Workshop I: China’s National and Sub-National Responses to the Pandemic

Wednesday, 9th February 2022, 10am – 13.40pm (GMT/UTC)

10.00am: Welcome and opening remarks by Prof. Jane Duckett, University of Glasgow 

Panel 1 (Each paper: 20 mins presentation + 15 mins Q&A)  

  1. 05am – 11.30am

Chair: Holly Snape

10.05am–10.40am: Qian Jiwei & Yoel Kornreich, National University of Singapore and Tel Aviv University

“Laws, ‘Directed Improvisation’ and Sticks: China’s Response to the First Wave of Covid-19”

 10.40am–11.15am: Bao Yajun & He Haibo, Peking University

“Strong Integrated Governance: Logic Analysis of County Area Governance for China's Covid-19 Prevention and Control” (NB: in Chinese)

 11.15am–11.30am: Panel open discussion

11.30am–11.40am: BREAK


Panel 2 (Each paper: 20 mins presentation + 15 mins Q&A)   

11:40am – 13:10pm

Chair: Ciqi Mei, Hua Wang

11.40am–12.15pm: Zhang Gaorong & Xiao Diwen, East China University of Political Science and Law and Guangdong Institute of Public Administration

“Risk Aversion, Political Status and Crisis Response Adjustments during the Covid-19 Era: Evidence from China”

 12.15pm–12.50pm: Tai Yuehong, Yao Jielu & Elise Pizzi, University of Iowa and Wesleyan University

“Variations in Government Responsiveness: Policy Innovation and Diffusion during the Covid-19 Crisis”

 12.50pm–13.10pm: Panel open discussion

13.10pm–13.20pm: BREAK

13.20pm–13.40pm: Workshop final roundtable discussion



First published: 27 January 2022

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