Completed Projects
- A Clean Sweep: Delivering Cleaner Streets in Diverse Neighbourhoods
- A critical analysis of the use of disallowance and sanctions in the UK
- A Global History of the Practice of Strategy
- A socio-cultural exploration at the lives of polio survivors (January-August 2015)
- Active Travel and the Role of Information and Communications Technology
- Ageing High-Rise in Japan and the UK
- An In-depth Examination of the Implementation of the Disability Equality Duty in England
- Analysis of Cities and Regions
- Assessing the impact of benefit sanctions on health
- Between Segregation and Social Integration
- Borderless Politics
- Building a New Democracy
- Capturing Land Value from Developments
- Causes of Compliance: The EU and the WTO
- Centre-Periphery Relations in Flux: National Politics in the Soviet Borderlands
- Child Health in Scotland
- Coloured Revolution
- Connectivity and Conflict in Periods of Austerity
- Constructing Lithuania: Ethnic Mapping in Tsarist Russia
- COVID-19: Understanding Chinese government containment measures and their societal impacts
- Crafting Authoritarian Politics
- Crafting Electoral Authoritarianism: The Russian Case
- Creating Prosperous City Centres Post-Pandemic Through Repurposing Retail Space
- De Valera's Legacy and the Birth of the Celtic Tiger
- Delivering Better Places in Scotland
- Discovering Property Policy: An Examination of Scottish Executive Policy and the Property Sector
- Distant Voices
- Distributive Justice and Responsibility
- Economics of Crime
- Employment, Politics and Culture in Scotland
- Ending Nationalism? The Quest for Cultural Autonomy in Inter-War Europe
- European Union Trade Politics
- Europeanisation of regions in Hungary & Poland: Policy Making and Implementation
- EU-Russia environmental relations post-1991
- Evaluation of Rape Crisis Scotland’s National Advocacy Project
- Evaluation of Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives Workplace, Services and Award Programme
- Evaluation of the Police Scotland/Rape Crisis Scotland ‘Support to Report’ Pilot Advocacy Service (February 2014 - January 2015)
- Evidence Review of the Impacts of UK Welfare Reform affecting Housing
- Expanding, Not Shrinking Social Programmes: The Politics of New Policies to Tackle Poverty and Inequality in Brazil, India, China and South Africa
- Exploring urban identities and community relations in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan
- Factors Affecting Housing Build-out Rates
- Food Choice and Changes in Body Weight and Shape in those Attempting Smoking Cessation
- Football Fans and Betting (FFAB)
- Gaelic and Sámi
- Gender and the populist radical right in Europe
- Gendering Activism in Populist Radical Right Parties (2012 to 2014)
- Governance and State-Society Relations in Contemporary Hungary
- GoWell
- GoWell East
- Governance and the Local Integration of Migrants and Europe’s Refugees (GLIMER)
- Healthy Design? Understanding the Edible City on Glasgow’s Southside
- Housing and Neighbourhoods Monitor
- Housing and work incentives
- Housing Market Taskforce
- ICT, Place and Transport
- In it to win it: An interdisciplinary investigation of sports betting
- Intimate migrations: Lesbian, gay and bisexual migrants in Scotland (January 2015 - January 2017)
- Investing in women: weaving peace and development in Rwanda
- Language learning and migrant 'integration' in Scotland
- Legal Cultures in Transition
- Lives Sentenced – The Punishment Careers of Persistent Offenders (October 2013 - March 2017)
- Lives Sentenced: Experiences of Repeated Punishment (October 2013 - September 2016)
- Living together in the context of Brexit
- Local Housing Market Analysis in Northern Ireland
- Managed Democracy
- Mass Supervision – Seen and Heard (2015-2016)
- National Evaluation of Keep Well: Practice and Patient Experience
- National Minority Rights and Democratic Political Community
- Neighbourhood dynamics and spatial segregation
- New Climate, New Challenges
- New Security Challenges
- New Zealand, New Politics and Mixed-Member PR
- NGOs and Health Policy in China
- Northern Ireland Housing Market Areas
- Observing Russian Elections 2007-08
- Offender supervision in Europe (Cost Action 1106) (2012-2016)
- Organising for development
- Parenting for Respectability
- Party Leadership Styles in Eastern Europe: Transactional or Transformational?
