Real Estate, Place Adaptation and Innovation within an integrated Retailing system
Real Estate, Place Adaptation and Innovation within an integrated Retailing systems (REPAIR) brings together real estate economics, real estate pricing, retailing, and planning and urban design expertise from the University of Glasgow and, University of Sheffield. Funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council, the REPAIR project aims to identify and evaluate property related factors and the actions and behaviours of landowners, occupiers and place-makers within the context of an emerging ‘town centre first’ culture. This will see the team examine the spatial processes of adaptation in building stock ownership, use and form over the last two decades, and investigate the impacts on other stakeholders and social structures as the retailing urban system adapts to structural change within the retailing sector.
Our team consists of five academic researchers, led by Dr Allison Orr based in Urban Studies at the University of Glasgow. Also based in Urban Studies are Dr James White and Dr Joanna Stewart. Dr Cath Jackson, based in the Department of Urban Studies and Town Planning at the University of Sheffield, will be joined by a Research Associate who will focus on social relations with adapting retailing urban systems.
As the project progresses, the REPAIR project team will be involved in stakeholder and public engagement events as well as delivering workshops and seminars.
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