Venue: Lecture Theatre E, Boyd Orr Building

21st January

Professor Cecilia Wong

(Manchester University, Professor of Spatial Planning)

Title: What is in store for China? New urbanisation and its challenges

 Abstract:       The introduction of the ‘National New Urbanisation Plan’ by the Chinese government in March 2014 signifies a shift in its urban development strategy towards a human-centred and environmentally sustainable pathway. The concept of ‘new’ type of urbanisation is introduced to coordinate urban and rural development, support an urban living style for ecological production and consumption, make basic urban public services available to all permanent urban residents, optimise macro-level city layouts, and integrate ecological civilisation into the urbanisation process. There are, however, inherent tensions between these core principles as increasing service provisions, housing and infrastructure development will increase built-up areas and urban land cover which could have major implications on future energy use and emissions. The main limitations in the process of eco(logical)-urbanization are the constraints of resource allocation that are governed by different administrative levels. Since ecological interactions among adjacent regions combines the ecosystem across administrative boundaries, integrated governance of land for urban-rural development is the main challenge to comprehensive planning. The presentation aims to highlight the challenges and opportunities in pursuing the so-called new urbanisation to strike the balance of environmental conservation and economic development and the work programme of the three year ESRC-NSF funded project on ‘Eco-Urbanisation: promoting sustainable development in metropolitan regions of China’.

The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the support from the Macfie Bequest. For enquiries and information, please contact: Dr Julie Miao:

First published: 1 December 2015

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