Professor Amin Kamete

  • Professor of Spatial Planning (Urban Studies & Social Policy)

telephone: 01413305682

Urban Studies, R240 Level 2, 29 Bute Gardens, Glasgow G12 8RS

Import to contacts



Amin Kamete is Professor of Spatial Planning. Before joining Urban Studies at the University of Glasgow, Amin was lecturer in planning in the School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography at Bangor University. A chartered town planner, Amin launched his academic career at the University of Zimbabwe in the Department of Rural and Urban Planning after which he joined the Nordic Africa Institute in Sweden as Research Programme Coordinator.

Research interests

My main area of interest is the study of urban spatial planning, cities, space and power in the Global South. More recently, I have tried to bring together work on contemporary planning theory and planning practice with particular emphasis on governmentality in the context of development planning, development management and planning enforcement practice vis-à-vis informality, marginality, (in)security and sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa.

Some of my other work considers urban development, urban governance, urban conditions and urban politics as they relate to marginalised groups and the wider significance of spatialised repression and resistance.

Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997
Number of items: 84.


Kamete, A.Y. (2025) The dark side of urban e-planning?: Untangling the ‘professionalisation’ of the smart city concept in Zimbabwe. In: Silva, C.N. (ed.) Recent Advances and Prospects in Urban E-Planning. IGI Global. (Accepted for Publication)


Kamete, A. (2023) Zimbabwe. In: Alidu, S. M., Kamski, B., Mehler, A. and Sebudubudu, D. (eds.) Africa Yearbook Volume 19. Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 551-563. ISBN 9789004538115 (doi: 10.1163/9789004538115_056)


Kamete, A. Y. (2022) Zimbabwe. In: Awedoba, A. K., Kamski, B., Mehler, A. and Sebudubudu, D. (eds.) Africa Yearbook 18: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2021. Brill: Leiden & Boston, pp. 548-560. ISBN 9789004519565 (doi: 10.1163/9789004519572_056)


Kamete, A. Y. (2021) Zimbabwe. In: Awedoba, A. K., Kamski, B., Mehler, A. and Sebudubudu, D. (eds.) Africa Yearbook Volume 17: Politics, Economy, and Society South of the Sahara in 2020. Brill: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 543-555. ISBN 9789004460256 (doi: 10.1163/9789004503182_056)


Kamete, A. Y. (2020) Zimbabwe. In: Awedoba, A. K., Kamski, B., Mehler, A. and Sebudubudu, D. (eds.) Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2019. Series: Africa yearbook, volume: 16. Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 542-554. ISBN 978904430013 (doi: 10.1163/9789004430013_056)

Kamete, A. Y. (2020) Neither friend nor enemy: Planning, ambivalence and the invalidation of urban informality in Zimbabwe. Urban Studies, 57(5), pp. 927-943. (doi: 10.1177/0042098018821588)

Kamete, A. (2020) Street vendors and planning paradigms. In: Chen, M. and Carré, F. (eds.) The Informal Economy Revisited: Examining the Past, Envisioning the Future. Series: Routledge explorations in development studies. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 161-166. ISBN 9780429200724 (doi: 10.4324/9780429200724)


Kamete, A. Y. (2019) Zimbabwe. In: Adetula, V., Kamski, B., Mehler, A. and Melber, H. (eds.) Africa Yearbook Volume 15. Brill: Leiden, pp. 520-531. ISBN 9789004417663 (doi: 10.1163/9789004417663_056)

Kamete, A. Y. (2019) A Decade of Zimbabwe: Politics, Economy, and Society – 2008-2017. Brill: Leiden. ISBN 9789004349063


Kamete, A. Y. (2018) Zimbabwe. In: Abbink, J., Adetula, V., Mehler, A. and Melber, H. (eds.) Africa Yearbook Volume 14. Brill: Leiden, pp. 522-533. ISBN 9789004367630 (doi: 10.1163/9789004367630_056)

Kamete, A. Y. (2018) Of good plants and useless weeds: planning as a spatial technology of the gardening state. Planning Theory, 17(2), pp. 253-273. (doi: 10.1177/1473095217701514)

Kamete, A. (2018) Shaw, Carolyn Martin. Women and power in Zimbabwe: promises of feminism. x, 201 pp., map, illus., bibliogr. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 2015. £20.99 (paper). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 24(1), pp. 196-197. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9655.12771)[Book Review]

Kamete, A. Y. (2018) A concept ‘vandalised’: seeing and doing e-planning in practice. International Journal of E-Planning Research, 7(1), 1. (doi: 10.4018/IJEPR.2018010101)

Kamete, A. Y. (2018) Pernicious assimilation: reframing the integration of the urban informal economy in Southern Africa. Urban Geography, 39(2), pp. 167-189. (doi: 10.1080/02723638.2017.1298219)


Kamete, A. Y. (2017) Governing enclaves of informality: unscrambling the logic of the camp in urban Zimbabwe. Geoforum, 81, pp. 76-86. (doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.02.012)

