The Cost of the Cuts

The Cost of the Cuts: A Social Impact Tool

Research Reports
Assessing the impact of local government contraction on vulnerable people and deprived places
This project focuses on the consequences for vulnerable people and deprived places of what has been described as "worst financial settlement in living memory" for local government. The first scoping phase of the project revealed the severity of budget cuts in England, especially for deprived urban authorities. It also identified how local authorities were grappling with the implications of the cuts, the extent to which the needs of deprived groups were being prioritised and strategies being developed to meet needs and address demands.
A second, in depth phase of the research commenced in May 2012 and concluded in the spring of 2015. It provided a detailed picture over time of how local authorities in both England and Scotland managed budget contraction and of how their decisions and strategies affected the poorest households and places. As well as analysis of national data to understand the big picture, in depth case studies in three English and one Scottish local authority were conducted. A key focus of the case study work was to assess the cumulative impacts of cuts across a range of services on particular groups and places. The research demonstrated that budget cuts disproportionately target services used more by poorer households and communities.
A third phase of the work began in 2015 and concluded in 2019. This involved the production of a ‘Social Impact Tool’ in response to demand from local councils to use the framework developed in the research to assess the impact of savings strategies on their ‘pro-poor services. The Tool is an interactive Excel workbook, pre-populated with key data for each local authority in Britain. Savings plans can be input to model their impact on services used by more or less disadvantaged households. In series of projects co-produced and co-funded with SPICe, the research team used the Social Impact Tool to assess the impact of budget savings on pro-poor services in all 32 Scottish local authorities.
In 2019, an augmented version of the Tool was developed allowing Scottish councils to benchmark themselves against each other, and produce charts and analyses for budget planning or monitoring.
Hastings, A., Bailey, N. , Bramley, G. and Gannon, M. (2017) Austerity urbanism in England: the 'regressive redistribution' of local government services and the impact on the poor and marginalised. Environment and Planning A, 46(9), pp. 2007-2024.
McKendrick, J. H., Asenova, D., McCann, C., Reynolds, R., Egan, J., Hastings, A., Mooney, G., and Sinclair, S. (2016) Conceptualising austerity in Scotland as a risk shift: ideas and implications. Scottish Affairs, 25(1), pp. 451-478.
Bailey, N., Bramley, G., and Hastings, A. (2015) Symposium introduction: local Responses to ‘austerity’. Local Government Studies, 41(4), pp. 571-581.
Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Gannon, M., Besemer, K., and Bramley, G. (2015) Coping with the cuts? The management of the worst financial settlement in living memory. Local Government Studies, 41(4), pp. 601-621.
Research Reports
- Gannon, M, Burn-Murdoch, A, Aiton, A, Bailey, N, Bramley, G, Campbell, A, Finnigan, K, Hastings, A, O Conor, A (2018) Pro-Poor or Pro-Rich? The social impact of local government budgets, 2016-17 to 2018-19. Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe), Edinburgh.
- Gannon, M., Burn-Murdoch, A., Aiton, A., Bailey, N. , Bramley, G., Campbell, A., Finnigan, K., Gilman, L. and Hastings, A. (2017) The Social Impact of the 2017-18 Local Government Budget. Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe), Edinburgh.
- Gannon, M., Campbell, A., Bailey, N., Hastings, A., Bramley, G., and Aiton, A. (2016) The Social Impact of the 2016-17 Local Government Budget. Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe), Edinburgh.
- Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Bramley, G., Gannon, M., and Watkins, D. (2015) The Cost of the Cuts: The Impact on Local Government and Poorer Communities. Technical Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
- Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Bramley, G., Gannon, M., and Watkins, D. (2015) The Cost of the Cuts: The Impact on Local Government and Poorer Communities. Project Report. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York.
- Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Besemer, K., Bramley, G., Gannon, M., and Watkins, D. (2013) Coping with The Cuts: Local Authorities and Poorer Communities. Project Report. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York.
- Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Besemer, K., Bramley, G., Gannon, M., and Watkins, D. (2013) Coping With the Cuts: Local Authorities and Poorer Communities. Main Report. Project Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
- Hastings, A., Bramley, G., Bailey, N., and Watkins, D. (2012) Serving deprived communities in a recession. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York, UK.
- Hastings, A. (2016) Austerity Urbanism – Scotland Style?, Centre for Urban Research on Austerity Blog, 23rd
- Hastings, A. (2016) Evidence Submitted to the Equal Opportunities Committee: Session 4, Budget Review, 22nd
- Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Bramley, G., Gannon, M. (2015) The Value of Local government for Welfare in Foster, L; Brunton, A, Deeming, C and Haux, T (eds.) In Defence of Welfare 2, Policy Press, in association with the Social Policy Association, pp 39-41.
- Monbiot, G. (2015) David Cameron hasn’t the faintest idea how deep his cuts go. This letter proves it, The Guardian, 11th
- Bailey, N. & Hastings, A. (2013) Local councils have managed the budget cuts well, but the scope for further efficiency savings is rapidly diminishing, LSE: British Politics and Policy Blog, 29th
- Butler, P. (2012) Tory council boss on Eric Pickles' 'fair cuts' claim: it's 'bollocks', The Guardian, 30th
- Easton, M. (2012) Blunt speaking on town hall cuts, BBC News, 26th
- Annette Hastings, University of Glasgow
- Nick Bailey, University of Glasgow
- Maria Gannon, University of Glasgow
- Professor Glen Bramley, Heriot-Watt University
- Kirsten Besemer, Heriot-Watt University
- David Watkins, Heriot-Watt University
Joseph Rowntree Foundation (£157k)