Gambling Research Group

The Gambling Research Group is a collective of researchers based at Glasgow who share a common interest in the social impacts of gambling, particularly its effects on vulnerable groups, and on the cultural and political context of the expansion of commercial gaming.

Our members are engaged in a range of interdisciplinary, policy-relevant, and theoretically informed projects funded by a range of organisations including the Economic and Social Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, Wellcome Trust, British Academy, and the Medical Research Council. 


Current Projects

  • Hunt K, Wardle H, Critchlow N, Reith G, Purves R, Stead M, Dobbie F, Gray C, Bunn C, Donnachie C. Transitions to more harmful forms of gambling during Covid-19 pandemic: behaviours and targeted marketing in young people and bettors on sport. ESRC: £580,485. 1/6/20 – 30/11/21.

  • McGee D, Bunn C, Reith G, Udedi M, Yendork J, Franklin G. Leisure or Livelihoods? A Participatory Study of Youth Perspectives on Gambling and its Social, Economic and Health Impacts in Ghana and Malawi. British Academy: £299,189. 20/03/2020 – 20/9/22.

  • Reith G, Bunn C, Wardle H, Rooksby J, Deidda M, Philpott M, Graham F, Platt N, Greenlaw N, Gray C, Hunt K, Rogers R, Wyke S. Football Fans and Betting (FFAB): a feasibility study and randomised pilot trial of a group-based intervention to reduce gambling involvement among male football fans. National Institute for Health Research: £629,765.79. 01/01/20 - 31/12/21.

  • Dobbie F, Reith G, Purves P. PRoGRAM-A (PReventing Gambling RelAted Harm in Adolescents). MRC PHIND: £149,998. 2019-2020.

  • Wardle H. Humanities and Social Sciences Fellowship: Youth gambling behaviour and technological change. Wellcome Trust: £215,000. 

Selected publications