Kamete, A. Y. (2017) Zimbabwe. In: Abbink, J., Elischer, S., Mehler, A. and Melber, H. (eds.) Africa Yearbook Volume 13. Brill, pp. 515-526. ISBN 9789004355910 (doi: 10.1163/9789004355910_056)


Kamete, A. (2016) Zimbabwe. In: Abbink, J., Elischer, S., Mehler, A. and Melber, H. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2015. Series: Africa Year book (12). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 505-516. ISBN 9789004314788 (doi: 10.1163/9789004333239_056)

Kamete, A. Y. (2016) ‘Programmed to serve’: urban planning and elite interests in Zimbabwe. In: Silva, C. N. (ed.) Governing Urban Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 151-169. ISBN 9781349951086 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-349-95109-3_6)


Kamete, A. (2015) Zimbabwe. In: Elischer, S., Hofmeier, R., Mehl, A. and Melber, H. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2014. Series: Africa Yearbook (11). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 504-515. ISBN 9789004305052 (doi: 10.1163/9789004305052_056)


Kamete, A. (2014) Zimbabwe. In: Andreas, M., Melber, H. and Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2013. Series: Africa Yearbook (10). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 534-544. ISBN 9789004282643 (doi: 10.1163/9789004282643)


Kamete, A.Y. (2013) On handling urban informality in southern Africa. Geografiska Annaler. Series B: Human Geography, 95(1), pp. 17-31. (doi: 10.1111/geob.12007)

Kamete, A. (2013) Missing the point? Urban planning and the normalisation of ‘pathological’ spaces in southern Africa. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 38(4), pp. 639-651. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2012.00552.x)

Kamete, A.Y. (2013) Defending illicit livelihoods: youth resistance in Harare's contested spaces. In: Hibbard, M., Freestone, R.R. and Sager, T.Ø. (eds.) Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning. Routledge: Abingdon, UK, pp. 43-69. ISBN 9780415680776


Kamete, A.Y. (2012) Interrogating planning's power in an African city: time for reorientation? Planning Theory, 11(1), pp. 66-88. (doi: 10.1177/1473095211419116)

Kamete, A.Y. (2012) Not exactly like the phoenix - but rising all the same: reconstructing displaced livelihoods in post-clean-up Harare. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 30(2), pp. 243-261. (doi: 10.1068/d2408)

Kamete, A.Y. (2012) Of prosperity, ghost towns and havens: mining and urbanisation in Zimbabwe. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 30(4), pp. 589-609. (doi: 10.1080/02589001.2012.724871)

Kamete, A.Y. (2012) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2011. Series: Africa Yearbook (8). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 545-556. ISBN 9789004233980


Kamete, A.Y. (2011) Making collective demands on tyranny: social movements and resistance in Harare. In: Moksnes, H. and Melin, M. (eds.) Power to the people? (Con-)tested civil society in search of democracy. Uppsala University: Uppsala, pp. 79-96.

Kamete, A.Y. (2011) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H., van Walraven, K. and Hofmeier, R. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2010. Series: Africa Yearbook (7). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 535-545. ISBN 9789004216587 (doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004205567.i-550)


Kamete, A.Y. (2010) Defending illicit livelihoods: youth resistance in Harare's contested spaces. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 34(1), pp. 55-75. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2009.00854.x)

Kamete, A.Y. (2010) Hanging out with 'trouble-causers': planning and governance in urban Zimbabwe. In: Stiftel, B. and Watson, V. (eds.) Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning. Routledge: London, pp. 12-37. ISBN 9780415346931

Kamete, A.Y. (2010) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2009. Series: Africa Yearbook (6). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 537-547. ISBN 9789004185609 (doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004185593.i-552)

Kamete, A.Y. and Lindell, I. (2010) The politics of ‘non-planning’ interventions in African cities: unravelling the international and local dimensions in Harare and Ma. Journal of Southern African Studies, 36(4), pp. 889-912. (doi: 10.1080/03057070.2010.527643)


Kamete, A.Y. (2009) "For enhanced civic participation in local governance": calling tyranny to account in Harare. Environment and Urbanization, 21(1), pp. 59-75. (doi: 10.1177/0956247809103004)

Kamete, A.Y. (2009) Hanging out with “trouble-causers”: planning and governance in urban Zimbabwe. Planning Theory and Practice, 10(1), pp. 85-103. (doi: 10.1080/14649350802661675)

Kamete, A.Y. (2009) In the service of tyranny: debating the role of planning in Zimbabwe's urban `clean-up' operation. Urban Studies, 46(4), pp. 897-922. (doi: 10.1177/0042098009102134)

Kamete, A.Y. (2009) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2008. Series: Africa Yearbook (5). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 505-516. ISBN 9789047445012 (doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004178113.i-520)

Lindell, I. and Kamete, A.Y. (2009) Walls of shame: evictions, global pressures and local agendas. Africa in Search of Alternatives: NAI Annual Report 2008, pp. 26-27.


Kamete, A.Y. (2008) Ageing in sub-Saharan African cities. Africa on the Global Agenda: Annual Report 2007, pp. 25-26.

