SCCR publications
SCCR publications
Harrison, V. S. (2015) Seeing the Dao: conceptual metaphors and the philosophy of religion. Religious Studies, 51(3), pp. 307-322. (doi: 10.1017/S0034412515000244)
Munro, N. (2018) Does refusal bias influence the measurement of Chinese political trust? Journal of Contemporary China, 27(111), pp. 457-471. (doi: 10.1080/10670564.2018.1410981)
Munro, N. (2014) Profiling the victims: public awareness of pollution-related harm in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 23(86), pp. 314-329. (doi: 10.1080/10670564.2013.832532)
Miao, J. T. (2014) Technopoles in the world. In: Tewdwr-Jones, Mark, Phelps, Nicholas and Freestone, Robert (eds.) The Planning Imagination: Peter Hall and the Study of Urban and Regional Planning. Series: Planning, history and environment series. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 188-203. ISBN 9780415506083
Munro, N. and Duckett, J. (2016) Explaining public satisfaction with health care systems: findings from a nationwide survey in China. Health Expectations, 19(3), pp. 654-666. (doi: 10.1111/hex.12429) (PMID:26595456) (PMCID:PMC4991297)
Munro, N. and He, Z. (2023) Exit and voice strategies by patients in dealing with incentive structures in the Chinese healthcare system. In: Jacobs, Lesley A., Wada, Yoshitaka and Vertinsky, Ilan (eds.) Global Health Security in China, Japan, and India: Assessing Sustainable Development Goals. Series: Asia Pacific legal culture and globalization. UBC Press: Vancouver. ISBN 9780774867702
Zhang, H. , Cone, M.H., Everett, A.M. and Elkin, G. (2011) Aesthetic leadership in Chinese business: a philosophical perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 101(3), pp. 475-491. (doi: 10.1007/s10551-011-0734-z)
Munro, N. (2018) 'Market justice' in China and Russia. Journal of Chinese Governance, 3(3), pp. 307-330. (doi: 10.1080/23812346.2018.1490102)
Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y. and Wu, J. (2009) Urbanization and informal development in China: Urban villages in Shenzhen. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33(4), pp. 957-973. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2009.00891.x)
Munro, N. (2022) China's identity through a historical lens [Special Issue on Strategic Culture]. Journal of Advanced Military Studies, 2022, pp. 35-48. (doi: 10.21140/mcuj.2022SIstratcul003)
Lee, V. P., Liang, H. and Mignolo, W. D. (2015) Global coloniality and the Asian century. Cultural Dynamics, 27(2), pp. 185-190. (doi: 10.1177/0921374015585220)
Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y. and Bramley, G. (2005) Chinese housing reform in state-owned enterprises and its impacts on different social groups. Urban Studies, 42(10), pp. 1859-1878. (doi: 10.1080/00420980500231746)
Wang, Y. P. (2013) New Trend of Urbanization in China: Land and housing development in suburban areas and small towns. Working Paper. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
Munro, N. (2012) Connections, paperwork or passivity: strategies of popular engagement with the Chinese bureaucracy. China Journal, 68, pp. 147-176. (doi: 10.1086/666576)
Wang, G. and Duckett, J. (2015) Welfare and social security. In: Goodman, D.S.G. (ed.) Handbook of Politics in China. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 238-250. ISBN 9781782544364
Miao, J. T. (2017) Housing the knowledge economy in China: An examination of housing provision in support of science parks. Urban Studies, 54(6), pp. 1426-1445. (doi: 10.1177/0042098015627106)
Liang, H. (2015) The ‘Chinese Century’ and dynamics of knowledge in a longue durée. Cultural Dynamics, 27(2), pp. 227-239. (doi: 10.1177/0921374015585229)
Schenk, C.R. (2013) The dissolution of a monetary union: the case of Malaysia and Singapore 1963-1974. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 41(3), pp. 496-522. (doi: 10.1080/03086534.2013.779110)
Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y. and Wu, J. (2010) Housing migrant workers in rapidly urbanizing regions: A study of the Chinese model in Shenzhen. Housing Studies, 25(1), pp. 83-100. (doi: 10.1080/02673030903362019)
Ding, S. , Jiang, W. and Sun, P. (2016) Import competition, dynamic resource allocation and productivity dispersion: Micro-level evidence from China. Oxford Economic Papers, 68(4), pp. 994-1015. (doi: 10.1093/oep/gpw036)
Duckett, J. (2010) Economic crisis and China’s 2009 health reform plan: rebuilding social protections for stability and growth? China Analysis: Studies in China’s Political Economy(80), pp. 1-14.
