Sociology Seminar Wed 7 March 2012
Published: 16 January 2012
Dr Tony Simpson: 'Masculinities and HIV/AIDS in Zambia: A Role for Anthropology?'
Dr Tony Simpson (University of Bristol)
Masculinities and HIV/AIDS in Zambia: A Role for Anthropology?
4.30pm, Room 916, Adam Smith Building
The paper will outline Tony Simpson's recent and continuing research on HIV/AIDS, sexuality and gender in Zambia and on the enduring consequences of the pandemic. The applicability of the use of ethnography and life narrative material, and the limitations of "participant observation" for such research will be explored. The growing academic interest in the role of religion, specifically Christianity, in efforts at prevention and care, and in the impact of the increasing availability of anti-retroviral therapy will also be discussed.
All Welcome
Supported by the McFie Bequest
Any enquiries about the seminar programme should be addressed to:
Dr Kirsteen Paton, Sociology, Adam Smith Building, University of Glasgow G12 8RT
Tel: 0141 330 5070 or email:
First published: 16 January 2012