Kamete, A.Y. (2008) Planning versus youth: stamping out spatial unruliness in Harare. Geoforum, 39(5), pp. 1721-1733. (doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2008.06.001)

Kamete, A.Y. (2008) When livelihoods take a battering... Mapping the 'New Gold Rush' in Zimbabwe's Angwa-Pote Basin. Transformation, 65(1), pp. 36-67. (doi: 10.1353/trn.2008.0009)

Kamete, A.Y. (2008) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2007. Series: Africa Yearbook (4). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 505-516. ISBN 9789047443520


Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Book Review: 'The Management of Urban Development in Zambia' by Emmanuel Mutale. Urban Studies, 44(11), pp. 2272-2274. (doi: 10.1177/00420980070440110903)[Book Review]

Hulterström, K., Kamete, A.Y. and Melber, H. (Eds.) (2007) Political Opposition in African Countries: the Cases of Kenya, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Series: Discussion paper (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet). Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: Uppsala, Sweden. ISBN 9789171065872

Arnfred, S. et al. (2007) Rethinking Africa: a contribution to the Swedish Government White Paper on Africa. [Research Reports or Papers]

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Cold-hearted, negligent and spineless? Planning, planners and the (r)ejection of “filth” in urban Zimbabwe. International Planning Studies, 12(2), pp. 153-171. (doi: 10.1080/13563470701477959)

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Homelessness in Zimbabwe. In: Levinson, D. and Ross, M. (eds.) Homelessness handbook. Berkshire Publishing Group: Great Barrington, MA, pp. 414-418. ISBN 9781933782034

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) More than urban local governance?: warring over Zimbabwe's fading cities. African Renaissance, 3(2), pp. 34-46.

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Of jinxes and blessings: the opposition in Zimbabwe's urban local governance. In: Hulterström, K., Kamete, A.Y. and Melber, H. (eds.) Political Opposition in African Countries: the Cases of Kenya, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Series: Discussion paper (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet) (37). Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 39-60. ISBN 9789171065964

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Youth in urban governance: rationalities, encounters and interaction in Zimbabwe. Africa Insight, 37(3), pp. 327-343.

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., van Walraven, K. and Melber, H. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2006. Series: Africa Yearbook (3). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 501-511. ISBN 9789047422518


Kamete, A.Y. (2006) 'At the bottom of the social heap': a youth underclass in inner-city Harare? Journal of Youth Studies, 9(1), (doi: 10.1080/13676260500523655)

Kamete, A.Y. (2006) The challenge of local governance: planning and youth in urban Zimbabwe. In: Planning Africa Conference, Cape Town, 22-24 March 2006,

Kamete, A.Y. (2006) Participatory farce: youth and the making of urban places in Zimbabwe. International Development Planning Review, 28(3), pp. 359-380. (doi: 10.3828/idpr.28.3.4)

Kamete, A.Y. (2006) The return of the jettisoned: ZANU-PF's crack at ‘re-urbanising’ in Harare. Journal of Southern African Studies, 32(2), pp. 255-271. (doi: 10.1080/03057070600656143)

Kamete, A.Y. (2006) Revisiting the urban housing crisis in Zimbabwe: some forgotten dimensions? Habitat International, 30(4), pp. 981-995. (doi: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2005.08.002)

Kamete, A.Y. (2006) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2005. Series: Africa Yearbook (2). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 497-508. ISBN 9789004154865


Kamete, A.Y. (2005) Commentary: Bona fide agency and rightful citizenship: youth in African cities. News from the Nordic Africa Institute, 3(2005), pp. 3-6.

Kamete, A.Y. (2005) Review: 'African Voices on Development and Social Justice'. Afrika Spectrum, [Book Review]

Kamete, A.Y. (2005) ZANU-PF’s urban comeback bid: the hits and the miss. British Zimbabwe Review, 5(2), p. 6.

Kamete, A.Y. (2005) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2004. Series: Africa Yearbook (1). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 481-493. ISBN 9789004144620


Kamete, A.Y. (2004) Home industries and the formal city in Harare, Zimbabwe. In: Tranberg-Hansen, K. and Vaa, M. (eds.) Reconsidering Informality: Perspectives from Urban Africa. Nordic Africa Institute: Uppsala, pp. 120-137.