Munro, N. (2017) Predictors of support for state for state social welfare provision in Russia and China. Europe-Asia Studies, 69(1), pp. 53-75. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2016.1265643)
Schenk, C. R. (2015) China and the International Monetary Fund 1945-1985. In: Yago, K., Asai, Y. and Itoh, M. (eds.) History of the IMF: Organization, Policy and Market. Series: Studies in economic history. Springer Japan. ISBN 9784431553502
Chen, Y. (2011) Occupational attainment of migrants and local workers: findings from a survey in Shanghai’s manufacturing sector. Urban Studies, 48(1), pp. 3-21. (doi: 10.1177/0042098009360685)
Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (2011) The new affordable and social housing provision system in China: Implications for comparative housing studies. International Journal of Housing Policy, 11(3), pp. 237-254.
Duckett, J. (2012) China's leadership transition. Political Insight, 3(2), pp. 22-25. (doi: 10.1111/j.2041-9066.2012.00108.x)
Munro, N. (2013) The socio-political bases of willingness to join environmental NGOs in China: a study in social cohesion. International Journal of Social Quality, 3(1), pp. 57-81. (doi: 10.3167/IJSQ.2013.030105)
Liang, H. (2014) La Colonialité intellectuelle et l'indemnités des Boxers: de la bourse scolaire d'Indemnité des Boxers à l’Institut Franco-Chinois de Lyon. Transtext(e)s Transcultures = Journal of Global Cultural Studies, 9, (doi: 10.4000/transtexts.515)
Torma, M.K. (2013) Enchanted by Lohans: Osvald Sirén's Journey into Chinese Art. Hong Kong University Press: Hong Kong. ISBN 9789888139842
Furse, M. (2013) Merger control in China: four and a half years of practice and enforcement: a critical analysis. World Competition, 36(2), pp. 285-313.
Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (1996) The process of commercialisation of urban housing in China. Urban Studies, 33(6), pp. 971-989. (doi: 10.1080/00420989650011690)
Mignolo, W. and Liang, H. (2012) From global colonialism to global coloniality: a roundtable discussion. Localities, 2, pp. 331-336.
Schenk, C.R. (2013) The Hong Kong gold market during the 1960s: local and global effects. In: Bott, S. (ed.) The Global Gold Market and the International Monetary System from the Late 19th Century until Today. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 139-158. ISBN 9781137306708
Wang, Y. P. , Du, H. and Li, S. (2014) Migration and the dynamics of inform housing in China. In: Huang, Youqin and Li, SiMing (eds.) Housing Inequality in Chinese Cities. Series: Routledge contemporary China series (115). Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 86-102. ISBN 9780415834285
Duckett, J. , Hunt, K. , Munro, N. and Sutton, M. (2016) Does distrust in providers affect health-care utilization in China? Health Policy and Planning, 31(8), pp. 1001-1009. (doi: 10.1093/heapol/czw024) (PMID:27117483) (PMCID:PMC5013779)
Wang, Y.P. , Shao, L., Murie, A. and Cheng, J. (2012) The maturation of the neo-liberal housing market in urban China. Housing Studies, 27(3), pp. 343-359. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2012.651106)
Tang, Y.K. (2011) The influence of networking on the internationalization of SMEs: evidence from internationalized Chinese firms. International Small Business Journal, 29(4), pp. 374-398. (doi: 10.1177/0266242610369748)
Chng, N. R. (2012) Regulatory mobilization and service delivery at the edge of the regulatory state. Regulation and Governance, 6(3), pp. 344-361. (doi: 10.1111/j.1748-5991.2012.01137.x)
Pearce, N. and Steuber, J. (Eds.) (2012) Original Intentions: Essays on Production, Reproduction and Interpretation in the Arts of China. University Press of Florida. ISBN 9780813039725
Liang, H. (2013) Review of: Saving Lives in Wartime China: How Medical Reformers Built Modern Healthcare Systems amid War and Epidemics, 1928-1945. International Political Anthropology, 6(2), pp. 141-144. [Book Review]
Duckett, J. and Wang, G. (2015) Poverty and inequality. In: deLisle, Jacques and Goldstein, Avery (eds.) China's Challenges. University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, pp. 25-41. ISBN 9780812223125
Chng, N. R. (2013) Regulatory mobilization and service delivery at the edge of the regulatory state. In: Dubash, Navroz K. and Morgan, Bronwen (eds.) The Rise of the Regulatory State of the South: Infrastructure and Development in Emerging Economies. Series: Law and global governance. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780199677160 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677160.003.0008)
Munro, N. (2013) Chinese Strategies for Getting Health Care: Guanxi and its Alternatives. Working Paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.
Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (2000) Social and spatial implications of housing reform in China. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(2), pp. 397-417. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.00254)
Schenk, C. R. (2017) Negotiating positive non-interventionism: regulating Hong Kong’s finance companies, 1976-86. China Quarterly, 230, pp. 348-370. (doi: 10.1017/S0305741017000637)
Duckett, J. (2012) China's 21st-century welfare reforms. Local Economy, 27(5-6), pp. 645-650. (doi: 10.1177/0269094212444574)
Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (1999) Housing Policy and Practice in China. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333682531
Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (2011) The new affordable and social housing provision system in China: implications for comparative housing studies. In: International Symposium on Social and Affordable Housing, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1-10 Jun 2011,
Duckett, J. (2013) Health and social policy. In: Ogden, C. (ed.) Handbook of China’s Governance and Domestic Politics. Series: Routledge international handbooks. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 67-77. ISBN 9781857436365
Ding, S. , Guariglia, A. and Harris, R. (2016) The determinants of productivity in Chinese large and medium-sized industrial firms, 1998-2007. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 45(2), pp. 131-155. (doi: 10.1007/s11123-015-0460-0)
Philo, G. (2010) Cultural encounters between Britain and China: key factors in the formation of ideas and values. Westminster Papers, 7(1), pp. 91-110. (doi: 10.1177/1357034X10383882)
Liang, H. (2016) Chinese anthropology and its domestication projects: Dewesternization, Bentuhua and overseas ethnography. Social Anthropology, 24(4), pp. 462-475. (doi: 10.1111/1469-8676.12307)
Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (1999) Commercial housing development in urban China. Urban Studies, 36(9), pp. 1475-1494. (doi: 10.1080/0042098992881)
Wang, Y.P. and Li, S.M. (2011) Urbanising landless farmers in China: Village redevelopment and its housing and socio-economic implications. In: 2nd International Conference on China's Urban Transition and City Planning, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 27-28 May 2011,
Ding, S. , Sun, P. and Jiang, W. (2016) The effect of import competition on firm productivity and innovation: does the distance to technology frontier matter? Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 78(2), pp. 197-227. (doi: 10.1111/obes.12110)
Miao, J. T. and Hall, P. (2014) Optical illusion? The growth and development of the Optics Valley of China. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 32(5), pp. 863-879. (doi: 10.1068/c1270r)
Harrison, V.S. (2012) Eastern Philosophy: The Basics. Routledge: London and New York. ISBN 9780415587334
White, S., McAllister, I. and Munro, N. (2017) Economic inequality and political stability in Russia and China. Europe-Asia Studies, 69(1), pp. 1-7. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2016.1270580)
Duckett, J. (2011) The Chinese State's Retreat from Health: Policy and the Politics of Retrenchment. Series: Routledge studies on China in transition (36). Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415573894
Liang, H. (2012) Early Chinese medicine. In: Stanton, Andrea L., Ramsamy, Edmund, Seybolt, Peter J. and Elliott, Carolyn M. (eds.) Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Sage Publications: London, pp. 146-148. ISBN 9781412981767
Ding, S. , Guariglla, A. and Knight, J. (2013) Investment and financing constraints in China: does working capital management make a difference? Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(5), pp. 1490-1507. (doi: 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2012.03.025)
Pearce, N. (2011) A novel experiment: John Thomson's Illustrations of China and its People and the beginnings of photographic publishing. National Palace Museum Bulletin, 44, pp. 49-65.
