Audiovisual Resources
Useful intermediate resources for Quantitative Methods.
An introduction to - A place to store and share you quantitative analyses and data.
Managing using R - An introduction to the osfr-package (Wolen et al.)
Tidying Data in R
This tutorial will cover how to check and clean data before analysis
Subset Data in R
This tutorial covers how to create subsets of data using R
Correlation Testing in R
This tutorial covers how to conduct correlation tests in R
T-Tests & ANOVA in R
This tutorial will cover how to conduct T-tests and ANOVA in R
Bivariate Linear Regression
This tutorial will cover how to compute and interpret bivariate linear regression in R
Multiple Linear Regression - Code
This tutorial will cover how to compute a Multiple Linear Regression in R
Multiple Linear Regression - Interpretation
This tutorial will cover hot to interpret MLR output in R
Multiple Linear Regression - Assumptions - Functional Form & Heteroscedasticity
Multiple Linear Regression - Assumptions - Normality & Multicollinearity