News and Updates
Cross-pollination briefing paper
The Cross-Polination Project have launched their briefing paper, drawing on what they have learned through the project and previous research and knowledge exchange projects using cross-pollination in a variety of contexts.
Mapping Out What’s Next for People-centred, Place-led Work
Our work responds to the high priority of ‘place’ within the UK and global policy landscapes, and the cross-sectoral initiatives focused on placemaking and redistributing resources to places most in need. Phase One of the AHRC Place Programme (2021-2023) culminated in a report which argued for a people-centred, place-led approach that holds the lived, felt, geographic and economic dimensions of place together to ensure that policies and practices are developed in equitable partnerships with communities and professionals. Phase Two of the programme runs until 2027 and a key objective is to test how the people-centred, place-led principles set out in the report can be embedded through organisational systems and policy at different scales, sectors and governments in all four nations of the United Kingdom. Our goal is to work with partners from inside and outside academia to bridge the evidence, systems and policy gaps that influence people-centred approaches to place-based work.
In this edition of the Glasshouse People, Place, Planet: Think Pieces, Rebecca Madgin and Michael Howcroft set out some of the key challenges for place-based policy and how Phase Two of the Arts and Humanities Research Council Place Programme seeks to overcome them.
Call for Chapters: Prides in places - interdisciplinary perspectives on pride
Call for Chapters
Catherine Baker (University of Hull)
Place Based Research Programme report
Launching the first major output from the AHRC Place-Based Research Programme, this report underscores the importance of a people-centred, place-led approach that holds the lived, felt, geographic, and economic dimensions together to ensure that place-based policies and practices are developed in equitable partnerships with individuals, communities, and professionals.
Cross-pollination Resource Pack
The Cross-Polination Project have launched their new Resource Pack. Drawing on what they have learned through the project and previous research and knowledge exchange projects using cross-pollination in a variety of contexts, they developed a booklet which provides a brief introduction to the cross-pollination approach, examples of where and how it has been used to date, and some practical tools to help others use cross-pollination in their work or area.
The Power of Maps – Reflecting, Resisting, Representing
As part of our blog and films series from our KE projects, and originally published for Art is Everywhere, Scott Davis explores the power of maps in place and identity. @MeasureHumanity
Cross-pollination: growing cross-sector design collaboration in Gurnos, Merthyr
In the first of a series of reflections, films and blogs from our KE projects, Cross-Pollination presents a film representing the voices and reflections of different partners and community members who benefitted from the cross-pollination approach in the area of Gurnos of Merthyr Tydfil in Wales in 2022.
- Watch the film above or to find out more click here

A Place for Lived and Felt Experiences?
Rebecca Madgin asks whether there is space for the feelings of lived experience in the Levelling up and Community Wealth Building agendas.

Diverse partnerships central to tackling place-based challenges
Rebecca Madgin discuses the role of the arts and humanities in delivering place-based Local Policy Innovation Partnerships.

Why Does Place Matter? Foregrounding Felt Experiences - NCACE Festival
Liz Robson and Rebecca Madgin explain why place matters as part of the NCACE Festival 2022

Rebecca Madgin on Place-based Research as part of the University of Glasgow Spotlight Podcast
Rebecca Madgin talks to UoG Spotlight about the Place-Based Research Programme.

Place matters: the arts and humanities and the place agenda
How can place and the arts and humanities work together?

Meet AHRC’s new directors
Meet the two new directors joining AHRC’s Executive Leadership team, along with five new programme directors (including the for the Place-Based Research Programme), appointed to help deliver AHRC’s vision.

Place and the Role of the Arts and Humanities
How can we understand Place and the role of the arts and humanities? Rebecca Madgin introduces us to the Place-Based Research programme.
R. Madgin, ‘Place Based Policies’, Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA), The Protagonist, July 2022, pp. 10-11.