Argentine Film Festival: 30th October - 20th November
Argentine Film Festival
Monday 30th October: Kriptonita (Nicanor Loreti, 2015) - book via eventbrite
Monday 6th November: Historias de cronopios y de famas (Julio Ludueña, 2013) - book via eventbrite
Monday 13th November: Cassandra (Inés de Oliveira Cézar, 2012) - book via eventbrite
Monday 20th November: Las viudas de los jueves (Marcelo Piñeyro, 2009) - book via eventbrite
Argentine Film Festival Info about films.
Screenings will take place in the Lecture Theatre in Kelvin Hall at 6pm.
All screenings are free but you are encouraged to book in advance via Eventbrite (search for “GLARN Argentine Film Festival” for all listings or click on links above).
Films (with English subtitles) kindly provided by Embassy of the Argentine Republic in the UK.
For further information, please contact: Dr Eamon McCarthy,
Film Screening: Monday 29th January 2018
Canción norteña: Los cumaná de coquimbo
A documentary film by Eileen Karmy & Martin Farias
Monday 29th January, 5.15
Andrew Stewart Cinema, University of Glasgow (Gilmorehill Campus)
The screening is free, but registration is required:
Seminar: Rivers with rights? Wednesday 6th February 2018
Rivers with rights? Social and environmental conflict in Colombia
Colombia has experienced one of the most protected civil conflicts in the world, lasting over fifty years and resulting in a high death toll, widespread displacement, and deep social scars. On 27 September 2016, the Colombian Government signed an historic peace agreement with Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People’s Army (FARC-EP), the main guerrilla group. While the cessation of FARC-EP violence has brought with it great hope for peace, the complexity of the Colombian conflict and the persistence of a variety of legal and illegal armed groups also presents very real challenges. Instead of dissipating with the peace agreement the ‘humanitarian crisis has got worse’ for the citizens of the Chocó department (UMAIC, 2017), the poorest and most ethnically diverse region of the country. As one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, Chocó has attracted legal and illegal speculators who engage in extraction of natural resources. One of the most devastating of these has been gold mining which has caused widespread environmental destruction and displacement, particularly of riverine communities. As a result of community activism, the Colombian Constitutional Court passed a unique sentence in 2017 which acknowledges ‘the inherent interdependency between the environment and communities ‘ of Chocó. Sentence T-622 specifically recognises the Atrato River as a bearer of rights alongside the recognition that communities’ identities and livelihoods cannot be separated from it. This ruling has generated a new paradigm of rights in Colombia. Founded in the idea of a sustainable socio-environment, these have been expressed as ‘bio-cultural’ rights. These rights are cornerstones for building sustainable and peaceful communities in the Atrato Basin and wider Chocó bio-region, but also ensure that the river too is a bearer of rights.
This public lecture features contributions from community leader Bernardino Mosquera Palacios, the Diocese of Choco Sterlin Londono Palacios, and Mauricio Cabrera Leal of WWF Colombia who will give an overview of the current situation in Chocó and the challenges and opportunities presented by the nascent peace process.
The event forms part of the Choco River Stories Glasgow workshop, which is bringing together activists and academics from Colombia with scholars and NGO representatives based in the UK in a two-day event (8-9th February 2018) at the University of Glasgow.
Please register at (for catering purposes).
In association with ABColombia, SCIAF, and WWF Colombia.
N.B. Event in Spanish with translation
Seminar: Regional cooperation for ecological sustainability, April 2018
Seminar & Reception: Regional cooperation for ecological sustainability: protecting migratory species in East Africa and South America
Wednesday, April 11th, 2018, 16-17.30h
Gilbert Scott Room 355
Description: Addressing transboundary environmental concerns poses particular challenges. While ecosystems do not function according to the political and legal boundaries drawn up by humans, those national borders, different legislations and at times varying political priorities and rivalries have a significant impact on how, and how effectively, transboundary environmental concerns are governed. This interdisciplinary seminar provides a platform for discussing the opportunities and challenges in regional environmental governance by focussing on the protection of migratory species, a group of organisms that elicits a unique set of international policies due to their wide ranging movements that occur across political boundaries. The seminar will examine migratory species from two angles. Dr Thomas Morrison (Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences) will present the ecological factors shaping the migration of animals and present some of the findings from his work on wildebeest and elephant migration in East Africa. Dr Karen Siegel (School of Social and Political Sciences, College of Social Sciences) will then discuss the broader political context of the protection of migratory species and outline how networks of researchers, NGOs and government officials have promoted the conservation of migratory species in South America. This case study is part of her book Regional Environmental Cooperation in South America: Processes, Drivers and Constraints (Palgrave Macmillan, International Political Economy Series, 2017). To mark the publication of the book and to provide an opportunity for informal discussion and networking, the seminar will be followed by a wine reception.
