Location: Room 122, 29 Bute Gardens, University of Glasgow
Abstract:  The citizens’ assessment of government performance in China has long been regarded as a key determinant of their political support. The Chinese government has thus made efforts to improve its performance in several policy areas, such as fighting air pollution. However, it is unclear how ordinary Chinese assess these efforts and then render their support to the regime. Few empirical research has covered the full mechanism of the impact of performance on regime support. This gap in turn leaves uncertainty about the relationship between the subjective assessment of government’s efforts and objective indicators of air pollution and hence about their impacts on regime support. In this study, we conduct a causal mediation analysis to test the performance legitimacy thesis. Specifically, integrating remote sensing data (i.e., PM2.5) and a nationwide survey on air pollution in China, we explore how ordinary Chinese evaluate the severity of air pollution and render their support to local and central authorities.
Dr. Narisong Huhe received his Ph.D. degree in political science from Old Dominion University. Currently he is a lecturer at the University of Strathclyde.  His recent publications (will) appear in Political Research Quarterly, European Union Politics, Studies in Comparative International Development, British Journal of Political Science, Political Studies, Social Science Research, and Social Science Quarterly.

First published: 14 January 2019

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