Kamete, A.Y. (2004) Repositioning the urban environment question in Zimbabwe: a review of the context, conditions and processes. Development Southern Africa, 21(4), pp. 663-686. (doi: 10.1080/0376835042000288842)

Kamete, A.Y. (2004) Zimbabwe. In: Levinson, D. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Homelessness. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 623-626. ISBN 9780761927518


Kamete, A.Y. (2003) In defence of national sovereignty? Urban governance and democracy in Zimbabwe. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 21(2), pp. 193-213. (doi: 10.1080/02589000305439)

Kamete, A.Y. (2003) In defence of national sovereignty?: urban governance and democracy in Zimbabwe. In: Melber, H. (ed.) Limits to Liberation in Southern Africa: the Unfinished Business of Democratic Consolidation. Human Sciences Research Council Press: Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 47-71. ISBN 9780796920256


Kamete, A.Y. (2002) Governance for sustainability? Balancing social and environmental concerns in Harare. Christian Michelsen Institute: Bergen. ISBN 9788280620248

Kamete, A.Y. (2002) Governing the Poor in Harare, Zimbabwe: Shifting Perceptions and Changing Responses. Series: Research report (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet), 122. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: Uppsala, Sweden. ISBN 9789171065032

Kamete, A.Y. (2002) The rebels within: urban Zimbabwe in the post-election period. In: Melber, H. (ed.) Zimbabwe's Presidential Elections 2002: Evidence, Lessons and Implications. Series: Discussion paper (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet) (14). Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 31-48. ISBN 9789171064905

Kamete, A.Y. (2002) The Zimbabwe government’s drive to house the urban populace: an alternative explanation. Geographical Journal of Zimbabwe, 31(1), pp. 14-26.


Kamete, A.Y. (2001) Civil society, housing and urban governance: the case of urban housing cooperatives in Zimbabwe. In: Tostensen, A., Tvedten, I. and Vaa, M. (eds.) Associational Life in African Cities: Popular Responses to the Urban Crisis. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 162-179. ISBN 9789171064653

Kamete, A.Y. (2001) The nature, extent and eradication of homelessness in Zimbabwe. [Research Reports or Papers]

Kamete, A.Y. (2001) The quest for affordable urban housing: a study of approaches and results in Harare, Zimbabwe. Development Southern Africa, 18(1), pp. 31-44. (doi: 10.1080/03768350120045303)

Kamete, A.Y. (2001) US AID's private sector housing programme in urban Zimbabwe: examining the terrain from the terraces. Environment and Urbanization, 13(1), pp. 125-135. (doi: 10.1177/095624780101300110)

Kamete, A.Y. and Mubvami, T. (2001) Shelter Co-operatives in Zimbabwe. UN-Habitat: Nairobi, Kenya.

Kamete, A.Y. , Tvedten, I. and Tostensen, A. (2001) From Global Village to Urban Globe: Urbanisation and Poverty in Africa: Implications for Norwegian Aid Policy. Christian Michelsen Institute. ISBN 8290584911


Kamete, A.Y. (2000) The practice of cost recovery in urban low-income housing: a discourse with experiences from Zimbabwe. Habitat International, 24(3), pp. 241-260. (doi: 10.1016/S0197-3975(99)00032-6)

Kamete, A.Y. , Sidambe, M. and Ndubiwa, M.M. (2000) Managing the Interface Between Urban Councils and Surrounding Rural District Councils in Zimbabwe: The Case of the City of Bulawayo and Umguza Rural District Council. [Research Reports or Papers]


Kamete, A.Y. (1999) Government, building societies and civil society: exploring the interface in the context of urban low-income housing in Zimbabwe. African Review of Finance Money and Banking (Supplement to Savings and Development), pp. 77-98.

Kamete, A.Y. (1999) Restrictive control of urban high-density housing in Zimbabwe: deregulation, challenges and implications for urban design. Housing, Theory and Society, 16(3), pp. 136-151. (doi: 10.1080/14036099950149992)


Kamete, A.Y. (1998) Continuity with change: A review of Zimbabwe's public sector urban low‐income housing production system. Development Southern Africa, 15(1), pp. 13-28. (doi: 10.1080/03768359808439993)

Kamete, A.Y. (1998) Interlocking livelihoods: farm and small town in Zimbabwe. Environment and Urbanization, 10(1), pp. 23-34. (doi: 10.1177/095624789801000111)


Kamete, A.Y. (1997) Formal private sector housing finance institutions and urban low-income groups in Zimbabwe: peculiar requirements, operations and realities. Journal of Social Development in Africa, 12(1), pp. 83-91.

Kamete, A.Y. (1997) Urban governance, poverty and urban housing. In: Musandu-Nyamayaro, O. and Mubvami, T. (eds.) Ford Foundation/DRUP Urban Governance Outreach Research. Department of Rural and Urban Planning, University of Zimbabwe: Harare, pp. 13-27.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 03:45:15 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 84.


Kamete, A. Y. (2020) Neither friend nor enemy: Planning, ambivalence and the invalidation of urban informality in Zimbabwe. Urban Studies, 57(5), pp. 927-943. (doi: 10.1177/0042098018821588)

Kamete, A. Y. (2018) Of good plants and useless weeds: planning as a spatial technology of the gardening state. Planning Theory, 17(2), pp. 253-273. (doi: 10.1177/1473095217701514)

Kamete, A. Y. (2018) A concept ‘vandalised’: seeing and doing e-planning in practice. International Journal of E-Planning Research, 7(1), 1. (doi: 10.4018/IJEPR.2018010101)

Kamete, A. Y. (2018) Pernicious assimilation: reframing the integration of the urban informal economy in Southern Africa. Urban Geography, 39(2), pp. 167-189. (doi: 10.1080/02723638.2017.1298219)