To register: Please e-mail to register for this event
Film Screening: 26 April, Ayotzinapa Solidarity
A screening of the powerful documentary "Watch Them Die" (Temoris Grecko) with a short discussion, to stand in solidarity with the 43 Mexican students that were forcefully disappeared 43 months ago - and to show their families, friends and other Mexican activists fighting for the truth of the case to be revealed that they are not forgotten.
We hope you can join us in this act of solidarity with fellow students. Afterwards, we will of course be heading to the pub for a well-needed break from exam prep and international conflicts...
----- MORE INFO -----
On September the 26th 2014, a clash between the police and students from a rural school in Ayotzinapa, Mexico resulted with the forced disappearance of 43 students, in addition to nine deaths and several injured. Since then the families of the victims have been demanding justice for the students. To date no one has been prosecuted and the whereabouts of the 43 students are still unknown.
Thursday April 26th marks the 43th month without the 43 missing students. Because of the symbolism of the date several solidarity actions are expected to happen in Mexico and abroad.
As part of this international solidarity action the Glasgow University Solidarity will screen the documentary "Watch them die" by Temoris Grecko, which narrates how the Mexican army was involved on the events of September the 26th. A small discussion will be followed after the screening of the film.
Seminar: Patriarchal State Violence: Nicaraguan Feminists/LGBT Activists Speak
Patriarchal State Violence: Nicaraguan Feminists/LGBT Activists Speak
Wednesday 28th November 2018, 5pm to 7pm
Glasgow University, Room 234, St Andrew’s Building,
20 Eldon St, Glasgow G3 6NH
Seminar: La mirada documental en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea
Wednesday 13th February 2019 at 1pm in Hetherington 317
An AHGBI research seminar at the University of Glasgow, hosted by Dr Eamon McCarthy:
La mirada documental en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea (Sergio Chejfec, Mario Levrero, Valeria Luiselli y Alejandro Zambra).
NOTE – the talk will be in Spanish
Luz Horne is a Professor of Literature at the Humanities Department at Universidad de San Andrés in Buenos Aires. She received her PhD in Spanish and Portuguese from Yale University (2005) and her “Licenciatura” in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires (1999). Before joining San Andrés (2010), she was an Assistant Professor at Cornell University (2006-2010) and a Visiting Assistant Professor at Northwestern University (2005-06). Her main area of research is 20th and 21st century Brazilian and Spanish American literature and culture, with a special interest in the fields of film, visual culture, cultural studies and critical theory. She has published several articles in prestigious peer-reviewed academic journals and her book, Literaturas reales: Transformaciones del realismo en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea, was published in 2012 by Beatriz Viterbo Editora (Argentina).
Seminar: Social Movements' Claims for Political Incorporation in Latin America
Title: Social Movements' Claims for Political Incorporation in Latin America
Presenter: Federico M. Rossi
Date and location: Thursday 21st February at 3.30pm, Boyd Orr Building, Room 507 (LTC)
How has the sociopolitical arena expanded to include the interests of the poor and excluded strata of society in Latin America? In this talk, based on his acclaimed book The Poor’s Struggle for Political Incorporation, Federico Rossi argues that it was through contentious political dynamics that marginalized members of society claimed to be recognized. Protests, marches, pickets, strikes, and–sometimes–more violent methods have been part of the relational process of building and rebuilding institutions that modified the relationship of the ‘popular sectors’ with the state. These contentious dynamics pushed political elites to define a new “social question,” innovating in both social and repressive policies to deal with the claims of the poor for being (re)incorporated in the sociopolitical arena. The popular movement’s repertoire of strategies for social change has been associated with different types of movements in each historical period of Latin America. The labor and/or peasant movements, the main organizers of the popular sectors in their claim for well-being through reform or revolution, were in the liberal period (1870s–1930s) that preceded the first incorporation (1930s–1950s). In the second incorporation (2000s–2010s), a different type of movement emerged in response to the neoliberal period (1970s–2000s) as the central popular actor in the quest for stopping the exclusionary consequences of authoritarianism and neoliberalism while claiming for the re-incorporation of the popular sectors as citizens and wage earners. Putting poor people’s movements into the long-term perspective of societal transformations produced by neoliberalism, this book talk will present these dynamics of reincorporation into society as citizens and workers in Latin America.
Federico M. Rossi, Visiting Professor at the Centre on Social Movement Studies (COSMOS) of the Scuola Normale Superiore (Italy), is a Research-Professor of Argentina’s National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) at the School of Politics and Government of the National University of San Martín (UNSAM), Buenos Aires.
