UKRI Network Plus ‘Shifting Global Polarities: Russia, China, and Eurasia in Transition’

This funding initiative brings together a network of leading expertise and centres of excellence from across the United Kingdom and overseas to address gaps and needs in research during a period of major societal, geopolitical, and environmental transformation spanning Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central, East & Pacific Asia. The funding was awarded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) as part of their Building a Secure and Resilient World strategic theme.

The initiative aims to advance innovative new partnerships within academic and policy circles linked to a range of urgent thematic areas including social upheaval, geopolitics and security, environmental crisis, human rights, Russia-China relations, and post-conflict reconstruction. The network’s activities aim to assist understanding and identification of global risks and help inform better decision-making.

Duration: 2024-2028

Funding Body: UK Research and Innovation 


UK partners: University of Birmingham; University of Manchester; University of Oxford, together with the Institute of Development Studies and the Royal United Services Institute.

International Partners: Colgate University [United States]; the Ukrainian Catholic University; OSCE Academy Bishkek [Kyrgyzstan]; National Taiwan University; Helsinki University [Finland]; Hokkaido University [Japan].