Recovering Community - a podcast about community, what it means, how it’s formed and how  it is rebuilt

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What does the word ‘community’ mean to you? An homogenous group of people united by faith, sexuality or another form of identity? Or perhaps it’s about the place where you grew up, or the people you work with? 

'Recovering Community' is a podcast series from the University of Glasgow’s School of Political and Social Sciences about community; what it means, how it’s formed and how it is rebuilt. 

Recovering Community is produced by Freya Hellier. 

Season 2

Join Professor Les Back in Season 2 of Recovering Community as he takes us on a journey with each episode filled with heart and thought-provoking stories as we seek to uncover what builds and binds community.

Learn from Les on how and why Recovering Community was made

Season 1

In Season 1 of Recovering Community, Professor Anne Kerr is joined by academics, campaigners, volunteers and artists to talk about how communities respond to social and economic change, who belongs and who is excluded and what this tells us about some of our most pressing social issues.