Group shot - GFF 2019

Staff and students from the Erasmus Mundus International Master in Central & East European, Russian and Eurasian Studies partnered with the organisers of the 2019 Glasgow Film Festival to introduce the screenings of two Central Asian movies included in this year’s programme.

Dr Luca Anceschi – the IMCEERES consortium coordinator – and students Gulzada Akmatalieva and Rose Hinman presented the screenings of Өзен [The River] a film feature from Kazakhstan and Дарак ыры [The Song of the Tree], a musical from Kyrgyzstan.

Rose - GFF

“The University of Glasgow is one of the few UK universities offering a comprehensive curriculum of courses on Central Asian Studies" remarked Dr Anceschi, "so, it was natural for us to share our knowledge and passion for the region with Glasgow crowds. At CEES [the university’s specialised unit on Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia], we regard community engagement as an essential part of what we do: partnering with the GFF was a great chance to inform wider audiences about history and culture of Central Asia’’.

Luca presenting - GFF 2019

All screenings were attended by capacity crowds and, on one occasion, Luca and Gulzada hosted a Q&A session with Дарак ыры’s producer, Mr Andrey Epifanov.

First published: 18 March 2019

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