Ding, S. and Knight, J. (2011) Why has China grown so fast? The role of physical and human capital formation. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 73(2), pp. 141-174. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0084.2010.00625.x)
Miao, J. T. and Phelps, N. A. (2013) Housing the knowledge economy in China: an examination of housing provision in support of the development of science parks in Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan. In: Tsou, Jingyu (ed.) Proceedings of the 10th Urban China Housing Conference. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Shanghai.
Duckett, J. and Carrillo, B. (2011) China's changing welfare mix: introducing the local perspective. In: Carrillo, B. and Duckett, J. (eds.) China's Changing Welfare Mix: Local Perspectives. Series: Routledge studies on China in transition. Routledge: London, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9780415597319
Schenk, C. (2011) The re-emergence of Hong Kong as an international financial centre 1960-78: contested internationalisation. In: Quennouelle-Corre, L. and Cassis, Y. (eds.) Financial Centres and International Capital Flows in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 199-253. ISBN 9780199603503
Wang, Y.P. and Wang, Y. (2008) Housing and migrants in cities. In: Murphy, R. (ed.) Labour Migration and Social Development in Contemporary China. Series: Comparative development and policy in Asia series (2). Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 137-153. ISBN 9780415468015
Pearce, N. (2011) In a perfect world: Jade landscape carvings. Orientations, 42(6), pp. 64-70.
Zhang, H., Cone, M.H., Everett, A.M. and Elkin, G. (2012) Contemporary leadership approaches in Chinese business. In: Osland, J. (ed.) Advances in Global Leadership. Emerald, pp. 349-374. (doi: 10.1108/S1535-1203(2012)0000007019)
Wang, Y. P. and Shao, L. (2014) Urban housing policy changes and challenges in China. In: Doling, John and Ronald, Richard (eds.) Housing East Asia: Socioeconomic and Demographic Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 44-70. ISBN 9780230358584
Knight, J. and Ding, S. (2012) China's Remarkable Economic Growth. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199698691
Munro, N. , Chng, N. R. and Chen, L. (2024) Green shoots of revival: political leadership and the differentiation of space in a “Zero Pollution Village” in rural Zhejiang, China. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 35(2), pp. 57-74. (doi: 10.1080/10455752.2023.2178945)
Wang, Y.P. , Wang, Y.L. and Wu, J.S. (2010) Private rental housing in 'urban villages' in Shenzhen: Problems or solutions? In: Wu, F. and Webster, C. (eds.) Marginalization in Urban China: Comparative Perspectives. Series: International political economy series. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 152-175. ISBN 9780230237728
Duckett, J. and Wang, H. (2013) Extending political participation in China: new opportunities for citizens in the policy process. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 6(3), pp. 263-276. (doi: 10.1080/17516234.2013.850221)
Liang, H. (2012) Medicine 1200–1900. In: Stanton, Andrea L., Ramsamy, Edmund, Seybolt, Peter J. and Elliott, Carolyn M. (eds.) Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Sage Publications, pp. 15-17. ISBN 9781412981767
Schenk, C. (2011) International Economic Relations since 1945. Series: Making of the Contemporary world. Routledge. ISBN 9780415570787
Duckett, J. and Langer, A.I. (2013) Populism versus neo-liberalism: diversity and ideology in the Chinese media's reporting of health system reform. Modern China, 39(6), pp. 653-680. (doi: 10.1177/0097700413492602)
Carrillo, B. and Duckett, J. (Eds.) (2011) China's Changing Welfare Mix: Local Perspectives. Series: China in transition. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415597319
Ding, S. , Knight, J. and Zhang, X. (2019) Does China overinvest? Evidence from a panel of Chinese firms. European Journal of Finance, 25(6), pp. 489-507. (doi: 10.1080/1351847X.2016.1211546)
Duckett, J. (2011) Challenging the economic reform paradigm: policy and politics in the early 1980s collapse of the rural cooperative medical system. China Quarterly, 205, pp. 80-95. (doi: 10.1017/S0305741010001402)