Upcoming GLARN events
Conflict Textiles by Roberta Bacic, 20 May 2024
There will be a workshop with art curator and founder of Conflict Textiles, Roberta Bacic, on the 20th of May from 2-4pm at the School of Psychology and Neuroscience, room 605, Level 6, 62 Hillhead Street.
Roberta will facilitate a hands-on workshop and discussion about the history of arpilleras, textile language and the work of Conflict Textiles.
The seminar includes:
- navigating the digital collection Conflict Textiles
- presentation of two arpilleras from the collection
- create a textile figurine.
Please come along and feel free to invite other colleagues and students. No need to register, just come along.
There will be wine reception at 5pm at the ARC and the opportunity to see the Arpilleras exhibition.
We hope to see you there!
Film screening - Chocolate of Peace, 16 May 2024
Film Screening & Conversation with director Dr Gwen Burnyeat
The UoG SocPol Film Club would like to formally invite you to a screening of CHOCOLATE OF PEACE - Cacao Defying Violence on the 16th of May, from 18:00. We will be hosting the screening in the Kelvinhall Lecture Hall Theatre (1445 Argyle Street, Room G59) and will be joined by one of the film's directors Dr Gwen Burnyeat who is currently based in Edinburgh as a Lecturer in Social Anthropology. We will be posting reminders for the event in a week's time.
About the film: Chocolate of Peace depicts the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó’s experiences of resistance, via a journey through their processes of organic chocolate production. From the seed to the product, the cacao is the narrative thread that takes us through the Community’s stories of violence and resilience, and their fight to remain neutral in the face of the Colombian armed conflict.
This film offers a panorama of hope, proof that despite great difficulties it is possible to sow peace through human and economic relationships. It invites us to rethink our relationship with food, to value the efforts of those who produce it, and to build bridges between the victims of the armed conflict and other sectors of global civil society.