Rossi is the author of The Poor’s Struggle for Political Incorporation: The Piquetero Movement in Argentina (Cambridge University Press – Contentious Politics Series, 2017), and La participación de las juventudes hoy (Prometeo, 2009). He is the editor of The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements (Oxford University Press, forthcoming), and the coeditor (with Marisa von Bülow) of Social Movement Dynamics: New Perspectives on Theory and Research from Latin America (Routledge – Mobilization Series, 2015), and (with Eduardo Silva) of Reshaping the Political Arena in Latin America: From Resisting Neoliberalism to the Second Incorporation (University of Pittsburgh Press – Latin American Series, 2018).
Rossi holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and a Doctoral degree in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. He has been Visiting Professor at Singapore Management University and the American University of Cairo, Global Visiting Scholar at New York University, Visiting Researcher at the Universidade de Brasília, and Postdoctoral Fellow at Tulane University and the European University Institute. He has just been awarded the prestigious Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers for 2020-2021.
Workshop: Translating Jorge Consiglio by Charco Press, 5th February 2020
Wednesday 5th February 2020 - Translating Jorge Consiglio by Charco Press
This translation workshop will focus on the translation of Jorge Consiglio's work by Charco Press -
Eamon McCarthy will lead a discussion in Spanish and English with Jorge Consiglio and Carolina Orloff.
Please contact for further details.
Open Meeting: Fri 19 Jun 2015
Communities affected by mining in Colombia
Ximena Gonzalez, Tierra Digna presented in conjunction with SCIAF
Postgraduate Workshop: Fri 5 Jun 2015
Returning from Fieldwork in Latin America
Workshop: Fri 13 Mar 2015
Memory, Truth & Justice in Latin America
- Prof Cath Collins, University of Ulster
- Dr Cara Levey, University College Cork
- Prof Carl Lavery, University of Glasgow
Seminar: Fri 12 Dec 2014
'Communitarian water provision in peri-urban areas: the case of Cochabamba Water Cooperatives
Francesca Minelli, University of Glasgow
Workshop: Mon 8 Dec 2014
My Body My Rights: A solidarity event with women and girls in El Salvador
- Keynote speaker: Morena Herrera, Director of Agrupación Ciudadana por la Despenalización del Aborto (Citizen Group for the Decriminalization of Abortion) based in El Salvador
- Vickie Knox, Co-Director of the Central American Women's Network (CAWN)
- Naomi McAuliffe, Amnesty International UK
Seminar: Tue 11 Nov 2014
Contested mechanism of citizen participation: experience of consejos comunales in Caracas
Graham Martin, University of Cardiff
(Re)generating the city: Urban renovation and changes in urban governance in Bogotá, Colombia
Erich Hellmer, University of Glasgow
2014-15 Seminar Series: 3 Oct, 14 Nov, 13 Feb, 27 Mar
Creativity in Contemporary Latin American Culture
Co-organised with University of Edinburgh & sponsored by ILAS
For more details see:
Postgraduate workshop: 30 May 2014
Doing Fieldwork in Latin America
Seminar: 29 May 2014
Adventures and Misadventures in Fieldwork
Prof Judy Hellman, York University (Canada)
Seminar: 25 Apr 2014
Before the Body Count: Governance of Life and Death in Urban Brazil
Dr Graham Denyer Willis, Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies, University of Toronto, Canada
Roundtable: 28 Mar 2014
War on Drugs: Lessons to be learnt from Latin America
- Dr Gómez Arana, University of Glasgow
- Dr Peter Watt, University of Sheffield
- Shadi Whitburn, University of Glasgow
Seminar: 21 Mar 2014
News from the students' protests in Venezuela: Is there such thing as an opposition?
Dr Jairo Lugo Ocanda, Department of Journalism Studies, University of Sheffield
Seminar: 28 Feb 2014
The Intractability of Venezuela's domestic political conflict
Prof Julia Buxton, School of Public Policy, Central European University, Budapest and Global Drug Policy Observatory, Swansea University
Lecture: 1 Nov 2013
The marginal among the invisible: Women in the informal economy
Film Screening: Wednesday 18th November 2015
5.15, Andrew Stewart Cinema, Gilmorehill Halls
Desaparecidos, dir. Carla Novi (88 mins)
¿Dónde están?, dir. Jan Nimmo (5 mins)
2015 is the Year of Mexico in the UK and this screening is intended to call attention to the disappearance of 43 Mexican students from the rural teacher’s college of Ayotzinapa on the 26th of September 2014. The films will be followed by Q&A with both directors.
Tickets are free but to reserve a seat, please go to:
Seminar: Tuesday 1st December 2015
2pm, 356 Gilbert Scott Building
Dr Indranil Chakrabarti (Department for International Development),
‘Brazil as a Foreign Policy and Development Actor’
Indranil Chakrabarti is the Development Counsellor at the British Embassy in Brasilia. He has an MSc and PhD from the London School of Economics, and has worked for the UK government in India, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe and now Brazil. Prior to this he worked in variety of roles in international development, including as an adviser to Nobel Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi. This talk is a personal analysis and does not represent the views of the UK government.
