7 December 2017, 4-5.30pm

Location: Room 139, 29 Bute Gardens, University of Glasgow 

Abstract: After 20 years of higher education expansion, the ratio of college students from low-income families has been in decline, and this phenomenon has attracted a lot of research in recent years. Using the data of China’s Education Baseline Survey in 2014, this article aims to examine the mechanism that results in limited access of poor children to high school, a key threshold for the possibilities of college admission. It finds that, with the escalating intensity of academic competition in lower-secondary school, those students from poor families are more likely to be left behind over time. Such findings suggest that, to reduce poor children’s risk of being left behind and thereby enhance their access to college, a more effective early intervention targeted at disadvantaged children is needed.  

First published: 5 April 2017

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