langer, A. I. , Mabweazara, H. and Hinde, D. (2022) Scotland’s Sustainable Media Future: Challenges and Opportunities: a Stakeholder Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 09:13:23 2025 GMT.



  • NIHR & MRC, 'Covid-19: Understanding Chinese Government Containment Measures and their Societal Impacts', co-PI, with Yajun Bao, Jane Duckett (PI), Yingru Li, Holly Snape, Ting Luo, Hua Wang, Bastian Struve, Weinan Wang, Aofei Lv, Meixuan Chen, Hairong Wang. £333,963, 2020–2022.

  • British Academy, 2019-2020 - £7,500 (with Luke Temple): 'Non-party campaigning and digital technologies'

  • Adam Smith Research Foundation Seedcorn Fund, 2009-2010 - £1600 (with Jane Duckett): 'Media Reporting of China’s Health Reforms, 2005-09’ 

  • Political Studies Association (PSA) Overseas Conference Grant


PhD Supervision

  • Political campaigns (including electoral campaigns but also issue campaigns)
  • Media and policy making
  • The role of the media in the democratic process
  • Personalisation of politics

Recent students

  • Johannes Gruber: Troublemakers in the streets? An automated framing analysis of newspaper coverage of protests in the UK 1992-2016
  • David Jofre (completed 2019): Social movements and media practices in changing media ecology: The case of environmental and LGBTI+ activists in Chile
  • Beth Pearson (completed 2018): “The press is plural – it represents all the political parties” Media access for the transitional justice campaign during democratisation in Uruguay (1989-2012)


Undergraduate Teaching

  • Politics 1A
  • Politics, Communication and Democracy

Postgraduate Teaching

  • Media and Democracy