Seminar: 1st November 2016
The politics of water in Mexico
Dr María Verónica Ibarra García, Instituto de Geografía at UNAM, National Autonomous University of Mexico with Dr Alejandra Peña, IMTA (Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua) and UNAM.
Where: room 311 East Quad (Geography)
When: Tuesday, 1 November , 1-3pm
Lunch will be served from 12.30. This is an opportunity to hear a paper about water politics in Mexico but also to engage in informal discussion with researchers from the UNAM, Mexico’s leading research institution. Dr Ibarra is a feminist political geographer who works on a range of subjects, including water politics, women’s political participation, feminist geographies and megaprojects.
Public Lecture: 7th November 2016
Challenges to Peace in Colombia
An evening with Colombian activists
Monday 7th November, 6.00 - 8.00pm
Yudowitz Lecture Theatre, Wolfson Medical School Building, University Ave, Glasgow G12 8QQ
The fragile process to end Colombia’s civil war has come to a crossroads after voters rejected the new peace deal. What are the barriers to peace moving forward, and how can Colombians overcome them?
SCIAF, GLARN and GHRN (Glasgow Human Rights Network) invite you to an evening with Colombian church leaders and civil society activists to discuss the challenges to peace in the country. Refreshments will be provided at a reception after the meeting.
This event will explore the next steps in Colombia’s bid for peace, and the challenge the society will face along the road. Over the course of the evening, we will hear contributions from SCIAF partners who have been active advocates for peace in Colombia.
Father Sterlin Londoño Palacios, Pastoral Director for Afro-descendent people will provide an overview of the current situation in the country. Bishop Barreto from Quibdó diocese in Chocó will describe the barriers to peace from the perspective of the Catholic Church, which has been closely involved in the peace process. Finally, Diego Melo from the NGO Tierra Digna will speak about economic development driven by multinational business interests, and how this impacts peace building and Colombia’s communities.
Who is SCIAF?
Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) is the official overseas aid and development charity of the Catholic Church in Scotland. SCIAF’s vision is a world in which all people, especially the poor and the oppressed, can live life to the full. We run projects in 15 countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia, helping 280,000 people of all faiths and none to overcome hunger, poverty, war and natural disasters every year.
On 27 September 2016, the Colombian Government, led by Nobel peace prize winner President Santos, signed a historic peace deal with Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People’s Army (FARC-EP). The peace agreement was thought to bring to an end a 50 year conflict which had caused suffering to over 8 million victims.
But just a few weeks later, voters rejected the peace deal in a popular referendum, and drove the Colombian Government back to the negotiating table.
Everyone is welcome. The talks will be followed by a wine reception. If you would like to attend, please register on the Eventbrite site
Seminar (joint with Screen Seminars): Thurs 16 March 2017
Dr Deborah Shaw (Portsmouth), 'Considering Central American and Mexican migration films as transnational human rights films'.
Seminar begins at 5.30 in Gilmorehill Halls
Conference: SLAS, 6th & 7th April 2017
GLARN will host the annual Society for Latin American Studies Conference on 6th & 7th April 2017.
Workshop - Hidden water in Latin America - 28 March
Hidden Water in Latin America: Exploring the Guarani Aquifer System
Tuesday 28 March 2017, 2-5pm
Lilybank House, room 201
This workshop is jointly organised by the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance and the Glasgow Latin American Research Network.
The Guarani Aquifer System is shared by Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. It has been estimated that it holds enough water to quench the world’s population thirst for the next 200 years. While some areas of the aquifer are still relatively unknown, much has happened since in the early nineties the scientific community decided to name the aquifer as the indigenous people living over a part of it. The Guarani Aquifer System has seen in the past two decades plenty of academic research, international projects, consultancies and even one of the few international agreements on transboundary aquifers. This workshop, jointly organised by the Glasgow Latin American Research Network and the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance, will provide insights on these developments from a multidisciplinary perspective. Speakers either come from the region itself, or have worked extensively on the Guarani Aquifer System.
- Ricardo Hirata, Professor at the University of São Paulo and Vice-Director at CEPAS|USP;
- Karen Siegel, Research Fellow in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow;
- Francesco Sindico, Reader in International Environmental Law and Director SCELG.
Chair: Dr Mo Hume, Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow School of Social and Political Sciences
All welcome - Please register via Eventbrite:
Film Screening & Panel Discussion - 5th April 2017
Glasgow and Latin America: Ties Through Solidarity
Screening of Nae pasarán (dir Felipe Bustos Sierra, 15 mins) and ¿Dónde están? (dir Jan Nimmo, 5 mins) followed by panel discussion chaired by Eamon McCarthy.
Kelvin Hall Lecture Theatre, 1445 Argyle St, Glasgow G3 8AW
This event is free but please register in advance:

Past GLARN events