Kamete, A. Y. (2017) Governing enclaves of informality: unscrambling the logic of the camp in urban Zimbabwe. Geoforum, 81, pp. 76-86. (doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.02.012)

Kamete, A.Y. (2013) On handling urban informality in southern Africa. Geografiska Annaler. Series B: Human Geography, 95(1), pp. 17-31. (doi: 10.1111/geob.12007)

Kamete, A. (2013) Missing the point? Urban planning and the normalisation of ‘pathological’ spaces in southern Africa. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 38(4), pp. 639-651. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2012.00552.x)

Kamete, A.Y. (2012) Interrogating planning's power in an African city: time for reorientation? Planning Theory, 11(1), pp. 66-88. (doi: 10.1177/1473095211419116)

Kamete, A.Y. (2012) Not exactly like the phoenix - but rising all the same: reconstructing displaced livelihoods in post-clean-up Harare. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 30(2), pp. 243-261. (doi: 10.1068/d2408)

Kamete, A.Y. (2012) Of prosperity, ghost towns and havens: mining and urbanisation in Zimbabwe. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 30(4), pp. 589-609. (doi: 10.1080/02589001.2012.724871)

Kamete, A.Y. (2010) Defending illicit livelihoods: youth resistance in Harare's contested spaces. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 34(1), pp. 55-75. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2009.00854.x)

Kamete, A.Y. and Lindell, I. (2010) The politics of ‘non-planning’ interventions in African cities: unravelling the international and local dimensions in Harare and Ma. Journal of Southern African Studies, 36(4), pp. 889-912. (doi: 10.1080/03057070.2010.527643)

Kamete, A.Y. (2009) "For enhanced civic participation in local governance": calling tyranny to account in Harare. Environment and Urbanization, 21(1), pp. 59-75. (doi: 10.1177/0956247809103004)

Kamete, A.Y. (2009) Hanging out with “trouble-causers”: planning and governance in urban Zimbabwe. Planning Theory and Practice, 10(1), pp. 85-103. (doi: 10.1080/14649350802661675)

Kamete, A.Y. (2009) In the service of tyranny: debating the role of planning in Zimbabwe's urban `clean-up' operation. Urban Studies, 46(4), pp. 897-922. (doi: 10.1177/0042098009102134)

Lindell, I. and Kamete, A.Y. (2009) Walls of shame: evictions, global pressures and local agendas. Africa in Search of Alternatives: NAI Annual Report 2008, pp. 26-27.

Kamete, A.Y. (2008) Ageing in sub-Saharan African cities. Africa on the Global Agenda: Annual Report 2007, pp. 25-26.

Kamete, A.Y. (2008) Planning versus youth: stamping out spatial unruliness in Harare. Geoforum, 39(5), pp. 1721-1733. (doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2008.06.001)

Kamete, A.Y. (2008) When livelihoods take a battering... Mapping the 'New Gold Rush' in Zimbabwe's Angwa-Pote Basin. Transformation, 65(1), pp. 36-67. (doi: 10.1353/trn.2008.0009)

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Cold-hearted, negligent and spineless? Planning, planners and the (r)ejection of “filth” in urban Zimbabwe. International Planning Studies, 12(2), pp. 153-171. (doi: 10.1080/13563470701477959)

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) More than urban local governance?: warring over Zimbabwe's fading cities. African Renaissance, 3(2), pp. 34-46.

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Youth in urban governance: rationalities, encounters and interaction in Zimbabwe. Africa Insight, 37(3), pp. 327-343.

Kamete, A.Y. (2006) 'At the bottom of the social heap': a youth underclass in inner-city Harare? Journal of Youth Studies, 9(1), (doi: 10.1080/13676260500523655)

Kamete, A.Y. (2006) Participatory farce: youth and the making of urban places in Zimbabwe. International Development Planning Review, 28(3), pp. 359-380. (doi: 10.3828/idpr.28.3.4)

Kamete, A.Y. (2006) The return of the jettisoned: ZANU-PF's crack at ‘re-urbanising’ in Harare. Journal of Southern African Studies, 32(2), pp. 255-271. (doi: 10.1080/03057070600656143)

Kamete, A.Y. (2006) Revisiting the urban housing crisis in Zimbabwe: some forgotten dimensions? Habitat International, 30(4), pp. 981-995. (doi: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2005.08.002)

Kamete, A.Y. (2005) Commentary: Bona fide agency and rightful citizenship: youth in African cities. News from the Nordic Africa Institute, 3(2005), pp. 3-6.

Kamete, A.Y. (2005) ZANU-PF’s urban comeback bid: the hits and the miss. British Zimbabwe Review, 5(2), p. 6.

