Recently Completed Projects

Completed projects

Translations and transformations in patienthood: cancer in the post-genomics era (January 2015 - June 2021)

Evaluation of Rape Crisis Scotland’s National Advocacy Project (February 2016 - January 2018)

Pervasive Punishment: The Shadow of Penal Supervision (2017-18)

Parenting for Respectability

Researching Multilingually at the Borders of Language, the Body, Law & the State (April 2014-March 2017)

Intimate migrations: Lesbian, gay and bisexual migrants in Scotland (January 2015 - January 2017) 

Lives Sentenced – The Punishment Careers of Persistent Offenders (October 2013 - March 2017)

Lives Sentenced: Experiences of Repeated Punishment (October 2013 - September 2016)

Offender supervision in Europe (Cost Action 1106) (2012-2016)

Mass Supervision – Seen and Heard (2015-2016)

Public understanding and belief in response to media accounts of probation (2014 - 2015)

(Re)Imagining Youth: A Comparative Sociology of Youth Leisure in Scotland and Hong Kong (September 2013 - August 2015)

A socio-cultural exploration at the lives of polio survivors (January-August 2015)

Evaluation of the Police Scotland/Rape Crisis Scotland ‘Support to Report’ Pilot Advocacy Service (February 2014 - January 2015)

Gendering Activism in Populist Radical Right Parties (2012 to 2014)

Understanding Gambling (June 2006 - 2013)

Quality of Engagement in Probation Practice (2010-2012)