Call for Coleman Prize for Best PhD Dissertation

Call for Coleman Prize for Best PhD Dissertation

Named in honour of the British business historian Donald Coleman (1920-1995), this prize is awarded annually by the Association of Business Historians to recognise excellence in new research in Britain. It is open to PhD dissertations in Business History (broadly defined) either having a British subject or completed at a British university. All dissertations completed in the previous calendar year to that of the Prize are eligible. In keeping with the ABH’s broad understanding of business history, applications are strongly encouraged from candidates in economic history, social history, labour history, intellectual history, cultural history, environmental history, the history of science and technology, the history of medicine, or any other subfield.

The value of the prize is £500, sponsored by the Taylor & Francis Group, a scholarly publisher. To be eligible for the Prize, finalists must present their findings in person at the Association's annual conference, held on 29 June and 1 July 2017 at the University of Glasgow. A complete list of previous winners may be found at

How to Apply for the Coleman Prize

Supervisors are encouraged to nominate recent PhDs, and self-nominations are also strongly welcomed. Please send a PDF including the title of your PhD dissertation and a brief abstract (up to 2 double-spaced pages) to by 15 January 2017. Shortlisted candidates will be requested to submit electronic copies of their theses by 15 February 2017. Finalists will be notified by 15 March 2017.


Deadline for All Submissions

The deadline for receipt of all proposals (papers, session and panels; Coleman Prize, and Tony Slaven Workshop) is 15 January 2017. Acceptance letters will be sent by 15th March 2017.  Everyone appearing on the program must register for the meeting. PhD students whose papers are accepted for the meeting may apply for funds to partially defray their travel costs by applying to the Francesca Carnevali Travel Grant for PhD Students. A limited number of scholarships are available from the Francesca Carnevali fund of the ABH to contribute towards the travel, accommodation, and registration costs of students doing a PhD in the United Kingdom, who are presenting in the Slaven Workshop or the ABH conference. These will be awarded competitively prior to the Workshop. Please indicate in your application whether you would like to be considered for one of these travel grants. To apply for this grant please email by 31 March 2017.  Further information about the Carnevali Grant will be placed on the ABH website early in the New Year at