Kamete, A.Y. (2004) Repositioning the urban environment question in Zimbabwe: a review of the context, conditions and processes. Development Southern Africa, 21(4), pp. 663-686. (doi: 10.1080/0376835042000288842)

Kamete, A.Y. (2003) In defence of national sovereignty? Urban governance and democracy in Zimbabwe. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 21(2), pp. 193-213. (doi: 10.1080/02589000305439)

Kamete, A.Y. (2002) The Zimbabwe government’s drive to house the urban populace: an alternative explanation. Geographical Journal of Zimbabwe, 31(1), pp. 14-26.

Kamete, A.Y. (2001) The quest for affordable urban housing: a study of approaches and results in Harare, Zimbabwe. Development Southern Africa, 18(1), pp. 31-44. (doi: 10.1080/03768350120045303)

Kamete, A.Y. (2001) US AID's private sector housing programme in urban Zimbabwe: examining the terrain from the terraces. Environment and Urbanization, 13(1), pp. 125-135. (doi: 10.1177/095624780101300110)

Kamete, A.Y. (2000) The practice of cost recovery in urban low-income housing: a discourse with experiences from Zimbabwe. Habitat International, 24(3), pp. 241-260. (doi: 10.1016/S0197-3975(99)00032-6)

Kamete, A.Y. (1999) Government, building societies and civil society: exploring the interface in the context of urban low-income housing in Zimbabwe. African Review of Finance Money and Banking (Supplement to Savings and Development), pp. 77-98.

Kamete, A.Y. (1999) Restrictive control of urban high-density housing in Zimbabwe: deregulation, challenges and implications for urban design. Housing, Theory and Society, 16(3), pp. 136-151. (doi: 10.1080/14036099950149992)

Kamete, A.Y. (1998) Continuity with change: A review of Zimbabwe's public sector urban low‐income housing production system. Development Southern Africa, 15(1), pp. 13-28. (doi: 10.1080/03768359808439993)

Kamete, A.Y. (1998) Interlocking livelihoods: farm and small town in Zimbabwe. Environment and Urbanization, 10(1), pp. 23-34. (doi: 10.1177/095624789801000111)

Kamete, A.Y. (1997) Formal private sector housing finance institutions and urban low-income groups in Zimbabwe: peculiar requirements, operations and realities. Journal of Social Development in Africa, 12(1), pp. 83-91.


Kamete, A. Y. (2019) A Decade of Zimbabwe: Politics, Economy, and Society – 2008-2017. Brill: Leiden. ISBN 9789004349063

Kamete, A.Y. (2002) Governance for sustainability? Balancing social and environmental concerns in Harare. Christian Michelsen Institute: Bergen. ISBN 9788280620248

Kamete, A.Y. (2002) Governing the Poor in Harare, Zimbabwe: Shifting Perceptions and Changing Responses. Series: Research report (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet), 122. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: Uppsala, Sweden. ISBN 9789171065032

Kamete, A.Y. and Mubvami, T. (2001) Shelter Co-operatives in Zimbabwe. UN-Habitat: Nairobi, Kenya.

Kamete, A.Y. , Tvedten, I. and Tostensen, A. (2001) From Global Village to Urban Globe: Urbanisation and Poverty in Africa: Implications for Norwegian Aid Policy. Christian Michelsen Institute. ISBN 8290584911

Book Sections

Kamete, A.Y. (2025) The dark side of urban e-planning?: Untangling the ‘professionalisation’ of the smart city concept in Zimbabwe. In: Silva, C.N. (ed.) Recent Advances and Prospects in Urban E-Planning. IGI Global. (Accepted for Publication)

Kamete, A. (2023) Zimbabwe. In: Alidu, S. M., Kamski, B., Mehler, A. and Sebudubudu, D. (eds.) Africa Yearbook Volume 19. Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 551-563. ISBN 9789004538115 (doi: 10.1163/9789004538115_056)

Kamete, A. Y. (2022) Zimbabwe. In: Awedoba, A. K., Kamski, B., Mehler, A. and Sebudubudu, D. (eds.) Africa Yearbook 18: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2021. Brill: Leiden & Boston, pp. 548-560. ISBN 9789004519565 (doi: 10.1163/9789004519572_056)

Kamete, A. Y. (2021) Zimbabwe. In: Awedoba, A. K., Kamski, B., Mehler, A. and Sebudubudu, D. (eds.) Africa Yearbook Volume 17: Politics, Economy, and Society South of the Sahara in 2020. Brill: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 543-555. ISBN 9789004460256 (doi: 10.1163/9789004503182_056)

Kamete, A. Y. (2020) Zimbabwe. In: Awedoba, A. K., Kamski, B., Mehler, A. and Sebudubudu, D. (eds.) Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2019. Series: Africa yearbook, volume: 16. Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 542-554. ISBN 978904430013 (doi: 10.1163/9789004430013_056)

Kamete, A. (2020) Street vendors and planning paradigms. In: Chen, M. and Carré, F. (eds.) The Informal Economy Revisited: Examining the Past, Envisioning the Future. Series: Routledge explorations in development studies. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 161-166. ISBN 9780429200724 (doi: 10.4324/9780429200724)