- Performance evaluations, trust and utilization of health care in China
- Pervasive Punishment: The Shadow of Penal Supervision (2017-18)
- Poland’s Kin-state Policies: Opportunities and Challenges
- Poland's Third Transition
- Polish attitudes towards democracy, elections and EU enlargement
- Political Dimensions of Military Exercises
- Polycentric Access to Employment
- Poverty and Social Exclusion UK Survey
- Prospects for Conflict Transformation? Non-violence and civil society organisations in Israel and Palestine
- Public Monuments, Commemoration and the Renegotiation of Collective Identities in Estonia
- Public understanding and belief in response to media accounts of probation (2014-2015)
- Quality of Engagement in Probation Practice (2010-2012)
- Re-educating Latgale Youth
- (Re)Imagining Youth: A Comparative Sociology of Youth Leisure in Scotland and Hong Kong (September 2013 - August 2015)
- Reframing Citizen Relationships with the Public Sector in a Time of Austerity
- Regional density functions and regional boundaries
- Relationship between democracy and social policy change
- Repeat Violent Victimisation
- Researching Multilingually at the Borders of Language, the Body, Law & the State (2014-2017)
- Retrofitting Existing Buildings for CO2 Reduction in Scotland and Turkey
- Rising Powers: Unequal Powers, Authoritarian Powers, Unstable Powers?
- Safer Spaces: Communication Design for Counter Terror
- Serving Deprived Communities in a Recession
- SHAPE (Shaping Educational Attitudes and Aspirations: The Influence of Parents, Place and Poverty)
- Social Accountability for Sustainable Domestic Water in Dar es Salaam
- Social Security Welfare Migrants in Glasgow
- Social Security, Care and the Withdrawing State in Rural Russia
- Soviet Environment
- Spatial Structure Contrasts between Urban and Regional Systems
- Sports Betting in Malawi: a pilot interview study of male bettors
- Subnational development cooperation: A new research agenda
- Szechenyi Library and Eotvos University
- Tackling Health Inequalities in Primary Care: Can Performance Indicators be a Sustainable Part of the Solution?
- The Baltic Issue During the Cold War
- 'The Civility of...' & 'Inclusive and Exclusive'
- The Cost of Social Housing Development
- The Credit Crunch and the Scottish Housing System
- The impact of neighbourhood context on attitudes to inequality and redistribution
- The Implications of Brexit for UK crisis governance: the cases of health and energy security
- The Implicit Pricing of Property Attributes
- The Landscape Concept in Russian Scientific Thought c1880s - 1991
- The Problem of Social Housing Stigmatisation and the Innovations that can Minimise its Effects
- The Putin Succession
- The Redress of the Past: Historical pageants in Britain, 1905-16
- The Responsibility to Protect, to Prosecute or to Feed
- The Spatial Cycle Model Reconsidered
- The Ukrainian Elections of March 2006 and their implications
- The Value of Planning
- The Virtues of Commercial Society
- Translating Russian and East European Cultures
- Translations and transformations in patienthood: cancer in the post-genomics era
- Understanding Builder to Builder Residential Land Transactions
- Understanding Gambling (2006-2013)
- Understanding Men, Masculinity and Identity in Post-Soviet Russia
- Unpacking the Conception of ‘Legacy’ with respect to Planning for the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow
- Urban Transformation in China
- Urban Transformations: Urban Development , Migration, Segregation and Inequality
- Village Lead Land and Property Development in China: A study of current practice in the successful villages
- Welfare Conditionality; Sanctions, Support and Behaviour Change
- Young People and Territoriality in British Cities