Kamete, A. Y. (2019) Zimbabwe. In: Adetula, V., Kamski, B., Mehler, A. and Melber, H. (eds.) Africa Yearbook Volume 15. Brill: Leiden, pp. 520-531. ISBN 9789004417663 (doi: 10.1163/9789004417663_056)

Kamete, A. Y. (2018) Zimbabwe. In: Abbink, J., Adetula, V., Mehler, A. and Melber, H. (eds.) Africa Yearbook Volume 14. Brill: Leiden, pp. 522-533. ISBN 9789004367630 (doi: 10.1163/9789004367630_056)

Kamete, A. Y. (2017) Zimbabwe. In: Abbink, J., Elischer, S., Mehler, A. and Melber, H. (eds.) Africa Yearbook Volume 13. Brill, pp. 515-526. ISBN 9789004355910 (doi: 10.1163/9789004355910_056)

Kamete, A. (2016) Zimbabwe. In: Abbink, J., Elischer, S., Mehler, A. and Melber, H. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2015. Series: Africa Year book (12). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 505-516. ISBN 9789004314788 (doi: 10.1163/9789004333239_056)

Kamete, A. Y. (2016) ‘Programmed to serve’: urban planning and elite interests in Zimbabwe. In: Silva, C. N. (ed.) Governing Urban Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 151-169. ISBN 9781349951086 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-349-95109-3_6)

Kamete, A. (2015) Zimbabwe. In: Elischer, S., Hofmeier, R., Mehl, A. and Melber, H. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2014. Series: Africa Yearbook (11). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 504-515. ISBN 9789004305052 (doi: 10.1163/9789004305052_056)

Kamete, A. (2014) Zimbabwe. In: Andreas, M., Melber, H. and Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2013. Series: Africa Yearbook (10). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 534-544. ISBN 9789004282643 (doi: 10.1163/9789004282643)

Kamete, A.Y. (2013) Defending illicit livelihoods: youth resistance in Harare's contested spaces. In: Hibbard, M., Freestone, R.R. and Sager, T.Ø. (eds.) Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning. Routledge: Abingdon, UK, pp. 43-69. ISBN 9780415680776

Kamete, A.Y. (2012) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2011. Series: Africa Yearbook (8). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 545-556. ISBN 9789004233980

Kamete, A.Y. (2011) Making collective demands on tyranny: social movements and resistance in Harare. In: Moksnes, H. and Melin, M. (eds.) Power to the people? (Con-)tested civil society in search of democracy. Uppsala University: Uppsala, pp. 79-96.

Kamete, A.Y. (2011) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H., van Walraven, K. and Hofmeier, R. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2010. Series: Africa Yearbook (7). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 535-545. ISBN 9789004216587 (doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004205567.i-550)

Kamete, A.Y. (2010) Hanging out with 'trouble-causers': planning and governance in urban Zimbabwe. In: Stiftel, B. and Watson, V. (eds.) Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning. Routledge: London, pp. 12-37. ISBN 9780415346931

Kamete, A.Y. (2010) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2009. Series: Africa Yearbook (6). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 537-547. ISBN 9789004185609 (doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004185593.i-552)

Kamete, A.Y. (2009) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2008. Series: Africa Yearbook (5). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 505-516. ISBN 9789047445012 (doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004178113.i-520)

Kamete, A.Y. (2008) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2007. Series: Africa Yearbook (4). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 505-516. ISBN 9789047443520

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Homelessness in Zimbabwe. In: Levinson, D. and Ross, M. (eds.) Homelessness handbook. Berkshire Publishing Group: Great Barrington, MA, pp. 414-418. ISBN 9781933782034

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Of jinxes and blessings: the opposition in Zimbabwe's urban local governance. In: Hulterström, K., Kamete, A.Y. and Melber, H. (eds.) Political Opposition in African Countries: the Cases of Kenya, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Series: Discussion paper (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet) (37). Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 39-60. ISBN 9789171065964

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., van Walraven, K. and Melber, H. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2006. Series: Africa Yearbook (3). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 501-511. ISBN 9789047422518

Kamete, A.Y. (2006) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2005. Series: Africa Yearbook (2). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 497-508. ISBN 9789004154865

Kamete, A.Y. (2005) Zimbabwe. In: Mehler, A., Melber, H. and van Walraven, K. (eds.) Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2004. Series: Africa Yearbook (1). Brill: Leiden and Boston, pp. 481-493. ISBN 9789004144620

Kamete, A.Y. (2004) Home industries and the formal city in Harare, Zimbabwe. In: Tranberg-Hansen, K. and Vaa, M. (eds.) Reconsidering Informality: Perspectives from Urban Africa. Nordic Africa Institute: Uppsala, pp. 120-137.

Kamete, A.Y. (2004) Zimbabwe. In: Levinson, D. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Homelessness. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 623-626. ISBN 9780761927518

Kamete, A.Y. (2003) In defence of national sovereignty?: urban governance and democracy in Zimbabwe. In: Melber, H. (ed.) Limits to Liberation in Southern Africa: the Unfinished Business of Democratic Consolidation. Human Sciences Research Council Press: Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 47-71. ISBN 9780796920256

Kamete, A.Y. (2002) The rebels within: urban Zimbabwe in the post-election period. In: Melber, H. (ed.) Zimbabwe's Presidential Elections 2002: Evidence, Lessons and Implications. Series: Discussion paper (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet) (14). Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 31-48. ISBN 9789171064905

Kamete, A.Y. (2001) Civil society, housing and urban governance: the case of urban housing cooperatives in Zimbabwe. In: Tostensen, A., Tvedten, I. and Vaa, M. (eds.) Associational Life in African Cities: Popular Responses to the Urban Crisis. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 162-179. ISBN 9789171064653

Kamete, A.Y. (1997) Urban governance, poverty and urban housing. In: Musandu-Nyamayaro, O. and Mubvami, T. (eds.) Ford Foundation/DRUP Urban Governance Outreach Research. Department of Rural and Urban Planning, University of Zimbabwe: Harare, pp. 13-27.

Book Reviews

Kamete, A. (2018) Shaw, Carolyn Martin. Women and power in Zimbabwe: promises of feminism. x, 201 pp., map, illus., bibliogr. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 2015. £20.99 (paper). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 24(1), pp. 196-197. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9655.12771)[Book Review]

Kamete, A.Y. (2007) Book Review: 'The Management of Urban Development in Zambia' by Emmanuel Mutale. Urban Studies, 44(11), pp. 2272-2274. (doi: 10.1177/00420980070440110903)[Book Review]

Kamete, A.Y. (2005) Review: 'African Voices on Development and Social Justice'. Afrika Spectrum, [Book Review]

Edited Books

Hulterström, K., Kamete, A.Y. and Melber, H. (Eds.) (2007) Political Opposition in African Countries: the Cases of Kenya, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Series: Discussion paper (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet). Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: Uppsala, Sweden. ISBN 9789171065872

Research Reports or Papers

Arnfred, S. et al. (2007) Rethinking Africa: a contribution to the Swedish Government White Paper on Africa. [Research Reports or Papers]

Kamete, A.Y. (2001) The nature, extent and eradication of homelessness in Zimbabwe. [Research Reports or Papers]

Kamete, A.Y. , Sidambe, M. and Ndubiwa, M.M. (2000) Managing the Interface Between Urban Councils and Surrounding Rural District Councils in Zimbabwe: The Case of the City of Bulawayo and Umguza Rural District Council. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference Proceedings

Kamete, A.Y. (2006) The challenge of local governance: planning and youth in urban Zimbabwe. In: Planning Africa Conference, Cape Town, 22-24 March 2006,

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 03:45:15 2025 GMT.


Co-I: ‘The GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (SHLC)’, funded by UKRI/ESRC, £7.1 million. With over 50 researchers, SHLC is an international consortium of nine research partners aiming to strengthen capacity to address urbanisation and migration problems, health and education challenges in neighbourhoods in fast-growing cities in Africa and Asia. International partners include University of Glasgow, Human Sciences Research Council and University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, Ifakara Health Institute of Tanzania, Khulna University in Bangladesh, Nankai University in China, National Institute of Urban Affairs of India, University of Rwanda, University of the Philippines Diliman.



I am interested in supervising PhD students in a range of areas relating to my research interests, in particular:

  • Planning theory and practice
  • Development planning, development control and planning enforcement
  • Space and place
  • Spatialised repression and resistance
  • Urban planning and sustainability
  • Governmentality, urban governance and urban politics
  • Cities, space and power
  • Urban informality, marginality, violence and (in)security
  • Youth in African cities

Current research students

  • Lingqi Sun: Exploring a Fairer Urban Green Space Planning System in China: A case study of Shanghai.

  • Wanjie Xu: Tourism-led rural gentrification in peripheries of large inland cities in China

Past research students




Research datasets

Jump to: 2023
Number of items: 1.


Wang, Y. P. , Kintrea, K. , Osborne, M. , Schweisfurth, M. , Mitchell, R. , Kamete, A. , Yao, J. , Stewart, A. , Ahmad, S. , Young, G., Nesterova, Y. , Everatt, D., Lynge, H., Abrahams, C., Turok, I., Scheba, A., Visagie, J., Manirakiza, V., Malonza, J., Nduwayezu, G., Mugabe, L., Nsabimana, A., Rutayisire, P., Nzayirambaho, M., Njunwa, J.K., Levira, F., Moshi, I., Msuya, I., Kundu, D., Sharma, P., Debnath, T., Roy, S., Sowgat, T., Islam, T., Shakil, I., Reyes, M., Gamboa, M., Rivera, R., Caluag, A., Manlapas, I., Racoma, D., Sun, T., Zhai, L., Li, C., Liu, Y., Wang, C., Zhang, L., Sun, X., Bhandari, R., Baffoe, G., Lawson, V. and Long, J. (2023) GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods: Household Survey and Neighbourhood Focus Group Data from Seven Asian and African Countries, 2021-2022. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 03:45:17 2025 GMT.